453 research outputs found

    E-commerce and e-procurement: an outsourcing perspective

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    The make or buy dilemma has been largely analyzed in the field of Information Systems. The main reason for this type of literature thriving so much is that the Information Systems function was one of the first enterprise areas to be externalized. If traditionally only few activities, distant from the core business of the enterprises, have been externalized with the sole objective of gaining efficiency, in the late Nineties externalization of real company functions has started to be considered again, in some instances concerning activities that have always been considered core business. The role played by the management of organizational interdependencies was stressed and the fact that outsourcing was perceived according to solutions of organizational engineering was highlighted, steering enterprises towards new organizational design criteria. In fact, make or buy decisions require more and more that organizational variables be structured by processes and not by functions, precisely to ease the management of organizational interdependencies and make externalization decisions more transparent and objectively measurable. The research question of this paper aims at understanding how much can a particular form of electronic commerce, such as e-procurement, be categorized as a special form of outsourcing, intending this phenomenon as a hybrid organizational form, halfway between hierarchy and market. In order to categorize the outsourcing phenomenon from a theoretical standpoint, the Transaction Cost Theory (TCT) has been used, while the research method consists of a case study. In this paper the attention will be focused on a particular process only, i.e., procurement, in relation to the activities involved in the externalization process. The paper will analyze an outsourcing case applied to the entire macro-process of procurement. The conclusions will highlight the evolving trends in this research field, which appears to be affected by substantial changes and to be increasingly more volatile and influenced by multiple factors that are not always easily recognizable and measurable. The purpose of this paper in fact is to give a contribution to the formalization of an application subject, namely, externalization of procurement, largely diffused in practice although scarcely developed from a theoretical standpoint

    BI as a service: an attempt to understand the leading adoption factors

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    The research question of this study attempts to identify which are the leading factors for the adoption of a sourcing Software as a Service model for Business Intelligence applications. The objective is to build a model containing enabling factors for the adoption of BI solutions. We seek to expand on the Benlian et al. model which is based on a theoretical framework including axioms from Transaction Cost Theory, Resource Based View, Theory of Planned Behavior. In order to better understand the phenomenon under investigation, we will use also the Organizational Culture Theory. It is a theoretical research in progress

    Thermodynamic properties and cloud droplet activation of a series of oxo-acids

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    We have investigated the thermodynamic properties of four aliphatic oxo-dicarboyxlic acids identified or thought to be present in atmospheric particulate matter: oxosuccinic acid, 2-oxoglutaric acid, 3-oxoglutaric acid, and 4-oxopimelic acid. The compounds were characterized in terms of their cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity, vapor pressure, density, and tendency to decarboxylate in aqueous solution. We deployed a variety of experimental techniques and instruments: a CCN counter, a Tandem Differential Mobililty Analyzer (TDMA) coupled with a laminar flow-tube, and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS). The presence of the oxo functional group in the α-position causes the vapor pressure of the compounds to diminish by an order of magnitude with respect to the parent dicarboxylic acid, while the CCN activity is similar or increased. Dicarboxylic acids with an oxo-group in the β-position decarboxylate in aqueous solution. We studied the effects of this process on our measurements and findings

    A combined particle trap/HTDMA hygroscopicity study of mixed inorganic/organic aerosol particles

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    International audienceAtmospheric aerosols are often mixtures of inorganic and organic material. Organics can represent a large fraction of the total aerosol mass and are comprised of water-soluble and insoluble compounds. Increasing attention was paid in the last decade to the capability of mixed inorganic/organic aerosol particles to take up water (hygroscopicity). We performed hygroscopicity measurements of internally mixed particles containing ammonium sulfate and carboxylic acids (citric, glutaric, adipic acid) in parallel with an electrodynamic balance (EDB) and a hygroscopicity tandem differential mobility analyzer (HTDMA). The organic compounds were chosen to represent three distinct physical states. During hygroscopicity cycles covering hydration and dehydration measured by the EDB and the HTDMA, pure citric acid remained always liquid, adipic acid remained always solid, while glutaric acid could be either. We show that the hygroscopicity of mixtures of the above compounds is well described by the Zdanovskii-Stokes-Robinson (ZSR) relationship as long as the two-component particle is completely liquid in the ammonium sulfate/citric acid and in the ammonium sulfate/glutaric acid cases. However, we observe significant discrepancies compared to what is expected from bulk thermodynamics when a solid component is present. We explain this in terms of a complex morphology resulting from the crystallization process leading to veins, pores, and grain boundaries which allow for water sorption in excess of bulk thermodynamic predictions caused by the inverse Kelvin effect on concave surfaces

