764 research outputs found

    Cables and fire hazards

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    Besides describing the experiments conducted to develop a nonflammable cable, this article discusses several considerations regarding other hazards which might result from cable fires, particularly the toxicity and opacity of the fumes emitted by the burning cable. In addition, this article examines the effects of using the Oxygen Index as a gauge of quality control during manufacture

    On the determination of constitutive parametersin a hyperelastic model for a soft tissue

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    The aim of this paper is to study a model of hyperelastic materials and itsapplications into soft tissue mechanics. In particular, we first determine an unbounded domain of the constitutive parameters of the model making our smoothstrain energy function to be polyconvex and hence satisfying the Legendre–Hadamard condition. Thus, physically reasonable material behaviour are described by our model with these parameters and a plently of tissues can betreated. Furthermore, we localize bounded subsets of constitutive parameters in fixed physical and very general bounds and then introduce a family of descrete stress–strain curves. Whence, various classes of tissues are characterized. Ourgeneral approach is based on a detailed analytical study of the first Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor through its dependence on the invariants and on the constitutive parameters. The uniqueness of parameters for one tissue is discussed by introducing the notion of manifold of constitutive parameters, whichis locally represented by possibly different physical quantities. The advantage of our study is that we show a possible way to improve of the usual approachesshown in the literature which are mainly based on the minimization of a costfunction as the difference between experimental and model results

    The Universe as a topological defect

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    Four-dimensional Einstein's General Relativity is shown to arise from a gauge theory for the conformal group, SO(4,2). The theory is constructed from a topological dimensional reduction of the six-dimensional Euler density integrated over a manifold with a four-dimensional topological defect. The resulting action is a four-dimensional theory defined by a gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten term. An ansatz is found which reduces the full set of field equations to those of Einstein's General Relativity. When the same ansatz is replaced in the action, the gauged WZW term reduces to the Einstein-Hilbert action. Furthermore, the unique coupling constant in the action can be shown to take integer values if the fields are allowed to be analytically continued to complex values.Comment: 18 pages, LaTex, 4 figures. Title of the published version changed to "Universe as a Topological defect" by the journa

    Effects of X-rays on vascular function in transplanted tumours and normal tissues in the mouse.

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    The effects of X-radiation on the Nembutal-induced redistribution of the cardiac output in two types of transplanted mouse tumours and some normal mouse tissues have been investigated, using rubidium-86 and 125I-human serum albumin. Irradiation causes an increase in 86Rb uptake (relative blood perfusion) by the tumours of anaesthetized mice, but has little or no effect in non-anaesthetized mice. The increase is dose- and time-dependent. Tumour plasma space is not significantly affected by radiation and Nembutal. Muscle blood perfusion is severely decreased in anaesthetized mice and is not affected by radiation, at least within the time limits of the experiments. This means that radiation-induced functional vascular changes in normal and neoplastic tissues follow different time courses. On the basis of the present results, and of the results of other authors, it is argued that irradiation damages the vasculature of tumours in such a way that it becomes more sensitive to changes in systemic blood pressure

    Couplings between Chern-Simons gravities and 2p-branes

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    The interaction between Chern-Simons (CS) theories and localized external sources (2p-branes) is analyzed. This interaction generalizes the minimal coupling between a point charge (0-brane) and a gauge connection. The external currents that define the 2p-branes are covariantly constant (D-2p-1)-forms coupled to (2p-1) CS forms. The general expression for the sources --charged with respect to the corresponding gauge algebra-- is presented, focusing on two special cases: 0-branes and (D-3)-branes. In any dimension, 0-branes are constructed as topological defects produced by a surface deficit of (D-2)-sphere in AdS space, and they are not constant curvature spaces for D>3. They correspond to dimensionally continued black holes with negative mass. On the other hand, in the case of CS (super) gravities, the (D-3)-branes are naked conical singularities (topological defects) obtained by identification of points with a Killing vector. In 2+1 dimensions, extremal spinning branes of this type are BPS states. Stable (D-3)-branes are shown to exist also in higher dimensions, as well. Classical field equations are also discussed and in the presence of sources there is a large number of inequivalent and disconnected sectors in solution space.Comment: 29 pages, no figures; version accepted in PRD; extended introduction and several references added; some sections have been reorganized and several minor corrections mad

