9 research outputs found

    The Homogeneous Nucleation Of Nonane

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    The homogeneous nucleation rate of n-nonane has been measured as a function of temperature and supersaturation ratio in a precision fast-expansion chamber. The measured nucleation rate ranges from 102 to 105 drops/cm3 over the temperature range 215-270 K. The results have been compared to the classical theory and to the classical theory with the RKC replacement factor. The RKC theory functional form is the basis for an empirical rate equation to fit the data. A full listing of the thermodynamic constants used for the reduction of the data is given. © 1984 American Institute of Physics

    Homogeneous Nucleation Of Toluene

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    The authors have used a fast expansion chamber to measure the homogeneous nucleation rate of toluene as a function of temperature and supersaturation. The measured nucleation rate ranges from 102 to 105 drops/cm3 s over a temperature range of 215-267 K. The measurements are compared with the classical nucleation theory and with the RKC theory. The inclusion of the RKC replacement factor brings the data into good agreement with theory using physically realistic values of the surface tension and the sticking coefficient. An empirical curve fit to the data is presented as well as a full listing of the thermodynamic constants used for the calculations. © 1983 American Institute of Physics

    Homogeneous Nucleation Of Ethanol

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    The authors have used an expansion cloud chamber to measure homogeneous nucleation rate as a function of temperature and supersaturation in ethanol. Nucleation rates from 102 to 105 drops/cm3 sec were measured in the temperature range 252-272 °K. An empirical functional fit to the data is used to extrapolate for comparison with other data in the literature at a nucleation rate of 1 drop/cm3 sec and to compare with the predictions of the classical Becker-Doring homogeneous nucleation theory. A full listing of the data and thermodynamics constants used in the reduction of the data is given in an appendix. © 1982 American Institute of Physics

    Binary Nucleation Of Ethanol And Water

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    The authors have used a fast expansion cloud chamber to measure binary homogeneous nucleation rates in several ethanol-water mixtures as a function of temperature, ethanol and water activities and nucleation rate. Data (ethanol and water activities) are presented for a range in nucleation rate from 10 3 to 105 drops/cm3 s from 263 to 293 K for mixtures having mole ratios (ethanol/water) of 10, 4, 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001. A comparison of the extensive data set to other data in the literature shows good agreement. We find current theory, as expected, is unable to accurately predict the data at low ethanol concentrations. © 1990 American Institute of Physics

    Current Questions in Nucleation Theory

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    This poster session paper discusses the nucleation process in the formation of aerosols. Expansion cloud chamber technique for the measurement of homogeneous nucleation rates was developed