168 research outputs found

    La gastronomía como pilar estratégico para la mejora de la adherencia al tratamiento dietético-nutricional en pacientes con cáncer

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    VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Nutrición. ¿Nutrición basada en la videncia o en la evidencia

    The legal-territorial perspective in the new models of water governance: the Spanish regulations

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    Access and water supply in today’s world remains a universal problem. The Objectives of Sustainable Development (OSD) advocate a change in governance that allows for greater effectiveness in the management and use of water resources, in such a way as to ensure universal and non-discriminatory access, since this essential resource should not only to meet the direct needs of its users, but its proper management is capital to guarantee the sustainability of the Planet. In Spain, traditionally, the services of water supply have been offered by the municipalities, as entities territorially close to the citizenship, which allows them to know better the necessities of this group and, therefore, to respond to the same ones of effective and efficient way. but the European commitments made on climate change, as well as the growing concern for the environment in general and the crisis of management on water resources, in particular, oblige to revise the actions and the norms that regulate this sector. Consequently, combining the legal methodology with the DAFO analysis, the objective of this study is focused on knowing the legal norms that have been configuring the historical governance of water resources. In view of the results and despite international demands for the recognition of the human nature of the right to water, these investigations have not been reached on a legal level, as the legislation analysed deals with water as a resource not as a right. It is therefore necessary to implement a different way of governing, in which the participation of multiple actors in the formulation and execution of the political actions in water matters, to ensure adequate access and water supply to communities and citizens, as a safeguard of human dignity.This work has had the unconditional support of the Interuniversity Institute of Geography of the University of Alicante, which pays for and supports much of this researcher’s scientific production, as well as financial support from the University Institute of Water and Environmental Sciences of the University of Alicante

    El derecho a la ciudad como nuevo derecho humano emergente

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    Actualmente, más del cincuenta por ciento de la población mundial vive en las urbes, configuradas éstas como lugar de reunión de una multiculturalidad moderna, innovadora y comprometida con su entorno, que no acepta seguir con el planeamiento urbanístico y de crecimiento desmesurado desarrollado durante las últimas décadas. Surgen así los movimientos sociales actuales que claman por un derecho a la ciudad como derecho humano emergente, basado en el valor de la solidaridad y la participación de todos, en la necesidad de compartir un espacio público en el que el ciudadano y la persona puedan encontrarse y construir comúnmente una ciudad que promueva y proteja los derechos fundamentales necesarios para el desarrollo de una vida adecuada. Desafortunadamente, los derechos humanos emergentes, sean ya nuevas reclamaciones o viejas pretensiones, no encuentran acomodo dentro de las clásicas generaciones de derechos humanos, situándose, por tanto, al margen de un sistema jurisdiccional vinculante a nivel internacional que exige obligaciones para los Estados, pero ante la necesidad de una regulación inminente tras la degradación a la que se encuentran hoy en día sometidos. La política burguesa de la élite mundial ha pervertido el sistema de derechos, pensados por y para todos, eliminando el acceso a los recursos e instituciones ciudadanas a través de las que se conforma comúnmente la ciudad. En atención a ello y a través de una metodología estrictamente jurídica, este estudio tiene por objetivo determinar el carácter jurídico del derecho a la ciudad, para lo que se abordará la dialéctica entre las generaciones de derechos y los nuevos derechos emergentes, analizando la ciudad y su derecho como un derecho básico y fundamental, especialmente a través de la teoría de la conectividad. A la vista de los resultados, existe únicamente un reconocimiento soft law del reclamado derecho a la ciudad, dado que no está recogido en textos normativos con fuerza jurídica vinculante, como sí lo estuvieron los derechos de primera y segunda generación, en los Pactos Internacionales de 1966. Sin embargo, a través de la conectividad de derechos es posible asegurar que el derecho a la ciudad posee los mismos caracteres definitorios que los derechos de la primera y segunda generación, por lo que puede y debe ser reconocido como derecho humano básico y transversal, donde se desarrolla e implementan muchos otros derechos fundamentales. A pesar de ello, su implementación no podrá lograrse sin prestar atención a las desigualdades existentes y sin una participación colectiva de todos los entes afectados. Por ello, es necesario seguir avanzando por la implementación de nuevos enfoques más participativos, integradores, innovadores y eficaces, desde la perspectiva glocal (local y global) que permita configurar la ciudad como espacio indispensable para el desarrollo vital del ser humano y de los derechos que lo caracterizan como persona, sobre los principios de equidad, justicia social, democracia y sostenibilidad, pudiendo encontrar reflejo en la normativa jurídica vigente.Currently, more than fifty percent of the world's population lives in the cities, configured as a meeting place for a modern, innovative and committed multiculturalism with its environment, which does not accept continuing urban planning and excessive growth developed during the last decades The current social movements that claim for a right to the city as an emerging human right, based on the value of solidarity and the participation of all, arise in the need to share a public space in which the citizen and the person can meet and commonly build a city that promotes and protects the fundamental rights necessary for the development of an adequate life. Unfortunately, emerging human rights, whether new claims or old claims, do not find accommodation within the classic generations of human rights, thus being outside a binding jurisdictional system at international level that demands obligations for States, but in view of the need for imminent regulation after the degradation to which they are subjected today. The bourgeois policy of the world elite has perverted the system of rights, designed by and for all, eliminating access to citizen resources and institutions through which the city commonly forms. In response to this and through a strictly legal methodology, this study aims to determine the legal nature of the right to the city, for which the dialectic between the generations of rights and the new emerging rights will be addressed, analysing the city and its law as a basic and fundamental right, especially through the theory of connectivity. In view of the results, there is only a soft law recognition of the claimed right to the city, since it is not included in normative texts with binding legal force, as were the rights of first and second generation, in the International Covenants of 1966. However, through the connectivity of rights it is possible to ensure that the right to the city has the same defining characteristics as the rights of the first and second generation, so it can and should be recognized as a basic and transversal human right, where many other fundamental rights are developed and implemented. Despite this, its implementation cannot be achieved without paying attention to existing inequalities and without collective participation of all affected entities. Therefore, it is necessary to continue advancing through the implementation of new, more participatory, integrative, innovative and effective approaches, from the glocal perspective (local and global) that allows the city to be configured as an indispensable space for the vital development of human beings and rights. that characterize him as a person, on the principles of equity, social justice, democracy and sustainability, being able to find reflection in current legal regulations