    S(P)EEDKITS & smart packaging. Nuove applicazioni tessili per ridefinire la risposta alle emergenze

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    Il saggio traccia una visione d'insieme di S(P)EEDKITS, un progetto di ricerca co-finanziato dall'Unione Europea nell'ambito del Programma Quadro FP7 e, in particolare, si concentra sulle attività in corso da parte del Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) sui due diversi fronti del Design Industriale e della Tecnologia dell'architettura. L'ambito della progettazione dei nuovi kit di pronto intervento e ricostruzione in situazioni di disastro delinea una nuova frontiera per la Tecnologia dell'architettura, che si trova a coniugare la tradizionale vocazione della progettazione di componenti con le ricerche innovative sui tessili tecnici e sulle costruzioni leggere

    Bootstrap inference in the presence of bias

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    We consider bootstrap inference for estimators which are (asymptotically) biased. We show that, even when the bias term cannot be consistently estimated, valid inference can be obtained by proper implementations of the bootstrap. Specifically, we show that the prepivoting approach of Beran (1987, 1988), originally proposed to deliver higher-order refinements, restores bootstrap validity by transforming the original bootstrap p-value into an asymptotically uniform random variable. We propose two different implementations of prepivoting (plug-in and double bootstrap), and provide general high-level conditions that imply validity of bootstrap inference. To illustrate the practical relevance and implementation of our results, we discuss five applications: (i) a simple location model for i.i.d. data, possibly with infinite variance; (ii) regression models with omitted controls; (iii) inference on a target parameter based on model averaging; (iv) ridge-type regularized estimators; and (v) dynamic panel data models

    Myocarditis Mimicking an Acute Coronary Syndrome: A Case Related to Salmonella enteritis

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    Infective myocarditis is most commonly due to a viral infection; occasionally it has been related to bacteria. Gastrointestinal infections associated with myocarditis have only rarely been described in young people, and the pathogenesis is unclear. We report a case of myocarditis mimicking an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in a patient hospitalized for fever and diarrhoea. Salmonella enteritidis was isolated from stool, and no other pathogens were found. The coronary angiography was normal, and there were not other coronary artery risk factors, other than hypertension. The patient was treated with ciprofloxacin, acetylsalicylate acid, and ramipril with rapid clinical improvement and normalization of cardiac abnormalities. Final diagnosis of Salmonella enteritis and related myocarditis was made based on clinical, laboratory, ECG and echocardiographical findings

    Analysis of Deterioration in a Plasma Focus Device

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    Indexación: Scopus.The Plasma Focus (PF) is a kind of dense transient plasmas in with high-pulsed voltage. To produce devices for eld application it is necessary to obtain PF equipment able to operate for a long period of time. Thus, a reliability analysis is indispensable. In this work a reliability analysis program for plasma focus devices is presented. The program considers a criticality analysis using Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA) to identify the most important failure modes of the system. Said failure modes are studied operating the Plasma Focus for many cycles, obtaining from them the characteristic curves of V(t) and İ(t). Feature Extraction (FE) techniques are applied to obtain a list of parameters that correlate to the degrading process. Furthermore, Machine Learning tools are used to learn from the obtained data, linking the changes in these parameters during its life cycle to the decay of the system in hope for future implementation of a predictive maintenance system and a reference for data analysis and prediction in PFs. The study was applied to a portable plasma focus device operated at 2 joules of stored energy. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The work is supported by IAEA CRP contract 20370 and by grant ACT-1115, CONICYT, Chile.https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1043/1/01204