70 research outputs found

    Circulating microRNAs in lung cancer: prospects for diagnosis, prognosis, and prediction of antitumor treatment efficacy

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    The review considers the main techniques to extract microRNA (miRNA) from various biological fluids (in particular, the serum and plasma), approaches to the analysis of miRNA concentration and composition, and methods to normalize the results in data analyses. Advantages and drawbacks of the methods are described. Special attention is given to circulating miRNAs, which can be used as markers for minimally invasive diagnosis, prediction of antitumor treatment efficacy, and disease prognosis in lung cancer. The review discusses the prospects and limitations that arise as the clinical significance is evaluated for miRNAs as potential tumor markers and a better understanding is gained for the roles various miRNAs play in the pathogenesis of lung cancer

    Experience of using MRT imaging in specifying diagnosis of obstructive diseases of the biliopancreatoduodenal zone.

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    The article presents the experience of surgical treatment of 12 patients with pancreatic cancer who were treated at the clinic of the Department of Surgery No. 2 of the ONMEDU during 2017. As a preoperative diagnosis, an MRI scan was performed in these patients. In general, the intraoperative size of the tumor was not significantly different from MRI - sizes: the medians of their differences were only + 5.5 mm and + 3.5 mm for the average and maximum MRT sizes. The calculated sensitivity and specificity of the method of MRTand CT in the assessment of artery invasion was 83.3% and 71.4% respectively, in the assessment of vein invasion - up to 50.0% and 42.9%, respectively. The combination of MRI and CT with intravenous contrast is the best option for planning surgical tactics today

    Experience of using MRT imaging in specifying diagnosis of obstructive diseases of the biliopancreatoduodenal zone.

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    The article presents the experience of surgical treatment of 12 patients with pancreatic cancer who were treated at the clinic of the Department of Surgery No. 2 of the ONMEDU during 2017. As a preoperative diagnosis, an MRI scan was performed in these patients. In general, the intraoperative size of the tumor was not significantly different from MRI - sizes: the medians of their differences were only + 5.5 mm and + 3.5 mm for the average and maximum MRT sizes. The calculated sensitivity and specificity of the method of MRTand CT in the assessment of artery invasion was 83.3% and 71.4% respectively, in the assessment of vein invasion - up to 50.0% and 42.9%, respectively. The combination of MRI and CT with intravenous contrast is the best option for planning surgical tactics today

    24 mJ Cr+4:forsterite four-stage master-oscillator power-amplifier laser system for high resolution mid-infrared spectroscopy

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    We present the design of a Cr:forsterite based single-frequency master-oscillator power-amplifier laser system delivering much higher output energy compared to previous literature reports. The system has four amplifying stages with two-pass configuration each, thus enabling the generation of 24 mJ output energy in the spectral region around 1262 nm. It is demonstrated that the presented Cr:forsterite amplifier preserves high spectral and pulse quality, allowing a straightforward energy scaling. This laser system is a promising tool for tunable nonlinear down-conversion to the mid-infrared spectral range and will be a key building block in a system for high-resolution muonic hydrogen spectroscopy in the 6.8 \u3bcm rang

    Is it possible to minimize the risk of immediate complications of pancreatoduodenal resection in patients with pathology of the pancreatic head, complicated with the syndrome of obstructive jaundice?

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    Питання щодо прогнозування та пошуку можливостей уникнення розвитку інтра- та ранніх післяопераційних ускладнень у хворих із вогнищевими захворюваннями біліопанкреатодуоденальної зони, ускладненими механічною жовтяницею, зниження періопераційної летальності у цієї складної в лікувальному плані категорії хворих лишаються вельми актуальними. Мета роботи – визначити оптимальні заходи щодо поліпшення безпосередніх результатів виконання панкреатодуоденальної резекції у хворих із вогнищевими захворюваннями біліопанкреатодуоденальної зони, ускладненими механічною жовтяницею.The issues of predicting and finding ways to avoid the origin of intraand early postoperative complications in patients with focal diseases of the biopancreatoduodenal area complicated by mechanical jaundice, reducing perioperative mortality in this challenging category of patients remain very relevant. The purpose of the work is to determine the optimal measures of the immediate results of pancreatoduodenal resection improving in patients with focal diseases of the biliopancreatoduodenal area complicated by mechanical jaundice

    Influence of membrane plasmapheresis on the course of endotoxemia in acute destructive pancreatitis

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    Проаналізовані результати комплексного лікування 147 хворих на гострий деструктивний панкреатит за період з 2006 по 2012 р. При застосуванні мембранного плазмаферезу спостерігали більш швидке зменшення вираженості больового синдрому, поліпшення загального стану пацієнтів. Активність амілази зменшилася на 53% до кінця 2-ї доби, спостерігали також зниження рівня сечовини та креатиніну відповідно на 62 та 56% у порівнянні з вихідним. Відзначене зменшення частоти гнійно-некротичних ускладнень з 32,8% - у контрольній групі до 15,4% - в основній; летальності – відповідно з 27,6 до 14,1%.The results of complex treatment analysis in147 patients with acute destructive pancreatitis from 2006 to 2012 was made. In membrane plasmapheresis application the reduction of pain and improvement of general condition observed rapidly. But the end of the second day the activity of amylase decreased by 53% urea and creatinine levels – by 62% and 56% compared with baseline. Decrease of necrotic suppurative complications rate in the main group - 15,4%, in control – 32,8%, mortality - accordinty 14,1% and 27,6 %

