547 research outputs found

    Translational Nutrition: A Review of the Application of Nutrition Science, Regulation, and Outreach Case Study: Farm Fresh Rhode Island

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    This project examines the avenues by which nutrition science impacts individuals in society. It examines the factors that influence consumer behavior and food choice and the importance of health literacy in guiding nutrition and health. It elucidates the role of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in regulating food labeling and the implications that such regulation has on consumer perception and possible health outcomes. Further, this project outlines recently proposed changes to the “Nutrition Facts” panel. In investigating nutrition education and outreach programs, this project includes a case study of Farm Fresh Rhode Island and the organization’s nutrition initiatives

    Desdobramentos de uma arquitetura do Data Center

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    Este trabalho investiga os impactos ambientais, sociais, urbanos e paisagísticos decorrentes da infraestrutura da internet, a partir do estudo de caso da grande ressonância arquitetônica desse sistema: o Data Center, um tipo de edifício em ampla multiplicação que evidencia a fisicalidade de um sistema que se apresenta como nebuloso, onipotente e ubíquo. A partir de exemplos elegidos, instiga-se a desenvolver análises dessas arquiteturas hipertecnológicas, discutindo seus aspectos formais e sócio-ambientais. A centralidade vital da infraestrutura da internet em uma sociedade cada vez mais conectada reverbera desafios existentes, mas cada vez mais complexos, como processos de urbanização, acesso desigual à comunicação e alto impacto ambiental, integrando o debate dos possíveis caminhos do campo da arquitetura nos desdobramentos da era digital.Palavras-chave: Data Center; Infraestrutura; Arquitetura da Internet; Fisicalidade da Internet.AbstractThis work investigates the environmental, social, urban, and landscape impacts resulting from the internet infrastructure, focusing on the case study of the great architectural resonance of this system: The Data Center — a type of building in wide multiplication that highlights the physicality of a system that presents itself as cloudy, omnipotent, and ubiquitous. Based on selected examples, it analyzes these hyper-technological architectures, discussing their formal and socio-environmental aspects. The vital centrality of internet infrastructure in an increasingly connected society reverberates existing but increasingly complex challenges, such as urbanization processes, unequal access to communication, and high environmental impact, integrating the debate on possible paths in the field of architecture in the developments of the digital age.Keywords: Data Center; Infrastructure; Internet Architecture; Internet’s physicality. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Aplikasi Asap Cair Tempurung Kelapa terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Padi Gogo

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    Padi merupakan tanaman pangan utama di negara Indonesia karena sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia mengkonsumsi padi sebagai makanan pokok mereka. Kebutuhan beras terus meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah pendudukan indonesia. Luas areal padi gogo yang rendah disebabkan oleh produktivitas dan kualitas hasil yang rendah. Rendahnya produksi padi dalam negeri juga dapat diakibatkan oleh adanya serangan hama dan penyakit. Salah satu teknik budidaya untuk mengurangi adanya serangan hama dan penyakit merupakan salah satu upaya perlindungan tanaman adalah dengan cara pemberian asap cair tempurung kelapa pada tanaman. Asap cair tidak berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia dan ramah lingkungan. Selain itu, asap cair bermanfaat sebagai pencegah penyakit tanaman dan dapat mempercepat pertumbuhan tanaman. Saat ini manfaat asap cair tempurung kelapa di bidang pertanian sebagai pengganti hormon dan pestisida belum banyak diketahui. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pengujian aplikasi asap cair yang menyangkut dosis/konsentrasi dan cara penggunaannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Respon beberapa varietas padi gogo terhadap aplikasi asap cair tempurung kelapa; (2) Pengaruh konsentrasi asap cair tempurung kelapa terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil padi gogo; (3) Varietas padi gogo dan konsentrasi asap cair tempurung kelapa yang mampu menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan hasil optimum. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di desa cendana kecamatan kutasari Kabupate Purbalingga pada bulan april-september 2016. Penelitian menggunakanrancangan split plot dengan petak utama merupakan varietas padi gogo yaitu Situ Bagendit, inpago unsoed i dan situ patenggang, serta anak petak merupakan konsentrasi asap cair tempurung kelapa yaitu actk 0, actk 1:100 dan actk 1:200. Kombinasi perlakuan yang diperoleh sebanyak sembilan unit dan diulang tiga kali sehingga ada 27 unit percobaan. Variabel yang diamati antara lain: tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, bobot kering tajuk dan akar vegetatif, jumlah anakan, jumlah malai per rumpun, jumlah gabah isi per rumpun, bobot gabah isi per rumpun, jumlah gabah hampa per rumpun, bobot gabah hampa per rumpun, bobot gabah 1000 biji, panjang malai, bobot petak efektif dan bobot per hektar. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji f, apabila terdapat keragaman dilanjuktan dengan uji dmrt pada taraf kepercayaan 95%, sedangkan untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi optimum asap cair tempurung kelapa, maka dilakukan uji regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan dan hasil yang terbaik ditunjukkan oleh varietas situ patenggang. Aplikasi asap cair tempurung kelapa (actk) mampu meningkatkan luas daun, bobot kering akar vegetatif, jumlah gabah isi per rumpun, bobot gabah isi per rumpun dan bobot gabah 1000 biji. Pertumbuhan dan hasil yang paling optimum ditunjukkan oleh varietas Situ Patenggang pada aplikasi actk konsentrasi 1:100

