717 research outputs found

    Popular names of wild plants in Aragon

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    En este trabajo se relacionan 920 nombres comunes de plantas arvenses; ruderales, silvestres o malas hierbas de los cultivos en diferentes localidades de las tres provincias de Aragón, así como sus correspondientes 354 nombres científicos de género y especie, con el objetivo de facilitar la transferencia de tecnología agraria o la conservación de los conocimientos etnobotánicosWith the aim of making easy the farm technology transfer and preserving the ethnobotanic knowledge, 920 common and 354 scientific names of field, ruderal, useful plants or weeds, from different sites of Aragon (NorthEasterrn Spain), are presented in this paperPublishe

    En defensa de la sanidad vegetal

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    La sinadad vegetal o fitiatría pretede proteger los cultivos y masas forestales de sus enemigos naturales, principalmente de las plagas de insectos, las enfermedades producidas por hongos, bacterias, virus y otros microorganismos, así como de las malas hierbas que los infestan. Engloba diferentes ciencias, como titopatología, entomología agrícola y malherbologí

    Propriedades psicométricas de uma escala para medir a gestão da vergonha em adolescentes (Moss-Sast)

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    (Ahmed, 1999) to measure shame management in adolescents in situations of aggression toward peers. The study was conducted with a sample of 700 students from public secondary schools (N= 700) located in a northwestern state municipality of Mexico. Results enabled to obtain an empirically sustainable measuring model formed by two factors: Acknowledgment and Displacement (X2 = 5.16, p= 0.27; CMIN= 1.29; GFI= .98; CFI= .99; NFI= .97; RMSEA= .05). Evidence was obtained to show that the instrument has criterion validity since it is capable to differentiate between subgroups of students with and without reports of bullying in both factors, Acknowledgment (t= 3.49, gl= 137, p< .001) and Displacement (t= 3.63, gl= 137, p< .001). It was concluded that the results strengthen the original factorial structure of the scale and show the usefulness of the same, both for inquiring about emotions related to moral development and for identifying students involved as aggressors in bullying situations.Se establecieron las evidencias de validez y confiabilidad de la adaptación del cuestionario MOSS-SAST (Ahmed, 1999) para medir el manejo de la vergüenza en adolescentes ante situaciones de agresión hacia los pares. El estudio se realizó en una muestra de estudiantes de escuelas secundarias públicas (N= 700) ubicadas en un municipio de un estado del noroeste de México. Los resultados permitieron obtener un modelo de medición empíricamente sustentable formado por nueve ítems agrupados en dos factores: Reconocimiento y Desplazamiento (c2 = 5.16, p= 0.27; CMIN= 1.29; GFI= .98; CFI= .99; NFI= .97; RMSEA= .05). El instrumento cuenta con evidencias de validez de criterio, ya que establece la diferencia en los factores de reconocimiento (t= 3.49, gl= 137, p< .001) y desplazamiento (t= 3.63, gl= 137, p< .001) en subgrupos de estudiantes con y sin reportes de bullying. Se concluyó que los resultados fortalecen la estructura factorial original de la escala y muestran su utilidad, tanto en la indagación de emociones relacionadas con el del desarrollo moral, como en la identificación de estudiantes involucrados como agresores en situaciones de bullying.Foram estabelecidas as evidências de validade e confiabilidade da adaptação do Questionário MOSS-SAST (Ahmed, 1999) para medir a gestão da vergonha em adolescentes ante situações de agressão contra os pares. O estudo foi realizado com uma amostra de estudantes do ensino fundamental e médio (N=700) de um município do noroeste do México. Os resultados permitiram obter um modelo de medição empiricamente sustentável, formado por nove itens agrupados em dois fatores: reconhecimento e deslocamento (c2 = 5.16, p= 0.27; CMIN= 1.29; GFI= .98; CFI= .99; NFI= .97; RMSEA= .05). O instrumento conta com evidências de validade de critério já que estabelece a diferença nos fatores de reconhecimento (t= 3.49, gl= 137, p< .001) e deslocamento (t= 3.63, gl= 137, p< .001) em subgrupos de estudantes com e sem relatos de bullying. Conclui-se que os resultados fortalecem a estrutura fatorial original da escala e mostram sua utilidade, tanto na indagação de emoções relacionadas com o desenvolvimento moral quanto na identificação de estudantes envolvidos como agressores em situações de bullying

