384 research outputs found

    Comparative proteomic profiling of myofibrillar proteins in dry-cured ham with different proteolysis indices and adhesiveness

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    Excessive proteolysis during dry-cured ham processing may lead to high adhesiveness and consumer dissatisfaction. The aim of this research is to identify biomarkers for proteolysis and adhesiveness. Two hundred biceps femoris porcine muscle samples from Spanish dry-cured ham were firstly evaluated for various physicochemical parameters, including their proteolysis indices and instrumental adhesiveness. Proteins of samples with extreme proteolysis indices were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis and identified by tandem mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF). We found that hams of higher proteolysis index had statistically significant increased adhesiveness. Proteomic analysis revealed statistically significant qualitative and quantitative differences between sample groups. Thus, protein fragments increased remarkably in samples with higher proteolysis index scores. In addition, higher proteolysis index hams showed increased degradation for a total of five non-redundant myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins. However, myosin-1, α-actin and myosin-4 proteins were the biomarkers that underwent the most intense response to proteolysis and adhesiveness.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Primeros datos polínicos de la secuencia "fuentillejo-1" de la laguna del Maar de Fuentillejo (Campo de Calatrava, Ciudad Real)

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    XV lnternational A.P.L.E. Symposium of Palynolog

    Using Process Mining to Analyze Time-Distribution of Self-Assessment and Formative Assessment Exercises on an Online Learning Tool

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    The study of the relationships between self-regulated learning and formative assessment is an active line of research in the educational community. A recent review of the literature highlights that the study of these connections has been mainly unidirectional, focusing on how formative assessment helps students to self-regulate their learning, being much less explored the effect of self-regulated learning strategies on formative assessment. In this context, analyzing automatically captured students’ activities within online learning tools can provide us further insights on the interactions between these two topics. More specifically, this article examines the activity traces of 382 students who used an online tool to learn a programming language. The tool incorporates review exercises for promoting self-assessment (an important self-regulated learning strategy). Furthermore, the tool is used in supervised laboratories where students receive formative assessment. This study uses process mining techniques to analyze the temporal component of student behavior in both types of activities, their interaction, and how self-assessment relates to formative assessment. Some key lessons are learned: activities promoting self-assessment significantly improved students’ involvement in formative assessment activities; increasing selfassessment cannot compensate for a lack of effort in formative assessment. We also underline that, to the best of our knowledge, to date no research has used process mining to consider the time component in the analysis of the relationships between formative assessment and self-assessment

    Optimal conditions for observing Josephson oscillations in a double-well Bose-gas condensate

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    The Josephson oscillations between condensates in a double-well trap are known theoretically to be strongly effected by the mean field interaction in dilute atomic gases. The most important effect is that the amplitude of oscillation in the relative population of the two wells is greatly suppressed due to the mean field interaction, which can make it difficult to observe the Josephson effect. Starting from the work of Raghavan, Smerzi, Fantoni, and Shenoy, we calculate the maximum amplitude of oscillation in the relative population as a function of various physical parameters, such as the trap aspect ratio, the Gaussian barrier height and width, and the total number of atoms in the condensate. We also compare results for 23{}^{23}Na and 87{}^{87}Rb. Our main new result is that the maximum amplitude of oscillation depends strongly on the aspect ratio of the harmonic trap and can be maximized in a ``pancake'' trap, as used in the experiment of Anderson and Kasevich.Comment: 8 pages with 5 embeded figure

    Optimising models for prediction of tropospheric scintillation on satellite links

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    A phenomenon that also causes impairment in the received signal strength of the RF signal in satellite links operating at frequencies above 10 GHz, especially in those systems that operate at higher frequencies with small fade margins, is the tropospheric scintillation that occurs in the lower layer of the troposphere. In order to estimate the intensity, i.e. the variance between the scintillation amplitude fluctuations, there are several models in the literature, whose accuracy depends on the locality in which the models are implemented. In this Letter, new models are developed for the prediction of tropospheric scintillation that adjusts to localities in Spain, specifically Madrid city, based on measurements of the aforementioned phenomenon reported from Spain and the bios-inspired technique Cuckoo Search (CS). The results obtained, evaluated in terms of the root mean square error, were totally satisfactory, being the most outstanding cases the improved versions of the Ortgies-T, Statistical Temperature and Humidity 2 and Statistical Temperature and Refractivity 2 models

    Identification of arid phases during the last 50 kyr Cal BP from the Fuentillejo maar lacustrine record (Campo de Calatrava Volcanic Field, Spain).

