53 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Sebaran dan Karakter Populasi Tanaman Buah di Sepanjang Koridor Jalur Wisatadesa Kemiren, Tamansuruh, dan Kampunganyar, Kabupaten Banyuwangi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peta persebaran tanaman buah, karakter populasi tanaman buah, serta persepsi masyarakat pemilik tanaman buah di sepanjang jalur wisata Desa Kemiren, Tamansuruh, dan Kampunganyar, Kabupaten Banyuwangi. Metode yang dilakukan meliputi survei pemetaan tanaman buah (mangga, rambutan, manggis, durian, jambu air dan jambu biji) dengan merekam titik koordinat dari GPS untuk setiap tanaman buah. Penentuan karakter populasi tanaman buah dilakukan dengan mengamati morfologi tanaman terkait vitalitas dan periodisitas. Persepsi masyarakat dilakukan dengan wawancara dan kuisioner. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mengolah data koordinat dan data pengamatan karakter populasi tanaman buah ke dalam peta dasar melalui aplikasi GIS. Pemetaan persepsi masyarakat diperoleh dengan wawancara dan kuisioner yang dihitung dengan skala Likert kemudian dipetakan sebaran spasialnya dengan aplikasi GIS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persebaran tanaman buah yang ada di pekarangan rumah banyak tersebar di sepanjang jalur desa wisata dengan perbandingan jumlah buah yang ditemukan di Desa Kemiren 76 pohon, Tamansuruh 53 pohon, dan Kampunganyar 40 pohon. Kondisi tanaman buah dalam keadaan tumbuh dengan baik, bertunas, berbunga dan berbuah, hal ini dikarenakan pada saat penelitian waktunya tanaman buah memasuki masa berbuah dan masa panen. Antusiasme masyarakat tinggi untuk menjadikan tanaman buah yang ada di sepanjang jalur desa wisata sebagai daya tarik wisatawan. Kata Kunci: jalur wisata, karakter populasi, pemetaan, persepsi, tanaman bua

    Implementation Of Drta (Directed Reading Thinking Activity) In Increasing Students' Reading Achievement

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan terhadap nilai membaca siswa dalam teks naratif sebelum dan setelah diajarkan melalui teknik DRTA dan untuk mengetahui apakah ada peningkatan dari nilai pemahaman membaca siswa dalam teks naratif setelah diajarkan melalui teknik DRTA. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan melibatkan kelas XI Lintas Minat 3. Tes pemahaman membaca diberikan untuk mengumpulkan data. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan dari nilai membaca siswa setelah diajarkan dengan menggunakan teknik DRTA. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dari adanya peningkatan nilai rata-rata siswa dari pretes ke postes yaitu 65.32 naik menjadi 77.95 dan peningkatannya adalah 12.36. Selain itu uji hipotesis menunjukan t-value lebih tinggi dari t-table (15.111 > 2.080). Oleh sebab itu dapat disimpulkan ada peningkatan yang signifikan dari nilai membaca siswa setelah diajarkan melalui teknik DRTA.The aims of this research were to find out whether there was a difference of students' reading comprehension achievement of narrative text before and after being taught through DRTA technique and to find out whether there was an increase of students' reading comprehension achievement of narrative text after being taught through DRTA technique. Quantitative approach was conducted in class XI LM 3. Reading comprehension test was administered to collect the data. The result of the data analysis showed that there was a difference of students' reading achievement after being taught through DRTA. It could be proven from the increase of students' mean score from pre-test to post-test, which was 65.32 up to 77.95, and the gain was 12.36. Besides, the hypothesis test showed t-value was higher than t-table (15.111>2.080). Therefore, it can be concluded that there was a significant increase of students' reading achievement after being taught through DRTA technique

    Pelatihan Pencegahan Merosotnya Moral Santri melalui Belajar Seksualitas dengan Kajian Kitab Kuning dan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja di Pondok Pesantren Romlah Assomadiyah Kecamatan Cilongok

