9 research outputs found

    The Images Of Stiva Oblonsky And Konstantin Levin In “Anna Karenina” By Leo Tolstoy: Intuitive Perception Of Life

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    The problem of comprehension of the essential in human "I" is discussed in the article as a phenomenon of the writer's psychology on the example of two images of the Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" – Stiva Oblonsky and Konstantin Levin. Intuitive feeling of living as the expression of the essential combines two images taken by us, the mouthpieces of the two views on life in general, and on family in particular. Stiva Oblonsky and Konstantin Levin in the writer's conception of the philosophy of life by L. Tolstoy are the carriers of two forms of national family life. The characteristic of essential in the human "I" of Stiva Oblonsky and Konstantin Levin provides the capability to detect semantic references in the texts of L. Tolstoy and the German philosopher of the 20th century M. Heidegger, as both thinker understand the contents of the human "I" as a universal component of personality, which is the main criterion in the evaluation of a person, his thoughts and actions. Inter-textual analysis of "Anna Karenina” by L. Tolstoy and of the separate artistic and philosophical works of Heidegger has shown that the philosophy of life of Konstantin Levin, written by L. Tolstoy, resonantly echoes with the philosophy of "the pathway" of the German philosopher M. Heidegger

    Does educational aspect solve immigration problems in France?

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    International immigration with different reasons such as education and citizenship is by no means a new phenomenon in the modern global world. Nevertheless, intense immigration was sparked and had serious implications, especially for European countries like France after the year 2010, which marked the start of the revolution in Tunisia and the birth of such a phenomenon as the Arab spring. After the end of the colonial era and the loss of colonial possessions by France, the French state encountered the problem of the influx of an infinite number of Arab and African immigrants who had considerable ethnic, religious and cultural-historical characteristics. Exacerbating the problem was that the distinctions seemed essential even when compared with immigrants from other countries, for example, Eastern and Southern Europe. The latter had a relatively similar culture and mentality to the French, and what is the main – a common Christian value matrix. As such, they did not become a problem for the governmental policy of integrating into the cultural space of the host country. European immigrants easily sipped republican values, legal norms, traditions and customs, while making a break with their tradition of the past. However, the growth of immigrant population belonging to a different culture and religious heritage led to the fact that the strategy of the French state in this direction began to become ineffective. It is obvious that the old mechanisms of adaptation, such as obtaining French citizenship and education, do not solve emerging problems, but only generate new ones. As a result, a mutual rejection of the indigenous population and the newcomers intensified, stimulating a buildup of tension in society. As a result, this gradually turned into a matter of preserving national identity for the former, while into a matter of ensuring the survival of themselves and their children for the latter

    Evolução ideológica e teórica da «nova esquerda» na revista «new left review» (1960-2015)

