896 research outputs found

    Das methode zur ermittlung des verschleisses der schneideklinge

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    Critical illness is associated with elevated parathyroid hormone

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    Disinformation of the digital era revolution in terms of state security

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    Purpose: The purpose is to discuss concerns related to the phenomenon of disinformation in the age of the digital revolution, with a particular focus on the security aspects. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study uses data from scientific and secondary data references in new IT technologies and digital society. Additionally, the publication cites the content of supporting publications, affiliated in the field of information security in a global environment. Data has been gathered from reports that estimate disinformation awareness in the digital society dimension. The IT and digital society environment are constantly, hence, the study is supplemented with original research results, confirming that there is a low level of public awareness concerning the disinformation in the digital environment. The study was conducted on August 5, 2020 - August 31, 2020 using the CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing) method on a random research sample of citizens who are currently employed in any organization in 16 Polish provinces. 120 people participated in the study. Findings: The results of the research are characterized by novelty of the issues and the fact that they have been conducted from this perspective security to a limited extent so far. This is particularly important from the point of view of national security, as information has a direct impact on the economic security of the state, which also affects the security of citizens. Disinformation is the main reason for exerting a negative influence on human emotions, reasoning, and behavior by creating a false image of reality. This publication is an introduction to a series of articles on the dissemination of knowledge concerning disinformation in the age of the digital revolution, understood as a threat to security and state stability. Practical Implications: Taking into account the registered effects of the restrictions, decision-makers (government, supervisory boards, management boards and managers of companies) should accurately assess the performance of the logistics industry and verify the real impact of the pandemic on the development of the logistics services market and, indirectly, to take measures to stimulate the development of individual sectors of the Polish economy in the pandemic state. Originality/Value: Awareness of the social environment in knowledge about disinformation in crisis conditions is very important for safety. The publication is addressed to researchers, decision-makers, entrepreneurs, employees, the educational environment, and consumers. Similarly, to this postulate, the purpose of this exposition is also to systematize and discuss points of view, rationalizing further empirical research.peer-reviewe

    Assessment tool wear using the method of the vibrodiagnostics

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    Більшість різноманітних за матеріалом і формою деталей машин необхідну форму і розміри отримують в результаті механічної обробки. Однак недостатня стійкість інструменту призводить до втрати якості деталі і викликає збільшення простою обладнання, пов'язаного із заміною інструментів, що супроводжується зменшенням продуктивності і, як наслідок, до зменшення ефективності виробництва. Вирішити дану проблему можна за допомогою діагностики, яка дозволяє за непрямою діагностичному ознакою, наприклад, рівнем звуку, що генерується процесом різання, прогнозувати момент заміни різального інструменту. Показником зносу інструменту є його стійкість, тобто час досягнення інструментом допустимої величини його зносу. Стійкість в значній мірі визначає основні вихідні показники механічної обробки: продуктивність, економічність і якість поверхні деталі.The subject of this study is the cutting tool. The aim is to develop a method to determine the actual resistance of the tool. The research results, are presented in this paper, were carried out computational-experimental method, and showed, that tool wear, leading to its failure, occurs over time in accordance with the well-known Lorenz curve. This curve has three characteristic regions, describing the burnishing tool, its normal operation and catastrophic deterioration or destruction. As a result of this work, was obtained by an analytical dependence, graph which describes all three periods of operation of the instrument. The desired tool life is in this relationship as one of its parameters. The proposed method for estimating the tool life can be used in lathes with numerical control. Conclusion. An efficient method for estimating the tool life, allowing for indirect features - the level of sound, that is generated by the cutting process, to predict the time of replacement of the cutting tool.Большинство разнообразных по материалу и форме деталей машин требуемую форму и размеры получают в результате механической обработки. Однако недостаточная стойкость инструмента приводит к потере качества детали и вызывает увеличение простоя оборудования, связанного с заменой инструментов, сопровождающееся уменьшением производительности и, как следствие, к уменьшению эффективности производства. Решить данную проблему можно с помощью диагностики, которая позволяет по косвенному диагностическому признаку, например, уровню звука, генерируемого процессом резания, прогнозировать момент замены режущего инструмента. Показателем износа инструмента является его стойкость, т.е. время достижения инструментом допустимой величины его износа. Стойкость в значительной степени определяет основные исходные показатели механической обработки: производительность, экономичность и качество поверхности детали

    Subcutaneous Infusion of Fluids for Hydration or Nutrition: A Review

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    Subcutaneous infusion, or hypodermoclysis, is a technique whereby fluids are infused into the subcutaneous space via small-gauge needles that are typically inserted into the thighs, abdomen, back, or arms. In this review, we provide an overview of the technique, summarize findings from studies that have examined the use of subcutaneous infusion of fluids for hydration or nutrition, and describe the indications, advantages, and disadvantages of subcutaneous infusion. Taken together, the available evidence suggests that, when indicated, subcutaneous infusion can be effective for administering fluids for hydration or nutrition, with minimal complications, and has similar effectiveness and safety to the intravenous route. Of note, subcutaneous infusion offers several advantages over intravenous infusion, including ease of application, low cost, and the lack of potential serious complications, particularly infections. Subcutaneous infusion may be particularly suited for patients with mild to moderate dehydrati..

    Modulation of endothelial cell integrity and inflammatory activation by commercial lipid emulsions

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    BACKGROUND: Thrombosis and immune dysfunction are two important complications that result from the administration of parenteral nutrition. Endothelial cells within the vasculature are crucial components necessary for maintenance of normal coagulation and immune function. METHODS: We compared the effects of three commercial lipid emulsions (LEs; Intralipid®, ClinOleic® [or Clinolipid®], and Omegaven®) differing in the levels of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids, and saturated fatty acids upon endothelial cell fatty acid composition using Gas chromatography, endothelial cell integrity by assessing measurement of apoptosis and necrosis using flow cytometry, endothelial cell inflammatory activation by assessing the induction of ICAM-1 by lipopolysaccharide [LPS]), and transcription factor activation (phosphorylation of NF-κB) using western blot analysis. RESULTS: Gas chromatographic analysis confirmed cellular uptake of the fatty acids within the LEs; furthermore, these fatty acid changes reflected the composition of the oils and egg phosphatides used in the manufacturing of these emulsions. However, the kinetics of fatty acid uptake and processing differed between LEs. Fish oil LE negatively impacted cell viability by doubling the percentage of apoptotic and necrotic cell populations quantified by flow cytometry using Annexin V/Fluorescein and propidium iodide. The soybean oil LE did not alter cell viability, while the olive oil-predominate emulsion improved cell viability. All LEs were capable of suppressing LPS-induced ICAM-1 expression; however, the fish oil LE was more potent than the other emulsions. Fish oil LE supplementation of cells also suppressed LPS-induced phosphorylation of NF-κB, while the soybean oil and olive predominant LE had no effect upon NF-κB phosphorylation. CONCLUSIONS: Lipid emulsions are readily incorporated and stored in the form of triacylglycerols. Soybean oil-based, olive oil-predominant and fish-oil based LEs differentially affected endothelial cell integrity. Importantly, these three LEs were capable of suppressing endothelial cell inflammatory response despite their fatty acid content

    Does the quantity of enteral nutrition affect outcomes in critically ill trauma patients?

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    Abstract from Clinical Nutrition Week, Orlando, FL, January 29-February 2, 2005