252 research outputs found
Alimentación, nutrición y salud en la Guipúzcoa del antiguo régimen. Unas consideraciones
En esta comunicación se ofrece una descripción de las dietas ordinarias a finales del siglo XVIII de distintos colectivos sociales guipuzcoanos: campesinos arrendatarios, clero regular y secular e hijos de las élites del País. De su estudio se puede apreciar cómo la alimentación es buen observatorio para escrutar las diferencias sociales, tanto por las desigualdades detectadas a nivel del conjunto de calorías y de macronutrientes como por los productos presentes en cada mesa. Aún así parece que las dietas más pobres de las capas populares eran desde un punto de vista nutricional suficientes para evitar problemas de malnutrición graves.Komunikazio honetan, Gipuzkoako XVIII. mendearen amaierako hainbat gizarte talderen dieta arrunten deskripzioa eskaintzen da: nekazari maizterrena, klero erregeladun eta sekularrarena eta Herrialdeko eliteena. Horiek azterturik, ikus daiteke nola gizarte diferentziak arakatzerakoan behategi egokia den elikadura, hala kaloria eta makroelikagaien kopuruari dagokionez antzemaniko desberdintasunengatik, nola mahai bakoitzean agertzen ziren produktuengatik. Hala eta guztiz ere, elikapenaren ikuspuntutik, herri mailen dieta pobreenak ere, dirudienez, nahikoak ziren malnutrizio arazo larriak ekiditeko.Dans cette communication, on offre une description des régimes ordinaires de la fin du XVIIIe siècle de différentes collectivités sociales de Guipuzcoa: fermiers, clergé régulier et séculier et enfants de l'élite du Pays. Par cette étude, on peut se rendre compte comment l'alimentation est un bon observatoire pour examiner les différences sociales, aussi bien par les inégalités détectées au niveau de l'ensemble des calories et des macro substances nutritives que par les produits présents sur chaque table. Même de cette façon il semble que les régimes des couches des populations les plus pauvres étaient, d'un point de vue nutritionnel, suffisants pour éviter des problèmes de malnutrition graves.In this dissertation, the author offers a description of the ordinary diets around the end of the 18th century in various social groups in Gipuzkoa: peasant lessees, regular and secular clergy and the children of the élites of the country. From his study it can be appreciated that nourishment is good observatory from which to study social differences, both from the point of view of the inequalities detected at the calorie and macronutrient levels as well as of the products present at each table. Even so it seems that the poorest diets of the popular classes were sufficient to avoid serious malnutrition problems from a nutritional point of view
Predictors variables of anxiety in the Spanish master athletes
In recent years Spain has seen a very significant increase in adults over 35 who often train and compete at all levels in athletics tracks. They are master athletes and, above them, there is no nationwide study and very few internationally there. Therefore, the objective of this research is on the one hand, know their training habits, athletic history and their anxiety level, analyzing gender differences, and secondly, obtain predictive models of anxiety based on their training habits and athletic history. We start from the assumption that, in the Spanish veteran athletes, in both sexes, there should be a moderate pre-competitive anxiety (cognitive and somatic) and high self-confidence, and anxiety will be predict by a high score in the other state of anxiety, by scoring low in self-confidence as well as to train fewer days a week and take less years training, for the highest level of competition in which they participates and not having support from a coach. By contrast, self-confidence can be predicted by low rate in the two states of anxiety, by training more days a week and have more years training, by the lower level of the competition in which it participates and for having supported a coach. The results confirmed the hypothesis regarding levels of anxiety and self-confidence but, however, unexpected results were obtained regarding the prediction thereof which are discussed late
Gender and women in scientific literature on bioeconomy: A systematic review
A social vision is slowly emerging of the bioeconomy as an avenue towards sustainability. This paper presents a systematic review of the existing literature on the connection between gender (as a social dimension) and bioeconomy. We have reviewed 244 scientific publications which explicitly mention bioeconomy and gender/women in their title, abstract, keywords or text; 127 documents were identified as having high (19) or medium (108) gender-oriented centrality. The literature is fragmented but six cross-sectional key themes have been identified: Gender and social impacts of the bioeconomy; gender equality as a goal and a just policy; gender differences in perceptions, discourses and strategies relating to the bioeconomy; women as potential stakeholders and actors in the transition towards bioeconomy; frameworks, strategies, and tools to connect gender and the bioeconomy; and gender inequalities and geography. Moreover, they show hardly any connection with the three predominant social currents in the struggle for gender equality: grassroots social movements, ecofeminism, and intersectionality. The paper concludes by identifying key pathways for future research to address current gaps. We suggest integrating a feminist metatheoretical base with an integrative ontology, an epistemology that recognises its own partiality and situationality, and a methodology sensitive to the specificities of the contexts which are committed to the goal of transforming women''s everyday contexts. © 202
Factors associated with the presence of extended spectrum Beta-Lactamase producing pathogens in urinary tract infections in a private clinic in Lima, Peru
Introduction: Urinary tract infections (utis) are the second most frequent reason for healthcare visits,
and antibiotic resistance among gram-negative bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family has increased