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    The movement "new left" arose in Western Europe and the USA in the 1960-ies under the influence of the split in the world Communist movement following the events of 1956, the twentieth Congress of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) when it is the prevailing leftist anarchist and Trotskyist ideas. The new left protested against the Stalinist variant of socialism and the Stalinization of Eastern Europe, the hard political structuring and centralization of socialism, lack of spirituality of the "consumer society", the anonymity of mass culture, the unification of human personality. Advocated "direct democracy", freedom of expression, non-conformism and club-a discussion of the political culture. The intellectual center of the "new left" was the magazine "New Left Review". The Central themes of the journal were the issues of updates of the Marxist theory, labor and trade Union movement, the analysis of numerous forms of anti-capitalist protest, the national liberation and anti-imperialist movements, ethno-religious, gender, psychological and linguistic-cultural research, philosophical analysis of the various aspects of the Central problem of modernity, namely the ratio of government and people.El movimiento "nueva izquierda" surgió en Europa occidental y Estados Unidos en la década de 1960 bajo la influencia de la división en el movimiento comunista mundial después de los acontecimientos de 1956, el vigésimo Congreso del PCUS (Partido Comunista de la Unión Soviética) cuando es el anarquista izquierdista prevaleciente y las ideas trotskistas. La nueva izquierda protestó contra la variante estalinista del socialismo y la estalinización de Europa del Este, la estructuración política dura y la centralización del socialismo, la falta de espiritualidad de la "sociedad de consumo", el anonimato de la cultura de masas, la unificación de la personalidad humana. Abogaba por la "democracia directa", la libertad de expresión, el inconformismo y el club: una discusión sobre la cultura política. El centro intelectual de la "nueva izquierda" fue la revista "New Left Review". Los temas centrales de la revista fueron los temas de las actualizaciones de la teoría marxista, el movimiento sindical y sindical, el análisis de numerosas formas de protesta anticapitalista, la liberación nacional y los movimientos antiimperialistas, etno-religiosos, de género, psicológicos y la investigación lingüístico-cultural, el análisis filosófico de los diversos aspectos del problema central de la modernidad, a saber, la relación entre el gobierno y las personas.O movimento "nova esquerda" emergiu na Europa Ocidental e nos Estados Unidos na década de 1960, sob a influência da divisão no movimento comunista mundial após os acontecimentos de 1956, o XX Congresso do PCUS (Partido Comunista da União Soviética) quando ele é o anarquista esquerdista predominante e as idéias trotskistas. New Left protestaram contra a versão stalinista do socialismo e da desestalinização da Europa de Leste, a estruturação política dura e centralização do socialismo, a falta de espiritualidade da "sociedade de consumo", o anonimato da cultura de massa, a unificação da personalidade humana. Ele defendeu a "democracia direta", a liberdade de expressão, a não-conformidade e o clube: uma discussão sobre a cultura política. O centro intelectual da "nova esquerda" foi a revista "New Left Review". As questões centrais da revista foram os temas das atualizações da teoria marxista, e etno religiosa, sexo, associação psicológica e movimento sindical, a análise de numerosas formas de protesto anti-capitalista, libertação nacional e dos movimentos anti-imperialistas, e Pesquisa linguístico-cultural, a análise filosófica dos vários aspectos do problema central da modernidade, ou seja, a relação entre o governo e as pessoas

    The Incident In Forming Adultery Motif In The Artistic Structure Of The Novel “Anna Karenina” By Leo Tolstoy

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    This article examines the series of events in the artistic structure of the novel "Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy in the context of the concept of case, which, as the basic symbol, becomes the focus of the semantic content of the novel. Separate episodes with casual events line up in structural episodes of storylines of the Tolstoy”™s work. The symbolic concentration of the semantic content of case receives its transcription in cumulatively built episodes. The semantic content of the symbolically interpreted image of case in a number of random events is represented by the Russian thinker of the nineteenth century Leo Tolstoy as something that leads to disruption of the primordial order in Russian life, and this way case appears to be the historical grain of the novel”™s narrative storytelling. Casual, as Leo Tolstoy understands it, becomes inevitable fatal force of destiny. The results of casual confront the reasonable necessity accumulated by age-old traditions. This casual as an event determines almost the entire series of events of the novel as a part of the plot. The basic plot situation of  Tolstoy”™s novel is reduced to the confrontation of reasonable necessity as the form of existence within the family to what is generated by the age of enframing (M. Heidegger)

    Counterculture Of 1960-S and «Underground Press» in the Usa

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    The Underground Press Syndicate (UPS), later known as Alternative Press Syndicate (APS), was a chain of countercultural newspapers and magazines created in the middle of 1966 by publishers of five early underground newspapers «The East Village Other», «The Los Angeles Free Press», «The Berkeley Barb», «The Paper» and «Fifth Estate». By 1974 the majority of underground papers in the USA ceased to exist but  they had an impact on journalistic processes during 1970-s that led to the press development in small towns and countryside giving alternative opinion about local news, cultural news, Native Americans’ politics, ecology, youth and anti-military movements. The article considers the history of “underground press” in the USA, its role and importance for Countercultural Revolution of the 1960-s, which was countrywide in the USA and covered all areas of life

    Does educational aspect solve immigration problems in France?

