769 research outputs found

    A View of innovation process in a collaborative perspective

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    Introducción: El proceso de innovación y desarrollo de nuevos servicios han cambiado en los últimos años. En la actualidad se acepta que este proceso ocurre en cuatro fases genéricas de generación de ideas para el despliegue de nuevos servicios. En estas fases, algunos factores se reconocen como importante y, dada su complejidad, el proceso de desarrollo de nuevos servicios por parte de una empresa puede ser facilitado por las relaciones con las empresas asociadas. La investigación tuvo como objetivo verificar el grado de influencia que el rendimiento de las redes de colaboración en el proceso de desarrollo de nuevos servicios. Método: estudio exploratorio de casos múltiples y estudio cualitativo. Resultados: varios factores son comunes en el proceso de desarrollo de nuevos servicios. Sin embargo, la relevancia de estos factores cambia a lo largo de estas distintas etapas. Conclusión: Los factores de calidad de redes de colaboración, que contribuyen al rendimiento del proceso, se pueden clasificar en dos dimensiones: el primero, destinado a las características de los socios y, en segundo lugar, a las características de las relaciones.Introduction:Service innovation and New Service Development process has changed throughout the past years. Nowadays it is accepted that its process involves four generic phases, from the idea generation to the implementation stage. In these stages, some factors are recognized as important and given the complexity, the new service development process by a single company can be facilitated thought of relationships with other companies. Therefore, this research aimed to understand how collaborative networks can influence new service development process performance. Method: Exploratory multiple case study and a qualitative study. Results: Some performance factors cross-cut all process, however, the relevance of these factors changes along these different stages. Conclusions: Quality factors of Collaborative Networks that contribute to the process performance can be classified into two dimensions: 1) partner characteristics and 2) relationship characteristics.  Introdução: A inovação e o processo de desenvolvimento de novos serviços têm mudado nos últimos anos. Atualmente se aceita que este processo ocorre em quatro fases genéricas desde a geração da ideia do novo serviço até sua implantação. Nestas fases, alguns fatores são reconhecidos como importantes e, dada sua complexidade, o processo de desenvolvimento de novos serviços por uma única empresa pode ser facilitado pelo relacionamento com empresas parceiras. A investigação objetivou verificar o grau de influência das redes colaborativas no desempenho do processo de desenvolvimento de novos serviços. Método: estudo exploratório de múltiplos casos e estudo qualitativo. Resultados: alguns fatores são comuns em todo o processo de desenvolvimento de novos serviços. Porém, a relevância destes se altera ao longo das diferentes fases. Conclusão: os fatores de qualidade das redes colaborativas que contribuem para o desempenho do processo podem ser classificados em duas dimensões: a primeira, voltada para as características das parceiras e, a segunda, para as características do relacionamento.

    New service development (NSD) process in the collaborative networks context : a study of NSD performance factors across its different stage

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    Tese de Doutoramanto. Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Improved power losses calculation model for air core reactors

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    Air core reactors (ACR) have been widely used in power systems in several different applications like harmonic filters, thyristor-controlled reactors (TCR) for static var compensators (SVC), mechanically switched reactors (MSR) for shunt compensation of long transmission lines, smoothing and valve reactors for line commutate converter (LCC) and for voltage sourced converted (VSC), respectively, in HVDC systems, onshore and offshore. As a global trend, the pursuit of environmentally friendly equipment has increased, leveraging the use of ACRs in ultra-high voltage (UHV) systems. Applying that equipment in such voltage levels demands very accurate calculation models to establish the proper design parameters (e.g., inductance values, power losses and audible noise levels) as well as the stresses (dielectric, thermal and mechanical) that the equipment will have to withstand during operation, for their lifecycle. One typical concern related to those calculation models is regarding the prediction of the eddy current winding losses by analytical models. Several models have been proposed for this type of calculation for transformers and electrical machines, but usually with some constraints that make those models more suitable to that equipment than to others. With the crescent demand for ACR with lower power losses levels, it makes sense to look for improvements on those calculation models. One way of supporting the enhancement of those models is using software based on finite element methods (FEM) that allows for very detailed simulation of the physical phenomena related to the air core reactors and their applications. Although the FEM is a powerful tool for complex simulations, it is usually very time consuming and may require sophisticated computational apparatus to run more complex models. Air core reactors are equipment composed by one or several concentric windings made of conductive material (aluminum or copper) and their design may vary significantly, from a few kilograms to some dozens of tons. The simulation, in a reasonable time, of that equipment with several windings and sometimes thousands of turns would require computers that are not easily found in regular industries. In this work an optimized modeling process for simulating ACR using a 2-D equivalent geometry method in a finite element-based software was developed to allow for faster simulations. The validation of the method is performed by running a full factorial design of experiments (DOE), screening four design parameters of windings: winding diameter, winding height, number of strands and strand diameter, as these parameters significantly affect the two main design characteristics of the air core reactors: inductance and winding power losses. The results of the finite element simulations are statistically compared to the results of analytical calculations. With the deployment of this process, an improvement for the calculation of the eddy current winding losses of that equipment is proposed

