503 research outputs found

    Indagine sul fenomeno della standardizzazione nelle produzioni ceramiche provinciali in epoca tardo romana. La forma Hayes 85

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    The aim of this paper is to determine the degree of standardization within certain Late Roman pottery productions. This research tried to outline a methodology to determine the standardisation degree of these samples and to unravel the measurement systems used in the production process. The morphometric characterization of each fragment allowed us to create different groups with a cluster analysis. The principal component analysis providedinformation that led us to a deeper understanding of the obtained groups. The coefficient of variation allowed us to determine the standardisation degree of the productions. Once all these data are known, we can approach to the possible measurement units that ruled the analysed production systems. We selected a form well represented in the ceramic contexts identified in the excavations of the Late Antique port-canal of Classe, the Hayes 85 small bowl. This vessel was considered a rare form in Hayes’ monumental book. New discoveries of the last ten years revealed how much we still have to understand about the characteristics of Late Roman productions, trade and distribution. With this in mind, we used a statistical method to analyse the main changes in the profile of this type and its variants

    New lanthanide phosphonates structures obtained using XRPD data

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    5 páginas, 2 figuras, 3 tablas.-- Trabajo presentado como póster a la 12th European Powder Diffraction Conference (EPDIC 2010).-- et al.Seven lanthanide diphosphonates, [H3N(CH2)4NH3]Ln[hedpH][hedpH2] (Ln = La, Pr, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Er; hedp = 1 hydroxyethylidenediphosphonate) have been synthesized with 1,4-diaminobutane as the template. The structures were obtained starting from the known X-ray single crystal model of lanthanum compound, with the X-ray powder diffraction data for these seven compounds. H-atoms were introduced using geometrical considerations. Rietveld fits of the experimental diffractograms confirm the isostructurality of all compounds in the series, and show the different behaviour between the two distances M-M existing in the structures.Financial support from Spanish MICINN (MAT2006-01997, MAT2010-15095 and ‘Factoría de Cristalización’ Consolider Ingenio 2010), Un-iversidad de Oviedo and Banco Santander is acknowledged. FEDER support is also acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Vertical Vibration Response of Footbridges with Fundamental Natural Frequency up to 10 Hz under Dynamic Loading by Single Pedestrian

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from ASCE via the DOI in this recordData Availability Statement: Some or all data, models, or code that support the findings of this study as well as simulation results (Matlab) used in sections “Sensitivity analysis” and “Design spectrum” are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.A design spectrum of characteristic acceleration response to pedestrian-induced dynamic loading has been developed for footbridge structures. The novelty of the proposed spectrum over the existing spectra is that: (1) it is underpinned by a recently developed comprehensive statistical model of pedestrian dynamic loading; (2) it is applicable to a broader natural frequency range of structures up to 10 Hz; and (3) it accounts for uncertainties in both dynamic loading and structure dynamics that are typically encountered in structural design. In addition, the importance of correct modeling of pedestrian's walking speed and narrow-band nature of the force signal has been demonstrated. Comparison with the design spectra recommended in contemporary design codes reveals that the existing approaches are not being applicable for structures with natural frequency in the range of third, fourth, and fifth harmonic of the dynamic force. In addition, they could both underestimate and overestimate the structural response for lower-frequency structures. The proposed design spectrum is a design tool applicable to structures whose mode shape can be approximated by half-sine, span length between 12.5 and 100 m, and damping ratio between 0.25% and 2%.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO

    Results on main cephalopods from the 2021 Spanish Ground Fish Survey on the Porcupine bank (NE Atlantic) (Division 7c and 7k)

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    This working document presents the results of the most significant cephalopods caught on the Porcupine Spanish Groundfish Survey (SP-PORC-Q3) in 2021. Biomass, abundance, geographical distribution and length frequencies for Eledone cirrhosa (horned octopus), Bathypolypus sponsalis (globose octopus), Todarodes sagittatus (European flying squid), Todaropsis eblanae (lesser flying squid), Loligo forbesi (veined squid), Illex coindetii (broadtail shortfin squid), Rossia macrosoma (stout bobtail squid) and other scarce cephalopods have been analysed. The species E. cirrhosa, R. macrosoma and L. forbesi increased in terms of biomass and abundance, especially R. macrosoma, reaching the highest biomass value in the time series, whereas T. sagitattus increased only in abundance terms but decreased slightly in biomass terms. In contrast, T. eblanae and B. sponsalis decreased strongly after the high values of the previous two years, as did I. coindetii. Most of the usually scarce species increased their biomass, with the exception of H. reversa

