740 research outputs found

    El devenir animal en la construcción del territorio. Aproximación deleuzeana al enunciado “yo soy jaguar"

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    La composición de realidad indígena consolida procesos de individuación en los que la dinámica del devenir circunscribe afectos al ámbito social. Ante la emergencia de problemáticas sociales, el devenir puebla de sentido el saber y el hacer, en función de la continuidad y permanencia de dicho saber. Esta dinámica se evidencia en la construcción de territorio a través de la circulación y sentido del enunciado “yo soy jaguar”, expresado por los sabedores de diversas comunidades amerindias. Este texto problematizará la experiencia del sabedor a través de conceptos centrales de la obra de Gilles Deleuze.The composition of indigenous reality consolidates processes of individuation in which the dynamics of the becoming confined affections to the social area. In the case of the emergence of social problems, the becoming inhabits of sense the knowing and doing on the basis of its continuity and permanence. This dynamic is evident in the construction of territory through the movement and sense of the phrasing “I am jaguar”, expressed by the sabedores of the indigenous communities. This paper will analyze the experience of the sabedor through central concepts of the work of Gilles Deleuze

    Validación de la determinación de hidroximetilfurfural (HMF) en miel de abejas por el método 980.23 de la AOAC para el laboratorio de análisis de aguas y alimentos de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    La validación de un método analítico es una verificación de determinados parámetros de un método en la que los requisitos especificados para estos, demuestran que el método es idóneo para un uso previsto (Oficina Internacional de Pesas y Medidas, 2007). En el presente trabajo se validó el método 980.23 de la AOAC (Horwitz & Latimer, 2011) en miel de abejas para la determinación de Hidroximetilfurfural (HMF) en el laboratorio de análisis de aguas y alimentos de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. El hidroximetilfurfural es un compuesto formado por la deshidratación de la fructosa, asociada a factores tales como: el pH ácido, agua, composición rica en monosacáridos, también influye el aumento de la temperatura, la acidez en función del tiempo y la humedad tiene repercusión en menor grado (López, Castillo, & Cano, 2004). En Colombia la comercialización de la miel de abejas está regulada por la resolución 1057 del 2010 y la NTC 1273, en las que se establece los parámetros fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos que debe cumplir la miel para que pueda ser comercializada

    Narrativas sobre el punto de quiebre que lleva al sujeto a habitar en las calles en Bogotá: insumos para fortalecer el diseño de políticas públicas dirigidas a esta población y a la prevención del fenómeno

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    A partir de las narrativas de Ciudadanos y Ciudadanas Habitantes de Calle de Bogotá –en adelante CCHC– disponibles en videos de YouTube, este trabajo realiza un análisis de contenido apoyado en el aplicativo ATLAS.ti, extractando las razones del punto de quiebre que lleva al sujeto a habitar las calles con el fin de establecer y analizar las categorías emergentes que surgen de sus experiencias. Posteriormente la información obtenida se valida, contrasta y complementa con los resultados del VII Censo de Habitantes de Calle de Bogotá para finalmente establecer cuáles son los posibles insumos resultantes para el fortalecimiento del diseño de políticas públicas dirigidas a esta población y a la prevención del fenómeno.Based on the narratives of homeless people living in Bogotá hereinafter CCHC for its acronym in Spanish which are available in YouTube videos, this research consists of a content analysis exercise, which has been developed through the use of the ATLAS.ti program, extracting the reasons for the breaking point that leads to the subject to living like a homeless and also to establish and review the emerging categories that arise from their experiences. Subsequently, the information obtained is validated, contrasted and complimented with the results of the Seventh Census of Homeless People of Bogotá to establish how the narratives of the homeless can be an input both for the design of public policies aimed at the homeless and for preventing the phenomenon

    Abortion in Colombia : women's roles and discourses of motherhood: between freedom and responsibility

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    This thesis is based on six months of fieldwork in Bogotá, Colombia in 2007. It explores the terms of discussions of the abortion debate in 2006/2007 that made possible a change in the law from a total ban on abortion to a restrictive one. There are two well-established movements, one against, and the other in favour of the decriminalisation of abortion. I describe the arguments of the activists of both positions and how they chose to go forward in their cause for or against abortion in Colombia. These ideas reflect understandings of motherhood, womanhood, family, and sexuality and I explore this as well. The movements have different roots. One of them wishes to preserve the idea of the traditional family and is highly influence by the Catholic Church, while the other wishes to promote the notions of sexual and reproductive rights as part of the work of the secular state that guarantees rights to its citizens despite the diversity of beliefs and traditions. Key words: Abortion, Colombia, pro-choice, anti-choice, Catholic Church, sexual and reproductive rights, motherhood, womanhood, family, sexuality, beginnings of life, dignity of life, childhood

    Portafolio profesional de educación

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    This project represents compilation of different documents created by me which demonstrate different themes in education as leadership, investigation, education policies, academic writing and teaching. Through an investigation you would be able to find the importance to develop socioemotional abilities in students since early ages and which areas I have to continue improving in investigation and academic writing...Este portafolio es una recopilación de diferentes trabajos que representan mi conocimiento, habilidades y destrezas en distintos temas como son: la investigación educativa, escritura académica, políticas educativas, docencia y liderazgo educativo. A través de una investigación podrán evidenciar la importancia de desarrollar destrezas socioemocionales en estudiantes y lo que debo mejorar en el área de investigación y escritura académica..