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    International immigration with different reasons such as education and citizenship is by no means a new phenomenon in the modern global world. Nevertheless, intense immigration was sparked and had serious implications, especially for European countries like France after the year 2010, which marked the start of the revolution in Tunisia and the birth of such a phenomenon as the Arab spring. After the end of the colonial era and the loss of colonial possessions by France, the French state encountered the problem of the influx of an infinite number of Arab and African immigrants who had considerable ethnic, religious and cultural-historical characteristics. Exacerbating the problem was that the distinctions seemed essential even when compared with immigrants from other countries, for example, Eastern and Southern Europe. The latter had a relatively similar culture and mentality to the French, and what is the main – a common Christian value matrix. As such, they did not become a problem for the governmental policy of integrating into the cultural space of the host country. European immigrants easily sipped republican values, legal norms, traditions and customs, while making a break with their tradition of the past. However, the growth of immigrant population belonging to a different culture and religious heritage led to the fact that the strategy of the French state in this direction began to become ineffective. It is obvious that the old mechanisms of adaptation, such as obtaining French citizenship and education, do not solve emerging problems, but only generate new ones. As a result, a mutual rejection of the indigenous population and the newcomers intensified, stimulating a buildup of tension in society. As a result, this gradually turned into a matter of preserving national identity for the former, while into a matter of ensuring the survival of themselves and their children for the latter.La inmigración internacional no es de ninguna manera un fenómeno nuevo en el mundo global moderno. Sin embargo, se desató una intensa inmigración que tuvo serias implicaciones, especialmente para países europeos como Francia después del año 2010, que marcó el inicio de la revolución en Túnez y el nacimiento de un fenómeno como la primavera árabe. Tras el fin de la era colonial y la pérdida de las posesiones coloniales por parte de Francia, el Estado francés se encontró con el problema de la afluencia de un número infinito de inmigrantes árabes y africanos que tenían considerables características étnicas, religiosas y cultural-históricas. El problema se agravaba porque las distinciones parecían esenciales incluso cuando se las comparaba con inmigrantes de otros países, por ejemplo, Europa del Este y del Sur. Este último tenía una cultura y una mentalidad relativamente similar a la de los franceses, y lo que es más importante, una matriz de valores cristiana común. Como tales, no se convirtieron en un problema para la política gubernamental de integración en el espacio cultural del país anfitrión. Los inmigrantes europeos saborearon fácilmente los valores republicanos, las normas legales, las tradiciones y las costumbres, mientras rompían con su tradición del pasado. Sin embargo, el crecimiento de la población inmigrante perteneciente a una cultura y herencia religiosa diferente llevó a que la estrategia del Estado francés en esta dirección comenzara a ser ineficaz. Es obvio que los viejos mecanismos de adaptación, como la obtención de la ciudadanía y la educación francesas, no resuelven problemas emergentes, solo generan otros nuevos. Como resultado, se intensificó el rechazo mutuo de la población indígena y los recién llegados, lo que estimuló una acumulación de tensión en la sociedad. Como resultado, esto se convirtió gradualmente en una cuestión de preservar la identidad nacional para los primeros, mientras que en una cuestión de asegurar la supervivencia de ellos mismos y de sus hijos para los segundos

    Counterculture Of 1960-S and «Underground Press» in the Usa

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    The Underground Press Syndicate (UPS), later known as Alternative Press Syndicate (APS), was a chain of countercultural newspapers and magazines created in the middle of 1966 by publishers of five early underground newspapers «The East Village Other», «The Los Angeles Free Press», «The Berkeley Barb», «The Paper» and «Fifth Estate». By 1974 the majority of underground papers in the USA ceased to exist but  they had an impact on journalistic processes during 1970-s that led to the press development in small towns and countryside giving alternative opinion about local news, cultural news, Native Americans’ politics, ecology, youth and anti-military movements. The article considers the history of “underground press” in the USA, its role and importance for Countercultural Revolution of the 1960-s, which was countrywide in the USA and covered all areas of life.The Underground Press Syndicate (UPS), más tarde conocido como Alternative Press Syndicate (APS), era una cadena de periódicos y revistas contraculturales creada a mediados de 1966 por los editores de los cinco primeros periódicos clandestinos «The East Village Other», «The Los Angeles Free Press »,« The Berkeley Barb »,« The Paper »y« Fifth Estate ». En 1974, la mayoría de los periódicos clandestinos en los EE. UU. Dejaron de existir, pero tuvieron un impacto en los procesos periodísticos durante la década de 1970 que llevaron al desarrollo de la prensa en pueblos pequeños y en el campo, dando una opinión alternativa sobre noticias locales, noticias culturales, la política de los nativos americanos , ecología, juventud y movimientos antimilitares. El artículo considera la historia de la "prensa clandestina" en los Estados Unidos, su papel e importancia para la Revolución Contracultural de la década de 1960, que se extendió por todo el país en los Estados Unidos y cubrió todas las áreas de la vida