    Results on Merluccius merluccius (hake), Lophius budegassa (black anglerfish) and Lophius piscatorius (white anglerfish), Lepidorhombus boscii (four-spot megrim) and Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis (megrim) from the 2021 Spanish Ground Fish Survey on the Porcupine bank (NE Atlantic)

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    This working document presents the results of Merluccius merluccius (hake), Lophius budegassa (black anglerfish), Lophius piscatorius (white anglerfish), Lepidorhombus boscii (four-spot megrim) and Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis (megrim) caught on the Porcupine Spanish Groundfish Survey (SP-PORC-Q3) in 2021. Biomass, abundance, distribution and length frequency were analysed. Biomass indices of these target species increased in this last survey, except for L. piscatorius and recruitment increased for all of them, except for M. merluccius

    Results on main elasmobranch species captured during the 2001-2010 Porcupine Bank (NE Atlantic) bottom trawl surveys

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    This paper presents the results on nine of the most important elasmobranch fish species of the Porcupine bank Spanish surveys during the last decade (2001-2010). The main species in the captures in decreasing biomass order are: blackmouth catshark, birdbeak dogfish, knifetooth dogfish, velvet belly, lesser spotted dogfish, bluntnose sixgill shark, sandy ray, cuckoo ray and common skate. Manyof these species occupy mainly the deep areas covered in the survey,especially birdbeak dogfish, knifetooth dogfish and velvet belly. Less confined to deeper grounds are blackmouth catshark and sandy ray, while lesser spotted dogfish and cuckoo ray inhabit mainly the shallowergrounds close to the Irish shelf or the central mound in the bank. Length distributions of these species along the survey series are also presented and discussed. The few available data on siki sharks from the Porcupine bank survey are also summarized.Versión del edito

    Results on silver smelt (Argentina silus and A. sphyraena), bluemouth (Helicolenus dactylopterus), greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides), roughsnout grenadier (Trachyrincus scabrus), Spanish ling and ling (Molva macrophthalma and Molva molva) from the Porcupine Bank Survey (NE Atlantic)

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    This working document presents the results of the most significant deep fish species caught in 2020 on the Porcupine Spanish Groundfish Survey (SP-PORC-Q3). Biomass, abundance, geographical distribution and length ranges were analysed for silver smelt (Argentina silus and A. sphyraena), bluemouth (Helicolenus dactylopterus), greater fork-beard (Phycis blennoides), roughsnout grenadier (Trachyrincus scabrus), Spanish ling and ling (Molva macrophthalma and Molva molva) and other scarce deep sea species. The biomass of most of these species decreased this last survey, only A. silus and P. blennoides increased, althought H. dactylopterus increased in abundance. Signs of recruitment have been found for H. dactylopterus and T. scabrus

    Results on haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), whiting (Merlangius merlangius) and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) from the Porcupine Bank Survey (NE Atlantic)

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    This working document presents the results on haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), whiting (Merlangius merlangius) and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) caught in the Porcupine Spanish Groundfish Survey (SP-PORC-Q3) in 2020. Biomass, abundance, distribution and length frequency were analysed. M. aeglefinus remained low in the study area, although it increased slightly, but M. merlangius grew strongly and reached the highest values in the time series. No signs of recruits for neither two species were found. In addition, the incidental species Pleuronectes platessa and Solea solea were not found in 2020 and Pollachius pollachius has never been caught in the time series. The crustacean N. norvergicus fell sharply this last survey, although the mean individual weight was slightly higher than in previous years since 2016

    Results on silver smelt (Argentina silus and A. sphyraena), bluemouth (Helicolenus dactylopterus), greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides), roughsnout grenadier (Trachyrincus scabrus), Spanish ling and ling (Molva macrophthalma and Molva molva) from the 2021 Porcupine Bank Survey (NE Atlantic)

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    This working document presents the results of the most significant deep fish species caught in 2021 on the Porcupine Spanish Groundfish Survey (SP-PORC-Q3). Biomass, abundance, geographical distribution and length ranges were analysed for silver smelt (Argentina silus and A. sphyraena), bluemouth (Helicolenus dactylopterus), greater fork-beard (Phycis blennoides), roughsnout grenadier (Trachyrincus scabrus), Spanish ling and ling (Molva macrophthalma and Molva molva) and other scarce deep sea species. Both the biomass and abundance of A. sillus fell sharply in this last survey whereas A. sphyraena and T. scabrus decreased slightly. However P. blennoides and especially H. dactylopterus have increased. The species M. molva and M. macrophtalma have remained quite similar values to the previous year. Signs of recruitment have been found for P. blennoides, M. macrophtalma and H. dactylopterus