significantly worldwide. The emergence of microorganisms that produce extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (esbl) is especially problematic. This study aims to identify factors associated with the presence of uti caused by esbl-producing pathogens. Material and methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted, and the urine culture database from a private healthcare clinic was analyzed. Factors possibly associated with the appearance of utis due to esbl-producing pathogens were analyzed, including
sex, age, number of hospitalizations, and previous utis. Results: A total of 1405 positive urine cultures
were studied, 85.48% of which belonged to women. The mean age of the subjects was 39.98±24.51 years, 24.13% of whom were over 60 years old. Of these, 55.56% had been attended on an outpatient basis. Almost half (49.18%) of the cultures tested positive for esbl-related uti, 96.58% of which had not presented with a previous uti. A statistically significant association was found between sex and the development of uti caused by esbl-producing microorganisms (p = 0.007), with the male sex having the highest
association (prevalence ratio, 1.224; 95% confidence interval: 1.035–1.448). In addition, age, number of
previous hospitalizations, and prior intensive care unit admissions also showed associations with uti
development. No association was found with the presence of previous utis. Conclusion: A high frequency of utis were esbl-related, and the factors associated with esbl-related utis were male sex, age >60, and previous hospitalizations
Necessary legal changes in the regulation of sexual crimes after the public debate raised by the sentence of the case "the herd"
Este trabajo de fin de máster tiene como objetivo el estudio y análisis de los delitos contra la
libertad e indemnidad sexual, concretamente las agresiones y los abusos sexuales, con
especial referencia a la cuestión planteada socialmente de si es necesario un cambio en la
regulación de estos delitos y cuáles han sido las propuestas presentadas.
El trabajo se encuentra dividido en tres grandes capítulos: en el primero de ellos estudiaremos
la regulación actual de estos delitos, es decir, el bien jurídico protegido, sujetos, iter criminis,
autoría y participación y sus penas. El segundo capítulo está dirigido al análisis de la
sentencia “La Manada”, una sentencia muy mediática que provocó fuertes reacciones
sociales, que reclamaban la necesidad de un cambio en la regulación vigente de estos delitos.
Analizaremos las sentencias de la Audiencia Provincial de Navarra, la sentencia del Tribunal
Superior de Justicia y finalmente la sentencia del Tribunal Supremo. Finalmente, el tercer
capítulo está destinado al examen de dos propuestas de modificación del Código penal en
materia de delitos sexuales: la realizada por la Sección penal de la Comisión General de
Codificación y el Anteproyecto de Ley orgánica de garantía de la integridad sexual
presentado por el Ministerio de igualdad.This master's thesis aims is the study and analysis crimes against sexual freedom and
indemnity, specifically sexual assault and abuse, with special reference to the socially raised
question of whether a change in the regulation of these crimes necessary and what proposals
have been presented.
The thesis is divided into three main chapters: in the first one, we will study the current
regulation of these crimes, that is, the protected legal right, subjects, iter criminis, authorship
and participation and their penalties. The second chapter is directed to the analysis of the
sentence "The Herd", a very mediatic sentence that provoked strong social reactions, which
demanded the need for a change in the current regulation of these crimes. We will analyze
the sentences of the Provincial Court of Navarra, the judgment of the Superior Court of
Justice and finally the judgment of the Supreme Court. Finally, the third chapter is devoted
to the examination of two proposed amendments to the Criminal Code in the field of sexual
crimes: the one made by the criminal section of the General Codification Commission and
the Draft Organic Law on the guarantee of sexual integrity presented by the Ministry of
Equality.Máster Universitario en Acceso a la Profesión de Abogado (M155
El Juego: Una herramienta educativa para el desarrollo de habilidades sociales en el nivel inicial
Trabajo para optar el grado de Bachiller en EducaciónLa presente investigación se realiza con la finalidad de aprovechar la valiosa oportunidad que tenemos los educadores que pasamos tantas horas al día durante la jornada escolar con los niños de 4 y 5 años de edad, para dedicar tiempo y esfuerzo en el entrenamiento de habilidades sociales y determinar cuál sería la mejor estrategia para lograrlo siendo por excelencia la mejor para dicha edad: el juego; todo esto en vista de que muchas veces no es tomado este tema como parte de la programación que realiza el docente.
Para desarrollar el presente trabajo se ha hecho un estudio profundo de las principales habilidades sociales, las características del niño en la primera infancia, así como la repercusión que tiene el juego en las vidas de estos pequeños para luego poner en práctica en la escuela este entrenamiento mediante ejemplos concretos.Trabajo de investigació
Efectos del programa "Mi clase favorita" para la mejora de la producción oral del inglés en niños de primer grado de primaria de la IE FAP José A. Quiñones
Tesis para optar el título de Licenciada en EducaciónEsta tesis se propone mostrar que para lograr la habilidad en speaking (producción
oral), una de las cuatro habilidades que conforman la enseñanza del idioma inglés
(listening, speaking, reading, writing), es necesario que el docente conozca los principios
que deben ser considerados para que esta competencia se haga posible. Enseñar el inglés
no solo requiere que el docente posea dominio lingüístico sino también un dominio
metodológico, de manera que propicie mejores aprendizajes en dicha lengua extranjera.Tesí
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