80 research outputs found

    Role of IL-17 in Morphogenesis and Dissemination of Cryptococcus neoformans during Murine Infection

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is a pathogenic yeast that can form Titan cells in the lungs, which are fungal cells of abnormally large size. The factors that regulate Titan cell formation in vivo are still unknown, although an increased proportion of these fungal cells of infected mice correlates with induction of Th2-type responses. Here, we focused on the role played by the cytokine IL-17 in the formation of cryptococcal Titan cells using Il17a-/- knockout mice. We found that after 9 days of infection, there was a lower proportion of Titan cells in Il17a-/- mice compared to the fungal cells found in wild-type animals. Dissemination to the brain occurred earlier in Il17a-/- mice, which correlated with the lower proportion of Titan cells in the lungs. Furthermore, knockout-infected mice increased brain size more than WT mice. We also determined the profile of cytokines accumulated in the brain, and we found significant differences between both mouse strains. We found that in Il17a-/-, there was a modest increase in the concentrations of the Th1 cytokine TNF-α. To validate if the increase in this cytokine had any role in cryptococcal morphogenesis, we injected wild-type mice with TNF-α t and observed that fungal cell size was significantly reduced in mice treated with this cytokine. Our results suggest a compensatory production of cytokines in Il17a-/- mice that influences both cryptococcal morphology and dissemination.This work was supported by Grant SAF2017-86912-R and PID 2020-114546RB-100 from the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation. Roselletti E. is funded by an international collaboration with the company Lesaffre International Sarl. Garcia-Rodas R. is funded by a “Juan de la Cierva” contract from the Spanish Ministry for Economics, Industry, and Competitivity (Reference: IJCI-2015-25683). Trevijano-Contador N. is funded by an “Ayudas de Atracción de Talento Investigador” contract of the Community of Madrid (Reference: 2019-T2/BMD-14926).S

    Cell Wall Integrity Pathway Involved in Morphogenesis, Virulence and Antifungal Susceptibility in Cryptococcus neoformans

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    Due to its location, the fungal cell wall is the compartment that allows the interaction with the environment and/or the host, playing an important role during infection as well as in different biological functions such as cell morphology, cell permeability and protection against stress. All these processes involve the activation of signaling pathways within the cell. The cell wall integrity (CWI) pathway is the main route responsible for maintaining the functionality and proper structure of the cell wall. This pathway is highly conserved in the fungal kingdom and has been extensively characterized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, there are still many unknown aspects of this pathway in the pathogenic fungi, such as Cryptococcus neoformans. This yeast is of particular interest because it is found in the environment, but can also behave as pathogen in multiple organisms, including vertebrates and invertebrates, so it has to adapt to multiple factors to survive in multiple niches. In this review, we summarize the components of the CWI pathway in C. neoformans as well as its involvement in different aspects such as virulence factors, morphological changes, and its role as target for antifungal therapies among others.This work was supported by Grant PID2020-114546RB-100 from the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation. De Oliveira H.C. was supported by Inova Fiocruz/Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Rossi SA is funded by postdoctoral fellowship from Fundacão de Amparo á pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (reference FAPESP-BEPE 2020/09919-0). García-Barbazán Iwas supported by a FPI fellowship (reference PRE2018-083436). Trevijano-Contador N is funded by a “Ayudas de Atracción de Talento Investigador” Contract of Community of Madrid (reference 2019-T2/BMD-14926).S

