41 research outputs found


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    This project involves the implementation of a teleoperated arm using an embedded platform based on a reconfigurable logic device (FPGA) configured and programmed in VHDL for Atmega 328p, using servomotors MG996R brand and a communication terminal with accelerometers, scheduled language C. the system is incompatible with teleoperated robotic autonomy (understood as the case where control and decision making are performed by the robot itself). That is why robots are teleoperated tasks perception of the environment, complex manipulation that are performed by humans and planning, ie, the operator acts in real time closed loop control high level. The evolved systems provide sensory feedback to the operator environment (strength, distance). In this manipulation we used an anthropomorphic arm with automatic controllers that replicate the movements of the operator

    Inferring parameters of a relational system of preferences from assignment examples using an evolutionary algorithm

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    Most evolutionary multi-objective algorithms perform poorly in many objective problems. They normally do not make selective pressure towards the Region of Interest (RoI), the privileged zone in the Pareto frontier that contains solutions important to a DM.  Several works have proved that a priori incorporation of preferences improves convergence towards the RoI. The work of (E. Fernandez, E. Lopez, F. Lopez & C.A. Coello Coello, 2011) uses a binary fuzzy outranking relational system to map many-objective problems into a tri-objective optimization problem that searches the RoI; however, it requires the elicitation of many preference parameters, a very hard task. The use of an indirect elicitation approach overcomes such situation by allowing the parameter inference from a battery of examples.  Even though the relational system of Fernandez et al. (2011) is based on binary relations, it is more convenient to elicit its parameters from assignment examples. In this sense, this paper proposes an evolutionary-based indirect parameter elicitation method that uses preference information embedded in assignment examples, and it offers an analysis of their impact in a priori incorporation of DM’s preferences. Results show, through an extensive computer experiment over random test sets, that the method estimates properly the model parameter’s values. First published online 7 May 201

    Regional and experiential differences in surgeon preference for the treatment of cervical facet injuries: a case study survey with the AO Spine Cervical Classification Validation Group

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    Purpose: The management of cervical facet dislocation injuries remains controversial. The main purpose of this investigation was to identify whether a surgeon’s geographic location or years in practice influences their preferred management of traumatic cervical facet dislocation injuries. Methods: A survey was sent to 272 AO Spine members across all geographic regions and with a variety of practice experience. The survey included clinical case scenarios of cervical facet dislocation injuries and asked responders to select preferences among various diagnostic and management options. Results: A total of 189 complete responses were received. Over 50% of responding surgeons in each region elected to initiate management of cervical facet dislocation injuries with an MRI, with 6 case exceptions. Overall, there was considerable agreement between American and European responders regarding management of these injuries, with only 3 cases exhibiting a significant difference. Additionally, results also exhibited considerable management agreement between those with ≤ 10 and > 10 years of practice experience, with only 2 case exceptions noted. Conclusion: More than half of responders, regardless of geographical location or practice experience, identified MRI as a screening imaging modality when managing cervical facet dislocation injuries, regardless of the status of the spinal cord and prior to any additional intervention. Additionally, a majority of surgeons would elect an anterior approach for the surgical management of these injuries. The study found overall agreement in management preferences of cervical facet dislocation injuries around the globe


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    Cattle ranching is the main activity and the principal user of natural resources in Alamos, Mexico, extending in 93% of this municipality. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of livestock production on natural resources, in the municipio of Alamos, Sonora and in the “Sierra de Ãlamos-Río Cuchujaqui†nature reserve, which was established in 1996. Overgrazing, deforestation, botanical composition of the rangeland, soil cover and soil erosion risk were the main indicators evaluated. From 1995 to 2005 livestock herd size increased by 13%. By the year 2005, overgrazing was over 200% in all the sites evaluated, (reaching values as high as 550%), taking as a reference COTECOCA (the Mexican agency for the determination of rangeland grazing load) recommendations for animal rangeland load. Deforested area within the nature reserve remained relatively unchanged in 5,150 ha between 1996 and 2006. In the 155 sites sampled for vegetation and soil cover, on the other hand, we found a low percentage of cattle-preferred species, whereas species with low nutritional quality and less preferred by the cattle, represented 65 to 90% of the identified plants

    Diseño del sistema de agua potable utilizando pozo tubular en el caserío Pushura baja, distrito Bellavista, provincia de Jaén – región Cajamarca

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    El objetivo general fue mejorar y diseñar el sistema de agua potable utilizando pozo tubular para el abastecimiento del recurso hídrico en el caserío Pushura Baja – Región Cajamarca. Se utilizó la siguiente metodología: El tipo de investigación es aplicativa, cuantitativa y descriptiva con un diseño cuasi experimental. Las técnicas que se utilizaron fueron la encuesta, guías de observación y las guías de análisis documental. Y el instrumento un padrón y cuestionario que fueron realizadas a los jefes de familia del caserío de Pushura Baja. La Población se constituye por 131 habitantes de Pushura Baja, Distrito de Bellavista. Y la muestra se constituye por 29 familias. Las conclusiones principales fueron que el caserío presenta un terreno ondulado con pendientes que van de 4.57% a 31.46%; el suelo es GM (gravas limosas) de consistencia suelta de baja plasticidad además presentan insignificantes concentraciones de agentes químicos; los componentes existentes de agua potable están aptos para su recuperación; con los SEVs se determinó la ubicación del pozo tubular cuyos parámetros son de una profundidad de 35 m con diámetro de 16”; línea de impulsión de 1 ½” tubería clase-10 PVC; potencia de la bomba sumergible de 1.5 Hp y el sistema de bombeo será alimentado por energía renovable lo cual lo conforman 8 paneles solares. Esta investigación tiene como finalidad mejorar la calidad de vida de los pobladores del caserío Pushura Baja permitiendo un bienestar social o comunitario, logrando que el recurso hídrico llegue a sus hogares para así satisfacer sus necesidades de consumo.TesisInfraestructura, Tecnología y Medio Ambient

    Mujeres con VIH-SIDA en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia en Lima, Perú.