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    Geochemical (element analysis, molecular analysis of organic compounds), physical, palynological, mineralogical and sedimentary facies analysis were performed to characterise the sedimentary record in Fuentillejo maar-lake in the Central Spanish Volcanic Field of Campo de Calatrava, in order to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic processes which controlled vegetation patterns and deposition of different sedimentary facies. The upper 20 m of core FUENT-1 show variations in clastic input, water chemistry, vegetation and organic fraction sources in the lake throughout the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. The temporal framework provided by14C accelerator mass spectrometry dating allows assigning the sequence to the last 50 cal. ka BP. Arid phases identified in the FUENT-1 sequence are correlated to Heinrich events (HE) and to stadials of the Dansgaard/Oeschger (D/O) cycles. Siliciclastic facies with high magnetic susceptibility values, high Juniperus pollen content, a low Paq index (aquatic macrophysics proxy index), a decrease in the relative percentage of the n-C27 and an increase in the n-C31 alkanes are indicative of arid and colder climatic events related to HE 2, HE 1 and the Younger Dryas (YD). Similar short cold and arid phases during the Holocene were identified at 9.2–8.6, 7.5–7 and 5.5–5 cal. ka BP. In dolomite–mud facies, the pollen data show an increase in the herbs component, mainly – Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia andEphedra – steppe taxa; a low Paq index, a decrease in the relative percentage of the n-C27 alkane and an increase in the n-C31 alkane are also observed. This facies was probably the result of lower lake levels and more saline–alkaline conditions, which can be interpreted as linked to arid–warm periods. These warm and arid phases were more frequent during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 and the interstadials of MIS 2. HE 4, HE 2, HE 1 and the YD in core FUENT-1 were immediately followed by increases of warm steppe pollen assemblages that document rapid warming similar to the D/O cycles but do not imply increasing humidity in the area. Fuentillejo hydrology is controlled by changes in the atmospheric and oceanic systems that operated on the North Atlantic region at millennial scale during the last 50 cal. ka B

    Identificación de episodios climáticos fríos mediante el registro de susceptibilidad magnética en la secuencia lacustre del maar de Fuentillejo (Ciudad Real).

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    Resumen: El maar de Fuentillejo está localizado en la Región Volcánica Central de Campo de Calatrava (Ciudad Real). Desde su inicio se ha comportado como un sistema cerrado y presenta una potencia total de 142 m de sedimentos lacustres, organizados en 23 unidades sedimentarias. Se ha realizado un estudio de la susceptibilidad magnética y densidad aparente de los sedimentos, mediante un equipo de testificación multisensor Geotek. Para obtener la edad del registro se han efectuado dataciones absolutas mediante radiocarbono, U-Th y con el estudio de polaridad magnética, obteniéndose un modelo de edad que permite datar el sondeo FUENT-1 en torno a los 350 ka. Los datos del registro de susceptibilidad magnética, junto con las dataciones efectuadas, permiten identificar una secuencia de eventos erosivos relacionados con los últimos estadios glaciares (LGM: Ultimo Máximo Glaciar y los estadios isotópicos MIS 6 y 8). El registro de susceptibilidad magnética se encuentra atenuado por procesos de disolución de los óxidos de Fe-Ti. Abstract: The Fuentillejo maar is located in the Central Spanish Volcanic Field of Campo de Calatrava (Ciudad Real). Fuentillejo maar-lake was a closed system where up to 142 m depth of lacustrine sediments were deposited. Magnetic susceptibility and bulk density were measured by a GEOTEK multisensor core logger. The chronological framework was constructed based on radiocarbon and U-Th methods, as well as a detailed study of magnetic polarity, yielding an age model that covers last 350 ka. Intervals with terrigenous sediments correspond to high magnetic susceptibility values. These intervals were correlated with erosive events during the Last Glacial Maximum and the MIS 6 and 8 isotopic stages. The record of magnetic susceptibility is attenuated by disolution processes of Fe-Ti oxides

    Calibration of Hydrus-3D model for drip irrigation on stratified soil for intensive agriculture (sand covered soil)