    Role of Cln1 during melanization of Cryptococcus neoformans

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen that has several well-described virulence determinants. A polysaccharide capsule and the ability to produce melanin are among the most important. Melanization occurs both in vitro, in the presence of catecholamine and indole compounds, and in vivo during the infection. Despite the importance of melanin production for cryptococcal virulence, the component and mechanisms involved in its synthesis have not been fully elucidated. In this work, we describe the role of a G1/S cyclin (Cln1) in the melanization process. Cln1 has evolved specifically with proteins present only in other basidiomycetes. We found that Cln1 is required for the cell wall stability and production of melanin in C. neoformans. Absence of melanization correlated with a defect in the expression of the LAC1 gene. The relation between cell cycle elements and melanization was confirmed by the effect of drugs that cause cell cycle arrest at a specific phase, such as rapamycin. The cln1 mutant was consistently more susceptible to oxidative damage in a medium that induces melanization. Our results strongly suggest a novel and hitherto unrecognized role for C. neoformans Cln1 in the expression of virulence traits.We thank Rajendra Uphadya (Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MI, USA) for providing the sequence of oligonucleotides for 18s gene used in this article. RG-R was supported by a FPI fellowship (reference BES-2009-015913) from the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitivity. NT-C is supported by a FPI fellowship (reference BES-2012-051837). OZ is funded by grant SAF2011-25140 and SAF2014-54336 from the Spanish Ministry for Economics and CompetitivityS

    Capsule growth in Cryptococcus neoformans is coordinated with cell cycle progression

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    UNLABELLED: The fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans has several virulence factors, among which the most important is a polysaccharide capsule. The size of the capsule is variable and can increase significantly during infection. In this work, we investigated the relationship between capsular enlargement and the cell cycle. Capsule growth occurred primarily during the G1 phase. Real-time visualization of capsule growth demonstrated that this process occurred before the appearance of the bud and that capsule growth arrested during budding. Benomyl, which arrests the cells in G2/M, inhibited capsule growth, while sirolimus (rapamycin) addition, which induces G1 arrest, resulted in cells with larger capsule. Furthermore, we have characterized a mutant strain that lacks a putative G1/S cyclin. This mutant showed an increased capacity to enlarge the capsule, both in vivo (using Galleria mellonella as the host model) and in vitro. In the absence of Cln1, there was a significant increase in the production of extracellular vesicles. Proteomic assays suggest that in the cln1 mutant strain, there is an upregulation of the glyoxylate acid cycle. Besides, this cyclin mutant is avirulent at 37°C, which correlates with growth defects at this temperature in rich medium. In addition, the cln1 mutant showed lower intracellular replication rates in murine macrophages. We conclude that cell cycle regulatory elements are involved in the modulation of the expression of the main virulence factor in C. neoformans. IMPORTANCE: Cryptococcus neoformans is a pathogenic fungus that has significant incidence worldwide. Its main virulence factor is a polysaccharide capsule that can increase in size during infection. In this work, we demonstrate that this process occurs in a specific phase of the cell cycle, in particular, in G1. In agreement, mutants that have an abnormal longer G1 phase show larger capsule sizes. We believe that our findings are relevant because they provide a link between capsule growth, cell cycle progression, and virulence in C. neoformans that reveals new aspects about the pathogenicity of this fungus. Moreover, our findings indicate that cell cycle elements could be used as antifungal targets in C. neoformans by affecting both the growth of the cells and the expression of the main virulence factor of this pathogenic yeast.O.Z. is funded by grants SAF2008-03761 and SAF2011-25140 from the Spanish Ministry for Economics and Competitivity. R.G.-R. is supported by an FPI fellowship (reference BES-2009-015913) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. N.T.-C. is supported by an FPI fellowship (reference BES-2012-051837) from the Spanish Ministry for Economics and Competitivity. A.C. is supported by NIH grants HL059842-3, A1033774, A1052733, and AI033142. R.J.B.C. is supported by T32 AI07506 (NIH/NIAID).S

    Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Pregnancy and Its Benefits on Maternal-Fetal Health: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Introduction: Pregnancy is a transcendent period for the mother and the fetus, characterized by an increase on energy requirements. Mediterranean diet (MD) is considered a healthy eating pattern that can provide the nutritional requirements of pregnancy and protect from the development of obstetric pathologies. Objective: To know the relationship between adherence to the MD and its maternal-fetal benefits. Methodology: A systematic review was conducted by identifying articles in the PubMed and Cochrane databases. The publication date of the studies was between 2010 and 2020, and the inclusion criteria established were that the articles were written in English and Spanish and were accessible in full text. Studies concerning assisted reproduction, gene modulation, conference abstracts, systematic reviews, and pilot studies were excluded. Results: Finally, a total of 14 studies were included in the review. The association between the MD and the reduction of some pathologies of pregnancy, such as gestational diabetes, overweight or obesity, sleep quality, complications of childbirth, urinary tract infections (UTIs), and alterations in fetal growth was demonstrated, as well as perinatal problems, including birth weight, prematurity, gastroschisis, and other childhood problems. Conclusion: The MD is an optimal diet to consume during pregnancy