    Reconsruction—restoration operations in patients after obstructive resection of large bowel

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    Представлены результаты лечения 85 больных, у которых выведена колостома после обструктивной резекции толстой и прямой кишки (операции типа Гартманна). Предложены оптимальные сроки (2 мес после первого этапа) выполнения реконструктивно-восстановительной операции как важный фактор психологической и социальной реабилитации больных. Несостоятельность швов анастомоза возникла у 3 (3,5%) больных, умерли 2 больных.There were analyzed the results of treatment of 85 patients, in whom colostomy with obstructive resection of large bowel (Hartmann type operations) was performed. Optimal terms (two months after the first stage) of reconstruction—restoration operations were proposed as an important factor of social and psychological rehabilitation of the patients. The anastomosis sutures insufficiency have had occurred in 3 (3.5%) patients, two patients died

    Diagnostic and surgical aspects of the treatment of patients with cholelithiasis complicated by Mirizzi syndrome

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    В основу исследования положен анализ историй болезни и клинических наблюдений 65 больных с синдромом Мириззи. В работе использована классификация McSherry (1982). Первый тип синдрома Мириззи диагностирован у 2 больных при наличии сужения общего печеночного протока или общего желчного протока на уровне желчного пузыря или пузырного протока. Второй тип синдрома Мириззи установлен у 3 больных. Диагноз основывался на выявлении патологического свища между желчным пузырем или расширенным протоком пузыря и общим, часто с конкрементом в свище, печеночным или общим желчным протоком; или наличии холедохолитиаза с расширенным и выпрямленным протоком. Операцией выбора при синдроме Мириззи I типа была лапароскопическая холецистэктомия, при наличии свища предпочтение отдавалось «открытой» холецистэктомии с пластикой общего желчного протока на дренаже Кера. В отдельных случаях для лечения синдрома Мириззи было показано выполнение гепатикоеюноанастомоза.Operation of choice, MS and type, was laparoscopic cholecystectomy, if provided voles prefer “open” cholecystectomy with plastic common bile duct drainage in Kerala. In some cases, for the treatment of SM was shown chepatic jejunoanastomosis performance

    Treatment of an acute cholecystitis in patients with high perioperative risk using innovative lifting tecnology

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    У роботі представлено досвід хірургічного лікування гострого холециститу у хворих літнього і старечого віку. Лапароскопічну холецистектомію з мінімальним тиском виконано у 29 (51,8 %) хворих, у 27 (48,2 %) пацієнтів виконано лапароскопічну холецистектомію з використанням оригінальної лапароліфтингової системи. Використання нової технології ліфтингу дозволило розширити показання до виконання ендовідеохірургічних операцій у пацієнтів старшої вікової групи і поліпшити результати лікування даної категорії хворих.Experience of surgical treatment of an acute cholecystitis is represented for the patients of elderly and senile age. Laparosсopic cholecystectomy with minimum pressure is executed in 29 (51,8 %) patients, in 27 (48,2 %) patients laparoscopic cholecystectomy is executed with the use of the original laparolifting system. The use of new technology of lifting allowed to extend testimonies to implementation endovideosurgical operations for the patients of senior age-dependent group and to improve the results of treatment of this category of patients

    The genetic history of admixture across inner Eurasia

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Research via the DOI in this record.Data Availability. Genome-wide sequence data of two Botai individuals (BAM format) are available at the European Nucleotide Archive under the accession number PRJEB31152 (ERP113669). Eigenstrat format array genotype data of 763 present-day individuals and 1240K pulldown genotype data of two ancient Botai individuals are available at the Edmond data repository of the Max Planck Society (https://edmond.mpdl.mpg.de/imeji/collection/Aoh9c69DscnxSNjm?q=).The indigenous populations of inner Eurasia, a huge geographic region covering the central Eurasian steppe and the northern Eurasian taiga and tundra, harbor tremendous diversity in their genes, cultures and languages. In this study, we report novel genome-wide data for 763 individuals from Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. We furthermore report additional damage-reduced genome-wide data of two previously published individuals from the Eneolithic Botai culture in Kazakhstan (~5,400 BP). We find that present-day inner Eurasian populations are structured into three distinct admixture clines stretching between various western and eastern Eurasian ancestries, mirroring geography. The Botai and more recent ancient genomes from Siberia show a decrease in contribution from so-called “ancient North Eurasian” ancestry over time, detectable only in the northern-most “forest-tundra” cline. The intermediate “steppe-forest” cline descends from the Late Bronze Age steppe ancestries, while the “southern steppe” cline further to the South shows a strong West/South Asian influence. Ancient genomes suggest a northward spread of the southern steppe cline in Central Asia during the first millennium BC. Finally, the genetic structure of Caucasus populations highlights a role of the Caucasus Mountains as a barrier to gene flow and suggests a post-Neolithic gene flow into North Caucasus populations from the steppe.Max Planck SocietyEuropean Research Council (ERC)Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR)Russian Scientific FundNational Science FoundationU.S. National Institutes of HealthAllen Discovery CenterUniversity of OstravaCzech Ministry of EducationXiamen UniversityFundamental Research Funds for the Central UniversitiesMES R