    The Effects of Environmental Globalization on Water Resources: In Search of the Human Right to Water

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    The logic started with the Industrial Revolution, which has reached its maximum expression with market globalization, is implacable on a global scale. We coexist with climate change, with the ozone layer hole, with biodiversity loss and a dwindling of energy resources, with difficulties to match social cycles to economic ones, with new pathologies associated with lifestyle and with the progressive decline in the urban environment. One of the sectors where more damaging effects take place is water resources, as this turning into a source of war, political and legal conflicts, since they are scarce, especially in those countries where access to water is not guaranteed. Thus, thanks to an eminently legal methodology and from the perspective of the new water culture, the main objective of such a study is to know the regulatory status of the right to water and to sanitation at an international level, as a driver for ecodevelopment and sustainable economy in cities. In light of the results, no legal and State-binding regulation may currently be found that guarantees universal access to water and sanitation on an equal footing and with no discrimination. As such, the moment has come to recognize the right to water as a basic human right for individual and social development and for urban economics, as an essential precondition for the development of other human rights. This is to be done with an international, cooperative and legally-binding action that will answer to wake-up call regarding the global effects of the modern economic growth on the environment in general, but especially on natural resources

    Water as an element of ethical-political reflection in the new paradigm of migratory governance

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    La gobernanza mundial se encuentra en una situación de crisis como consecuencia del mundo global y multirrelacional en el que nos encontramos, que si bien contribuye a las acciones conjuntas de mejora también genera mayores situaciones de desigualdad y discriminación. Es por ello que los Derechos Humanos se sitúan en el centro de los debates políticos y sociales actuales, pues es necesaria una revisión y adecuación de la regulación y la protección de los elementos más básicos de los mismos para hacerlos extensibles a la universalidad de los individuos, especialmente exigible a grupos de personas, como los migrantes, que se encuentran en el limbo jurídico de ningún Estado. Uno de estos elementos primordiales a través de los que se satisface la vida misma es el adecuado acceso al agua y al saneamiento, como basamento del resto de Derechos Humanos.Global governance is in a crisis situation as a result of the global and multi-relational world in which we find ourselves, which, while contributing to joint actions for improvement, also creates greater situations of inequality and discrimination. That is why human rights are at the center of current political and social debates, as it is necessary to review and adapt the regulation and protection of the most basic elements of them to extend them to the universality of individuals. Especially for groups of people, such as migrants, who are in the legal limbo of any State. One of these primordial elements through which life itself is satisfied is adequate access to water and sanitation, as a basis for the rest of Human Rights