    Cryptococcus neoformans can form titan-like cells in vitro in response to multiple signals

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is an encapsulated pathogenic yeast that can change the size of the cells during infection. In particular, this process can occur by enlarging the size of the capsule without modifying the size of the cell body, or by increasing the diameter of the cell body, which is normally accompanied by an increase of the capsule too. This last process leads to the formation of cells of an abnormal enlarged size denominated titan cells. Previous works characterized titan cell formation during pulmonary infection but research on this topic has been hampered due to the difficulty to obtain them in vitro. In this work, we describe in vitro conditions (low nutrient, serum supplemented medium at neutral pH) that promote the transition from regular to titan-like cells. Moreover, addition of azide and static incubation of the cultures in a CO2 enriched atmosphere favored cellular enlargement. This transition occurred at low cell densities, suggesting that the process was regulated by quorum sensing molecules and it was independent of the cryptococcal serotype/species. Transition to titan-like cell was impaired by pharmacological inhibition of PKC signaling pathway. Analysis of the gene expression profile during the transition to titan-like cells showed overexpression of enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism, as well as proteins from the coatomer complex, and related to iron metabolism. Indeed, we observed that iron limitation also induced the formation of titan cells. Our gene expression analysis also revealed other elements involved in titan cell formation, such as calnexin, whose absence resulted in appearance of abnormal large cells even in regular rich media. In summary, our work provides a new alternative method to investigate titan cell formation devoid the bioethical problems that involve animal experimentation.OZ is funded by grant SAF2014-54336-R and SAF2017-86192-R1 from the Spanish Ministry for Economics, Industry and Competitivity. JA is funded by grants BFU2014-54591-C2-1-P and BFU2017-82574-P (Spanish Ministry for Economics, Industry and Competitivity) and an “Ajut 2014SGR-4” (Generalitat de Catalunya). NT-C was supported by a FPI fellowship (reference BES-2012-051837). SAR was supported by a fellowship from Coordenação de aperfeiçoamento de pessoal de nivel superior, CAPES, program Ciências Sem Fronteiras (202436/2015-2). HCdO is funded by postdoctoral fellowship from Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP-BEPE 2016/20631-3). RG-R is funded by a "Juan de la Cierva" Contract from the Spanish Ministry for Economics, Industry and Competitivity (reference: IJCI-2015-25683). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    Uncommon pelagic and deep-sea cephalopods in the Mediterranean: new data and literature review

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    Compared with their shelf-living relatives, the biology and ecology of most pelagic and deep-sea cephalopods are presently relatively little known because of the difficulty in catching them. To compensate for the lack of information regarding these cephalopods, scientists have had to make use of the limited and fragmentary data gathered from different sources, such as sporadic captures, strandings or stomach contents of their predators. In this study, we provide some biological and ecological information on eleven uncommon pelagic and deep-sea cephalopods collected over more than fifteen years of fishery surveys in the western Mediterranean Sea. The cephalopods investigated include two epipelagic octopuses (Ocythoe tuberculata and Tremoctopus violaceus), one deep-sea cirrate octopus (Opisthoteuthis calypso), the sepiolid Stoloteuthis leucoptera and seven teuthoid species inhabiting, preferentially, the mesopelagic and bathypelagic waters (Abraliopsis morisii, Ancistrocheirus lesueurii, Brachioteuthis riisei, Chiroteuthis veranyi, Chtenopteryx sicula, Onychoteuthis banksii and Taonius pavo). Although all of these species are either cosmopolitan or present a wide distribution in other oceans, they are nevertheless relatively rare in catches, and therefore, remain lesser known. The finding of T. pavo represents the first record of this cephalopod in the Mediterranean watersPublicado