1,422 research outputs found

    General Relativistic Magnetospheres of Slowly Rotating and Oscillating Magnetized Neutron Stars

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    We study the magnetosphere of a slowly rotating magnetized neutron star subject to toroidal oscillations in the relativistic regime. Under the assumption of a zero inclination angle between the magnetic moment and the angular momentum of the star, we analyze the Goldreich-Julian charge density and derive a second-order differential equation for the electrostatic potential. The analytical solution of this equation in the polar cap region of the magnetosphere shows the modification induced by stellar toroidal oscillations on the accelerating electric field and on the charge density. We also find that, after decomposing the oscillation velocity in terms of spherical harmonics, the first few modes with m=0,1m=0,1 are responsible for energy losses that are almost linearly dependent on the amplitude of the oscillation and that, for the mode (l,m)=(2,1)(l,m)=(2,1), can be a factor ∌8\sim8 larger than the rotational energy losses, even for a velocity oscillation amplitude at the star surface as small as η=0.05 Ω R\eta=0.05 \ \Omega \ R. The results obtained in this paper clarify the extent to which stellar oscillations are reflected in the time variation of the physical properties at the surface of the rotating neutron star, mainly by showing the existence of a relation between PP˙P\dot{P} and the oscillation amplitude. Finally, we propose a qualitative model for the explanation of the phenomenology of intermittent pulsars in terms of stellar oscillations that are periodically excited by star glitches.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Quark propagator in a covariant gauge

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    Using mean--field improved gauge field configurations, we compare the results obtained for the quark propagator from Wilson fermions and Overlap fermions on a \3 lattice at a spacing of a=0.125(2)a=0.125(2) fm.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figures, talk given by F.D.R. Bonnet at LHP 2001 workshop, Cairns, Australi

    Improved Smoothing Algorithms for Lattice Gauge Theory

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    The relative smoothing rates of various gauge field smoothing algorithms are investigated on O(a2){\cal O}(a^2)-improved \suthree Yang--Mills gauge field configurations. In particular, an O(a2){\cal O}(a^2)-improved version of APE smearing is motivated by considerations of smeared link projection and cooling. The extent to which the established benefits of improved cooling carry over to improved smearing is critically examined. We consider representative gauge field configurations generated with an O(a2){\cal O}(a^2)-improved gauge field action on \1 lattices at ÎČ=4.38\beta=4.38 and \2 lattices at ÎČ=5.00\beta=5.00 having lattice spacings of 0.165(2) fm and 0.077(1) fm respectively. While the merits of improved algorithms are clearly displayed for the coarse lattice spacing, the fine lattice results put the various algorithms on a more equal footing and allow a quantitative calibration of the smoothing rates for the various algorithms. We find the relative rate of variation in the action may be succinctly described in terms of simple calibration formulae which accurately describe the relative smoothness of the gauge field configurations at a microscopic level

    Light-Quark FLIC Fermion Simulations of the 1−+1^{-+} Exotic Meson

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    We investigate the mass of the 1−+1^{-+} exotic meson, created with hybrid interpolating fields. Access to light quark masses approaching 25 MeV is facilitated by the use of the Fat-Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) fermion action, and large (203×4020^3 \times 40) lattices. Our results indicate that the 1−+1^{-+} exotic exhibits significant curvature close to the chiral limit, and yield a 1−+1^{-+} mass in agreement with the π1(1600)\pi_1 (1600) candidate and exclusive of the π1(1400)\pi_1 (1400).Comment: 6 pages, 1 table, 2 figures, talk given at Lattice '05. Removed unccessary figure

    Light quark electromagnetic structure of baryons

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    Fascinating aspects of the light quark-mass behavior of baryon electromagnetic form factors are highlighted. Using FLIC fermions on 203×4020^3 \times 40 quenched O(a2){\cal O}(a^2)-improved gauge fields, we explore charge radii and magnetic moments at pion masses as light as 300 MeV. Of particular interest is chiral curvature of proton charge radii and magnetic moments, the environmental dependence of strange quark properties in hyperons, and the remarkable signature of quenched chiral-nonanalytic behavior in the magnetic moment of Δ\Delta baryon resonances.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Presented at the 24th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2006), Tucson, Arizona, 23-28 Jul 200

