526 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Angkutan Terminal Kota Pekanbaru Berbasis Online

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    Penggunaan teknologi dalam bidang komputer dewasa ini semakin meningkat, seiring dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan globalisasi informasi yang menuntut terciptanya keadaan yang serba komputerisasi. Pada Dinas Perhubungan Kota Pekanbaru, khususnya pada Terminal Bandar Raya Payung Sekaki (BRPS) penyampaian informasi masih bersifat manual yang dicatat pada buku register dan nantinya akan diinputkan menggunakan program Microsoft excel. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah memberikan gambaran perancangan sistem monitoring, retribusi dan penjadwalan mobil angkutan Perusahaan di Terminal Bandar Raya Payung Sekaki (BRPS) sehingga dapat membantu penyaluran informasi kepada masyarakat.Merancang sistem monitoring, retribusi dan penjadwalan mobil angkutan Perusahaan di Terminal Bandar Raya Payung Sekaki (BRPS) yang bersifat komputerisasi dan online. Keywords; Perancangan, Aplikasi, Layanan, Dinas Perhubungan,Pelayanan, Pemerinta


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada PT. Prima Alloy Steel Universal Tbk Gedangan Sidoarjo. Selama bulan Januari - Desember 2009 tidak mencapai target yang telah ditetapkan perusahaan, bahkan cenderung mengalami penurunan, dari 6532 satuan pada bulan januari menjadi 6532 satuan pada bulan desember tahun 2009. Penurunan produksi velg pada PT. Prima Alloy Steel Universal Tbk Gedangan Sidoarjo tersebut mengindikasikan semakin menurunnya kinerja karyawan bagian produksi pada perusahaan tersebut, dimana penurunan tersebut salah satunya disebabkan oleh kepuasan kerja karyawan yang belum tercapai dan rendahnya komitmen organisasi karyawan dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan. sehingga perusahaan perlu meningkatkan kepuasan kerja karyawan dan komitmen organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan bagian produksi pada PT. Prima Alloy Steel Sidoarjo. Skala pengukuran yang digunakan adalah skala interval dengan teknik pengukuran menggunakan semantic differential scale, sedangkan teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik probability sampling tepatnya simple random sampling yaitu pemilihan sampel berdasarkan secara acak, dimana semua anggota populasi mendapat peluang yang sama untuk menjadi sampel (Sugiyono, 2008:85). Pengambilan sampel didasari oleh asumsi SEM bahwa besarnya sampel yaitu 5 – 10 kali parameter yang diestimasi (Augusty, 2002: 98), Pada penelitian ini ada 15 indikator, sehingga jumlah sampel yang diestimasi yaitu antara 75-150. Adapun jumlah sampel yang ditetapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebesar 105 responden. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah SEM diagram yang akan mempermudah untuk melihat pengaruh kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan yang akan diuji. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT. Prima Alloy Steel Universal, Tbk Gedangan Sidoarjo, dan komitmen organisasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT. Prima Alloy Steel Universal, Tbk Gedangan Sidoarjo. Key Words: Kepuasan Kerja, Komitmen Organisasi, dan Kinerja Karyawa

    Analisis Metodologis-filosofis Konsep Tafsir Jamâl Al-bannâ

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    : Methodological and Philosophical Analysis of Jamâl al-Bannâ's Qur'anic Exegesis. This article seeks to analyze the method of Jamâl al-Bannâ's interpretation. Beginning with an attempt to deconstruct the interpretation of the results of all classicalmufassir, Jamâl al-Bannâ proposed three stages in the interpretation of the Qur'an that include such approaches as stylistic, psychological, and rational method. All three approaches are utilized hierarchically in order to come to an interpretation. At the rational stage of Qur'anic exegesis, Jamâl al-Bannâ didn't recommend a specific method or limit the science to a particular method. He refused that one particular method has the warranty as the only interpretation to seek the way for the truth, because the Qur'an should not be restricted. In the sociology of knowledge, his thinking is similar to that of Paul K. Feyerabend's Against Method. According to Jamâl al-Bannâ, human beings are very autonomous and free to interpret the Qur'an as long as it is in line with the principles of humanistic and universal values as enshrined there in

    Development on the leading small and medium-sized industry (SMI): food industry in Jambi Province

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    The objectives of this research are: 1). to analyze the factors which determine the production of leading small-medium food industry, 2). to analyze the effect of leading small-medium food industry production towards community income. The analysis models used are simultaneous equation model (ESM) and simple regression. The research results show that the determining factors on the production of leading small-medium food industry are investment, production capacity, labor, sales, and the utilization of technology simultaneously. However, individually, the sales have significant influence on the production of leading small-medium food industry in which determined by promotion and market share. In addition, the influence of leading small-medium food industry is very significant on community income with a contribution of 59.54%. The amount of public income in the leading small-medium food industry is IDR 1.5 million for a single production period of 1.5 months or approximately IDR 1 million per month