    Flunisolide Decreases Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Nitrotyrosine Levels in Asthmatic Children

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    Background. Exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) has been reported to be elevated in the oxidative stress involved in asthmatic patients, and the reaction of nitric oxide (NO) with superoxide anions results in the formation of nitrotyrosine. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of inhaled steroid treatment on nitrotyrosine levels collected by exhaled breath condensate (EBC) and on FeNO. Methods. This was a single-blind placebo-controlled study. The lung function, FeNO, and nitrotyrosine levels were evaluated in 10 asthmatic children. Results. The nitrotyrosine levels were stable during the placebo period (T0 = 1.16 ng/ml versus T1 = 1.05 ng/ml; NS.), whereas they decreased after the treatment with flunisolide (T2 = 1.14 ng/ml versus T3 = 0.88 ng/ml; P < .001). No significant reduction in FeNO levels was observed after placebo treatment (T0 = 38.4 ppb versus T1 = 34.7 ppb, NS.). In contrast, FeNO values decreased significantly being at T3 = 14.9 ppb (T1 versus T3; P = .024). Conclusions. This study shows that corticosteroid treatment reduces nitrotyrosine levels in EBC of asthmatic subjects

    Common Extra House Lab: Recipes for Citizenship in Transition or the Domestic-collective Usage of the Common Good

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    Este artículo describe acciones que simulan mejoras en el modo de habitar de redes de ciudadanos. El marco formativo es el último curso de arquitectura llamado Common Extra House Lab. En este no se fomenta la distinción entre aula, laboratorio y ciudad. Lo doméstico y su espacio público inmediato (el extra-house) constituyen el punto de partida para nuevos experimentos sociotécnicos. La metodología resultó ser experimental para lo habitual del marco académico y produjo una colección de acciones y formatos de foros híbridos que gestionaban personas, tecnologías, escenarios y recursos, que acabaron formulándose como recetas para una ciudadanía en transición y se convirtieron en el legado para el siguiente curso.This article describes actions that have led to progress in ways of living in citizen networks. The training framework is the last architecture course called Common Extra House Lab, in which it was encouraged to consider that there is no distinction between classroom, laboratory, and city. The domestic and its immediate public space (the extra-house) are the starting point for new socio-technical experiments which could be considered experimental comparing them with academic standards, producing hybrid forums managed by people, technologies and resources. They ended up becoming recipes for citizens in transition and turned into the legacy for the next course

    Intuitionistc probability and the Bayesian objection to dogmatism

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    Given a few assumptions, the probability of a conjunction is raised, and the probability of its negation is lowered, by conditionalising upon one of the conjuncts. This simple result appears to bring Bayesian confirmation theory into tension with the prominent dogmatist view of perceptual justification – a tension often portrayed as a kind of ‘Bayesian objection’ to dogmatism. In a recent paper, David Jehle and Brian Weatherson observe that, while this crucial result holds within classical probability theory, it fails within intuitionistic probability theory. They conclude that the dogmatist who is willing to take intuitionistic logic seriously can make a convincing reply to the Bayesian objection. In this paper, I argue that this conclusion is premature – the Bayesian objection can survive the transition from classical to intuitionistic probability, albeit in a slightly altered form. I shall conclude with some general thoughts about what the Bayesian objection to dogmatism does and doesn’t show