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the women infected with the Human Inmunodefficiency Virus (HIV) who were seen at the Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia from January 1989 to December 1996. Material and Methods: We did a retrospective chart review of their demographic and medical registers. We used the Centres for Disease Control (CDC) classification for the HIV infection. (Stages I-IV). Results: We included 236 women, from 17 to 60 years old, with a mean age of 30.4 years. The number of diagnosed cases per year of infected women increased from 5 in 1989 to 63 in 1996. The probable means of acquisition of infection was heterosexual intercourse in 212 patients (90.2%). Only had one sexual partner in her life 113 (47.8%) of the patients seen. There were 4 (1.6%) sexual workers and there were no intravenous drug users. A percentage of 23.4% have had other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), and these were more prevalent in women who had risky sexual practices (p=0.005). Out of the 236, 69 women had diagnosis of Acquired Inmunodefficiency Syndrome (AIDS) The most frequent AIDS-defining condition was the Wasting Syndrome in 23 women (33.3%). There were 19 deaths within the study period. The mean survival time after the AIDS diagnosis was 10.6 months and the most frequent death cause was Tuberculosis and Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia. Conclusion: The fact of having a predominantly heterosexual transmission and that there is a high percentage of monogamous women and women with few sexual partners make us suppose that it is probably their partners risk sexual behavior what exposes women to HIV infection. We must underline the importance of an adequate information to women who start their sexual life and of the risks these bring, and the diffusion of the use of condoms to prevent this infection

    An interactive ACO enriched with an eclectic multi-criteria ordinal classifier to address many-objective optimisation problems

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    Despite the vast research on many-objective optimisation problems, the presence of many objective functions is still a challenge worthy of further study. A way to treat this kind of problem is to incorporate the preferences of the decision maker (DM) into the optimisation process. In this paper, we introduce an interactive ant colony optimisation combined with an ordinal classification method in which classes are described by characteristic profiles. Through several interactions, the DM is supposed to identify some representative solutions of the classes ‘satisfactory’ and ‘dissatisfactory,’ which are used to initialise an ordinal classifier that increases the selective pressure by discriminating in favour of the ‘satisfactory’ class. This method can work with any either asymmetric or symmetric binary preference relation, a feature that confers a very wide generality. As another advantage, the interaction with the DM has minimal cognitive demands, which is an advisable feature for any approach based on interaction. Although the preference model is quite general, the proposal was tested using an eclectic model which combines compensatory preferences, veto conditions, and interval numbers to handle imprecise values; those preferences are aggregated in an asymmetric preference relation. Our approach performs particularly well in 10-objective problems according to the standards in the state-of-the-art literature. Numerical results and tests for statistical significance on the DTLZ and WFG test suites support this claim


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    La creciente necesidad de disponer oportunamente de información relevante, obliga a las empresas a reevaluar constantemente su infraestructura tecnológica y la forma de administrarla. Dentro de este ambiente, un lugar preponderante es ocupado por la red de comunicaciones. En México no estamos acostumbrados a medir lo que nos cuesta tener fuera de operación una red de comunicaciones sea esta pública ó privada, y como no existe una cultura al respecto este trabajo pretende fomentar el desarrollo de esta cultura. Este trabajo de investigación se basa en el análisis de la problemática de fallas en la operación que presentan las Redes de Cobertura Amplia basadas en TCP/IP, en éste estudio analizaremos el caso especifico de una empresa del Sector Productivo que servirá para aportar sugerencias de mejora en la prevención, detección y/o corrección de fallas en cualquier red de cobertura amplia basada en TCP/IP. Para desarrollar este proyecto fue necesario analizar la administración del monitoreo y operación de la red, en una empresa del sector productivo de México; la selección se realizó principalmente por las facilidades para la investigación de campo y el antecedente de la problemática manifestada en ésta empresa, dicha problemática de fallas en la operación de la red, no solo impactaba en el decremento de la disponibilidad de operación, aumento en la incidencia de fallas LAN y WAN, sino que dañaba los equipos de cómputo y comunicaciones, por lo cual se decidió evaluar la problemática en dos periodos de estudio uno antes y otro después de aplicar las medidas preventivas, y procedimientos de atención y corrección de fallas en la operación de la red. Se tomaron como muestra los concentrados de reportes de fallas correspondientes a cada mes, los cuales se procesaron en hojas de cálculo para obtener los reportes de clasificación de fallas por tipo, disponibilidad y gráficas de eficiencias relativas a la operación de la red en cada uno de los meses de estudio. Como resultado se obtuvo que una vez que se trabaja organizadamente aplicando medidas preventivas para evitar fallas y se aplican procedimientos adecuados para la atención y corrección de las mismas, aumenta considerablemente la disponibilidad en la operación de la red y disminuye el número de incidentes ó fallas tanto LAN como WAN de la red