    Tafsir Ideologis Dalam Khazanah Intelektual Islam

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    One of the causes is not the end of the study the Koran is the Koran contains many possible meanings (Wujûh al-Ma‘ânî) continuous potential can be explored and interpreted in accordance with the methods and tendencies interpreter. Therefore, no wonder the result was rich in meaning and interpretation is different, so lure the attention of others to re-refine and refuse to offer a different perspective. This viewpoint difference is attributed to the possibility of the many meanings of the Koran, also due to socio-cultural and areas of specialization of each interpreter. Ideology and political upheaval Muslims initial period stimulate the birth of the leaders of rival political and theological thinking bolder and varied. As evidence, if at the time of the Prophet and the Companions interpretation of verses mutashâbih tend to be avoided, the interpretation of later generations of the same paragraph as the focus of their attention and more wide open. So also with the interpretation of the Koran political interests and ideological bias increasingly widesprea

    Empire Falls and How A Disillusioned Society of the Early 21st Century Resorts to Romantic Tendencies

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    This paper is principally aimed at analyzing the theme of Richard Russo’s Empire Falls in its relation with the socio-economic context of its publication in 2001, namely the economic recession that characterizes the earliest decade of the 21st century. The analysis will be based on historical approach’s assumption of the correlation between literary works and social context in which they are produced. Intrinsically, the novel is dissected into two levels. They are surface level (form) and deeper level (content). The results of the analysis are in the form of philosophical speculations of the novel, which are believed to follow the mood of the early 21st century, including 1) disillusionment to social mobility, 2) incredulity to human agency, and 3) romantic tendencies. This novel’s reaction to the decline of capitalism in the early 21st century seems to be similar to early romantic reaction to the rise of capitalism by returning to nature and resorting to external forces whether divine entity or otherwise.Keywords: 21st century novel; American economic recession; romanticism

    Metodologi Studi Hadis Jamâl Al-Bannâ

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    Text will always interacting with the context. He always dialectic with the conditions in which the text was born. Therefore, to understand a text, an understanding about the context becomes a necessity that must be done, not least the understanding of hadith texts. Without understanding a variety of variables and circumstances behind the text that includes historical aspects, sociological, psychological, and so on, then this will potentially misinterpretation. This article explores the ideas of Jamal al-Banna on the methodology of contemporary traditions. He offers concepts and methodologies so resolutive and intelligent in understanding the Sunnah of the Prophet. He also shows how Muslims should ideally interact with the Sunnah. Departing from the description, it will be explored in this article about Jamal al-Banna Sunnah thinking which will then be analyzed in this hermeneutic perspective. According to him, Muslims today should make the Sunnah as a model of ijtihad, which also means keeping the existence of Sunnah. That is, people now have to follow the path and methodology, not the spoken word; follow the Sunnah of the Prophet, do not follow the text of the hadith

    A Scholar in Foreign Warfare: Characterizing Dislocation in For Whom the Bell Tolls

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    This paper is aimed at analyzing literary devices used to establish the sense of dislocation in Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls. The research study uses objective approach to literature using E.M. Forster’s analytical tool and nomenclature to novel that is formulated in Aspects of the Novel. As the results demonstrated, dislocation is established through: 1) juxtaposition of the character’s history and 2) Hispanicization of the main character’s identity. The character’s “history” emphasizes the contrast of the main character’s life prior to the narrated events. Contradictions are apparent in the main character’s internal dialectic between being a scholar and becoming a soldier. The second approach to dislocation is caused by linguistic and cultural barrier barrier between Anglophone and Hispanophone characters demonstrated through deliberate Hispanicization. Keywords: dislocation; novel; Ernest Hemingway; character analysis

    Downstream development strategy of processing industry in Jambi Province

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    The food and beverage industry, the paper and paper goods industry, and the rubber industry, rubber and plastic goods are leading industries that play an important role in the regional economy of Jambi Province. Therefore, policies are needed to sustain leading industries' growth and development. This research aims to formulate a downstream strategy for the leading processing industry in Jambi province. The method used is the Analytical Network Process (ANP).  The analysis results show that the priority strategy in the downstream development of the three leading industries in Jambi Province is optimizing the government's role in policy and funding for the downstream program


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    The rising interest in teenagers make the comics read comics more popular varieties, mainly imported comics who have adult genre and serves foreign figures so that they are more familiar figures overseas than the original character of Indonesia in particular puppet. Introduction Media puppet, especially youth still less attractive to Punakawan make teens less know and understand of the Punakawan series. Media in introduction to puppets that are less attractive to teenagers should continue to be developed to increase the interest of teenagers in understanding and knowing the Punakawan series. Comic great demand and consumption among adolescents is becoming one of the right media to introduce the Punakawan series to be more teens loving and understanding the local culture which one the Punakawan series. The concept raised in comics is an example Punakawan, have content through education and example of a suitable Punakawan consumed adolescents and teenagers can imitate the exemplary traits and more admiring of the Punakawan series. Keyword: Comic, Punakawan, Exemplar
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