    Lula, Irã e a mídia: uma análise da declaração de Teerã

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    Analisa a cobertura jornalística da Declaração de Teerã, o acordo para o programa nuclear iraniano negociado por Brasil e Turquia em 17/05/2010. Os jornais analisados são Folha de S. Paulo, Estado de S. Paulo e O Globo, numa tentativa de desvendar erros e acertos encontrados na cobertura jornalística (em reportagens, editoriais e análises) dos três jornais, no período compreendido entre 17/05/2010 e 31/05/2010. Como sustentação teórica da avaliação, serão abordados os aspectos da Declaração de Teerã, as mudanças na geopolítica mundial, a política externa do governo de Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva e a ideologia do lulismo. Também serão discutidas as dificuldades de diálogo entre Ocidente e Oriente, a desconfiança acerca do programa nuclear iraniano e as possíveis consequências caso o Irã consiga obter a tecnologia para fabricação de bombas nucleares

    A Case Tracking System with Electronic Medical Record Integration to Automate Outcome Tracking for Radiologists

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    Radiologists make many diagnoses, but only sporadically get feedback on the subsequent clinical courses of their patients. We have created a web-based application that empowers radiologists to create and maintain personal databases of cases of interest. This tool integrates with existing information systems to minimize manual input such that radiologists can quickly flag cases for further follow-up without interrupting their clinical work. We have integrated this case-tracking system with an electronic medical record aggregation and search tool. As a result, radiologists can learn the outcomes of their patients with much less effort. We intend this tool to aid radiologists in their own personal quality improvement and to increase the efficiency of both teaching and research. We also hope to develop the system into a platform for systematic, continuous, quantitative monitoring of performance in radiology

    Hole Hopping Across a Protein-Protein Interface.

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    We have investigated photoinduced hole hopping in a Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin mutant Re126WWCuI, where two adjacent tryptophan residues (W124 and W122) are inserted between the CuI center and a Re photosensitizer coordinated to a H126 imidazole (Re = ReI(H126)(CO)3(dmp)+, dmp = 4,7-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline). Optical excitation of this mutant in aqueous media (//(CuII)' back ET that occurs over 12 Å, in contrast to the 23 Å, 120 us step in Re126WWCuI. Importantly, dimerization makes Re126FWCuI photoreactive and, in the case of {Re126WWCuI}2, channels the photoproduced "hole" to the molecule that was not initially photoexcited, thereby shortening the lifetime of ReI(H126)(CO)3(dmp•-)//CuII. Whereas two adjacent W124 and W122 indoles dramatically enhance CuI->*Re intramolecular multistep ET, the tryptophan quadruplex in {Re126WWCuI}2 does not accelerate intermolecular electron transport; instead, it acts as a hole storage and crossover unit between inter- and intramolecular ET pathways. Irradiation of {Re126WWCuII}2 or {Re126FWCuII}2 also triggers intermolecular *Re////(W122•+)' intermolecular charge recombination. Our findings shed light on the factors that control interfacial hole/electron hopping in protein complexes and on the role of aromatic amino acids in accelerating long-range electron transport
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