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    Program pelatihan ini untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemahaman santri remaja mengenai pentingnya kesehatan remaja (KRR), mempersiapkan santri remaja menghadapi dan melewati masa pubertas, melindungi anak dan remaja dari berbagai resiko kesehatan reproduksi terhadap Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) dan HIV/ AIDS serta kehamilan tak diharapkan. Membuka akses pada informasi dan pelayanan kesehatan reproduksi remaja melalui sekolah maupun luar sekolah. Membekali santri untuk menjaga kesehatan reproduksi sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Islam. Pelatihan ini diberikan kepada santri Pondok pesantren Romlah Assomadiyah Cilongok sehingga santri memperoleh kesejahteraan dalam memenuhi haknya untuk mengetahui mengenai kesehatan reproduksi. Selain itu juga sebagai langkah untuk membiasakan pola hidup sehat. Serta membina santri supaya tidak melakukan pergaulan bebas atau penyimpangan sosial. Pembelajaran seksualitas dan kesehatan reproduksi dilakukan melalui tiga metode yaitu diskusi, konseling dan seminar. Dampak pembelajaran seksualitas dan kesehatan reproduksi lewat kitab kuning dan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi terhadap wawasan santri yaitu santri menjadi bertambah mengenai wawasan agama dan wawasan kesehatan. Santri bertambah wawasan dalam hal agama mengenai adanya do'a-do'a yang diajurkan ketika melakukan hubungan intim serta mengenai hal-hal lain yang berhubungan dengan seksualitas dan kesehatan reproduksi. Dari segi kesehatan santri menjadi lebih paham mengenai cara-cara menjaga kesehatan reproduksinya. Serta santri menjadi lebih paham mengenai penyakit-penyakit menular seksual, akibat pergaulan bebas dan tumbuh kembang yang dialami pada masa remaja

    The Effect of Running Dictation Towards Students Spelling in Writing Short Functional Text at SMP Islamic Qon

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    Spelling is a key functional component of writing. In teaching learning writing, the students face some problems, which have an error in terms of spelling that influences the meaning of the word itself. Then, the teacher also has problem in teaching writing, especially spelling. The teacher requires the alternative strategy which can be used for teaching learning in writing, especially spelling. Based on previous studies, running dictation gave the positive effect such as in science of nature, listening, and speaking. Thus, making different with the previous studies, the researcher applied running dictation for teaching spelling in writing skill. This study was to investigate the significant effect of running dictation towards students spelling in writing short functional text. The design of this study was quasi experimentaldesign. The researcher chose seventh grade students of SMP Islamic Qon which totally consisted of 44 students. The researcher chose the sample of the study through population sampling. It was divided 22 students of VII-C as control group and 22 students of VII-B as experimental. The data was collected by using tests; pre-test and post-test about spelling ability in writing short functional text. After getting the data, the researcher analyzed the data using SPSS 16.00 and used Independent Sample T-test. The research finding showed that there was a significant difference between experimental group who was taught by using running dictation strategy and control group who was taught by two stay two stray. It has proven by the result of sig. (2-tailed) is .010. The sig. (2-tailed) is lower than 0.05 (0.010 < 0.05). So,null hypothesis (Ho) can be rejected. It means that running dictation strategy significantly effects on students' spelling in writing short functional text. The researcher concluded that running dictation strategy give positive effect on students’ spelling in writing ability. The students were motivated and independent in learning writing. Therefore, the researcher suggests to the English teacher for implementing of running dictation strategy as an alternative strategy in English teaching learning process. For further researchers, the researcher hopes that use of running dictation strategy in otherskills and levels to make different with the previous study


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    Abstract.This research was intended to know the significant effect of using flash videos on the eighth grade students’ listening comprehension achievement at SMPNegeri 6Jember. The research design was quasi experimental research withPre-test and Post-test Design. The population of the research was the eighth grade students at SMPN 6 Jember, while the respondents were the students of class VIIIB and VIIIC that were chosen purposively through lottery. The data were collected by using listening tests, interview, and documentation. Thedata collected were analyzed by using t-test formula through SPSS. The result of the computation showed that the significant value of t-test was0.043. It was lower than 0.05. So, it can be concluded that there was a significant effect of using flash videos on the eighth grade students’ listeningcomprehension achievement at SMP Negeri 6 Jember. Key Words:Flash video,ListeningComprehension Achievemen

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Asam Laktat dari Limbah Cair Rendaman Kacang Kedelai

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    Tempe is an Indonesia traditional food, which in the manufacturers have a liquid waste that no use again namely soybean soaking water. Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) has been known at every stage of tempeh production, included at soaking soybeans. This study aimed to isolate and characterize LAB contained in soybean soaking water liquid waste. After serial dilution to 10-7, soybean soaking water liquid waste was inoculated on the MRSA contained 1% CaCO3. After incubation, there are 8 isolates which produce clear zone around their colonies with different colony morphology suspected as LAB. Morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics were employed to identify LAB. All isolates were non-spore forming, non-motile, catalase negative, grow well at 37° and 45°C, could be able to grow in the presence of 4% and 6.5% sodium chloride. The results of safety test showed all isolates negative for hemolytic activity. Seven of eight isolates are Gram-positive, while one is a Gram-negative. But only Gram-positive were chosen as they represent the LAB characteristic. Seven isolates were identified as Lactobacillus with heterofermentative as the type fermentation. In this study, Lactobacillus casei ATCC 393 used as reference strai