    Port Authority of Cartagena: Evidence of a Sustainability Balanced Scorecard

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    This paper provides a deeper understanding to the development and implementation of a Sustainability Balanced Scorecard in the Port Authority of Cartagena, under exploratory research. Open-access documents available on different websites were used as data sources combined with semi-structured personal interviews, which took place at the highest level of the organisation from September 2021 to December 2022. The strategy developed by this government unit has changed over the years, until 2018 when a new review, led by the Planning and Management manager, established a turning point in its sustainable strategy with the introduction of the Balanced Scorecard, resulting in a major internal change for the organisation. The creation of the Strategy Planning Office, external advice from strategy-expertise consultants, IT solutions acquisition adapted to the new scenario, and several internal organisational changes, have been vital in this successful process. The Balanced Scorecard has been shown to be helpful in disseminating the sustainable strategy at all levels of the company: environmental and social actions were confined for years to the Sustainability Department, functioning as isolated actions, but now, they have reached the strategic level involving the whole organisation as part of the company's strategy. This successful process has put this organisation at the forefront of other Spanish ports, providing other port authority managers with a useful framework that can help them in their attempt to implement sustainable strategies by using the Balanced Scorecard—a framework not only valid for ports but which can also be extended to other government units

    A Comprehensive Bibliometric Study of the Balanced Scorecard

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    This research provides a deeper knowledge in the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) insight by using the bibliometric technique. The existing gap between the traditional literatura reviews and previous bibliometric studies, is covered as it is the first comprehensive analysis carried out in applying quantity, quality, and structural indicators. Web of Science Core Collection was used as the source of information, considering it the most accurate and suitable data base for these studies. This research covers the wider period-of-time possible, from 1992 to 2020, with a final sample of 771 articles in 466 reviews. Quantity indicators show the high interest that the BSC still has in the scholar’s community, pointing out Kaplan and Norton as the most productive authors,and confirming that ‘management’, ‘business’ and ‘accountability’ are its most common field of activity, although others as ‘systems’ and sustainability’ are coming to prominence; ‘Balanced Scorecard’ appears as the most remarkable keyword. Quality indicators found 32,706 citations, with Kaplan and Norton occupying again top positions as well as ‘Harvard Business Review’ as the most impacting review both in cited articles and in average. Co-citation analysis reveals the existence of a triple corecluster for articles, based on the theory, literature reviews, and case-studies

    Preclinical models of congestive heart failure, advantages, and limitations for application in clinical practice.

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    Congestive heart failure (CHF) has increased over the years, in part because of recent progress in the management of chronic diseases, thus contributing to the maintenance of an increasingly aging population. CHF represents an unresolved health problem and therefore the establishment of animal models that recapitulates the complexity of CHF will become a critical element to be addressed, representing a serious challenge given the complexity of the pathogenesis of CHF itself, which is further compounded by methodological biases that depend on the animal species in use. Animal models of CHF have been developed in many different species, with different surgical procedures, all with promising results but, for the moment, unable to fully recapitulate the human disease. Large animal models often provide a more promising reality, with all the difficulties that their use entails, and which limit their performance to fewer laboratories, the costly of animal housing, animal handling, specialized facilities, skilled methodological training, and reproducibility as another important limiting factor when considering a valid animal model versus potentially better performing alternatives. In this review we will discuss the different animal models of CHF, their advantages and, above all, the limitations of each procedure with respect to effectiveness of results in terms of clinical application.post-print608 K

    Avaliação econômica de sistemas de cultivo de cereias em condições semiáridas: cultivo mínimo, orgânico e convencional

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    Cropping systems like organic farming, selling products at a higher price and promoting environmental sustainability by reducing fertilizer and pesticides, can be more profitable than conventional systems. An economic evaluation of three cropping systems in a seven year period experiment was performed, using a common rotation (fallow-barley-vetch-durum wheat) in a semi-arid rainfed field of Spain. The minimum input system included mouldboard ploughing, cultivator preparation, sowing and harvest. The conventional system involved mineral fertilizer and herbicide treatments, while the organic system involved composted manure and mechanical weed control. The resulting economic margins were highest with the minimum input system, followed by the organic and conventional systems. If the cereal grain from the minimum input system was sold at a higher price on the organic market, this system was the most profitable. Without the price difference, the organic system was as profitable as the conventional one.Sistemas de cultivo como agricultura orgânica, cujos produtos têm custo mais alto, mas que promova sustentabilidade ambiental pela redução do uso de fertilizantes e pesticidas, pode ser mais lucrativo do que sistemas convencionais de cultivo. Efetuou-se uma avaliação econômica de três sistemas de cultivo num período experimental de sete anos, utilizando um sistema comum de rotação (pousio-cevada-ervilhaca-trigo duro), sem irrigação, em um local semi-árido da Espanha. O sistema de cultivo mínimo incluía aração com aiveca, preparo com cultivador, semeadura e colheita. O sistema convencional envolvia tratamentos com herbicidas e fertilizantes minerais, enquanto o sistema orgânico envolvia adubação com composto e controle mecânico de ervas invasoras. O sistema com maior retorno econômico foi o de cultivo mínimo, seguido do orgânico e do convencional. O sistema de cultivo mínimo foi o mais lucrativo quando o cereal foi vendido num preço mais alto no mercado orgânico. Sem essa diferença de preços os sistemas apresentaram lucratividades semelhantes
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