    "Team play" between renewable energy sources and vehicle fleet to decrease air pollution

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    The reduction of air pollutants for the purpose of maintaining or improving air quality across the globe is a fundamental concern to which all modern governments are allocating varying amounts of attention and resources. The successful amelioration of air pollution requires strategic investments in the commercialization and adoption of "clean energy technologies" by both private and public entities, the conversion of contemporary houses to "smart houses", the diffusion of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) including photovoltaic systems (PV), wind farms, and different forms of bioenergy, and the integration of electric-powered vehicles. In concert with these ideas, this paper aims to discuss the possibility of undertaking a feasibility study in two countries Canada and Italy concerning the integration of electric vehicles (EVs) and electric motorcycles (EMs). The proposed feasibility study would seek to assess the prospect of replacing the current vehicle fleets in these two countries with EVs in a manner that utilizes renewable energy sources and, thus, does not generate new toxic emissions. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that a pronounced introduction and distribution of RES, EVs, and EMs can operate as a great opportunity for both the environment and the capacities and needs of energy production. Today, the EV is not widespread. With this contribution, it is shown how EVs can be well integrated with renewable energy. Therefore, it is the duty of governments to implement policy strategies, in order to spread them across more territory

    The Influence of Controller Parameters on the Quality of the Train Converter Current

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    This paper presents a stability analysis of train converters in order to evaluate how the controller parameters affect the absorbed current. The new dynamic model presented in this paper is capable of considering the time-variant nature of the system for the correct tuning of the feedback proportional-integral PI controller, applying a current controlled modulation technique never used in high-power traction converters. The reduction of the harmonic content of the current absorbed by a converter employed at the input stage onboard high-speed trains is really important, considering the interaction with the signaling system set up for traffic control. A computer model of the converter, considering both the power and the control structure, has also been implemented in order to deliver a validated tool for the developed theoretical analysis

    Taller de Estrategias de organización para mejorar el rendimiento académico en el área de educación religiosa en los estudiantes del institución superior pedagógico “Don Bosco” de la provincia de Carlos Fermin Fitzcarraldi, Ancash -2019

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar el taller de estrategias de organización para mejorar el rendimiento académico en el área de educación religiosa”. La metodología fue de enfoque cuantitativo, tipo experimental y de diseño cuasiexperimental. La población estuvo conformada por 28 estudiantes del II ciclo; la muestra fue conformada de la siguiente manera: 14 estudiantes de la sección “A” como grupo experimental y 14 estudiantes de la sección “B” como grupo control. El instrumento utilizado fue una lista de cotejo, para medir el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del área de educación religiosa. Para el análisis de datos, se utilizó el Excel 13 y el programa SPSS versión 24, donde los resultados reflejan que el grupo control en el pre test, alcanzó un promedio de 10.57 y 9.88 en el grupo experimental, señalando el nivel similar en que se encuentran ambos grupos, mientras que en el pos test el grupo control obtuvo el 11.07 y el grupo experimental 14.44, demostrando una mejora en el rendimiento académico en el área de educación religiosa en los estudiantes. Para la prueba de hipótesis se utilizó la T de Student, donde se acepta la hipótesis alterna y se rechaza la hipótesis nula. Se concluyó que el “Taller de estrategias de organización para mejorar el rendimiento académico área de educación religiosa en los estudiantes del Instituto Superior Pedagógico ‘Don Bosco’ de la provincia Carlos Fermín Fitzcarrald, región Ancash – 2019”, mejoró el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes.Tesi

    Alessandro Contini Bonacossi, antiquario (1878-1955): the art market and cultural philanthropy in the formation of American museums

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    This thesis aims to document and discuss the role and legacy of the Italian antiquario Alessandro Contini Bonacossi (1878-1955) in the international secondary art market for Old Master paintings during the first half of the twentieth century. Grounded in the discovery of primary archival evidence and set against the major historical events that unfolded during his lifetime, this work presents its findings by following a research process adopted to answer the following research questions: who was Contini Bonacossi, what was his business network (where was he buying paintings, at what prices, and who were his clients), what was his modus operandi for selling and marketing his work, and what is his legacy. To answer these questions, I made extensive use of primary sources, the vast majority of which are unpublished or have never been used before in this context, framed by a contextualized analysis of their historical background. The archival investigation has brought to light, for the first time, documentary evidence of Contini Bonacossi’s transactions and business ties with other European dealers such as Duveen Brothers, Heinemann Galleries, Colin Agnew, Colnaghi, Böhler, Steinmeyer, and Kleinberger Galleries; with scholars such as Wilhelm von Bode, Roberto Longhi, and Bernard Berenson; as well as previously unknown connections Contini Bonacossi had with members of the Harvard museum community and the Boston cultural elite such as Paul Sachs (1878-1965), Edward W. Forbes (1873-1969) Denmann Ross (1853-1935); and offers new details regarding his relationship with the Kress Brothers, their gifts of artworks to the new National Gallery of Art in Washington DC, and the Kress Foundation’s Regional Program that endowed museums across the US. Ultimately, this work adds to our knowledge important sources for the study of the history of private and public collecting during its crucial years in the formation of American museums. More broadly, in documenting Contini Bonacossi’s case, this study strives to rethink the role of art dealers, to look at them not solely as market professionals engaged in the dynamics of supply, demand and profit, but first and foremost as bearers and sellers of culture, whose activities were fully embedded in the socio-political environment of their time and so to acknowledge and extend knowledge about their active role in the international dissemination and interpretation of cultural heritage


