649 research outputs found

    Supraorganized Collagen Enhances Schwann Cell Reactivity And Organization In Vitro.

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    We investigated the reactivity and expression of basal lamina collagen by Schwann cells (SCs) cultivated on a supraorganized bovine-derived collagen substrate. SC cultures were obtained from sciatic nerves of neonatal Sprague-Dawley rats and seeded on 24-well culture plates containing collagen substrate. The homogeneity of the cultures was evaluated with an SC marker antibody (anti-S-100). After 1 week, the cultures were fixed and processed for immunocytochemistry by using antibodies against type IV collagen, S-100 and p75NTR (pan neurotrophin receptor) and for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Positive labeling with antibodies to the cited molecules was observed, indicating that the collagen substrate stimulates SC alignment and adhesion (collagen IV labeling - organized collagen substrate: 706.33 ± 370.86, non-organized collagen substrate: 744.00 ± 262.09; S-100 labeling - organized collagen: 3809.00 ± 120.28, non-organized collagen: 3026.00 ± 144.63, P < 0.05) and reactivity (p75NTR labeling - organized collagen: 2156.33 ± 561.78, non-organized collagen: 1424.00 ± 405.90, P < 0.05; means ± standard error of the mean in absorbance units). Cell alignment and adhesion to the substrate were confirmed by SEM analysis. The present results indicate that the collagen substrate with an aligned suprastructure, as seen by polarized light microscopy, provides an adequate scaffold for SCs, which in turn may increase the efficiency of the nerve regenerative process after in vivo repair.44682-

    A new FSA approach for in situ γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy

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    An increasing demand of environmental radioactivity monitoring comes both from the scientific community and from the society. This requires accurate, reliable and fast response preferably from portable radiation detectors. Thanks to recent improvements in the technology, γ\gamma-spectroscopy with sodium iodide scintillators has been proved to be an excellent tool for in-situ measurements for the identification and quantitative determination of γ\gamma-ray emitting radioisotopes, reducing time and costs. Both for geological and civil purposes not only 40^{40}K, 238^{238}U, and 232^{232}Th have to be measured, but there is also a growing interest to determine the abundances of anthropic elements, like 137^{137}Cs and 131^{131}I, which are used to monitor the effect of nuclear accidents or other human activities. The Full Spectrum Analysis (FSA) approach has been chosen to analyze the γ\gamma-spectra. The Non Negative Least Square (NNLS) and the energy calibration adjustment have been implemented in this method for the first time in order to correct the intrinsic problem related with the χ2\chi ^2 minimization which could lead to artifacts and non physical results in the analysis. A new calibration procedure has been developed for the FSA method by using in situ γ\gamma-spectra instead of calibration pad spectra. Finally, the new method has been validated by acquiring γ\gamma-spectra with a 10.16 cm x 10.16 cm sodium iodide detector in 80 different sites in the Ombrone basin, in Tuscany. The results from the FSA method have been compared with the laboratory measurements by using HPGe detectors on soil samples collected in the different sites, showing a satisfactory agreement between them. In particular, the 137^{137}Cs isotopes has been implemented in the analysis since it has been found not negligible during the in-situ measurements.Comment: accepted by Science of Total Environment: 8 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    The M3A multi-sensor buoy network of the Mediterranean Sea

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    International audienceA network of three multi-sensor timeseries stations able to deliver real time physical and biochemical observations of the upper thermocline has been developed for the needs of the Mediterranean Forecasting System during the MFSTEP project. They follow the experience of the prototype M3A system that was developed during the MFSPP project and has been tested during a pilot pre-operational period of 22 months (2000?2001). The systems integrate sensors for physical (temperature, salinity, turbidity, current speed and direction) as well as optical and chemical observations (dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll-a, PAR, nitrate). The south Aegean system (E1-M3A) follows a modular design using independent mooring lines and collects biochemical data in the upper 100 m and physical data in the upper 500 m of the water column. The south Adriatic buoy system (E2-M3A) uses similar instrumentation but on a single mooring line and also tests a new method of pumping water samples from relatively deep layers, performing analysis in the protected ''dry'' environment of the buoy interior. The Ligurian Sea system (W1-M3A) is an ideal platform for air-sea interaction processes since it hosts a large number of meteorological sensors while its ocean instrumentation, with real time transmission capabilities, is confined in the upper 50 m layer. Despite their different architecture, the three systems have common sampling strategy, quality control and data management procedures. The network operates in the Mediterranean Sea since autumn 2004 collecting timeseries data for calibration and validation of the forecasting system as well for process studies of regional dynamics