    Precision electromagnetic structure of decuplet baryons in the chiral regime

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    The electromagnetic properties of the baryon decuplet are calculated in quenched QCD on a 20^3 x 40 lattice with a lattice spacing of 0.128 fm using the fat-link irrelevant clover (FLIC) fermion action with quark masses providing a pion mass as low as 300 MeV. Magnetic moments and charge radii are extracted from the electric and magnetic form factors for each individual quark sector. From these, the corresponding baryon properties are constructed. We present results for the higher order moments of the spin-3/2 baryons, including the electric quadrupole moment E2 and the magnetic octupole moment M3. The world's first determination of a non-zero M3 form factor for the Delta baryon is presented. With these results we provide a conclusive analysis which shows that decuplet baryons are deformed. We compare the decuplet baryon results from a similar lattice calculation of the octet baryons. We establish that the environment sensitivity is far less pronounced in the case of the decuplet baryons compared to that in the octet baryons. A surprising result is that the charge radii of the decuplet baryons are generally smaller than that of the octet baryons. The magnetic moment of the Delta^+ reveals a turn over in the low quark mass region, making it smaller than the proton magnetic moment. These results are consistent with the expectations of quenched chiral perturbation theory. A similar turn over is also noticed in the magnetic moment of the Sigma^*0, but not for Xi^* where only kaon loops can appear in quenched QCD. The electric quadrupole moment of the Omega^- baryon is positive when the negative charge factor is included, and is equal to 0.86 +- 0.12 x 10^-2 fm^2, indicating an oblate shape.Comment: 30 pages, 32 figure

    Efficient operators for studying higher partial waves

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    An extended multi-hadron operator is developed to extract the spectra of irreducible representations in the finite volume. The irreducible representations of the cubic group are projected using a coordinate-space operator. The correlation function of this operator is computationally efficient to extract lattice spectra. In particular, this new formulation only requires propagator inversions from two distinct locations, at fixed physical separation. We perform a proof-of-principle study on a 243×4824^3 \times 48 lattice volume with mπ≈900m_\pi\approx 900~MeV by isolating the spectra of A1+A^+_1, E+E^+ and T2+T^+_2 of the ππ\pi\pi system with isospin-2 in the rest frame.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, Contribution to the conference Lattice201

    Precision Electromagnetic Structure of Octet Baryons in the Chiral Regime

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    The electromagnetic properties of the baryon octet are calculated in quenched QCD on a 20^3 x 40 lattice with a lattice spacing of 0.128 fm using the fat-link irrelevant clover (FLIC) fermion action. FLIC fermions enable simulations to be performed efficiently at quark masses as low as 300 MeV. By combining FLIC fermions with an improved-conserved vector current, we ensure that discretisation errors occur only at O(a^2) while maintaining current conservation. Magnetic moments and electric and magnetic radii are extracted from the electric and magnetic form factors for each individual quark sector. From these, the corresponding baryon properties are constructed. Our results are compared extensively with the predictions of quenched chiral perturbation theory. We detect substantial curvature and environment sensitivity of the quark contributions to electric charge radii and magnetic moments in the low quark mass region. Furthermore, our quenched QCD simulation results are in accord with the leading non-analytic behaviour of quenched chiral perturbation theory, suggesting that the sum of higher-order terms makes only a small contribution to chiral curvature.Comment: 29 pages, 33 figures, 20 table

    Gluons, quarks, and the transition from nonperturbative to perturbative QCD

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    Lattice-based investigations of two fundamental QCD quantities are described, namely the gluon and quark propagators in Landau gauge. We have studied the Landau gauge gluon propagator using a variety of lattices with spacings from a = 0.17 to 0.41 fm. We demonstrate that it is possible to obtain scaling behavior over a very wide range of momenta and lattice spacings and to explore the infinite volume and continuum limits. These results confirm that the Landau gauge gluon propagator is infrared finite. We study the Landau gauge quark propagator in quenched QCD using two forms of the O(a)-improved propagator and we find good agreement between these. The extracted value of the infrared quark mass in the chiral limit is found to be 300 +/- 30 MeV. We conclude that the momentum regime where the transition from nonperturbative to perturbative QCD occurs is Q^2 approx 4GeV^2.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Talk presented by AGW at the Workshop on Lepton Scattering, Hadrons and QCD, March 26-April 5, 2001, CSSM, Adelaide, Australia. To appear in the proceeding

    FLIC Fermions and Hadron Phenomenology

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    A pedagogical overview of the formulation of the Fat Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) fermion action and its associated phenomenology is described. The scaling analysis indicates FLIC fermions provide a new form of nonperturbative O(a) improvement where near-continuum results are obtained at finite lattice spacing. Spin-1/2 and spin-3/2, even and odd parity baryon resonances are investigated in quenched QCD, where the nature of the Roper resonance and Lambda(1405) are of particular interest. FLIC fermions allow efficient access to the light quark-mass regime, where evidence of chiral nonanalytic behavior in the Delta-baryon mass is observed.Comment: Invited plenary session talk at QNP 2002, International Conference on Quark-Nuclear Physics, 9-14 June 2002, Forschungszentrum Julich, German