    Eco-urban development throught water: landscape, heritage, territory and society

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    Actualmente, más del cincuenta por ciento de la población mundial vive en las urbes, configuradas éstas como lugar de reunión de una multiculturalidad moderna, innovadora y preocupada con su entorno, que no acepta seguir con el planeamiento urbanístico y de crecimiento de las últimas décadas. Surgen así los movimientos sociales actuales que claman por una nueva planificación urbana y paisajística donde se tengan en cuenta los recursos naturales, cambiando el clásico paradigma de la dominación por otro ecosostenible. En consecuencia, a través de una metodología eminentemente jurídica, se pretende exponer la necesaria relación entre el desarrollo paisajístico y el crecimiento urbano, a través del valor inmaterial que el agua posee en la creación de entornos sociales de calidad. A la vista de los resultados, queda patente el escaso valor de los espacios hidrológicos como configuradores del entorno y su nula inclusión como elementos de ordenación urbana y de calidad de vida en la ciudad.Currently, more than fifty percent of the world's population lives in cities, configured as a meeting place for a modern multiculturalism, innovative and concerned with its environment, which does not accept to continue with the urban planning and growth of the last decades. This is how the current social movements emerge that call for a new urban and landscape planning where natural resources are taken into account, changing the classic paradigm of domination for another that is eco-sustainable. Consequently, through an eminently legal methodology, it is intended to expose the necessary relationship between landscape development and urban growth, through the immaterial value that water possesses in the creation of quality social environments. In view of the results, the scarce value of hydrological spaces as configurators of the environment and their null inclusion as elements of urban planning and quality of life in the city is evident

    City and Law: for the Recognition of the Human Right to the City

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    Actualmente, más del cincuenta por ciento de la población mundial vive en las urbes, configuradas éstas como lugar de reunión de una multiculturalidad moderna, innovadora y comprometida con su entorno, que no acepta seguir con el planeamiento urbanístico y de crecimiento desmesurado desarrollado durante las últimas décadas. Surgen así los movimientos sociales actuales que claman por un derecho a la ciudad como derecho humano emergente, basado en el valor de la solidaridad y la participación de todos, en la necesidad de compartir un espacio público en el que el ciudadano y la persona puedan encontrarse y construir comúnmente una ciudad que promueva y proteja los derechos fundamentales necesarios para el desarrollo de una vida adecuada. En atención a ello y a través de una metodología estrictamente jurídica, este estudio tiene por objetivo determinar el carácter jurídico del derecho a la ciudad, para lo que se abordará la dialéctica entre las generaciones de derechos y los nuevos derechos emergentes, analizando la ciudad y su derecho como un derecho básico y fundamental, especialmente a través de la teoría de la conectividad. A la vista de los resultados, existe únicamente un reconocimiento soft law del reclamado derecho a la ciudad. Sin embargo, a través de la conectividad de derechos es posible asegurar que el derecho a la ciudad posee los mismos caracteres definitorios que los derechos de la primera y segunda generación, por lo que puede y debe ser reconocido como derecho humano básico y transversal, donde se desarrolla e implementan muchos otros derechos fundamentales. A pesar de ello, su implementación no podrá lograrse sin prestar atención a las desigualdades existentes y sin una participación colectiva de todos los entes afectados. Por ello, es necesario seguir avanzando por la implementación de nuevos enfoques más participativos, integradores, innovadores y eficaces, desde la perspectiva glocal (local y global) que permita configurar la ciudad como espacio indispensable para el desarrollo vital del ser humano y de los derechos que lo caracterizan como persona, sobre los principios de equidad, justicia social, democracia y sostenibilidad.Today, more than fifty percent of the world's population lives in cities, which are the meeting place of modern, innovative multiculturalism committed to its environment and unwilling to continue with the urban planning and excessive growth developed over the last few decades. This is how current social movements arise, calling for a right to the city as an emerging human right, based on the value of solidarity and participation of all, on the need to share a public space in which citizens and individuals can meet and build a city that promotes and protects the fundamental rights necessary for the development of an adequate life. In attention to this and through a strictly legal methodology, this study aims to determine the legal nature of the right to the city, for which the dialectic between the generations of rights and the new emerging rights will be addressed, analyzing the city and its right as a basic and fundamental right, especially through the theory of connectivity. In view of the results, there is only a soft law recognition of the claimed right to the city. However, through the connectivity of rights, it is possible to ensure that the right to the city possesses the same defining characteristics as first and second generation rights, so it can and should be recognized as a basic and transversal human right, where many other fundamental rights are developed and implemented. Nevertheless, its implementation cannot be achieved without paying attention to existing inequalities and without the collective participation of all affected entities. Therefore, it is necessary to continue advancing towards the implementation of new approaches that are more participatory, inclusive, innovative, and effective, from a glocal perspective (local and global) that allows the city to be configured as an indispensable space for the vital development of human beings and the rights that characterize