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    [EN] The development of the wet bulb under drip irrigation in sand covered soils presents a different behavior from that observed under homogeneous soils. The presence of a very active crop also imposes a series of variations that have not been fully characterized. The aim of this work is to present the data acquisition methodology and the necessary precautions to obtain a model that accurately defines the evolution of moisture in wet bulbs generated in sanded soils characteristic of intensive horticultural crops. The procedure for collecting and processing moisture data in stratified soils has been defined. The soil and permeability curve has been adjusted experimentally for each material. It has been proved that the Hydrus-3D model can reproduce the behavior of a sand covered soils and it has been possible to verify that the predictions are adequate to what has been observed in the field.[ES] El desarrollo del bulbo mojado bajo riego localizado en suelos enarenados presenta un comportamiento diferente del observado bajo suelos homogéneos. La presencia de un cultivo muy activo, también impone una serie de variaciones que no han sido plenamente caracterizadas. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la metodología de adquisición de datos y las precauciones necesarias para obtener un modelo que defina con precisión la evolución de la humedad en los bulbos húmedos generados en suelos enarenados característicos de los cultivos hortícolas intensivos. Se ha definido el procedimiento de toma y procesado de datos de humedad en suelos estratificados. Se ha ajustado experimentalmente la curva de retención de humedad del suelo y permeabilidad para cada material. Se ha comprobado que el modelo Hydrus-3D puede reproducir el comportamiento de un suelo enarenado y se ha podido comprobar que las predicciones son adecuadas a lo observado en campo.INIA, Proyecto RTA2015-00029-C02-02, Gestión Sostenible del Regadío en la Agricultura Intensiva de AndalucíaZapata-Sierra, A.; Roldán-Cañas, J.; Reyes-Requena, R.; Moreno-Pérez, M. (2021). Calibración del Modelo Hydrus-3D para el riego localizado en suelos estratificados con cultivo intensivo (enarenado). Ingeniería del agua. 25(1):1-14. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2021.13159OJS114251Amin, M.S.M., Ekhmaj, A.I.M. 2006. DIPAC-drip irrigation water distribution pattern calculator. 7th Int. Micro Irrigation Congress, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10-12.Arbat, G., Puig-Bargués, J., Duran-Ros, M., Barragan, J., Cartagena, F. 2013. Drip-Irriwater: Computer software to simulate soil wetting patterns under surface drip irrigation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 98, 183-192. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2013.08.009Bouyoucos, G.J. 1936. Directions for making mechanical analysis of soils by the hydrometer method. Soil Science, 42, 225-230. https://doi.org/10.1097/00010694-193609000-00007Brooks, R., Corey, T. 1964. Hydraulic properties of porous media. Hydrology Papers nº 3, Fort Collings. Colorado State University.Chu, S.T. 1994. Geen-Ampt Analysis of wetting patterns for surface emitters. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 120(2), 414-421. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(1994)120:2(414)Fernández, J.E., Moreno, F., Cabrera, F., Arrue, J.L., Martín-Aranda, J. 1991. Drip irrigation, soil characteristics and the root distribution and root activity of olive trees. Plant and soil, 133(2), 239-251. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00009196Karmeli, D., Peri, G., Todes, M. 1985. Irrigation Systems: Design and Operation. Ed. Oxford University Press. Cape Town. Newman, E. 1966. A Method of Estimating the Total Length of Root in a Sample. Journal of Applied Ecology, 3(1), 139-145. https://doi.org/10.2307/2401670Pérez, J., López, J., Fernández, M.D. 2002. La agricultura del sureste: situación actual y tendencias de las estructuras de producción en la horticultura almeriense, 2a. edición Madrid: Editorial Caja Rural Intermediterránea.Schwartzman, M., Zur, B. 1986. Emitter spacing and geometry ofwetted soil volume. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering,112(3), 242-253. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(1986)112:3(242)Šimunek, J., Van Genuchten, M.T., Šejna, M. 2012. HYDRUS: Model use, calibration, and validation. Transactions of the ASABE, 55(4), 1263-1274. https://doi.org/10.13031/2013.42239Van Genuchten, M.T. 1980. A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils 1. Soil science society of America journal, 44(5), 892-898. https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj1980.03615995004400050002xVrugt, J., Hopmans, J., Šimunek, J. 2001a. Calibration of a two-dimensional root water uptake model. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 65(4), 1027-1037. https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2001.6541027xVrugt, J.A., Van Wijk, M.T., Hopmans, J.W., Šimunek, J. 2001b. One-, two-, and three-dimensional root water uptake functions for transient modeling. Water Resources Research, 37(10), 2457-2470. https://doi.org/10.1029/2000WR000027Willmott, C.J. 1981, On the Validation of Models. Physical Geography, 2(2), 184-194. https://doi.org/10.1080/02723646.1981.10642213Zapata-Sierra, A.J., López-Segura, J.G., Cánovas-Fernández, G., Baeza-Cano, R. 2018. Caracterización del bulbo mojado por un gotero en suelos arenados mediante sondas fdr. XXXVI Congreso Nacional de Riegos, Valladolid, 2018, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.25028/CNRiegos.2018.A21Zapata-Sierra, A.J., Contreras, J., Usero, F., Baeza, R. 2015. Influencia de la textura del suelo en los bulbos húmedos desarrollados en suelo enarenado con emisores de riego localizado de bajo caudal. XXXIII Congreso Nacional de Riegos Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia 2015, 74-84. https://doi.org/10.4995/CNRiegos.2015.143

    Demo: Results of 'iCaveats', a Project on the Integration of Architectures and Components for Embedded Vision

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    iCaveats is a Project on the integration of components and architectures for embedded vision in transport and security applications. A compact and efficient implementation of autonomous vision systems is difficult to be accomplished by using the conventional image processing chain. In this project we have targeted alternative approaches, that exploit the inherent parallelism in the visual stimulus, and hierarchical multilevel optimization. A set of demos showcase the advances at sensor level, in adapted architectures for signal processing and in power management and energy harvesting.Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad de España (MINECO) y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo de las Regiones (FEDER)-‘iCaveats’ TEC2015-66878-C3-1-R, TEC2015-66878-C3-2-R y TEC2015-66878-C3-3-RJunta de Andalucía-‘SmartCIS3D’ TIC 2338-2013FEDER- 2016-2019, ED431G/08 y 2017-2020, ED431C 2017/69Agencia Ejecutiva Europea de Investigación (EU-REA)-‘Achieve’ H2020 MSCAITN 2017 N° 76586