    Soybean seed protein concentration is limited by nitrogen supply in tropical and subtropical environments in Brazil

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    Soybean production contributes to ca. 60% of global plant-based protein used for food and feed. Brazil is the largest soybean producer and exporter, with 60% from tropical and 40% from subtropical environments. Nitrogen (N) can play an essential role in the storage of proteins in seeds; thus, it could be a key factor in increasing the quantity and quality of seeds in high-yielding soybean crops. Unlike in temperate environments, there is a gap of knowledge on whether soybean grown under tropical and subtropical climates are limited by N-fertilization to sustain the seed yield increase without detriments in seed protein concentration. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of N-fertilization on soybean seed yield, protein, and oil concentrations in tropical and subtropical environments in Brazil, thus contributing to agricultural intensification procedures and food security studies. Two levels of N-fertilization (0 and 1000 ka/ha) were tested across 11 tropical or subtropical environments. The range of latitudes explored here was from 12º S to 29º S, representing the major soybean-producing regions in Brazil either under rainfed or irrigated conditions. We found that seed yield responses to N-fertilization were significant (in some environments under rainfed with an average increase of 7%) or not significant (in irrigated). Seed protein increases due to improved N-fertilization (on average 4% for irrigated and 12% for rainfed conditions) were much higher than previous reports from temperate environments. Regardless of N supply and water deficit, there was a trend of seed protein and oil concentration increasing toward lower latitudes

    Glatiramer Acetate Treatment Increases Stability Of Spinal Synapses And Down Regulates Mhc I During The Course Of Eae.

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    The recent discovery that the major histocompatibility complex of class I (MHC I) expression has a role in the synaptic elimination process, represented an insight into understanding the cross talk between neurons. In the present study, the possibility that glatiramer acetate (GA) treatment influences the MHC class I expression and the synaptic plasticity process in the spinal cord during the course of EAE was investigated. C57BL/6J mice were induced to EAE and submitted to treatment either with a placebo solution or with GA (0.05 mg/animal, subcutaneously, on a daily basis). All the animals were sacrificed at the peak disease (14 days after induction) or at the point of recovery of the clinical signs (21 days after induction). The spinal cords were removed and submitted to immunohistochemical examination, Western blotting and transmission electron microscopy analysis. The results showed that GA treatment was able to decrease synaptic loss during the course of EAE, which correlates with the downregulation of the MHC I complex. The present results reinforce the neuroprotective role of GA treatment, by reducing synaptic loss during the course of the disease. Such action may be associated with the recently described role of MHC I regulation during the synaptic plasticity process.71188-20

    Subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with psoriatic arthritis: a case-control study. Preliminary data

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA), correlated with some traditional risk factors of atherosclerosis and with PsA-related disease factors. Methods: Forty-one patients and 41 healthy subjects were evaluated for intima-media thickness (IMT) and flow-mediated dilation (FMD), using carotid duplex scanning. IMT values were expressed like IMT mean (cumulative mean of all the IMT mean) and M-MAX (cumulative mean of all the higher IMT). Subclinical atherosclerosis markers were correlated with age, body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure in both groups, with duration of arthritis, duration of psoriasis, tender and swollen joints, BASDAI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index), BASFI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients. Results: IMT mean and M-MAX were both higher in PsA patients compared with controls (0.7±0.15 vs 0.62±0.09 mm; p<0.01 and 0.86±0.21 vs. 0.74±0.13 mm; p<0.01 respectively). FMD was smaller in patients than in controls (5.9±2 vs 7.5±2.8%; p<0.01). Univariate analysis showed a correlation between IMT mean and SBP (r=0.217; p=0.05) and a correlation between M-MAX and age (r=0.392; p<0.001), BMI (r=0.252; p<0.05), SBP (r=0.446; p<0.001) in both groups. In PsA patients M-MAX resulted correlated with ESR (r=0.338; p<0.05) and BASDAI (r=0.322; p<0.05). Conclusions: PsA patients exhibited endothelial dysfunctions which is an early marker of subclinical atherosclerosis, as well as an higher IMT. An interesting correlation between M-MAX and PsA activity index (ESR and BASDAI) was found