    'No, auntie, that's false': Female baby boomers develop critical skills to confront fake news with guidance from relatives

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    The spread of fake news has been increasing, which gives rise to a special interest in the development of identification and coping skills among news consumers so that they can filter out misleading information. Studies suggest that older people share more fake news from social media. There is scarce literature that analyse how baby boomers behave in the face of fake news. The purpose of this study is to examine how female baby boomers deal with fake news on Facebook and their available resources to learn how to identify and handle dubious information. A qualitative study and thematic analysis were conducted using information obtained from interviewing female baby boomers. Four themes emerge from the analysis, revealing that participants recognise that they can identify fake news but may not always be able to do so due to limitations in their understanding of an issue or uncertainty about its source. Participants show participants empirically develop critical identification and filtering skills with the assistance from close family members.Comment: 14 pages, 1 tabl

    Elaboración de un plan estratégico para el Comercial Tello de la ciudad de Machala, provincia de El Oro, período 2018-2022

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    La presente investigación tiene como finalidad elaborar un plan estratégico para mejorar la gestión administrativa financiera del “Comercial Tello” de la ciudad de Machala, Provincia de El Oro, período 2018-2022, para la presente investigación se aplicó encuestas a los empleados de la organización, entrevista al Gerente General, posteriormente se realizó un análisis situacional por medio de las matrices Pestel, Porter y Cadena de Valor lo que permitió llegar a determinar los factores internos y externos para posteriormente construir la matriz FODA para conocer las distintas problemáticas dentro de la organización, entre ellas el limitado crecimiento empresarial por manejarse de manera empírica y no contar con un direccionamiento estratégico que comprometa a los empleados en sus labores, al mismo tiempo la organización estaba perdiendo participación en el mercado. Para lo cual se ha propuesto dentro del plan estratégico objetivos y metas a corto, mediano y largo plazo que ayudarán a cumplir la misión y la visión propuesta, además de diseñar un organigrama y su respectivo manual de funciones para que los distintos colaboradores tengan claras sus actividades y responsabilidades, por lo que se recomienda tanto al Gerente General como a sus colaboradores comprometerse a cumplir cada objetivo y que estos a su vez sean monitoreados que se cumplan, bajo los indicadores propuestos para llegar a obtener una ventaja competitiva en la industria.In this research the purpose was elaborate a strategic plan to improve the administrative financial management of "Comercial Tello" in Machala city, El Oro province, during the period 2018-2022. Developing this research were applied to the employees of the organization , interview to the General Manager, then a situational analysis was carried out through the Pestel, Porter and Value matrixes, which allowed to determine the internal and external factors to later build the SWOT matrix to know the different problems within the organization , among them the limited business growth due to being handled empirically and not having a strategic direction that involve the employees in their work, at the same time the organization was losing market position. For which it has been proposed within the strategic plan objectives and goals in the short, medium and long term that will help to fulfill the mission and the proposed vision, besides designing an organigram and its respective manual of functions so that the different collaborators have clear their activities and responsibilities, for which it is recommended that both the General Manager and his collaborators commit to meet each objective and that these in turn are monitored to be met, under the proposed indicators to achieve a competitive advantage in the industry

    Auditoría de gestión a la empresa Elixir Software Comercializadora S.A., de la ciudad de Quito, provincia de Pichincha, período 2019