    Influence of food or food groups intake on the occurrence and/or protection of different types of cancer: systematic review

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    Introducción: la dieta tiene un importante papel en la formación y en la prevención de múltiples enfermedades crónicas-degenerativas, como son las enfermedades cardiovasculares o el cáncer. Objetivos: el objetivo principal consiste en analizar los estudios que centren su investigación en conocer la relación entre el consumo de determinados grupos de alimentos y su función en el aumento y/o prevención del riesgo de aparición de diversos tipos de cáncer. Métodos: se realizó una revisión sistemática en bases de datos internacionales (PubMed, Scopus y Nutrition Reference). Los estudios fueron estructurados en dos bloques principales: relacionados con el aumento del riesgo de cáncer y alimentos relacionados con el aumento del riesgo de cáncer. Los estudios evaluados en la presente revisión han sido un total de 104 artículos científicos. Resultados: los resultados han mostrado una asociación positiva entre la carne roja y el cáncer de colon, las bebidas alcohólicas y el cáncer de hígado y la sal y el cáncer gástrico. La dieta mediterránea se asoció de manera preventiva con el cáncer del tracto digestivo y respiratorio, mientras que, por otro lado, no se ha encontrado asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el consumo de lácteos y el cáncer de ovario, los carbohidratos o azúcares y el cáncer de páncreas y el té y el cáncer de mama. Conclusiones: por todo ello, patrones de alimentación saludable como la dieta mediterránea, basados en una menor ingesta de carne roja, bebidas alcohólicas y sal, contribuyen a una reducción en la incidencia del cáncer de colon, cáncer de hígado y cáncer de estómago.Introduction: the diet plays an important role in the origin and prevention of multiple chronic degenerative diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases or cancer. Objective: the main objective of this paper is to analyze the studies that are focused on researching the relationship between the consumption of the particular groups of foods and its importance on the increase and for prevention of the risk of cancer appearance. Methods: a bibliographical review was carried out in the main international databases (PubMed, Scopus and Nutrition Reference). The results were structured in two main sections: those related with the increase of cancer risk and food related with the increase of cancer risk. In the present review, 104 scientific articles have been evaluated. Results: the results have shown a positive association between red meat and colon cancer, alcoholic drinks and liver cancer, and salt and gastric cancer. The Mediterranean diet was associated in a preventive way with digestive and respiratory tract cancer. Conversely, no statistically significant association was found between dairy products and ovarian cancer, carbohydrates and sugars and pancreatic cancer, and tae and breast cancer. Conclusions: as a result, healthy eating guidelines, such as the Mediterranean diet, based on lower consumption of red meat, alcoholic drinks and salt, might contribute to reducing the incidence of colon cancer, liver cancer and gastric cancer

    Gene expression profiling en association with prion-related lesions in the medulla oblongata of symptomatic natural scrapie animals.

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    The pathogenesis of natural scrapie and other prion diseases remains unclear. Examining transcriptome variations in infected versus control animals may highlight new genes potentially involved in some of the molecular mechanisms of prion-induced pathology. The aim of this work was to identify disease-associated alterations in the gene expression profiles of the caudal medulla oblongata (MO) in sheep presenting the symptomatic phase of natural scrapie. The gene expression patterns in the MO from 7 sheep that had been naturally infected with scrapie were compared with 6 controls using a Central Veterinary Institute (CVI) custom designed 4×44K microarray. The microarray consisted of a probe set on the previously sequenced ovine tissue library by CVI and was supplemented with all of the Ovis aries transcripts that are currently publicly available. Over 350 probe sets displayed greater than 2-fold changes in expression. We identified 148 genes from these probes, many of which encode proteins that are involved in the immune response, ion transport, cell adhesion, and transcription. Our results confirm previously published gene expression changes that were observed in murine models with induced scrapie. Moreover, we have identified new genes that exhibit differential expression in scrapie and could be involved in prion neuropathology. Finally, we have investigated the relationship between gene expression profiles and the appearance of the main scrapie-related lesions, including prion protein deposition, gliosis and spongiosis. In this context, the potential impacts of these gene expression changes in the MO on scrapie development are discussed
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