    Tabu, Hambatan Budaya Pendidikan Seksualitas Dini pada Anak

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    Latar belakang: Selama tahun 2014, telah terjadi peningkatan kasus Kekerasan Seksual pada Anak (KSA) di Kota Dumai. Salah satu cara melindungi anak dari kekerasan seksual adalah dengan memberikan pendidikan seksualitas dini pada anak. Namun, pendidikan seks masih menjadi topik perbincangan tabu di dalam keluarga. Padahal keluarga merupakan agen sosialisasi pertama bagi anak. Menurut teori Health Belief Model, terdapat 4 hal penting yang mempengaruhi seseorang untuk mengubah perilakunya, yaitu apabila seseorang merasa rentan, merasa masalah tersebut serius, tidak ada yang menghalangi dan merasa diuntungkan dengan perilaku tersebut. Menggali persepsi orangtua terhadap pendidikan seks dini pada anak akan memberikan informasi tentang langkah intervensi yang terbaik melalui pendidikan seks.Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif eksploratif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pemilihan subjek penelitian dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan focus group discussion (FGD) dan wawancara mendalam. Analisis yang digunakan adalah content analysis.Hasil: Pengetahuan orangtua terhadap kasus Kekerasan Seksual pada Anak (KSA) masih minim. Faktor penghambat utama yang menghalangi orangtua memberikan pendidikan seksualitas dini pada anak adalah ketidaknyamanan, persepsi ketidaksiapan anak dan ketidaktahuan cara menyampaikan pendidikan seksualitas pada anak. Ketersediaan informasi yang cukup tentang seksualitas, komunikasi yang baik dan adanya peran ayah dalam pendidikan seksualitas akan memudahkan orangtua dalam memberikan pendidikan seksualitas dini pada anak.Kesimpulan: Orangtua masih mengganggap pendidikan seksualitas sebagai topik pembicaraan yang tabu dalam keluarga. Tenaga promosi kesehatan hendaknya lebih dapat memanfaatkan forum-forum yang melibatkan orangtua, seperti posyandu atau pertemuaan komite sekolah, untuk mensosialisasikan pendidikan seksualitas dini yang tepat bagi anak

    Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think Pair Share Berbasis Media Komputasi pada Materi Struktur Atom Kelas X MAN Biau

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    This research was conducted using cooperative learning model think pair share an computing media and the atomic structure chosen as it is abstract. The use of models of learning chemistry applied these days make the student seen as passive listeners in teaching and learning process. This study aims to improve students' learning outcomes in chemistry using cooperative learning model Think Pair Share and computational media. The population in this study were tenth grade student of MAN Biau academic year 2013/2014 with a sample of the class XC as the experimental class (implementing cooperative learning model based media computing TPS) and XB class as the control class (without implementing cooperative learning model TPS – Based media computing). The result showed that the mean score on the experimental class = 70 and the control class = 53 with normal distribution and homogeneous variance. Based on the t test testing hypothesis on right side test, the t test obtained = 5.57 > t table = 1,68 with a significance level (α) = 0.05. The results showed that the learning outcomes of the students in experimental class using cooperativ learning model based media Think Pair Share computing was better than the control class on the atomic structure material (H0 rejected H1 accepted)

    The Power of the Test for the Winsorized Modified Alexander-Govern Test

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    This research examined the USAge of the parametric method in comparing two or more means as independent group test, for instance, the Alexander-Govern (AG) test. The utilization of mean as the determinant for the center of distribution of variance diversity takes place in testing, and the test provides excellence in maintaining the amount of Type I error and giving immense sensitivity for a regular data. Unfortunately, it isineffective on irregular data, leading to the application of trimmed mean upon testing as the determinant for the center of distribution under irregular data for two group condition. However, as the group quantity is more than two, the estimator unsuccessfully provides excellence in maintaining the amount of Type I error. Therefore, an estimator high in effectiveness called the MOM estimator was introduced for the testing as the determinant for the center of distribution. Group quantity in a test does not affect the estimator, but it unsuccessfully providesexcellence in maintaining the amount of Type I error under intense asymmetry and unevenness. The application of Winsorized modified one-step M-estimator (WMOM) upon the Alexander-Govern testing takes place so that it can prevail against its drawbacks under irregular data in the presence of variance diversity, can eliminate the presence of the outside observation and can provide effectiveness for the testing on irregular data. Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) was used for the analysis of the tests. The results show that the AGWMOM test gave the most intense sensitivity under g = 0,5 and h = 0,5, for four group case and g = 0 and h = 0, under six group case, differing from three remaining tests and the sensitivity of the AG testing is said suffices and intense enough
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