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    El presente trabajo de titulación tuvo como propósito realizar una auditoría de gestión a la empresa Elixir Software Comercializadora S.A., de la ciudad de Quito, provincia de Pichincha, período 2019, para evaluar la gestión administrativa de los recursos económicos y el cumplimiento de los objetivos estratégicos. Para el desarrollo de la investigación fue necesario aplicar una encuesta al personal de la compañía y técnicas de auditoría como: observación directa, cuestionario de control interno y revisión bibliográfica con la finalidad de obtener información suficiente y adecuada. Por lo cual, se identificó una serie de deficiencias, tales como: la empresa carece de un código de ética, ausencia de un manual de funciones, inexistencia de indicadores de gestión para el control interno de la administración y falta de evaluación periódicas para determinar el nivel eficiencia y eficacia en el uso de los recursos económicos. Como resultado final, se evidenció que el control interno de la empresa es moderado, esto se debe a una deficiente gestión administrativa de los directivos al no desarrollar medidas preventivas y correctivas para mitigar los riesgos empresariales. Se concluyó que la auditoría de gestión para la empresa Elixir Software Comercializadora S.A., permitió identificar las principales deficiencias administrativas y financieras que impiden el cumplimiento de los objetivos y la toma de decisiones. Se recomendó a la máxima autoridad de la compañía implementará un sistema de control interno integral a fin de garantizar una administración eficiente y eficaz para identificar, evaluar y responder los riesgos empresariales.The purpose of this degree work was to carry out a management audit of the company Elixir Software Comercializadora S.A., from Quito city, Pichincha province, period 2019, to evaluate the administrative management of financial resources and compliance of the strategic objectives. For the development of the research it was necessary to apply a survey to the company personnel and audit techniques such as: direct observation, internal control questionnaire and bibliographic review in order to obtain sufficient and adequate information. By which, a series of deficiencies were identified, such as: the company lacks a code of ethics, absence of a manual of functions, non-existence of management indicators for the internal control of the administration and lack of periodic evaluation to determine the level efficiency and effectiveness in the use of economic resources. As a final result, it was evidenced that the internal control of the company is moderate, this is due to poor administrative management of executives by not developing preventive and corrective measures to mitigate risks business. It was concluded that the management audit for the company Elixir Software Comercializadora S.A., allowed to identify the main administrative deficiencies and financial conditions that obstruct the achievement of objectives and decision-making. It was recommended to the highest authority of the company to implement an internal control system in order to ensure efficient and effective management to identify, assess and respond to risks business

    Caracterização ecológica de sementes e plântulas de árvores de Cerrado

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Florestal, 2017.Realizou-se a caracterização ecológica de 37 espécies arbóreas do cerrado, considerando-se 11 atributos funcionais de sementes e plântula. Os teores de água da semente estiveram entre 6-14%. Dezessete espécies tiveram sementes planas, 18 tiveram esféricas e duas alongadas. A massa seca das sementes variou de 2 a 9.175 mg. Astronium fraxinifolium, Tabebuia. aurea, Lafoensia pacari, Aspidosperma macrocarpon e Magonia pubescens tiveram germinação rápida ( 10 dias) e índices de sincronia entre 3,0 - 3,8 bits. Quatro espécies tiveram plântulas do tipo fânero-epígeo-foliáceo (FEF), duas espécies fânero-epígeo-reserva (FER), três espécies fânero-hipógeo-reserva (FHR) e duas espécies cripto-hipógeo-reserva (CHR). A parte aérea das espécies é predominantemente composta por folhas ao invés de crescimento em altura e a parte subterrânea investe mais em alongamento das raízes do que em engrossamento. As espécies apresentam duas estratégias de uso dos recursos, sendo colonizadoras e tolerantes ao estresse. Espécies colonizadoras apresentaram massa da semente menor, raiz principal alongada e alta área foliar específica (SLA). Espécies tolerantes ao estresse apresentaram massa da semente maior, raízes mais curtas e grossas e menor SLA. A caracterização ecológica realizada, indica a diversidade de estratégias das espécies como resposta à heterogeneidade ambiental. O uso de espécies com estratégias para colonizar e para tolerar o estresse na restauração ecológica, pode contribuir à superação de filtros ecológicos, o que aumentaria as espécies capazes de se estabelecer em áreas degradadas.The ecological characterization of 37 tree species of the cerrado was performed through the measurement of 11 functional attributes in the seed and seedling stages. Seed species had low water contents (6-14%). Seventeen species had flat seeds, 18 spherical seeds and two elongated seeds. Seed dry mass ranged from 2 to 9.175 mg. Astronium fraxinifolium, Tabebuia aurea, Lafoensia pacari, Aspidosperma macrocarpon and Magonia pubescens, had rapid germination ( 10 days) and synchrony indexes between 3.0 - 3.8 bits. Four species had phanero-epigeal-foliaceous (FEF), two phanero-epigeal-reserve (FER), three phanero-hypogeal reserve (FHR) and two crypto-hypogeo-reserve (CHR). Seedlings shoots were mostly composed by leaves instead of growing in height, and roots were relatively longer than thicker. The studied species seem to be divided into two strategies of use of the resources, colonizer and tolerant to stress. Colonizer species had lower seed mass, root elongation and high specific leaf area (SLA). Tolerant to stress species had higher seed mass, shorter roots, lower SLA and thicker roots. This work indicates the diversity of species strategies as a response to environmental heterogeneity. The use of species with colonizer and tolerant to stress strategies to ecological restoration can contribute to the overcoming of ecological filters, which would increase the species capable of establishing themselves in degraded areas