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    Nel teatro shakespeariano è molto spesso presente un uso del tempo affatto moderno e connesso con le nuove tecnologie, se si considera come moderna la presenza massiccia nel canone di una temporalità realistica e cadenzata dal movimento delle lancette dell’orologio, vero oggetto rivoluzionario del nuovo modello temporale. Tra i tanti strumenti che Shakespeare impiega per la manipolazione dell’elemento temporale a livello di drammaturgia, uno è sembrato particolarmente innovativo e rilevante: la scadenza. Si è pensato che la presenza di questo elemento in circa un quarto della produzione shakespeariana potesse rappresentare, anche solo dal punto di vista quantitativo, un dato interessante e meritevole di esame approfondito. Si è infatti ritenuto che l’imposizione di un limite di tempo preciso e scandito dall'orologio all’interno del dramma testimoni non soltanto la sussistenza di un nuovo approccio alla temporalità, ma anche la familiarità del pubblico con un nuovo modo di pensare il tempo. Si è considerato inoltre che il legame tra la scadenza e una nuova concezione del tempo potesse risultare con maggiore evidenza mettendola a confronto con un altro elemento, rappresentativo invece di un pensiero più tradizionale: la profezia. Nella profezia si è infatti voluto vedere una sorta di antecedente della scadenza stessa, a causa di alcuni aspetti formali che le accomunano; allo stesso tempo, tuttavia, ci si è concentrati sull’aspetto che le differenzia, operante proprio sul piano temporale e tale da renderle emblematiche di due tradizioni culturali e teatrali vicine ma fondamentalmente differenti.Shakespearian theatre often presents a use of time which is undeniably modern and connected to new technologies, if we consider as modern the presence, in the Canon, of a realistic kind of temporality, marked by the rhythm of the clock, the revolutionary object that characterizes the new temporal model. Among the techniques that Shakespeare uses to manipulate the temporal element on a dramaturgical level, one seemed to be particularly innovative and relevant: deadline. The presence of this element in about one fourth of Shakespearean production could represent, if only from a quantitative perspective, an interesting fact, worthy of in-depth analysis. The imposition of a precise time limit, marked by the clock, was thought to be a testimony both of a new approach to temporality, and of the audience's familiarity with a new way to conceive time. The connection between deadline and a new conception of time was thought to better emerge by comparing it to another element, more representative of a traditional way of thinking: prophecy. Prophecy was considered as a sort of precedent for deadline, because of some formal aspects that they have in common; at the same time, however, the work focused on their differences, that occur on the temporal level, so much so that they almost become symbols of two cultural and theatrical traditions that are close, but fundamentally different

    Hybrid Energy Storage System Taking Advantage of Electric Vehicle Batteries for Recovering Regenerative Braking Energy in Railway Station

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    Nowadays, nations are moving toward the electrification of the transportation section, and the widespread development of EV charging stations and their infrastructures supplied by the grid would strain the power grid and lead to overload issues in the network. To address this challenge, this paper presents a method for utilizing the braking energy of trains in railway stations to charge EVs located in strategic areas like park-and-ride regions close to railway stations improving energy efficiency and preventing grid overload. To validate the feasibility of the proposed system, a metro substation in Milan city is considered as a case study located in outskirts of the city and contains large number of parking space for vehicles. Three different scenarios are evaluated including DC fast charging station, AC low charging station and collaborative hybrid energy storage based AC charging station as EV charging station type. The results are studied for different EV population number, charging rate and the contractual power grid. Meanwhile, the possibility of proposed system in participating as V2G technology and taking advantage of the EV’s batteries to provide ancillary support to accelerating trains is investigated regarding peak shaving objective. The results indicated that the suggested interconnected system operates effectively when a significant quantity of EVs are parked at the station. However, the results revealed that the performance of the proposed system is notably influenced by other factors and a limited number of EVs during the early morning and late evening periods. Overall, this study confirms the feasibility of energy transfer between two types of transportation means in intermodal areas