9 research outputs found

    Mentoring jako prostředek podpory profesního učení studentů učitelství a učitelů

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    Úvodní část příspěvku je věnována fenoménu mentoringu v učitelství jako nástroje podpory profesního rozvoje učitelů a studentů učitelství. Jsou prezentována teoretická východiska a klíčové koncepty důležité pro hlubší porozumění mentoringu. Hlavním cílem studie je prezentovat výsledky kvalitativního výzkumu věnovaného kontextu, podmínkám a možným bariérám spolupráce mentora a menteeho v učitelské profesi v širším kontextu hledání prostředků k posílení profesionalizace učitelů a podpoře jejich celoživotního profesního růstu. Výsledky výzkumu identifikují klíčové aspekty mentoringu, mezi něž patří dovednost zpětné vazby ze strany mentora a otevřenost reflexi na straně menteeho, stejně jako sebejistota mentora a kultura spolupráce napříč školou. Studie rovněž poukazuje na hlavní přínosy mentoringu pro začínající učitele, studenty učitelství, pro učitele s delší praxí, pro rozvoj školy i školství obecně.The introductory part discusses the phenomenon of mentoring as an instrument of professional development of both teachers and student teachers. Theoretical foundations and key concepts necessary for the understanding of the research on mentoring are presented. The main aim of the study is the presentation of qualitative research on the context and conditions of successful mentoring and possible barriers inhibiting mentoring cooperation. These findings are explored in light of the context of the aim to increase professionalization of the teaching profession and support lifelong professional development. The study identifies key aspects of mentoring, such as mentor’s feedback skills and mentee’s reflective competence, as well self-esteem of the mentor and cooperative school culture. The paper concludes with a summary of main benefits of mentoring for beginner teachers, student teachers, experienced teacher, school improvement and schooling in general

    German international development cooperation in Latin America

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    The bachelor thesis discusses the German development policy in Latin America between years 1990 and 2011. The region is not considered to be a part of German key strategic interests. However, the Federal republic plays a role of a "global donor" and supports the countries of Latin America significantly and carries out major development projects there. The thesis will firstly present the basic political context, describe the mutual relationships between Germany and Latin America and analyse key interests that are the base for the development cooperation. In the following part, the concept of a civilian power will be applied to the German development policy in the region to observe to which amount the character of the cooperation corresponds with the basic attributes of foreign policy of a normative-oriented civilian power as an ideal type. Statements of the executive representatives, government policy papers, statistical data and opinions of the academic sectors undergo the analysis.The aim of this paper is to present the development policy with the monitored region in its complexity and analyse which meanings do the German actors assign to the examined reality

    Logarithmic-concave probability distributions and their applications

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    Department of Probability and Mathematical StatisticsKatedra pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistikyMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    German international development cooperation in Latin America

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    The bachelor thesis discusses the German development policy in Latin America between years 1990 and 2011. The region is not considered to be a part of German key strategic interests. However, the Federal republic plays a role of a "global donor" and supports the countries of Latin America significantly and carries out major development projects there. The thesis will firstly present the basic political context, describe the mutual relationships between Germany and Latin America and analyse key interests that are the base for the development cooperation. In the following part, the concept of a civilian power will be applied to the German development policy in the region to observe to which amount the character of the cooperation corresponds with the basic attributes of foreign policy of a normative-oriented civilian power as an ideal type. Statements of the executive representatives, government policy papers, statistical data and opinions of the academic sectors undergo the analysis.The aim of this paper is to present the development policy with the monitored region in its complexity and analyse which meanings do the German actors assign to the examined reality

    Primary music school Třemošná

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    Bakalářská práce zpracovává téma Základní umělecké školy Třemošná. V úvodu práce je geograficky a historicky vymezeno město Třemošná a jeho kultura. Zbylá část je zaměřena na historii a současnou situaci školy. V závěru je uveden rozhovor s ředitelkou školy, Jarmilou Žižkovou.Katedra hudební kulturyObhájenoThis bachelor's work analyzes a topic of Elementary Art School in Třemošná. The introduction defines the city Třemošná geographically, historically and culturally. The rest of the work focuses on history and current situation of the school. The conclusion quotes an interview with the school principal Jarmila Žižková

    Teacher competence development for leading students to active citizenship

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    The bachelor thesis is dedicated to the development of active civic attitude among pupils and to teacher education in this field. Active citizenship education is internationally recognized as a key aim of education and, along with current developments, its importance is ever growing. The aim of the paper is to research the value of the topic in the Czech environment, and whether it is integrated into teacher education. The theoretical part of the paper is dedicated to the definition of the topic, the possibilities of its development in the classroom, the specifics of teacher education in this regard, and available methodological resources. In the practical part, a quantitative survey was carried out among the students of the Faculty of Education at the Charles University, accompanied by a qualitative research among the representatives of the academy, as well as of the non-governmental sector. The hypothesises of the paper were verified by the survey: there is a great emphasis to the topic from the side of the teacher educators as well as of the students of teaching; currently, however, its application in practice is limited. From the side of the faculty, there is a growing tendention to cooperate with the non-governmental organisations, which dispose of high quality resources in teacher education..

    Infinite products

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    We study theory of infinite products, summarize basic definitions, terms and theorems, which we apply to some elementary examples in this work. Moreover we concern with convergence of products with real factors. We also prove required and sufficient condition of convergence or absolute convergence of infinite product. The main objective of the work is derivation of sine product formula, where we also prove the theorem of exchanging limit and infinite product. These results we use for deduction cosine product formula.

    Mentoring as a way to support the professional learning of teaching students and teachers

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    Úvodní část příspěvku je věnována fenoménu mentoringu v učitelství jako nástroje podpory profesního rozvoje učitelů a studentů učitelství. Jsou prezentována teoretická východiska a klíčové koncepty důležité pro hlubší porozumění mentoringu. Hlavním cílem studie je prezentovat výsledky kvalitativního výzkumu věnovaného kontextu, podmínkám a možným bariérám spolupráce mentora a menteeho v učitelské profesi v širším kontextu hledání prostředků k posílení profesionalizace učitelů a k podpoře jejich celoživotního profesního růstu. Výsledky výzkumu identifikují klíčové aspekty mentoringu, mezi něž patří dovednost zpětné vazby ze strany mentora a otevřenost reflexi na straně menteeho, stejně jako sebejistota mentora a kultura spolupráce napříč školou. Studie rovněž poukazuje na hlavní přínosy mentoringu pro začínající učitele, studenty učitelství, pro učitele s delší praxí, pro rozvoj školy i pro školství obecně.The introductory part discusses the phenomenon of mentoring as an instrument of professional development of both teachers and student teachers. Theoretical foundations and key concepts necessary for the understanding of the research on mentoring are presented. The main aim of the study is the presentation of qualitative research on the context and conditions of successful mentoring and possible barriers inhibiting mentoring cooperation. These findings are explored in light of the context of the aim to increase professionalization of the teaching profession and support lifelong professional development. The study identifies key aspects of mentoring, such as mentor’s feedback skills and mentee’s reflective competence, as well as self-esteem of the mentor and cooperative school culture. The paper concludes with a summary of main benefits of mentoring for beginner teachers,student teachers, experienced teachers, school improvement and schooling in general