797 research outputs found

    States localized on a boundary of the time-dependent parity-breaking medium

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    We consider the massive vector field propagating in the inhomogeneous parity-breaking medium, such as the dense hot hadronic matter with chiral imbalance. The transition between the regions with approximately constant values of the parity-breaking parameter allows for the states localized on such boundary to occur. The adiabatic change of the background introduces either decay or the amplification of the localized states.Comment: bibliography and some textual improvement

    Arreglo de relaciones de herencia en acuerdos internacionales bilaterales de Ucrania con estados extranjeros sobre asistencia legal en casos civiles

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    The main features of inheritance relations with a foreign element are given. The main issues to be resolved in inheritance relations with the help of international agreements concluded by Ukraine with foreign states on legal assistance in civil cases were identified. It has been established that the norms of two dozen bilateral international agreements on legal assistance and about three dozen consular conventions that Ukraine has concluded with many states are devoted to the issue of international inheritance. Some of the conventions operate in the order of succession of Ukraine after the collapse of the USSR. Comparative analysis of the content of the texts of bilateral international agreements of Ukraine with foreign states on legal assistance in civil matters allowed classifying them by methods of regulation of inheritance relations into three groups: ones that do not contain separate articles (articles) on the regulation of inheritance relations; agreements on legal relations and legal assistance in civil matters between Ukraine and foreign countries, which contain provisions on inheritance relations, which in turn are divided into two groups depending on the structure and content of the articles: inheritance cases and the right to inheritance. The analysis gives grounds to claim the lack of a unified approach to the conclusion of contracts in the third group. This cannot be explained by the will of the parties, because the content of this group of agreements has a high level of identity. The agreement between Ukraine and the Republic of Cyprus on legal assistance in civil matters, which has a separate section IV on inheritance, has an exceptional content in the regulation of inheritance relations, but in comparison with other two groups of agreements with foreign countries contains very brief information. From the analyzed bilateral international agreements it was concluded that most aspects of inheritance relations are regulated by the personal law of a testator or the right of location of a property. There is a gradual overcoming of the problem of splitting the inheritance status, regardless of the location of the inheritance, the spread of the possibility of choosing the applicable law to the estate.Se dan las principales características de las relaciones de herencia con un elemento extranjero. Se identificaron los principales problemas que deben resolverse en las relaciones de herencia con la ayuda de los acuerdos internacionales concluidos por Ucrania con estados extranjeros sobre asistencia legal en casos civiles. Se ha establecido que las normas de dos docenas de acuerdos internacionales bilaterales sobre asistencia legal y unas tres docenas de convenciones consulares que Ucrania ha concluido con muchos estados están dedicadas al tema de la herencia internacional. Algunas de las convenciones operan en el orden de sucesión de Ucrania después del colapso de la URSS. El análisis comparativo del contenido de los textos de los acuerdos internacionales bilaterales de Ucrania con estados extranjeros sobre asistencia legal en asuntos civiles permitió clasificarlos por métodos de regulación de las relaciones de herencia en tres grupos: aquellos que no contienen artículos separados (artículos) sobre la regulación de las relaciones de herencia; acuerdos sobre relaciones jurídicas y asistencia jurídica en asuntos civiles entre Ucrania y países extranjeros, que contienen disposiciones sobre las relaciones de herencia, que a su vez se dividen en dos grupos según la estructura y el contenido de los artículos: casos de herencia y derecho a la herencia. El análisis da motivos para alegar la falta de un enfoque unificado para la celebración de contratos en el tercer grupo. Esto no puede explicarse por la voluntad de las partes, porque el contenido de este grupo de acuerdos tiene un alto nivel de identidad. El acuerdo entre Ucrania y la República de Chipre sobre asistencia jurídica en materia civil, que tiene una sección IV separada sobre sucesiones, tiene un contenido excepcional en la regulación de las relaciones sucesorias, pero en comparación con otros dos grupos de acuerdos con países extranjeros contiene muy Breve información. De los convenios internacionales bilaterales analizados se concluyó que la mayoría de los aspectos de las relaciones sucesorias están regulados por la ley personal de un testador o el derecho de ubicación de un inmueble. Hay una paulatina superación del problema de la división del estado de la herencia, independientemente del lugar de la herencia, la extensión de la posibilidad de elegir la ley aplicable a la herencia

    Functional aspect of teaching professional monologue to future political scientists as an ESP issue

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    Диагностика внутренней составляющей привлекательности бренда работодателя

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    Обґрунтовано доцільність діагностики внутрішньої складової привабливості бренда роботодавця. Запропоновано показники діагностики внутрішньої складової привабливості бренда роботодавця. Визначено кількісні межі значень кожного з обраних показників для обґрунтування ступеня привабливості бренда — високої, середньої або низької.The aim is to develop a methodology of diagnostics of internal component of the attractiveness of the employer brand. The scientific novelty of this work consists a list of indicators of internal diagnostic component of the employer brand; quantitative determination for each of the offered indicators of borders of values in relation to the degree of attractiveness of the employer brand. The application of this worked out methodology will allow evidently to define the degree of attractiveness of the employer brand, which proposed three options — high, middle or low. These indicators were attributed nine indicators: turnover ratio retirement, staff stability factor, the factor of stability of ersonnel, the average age of employees, the level of staffing of the enterprise personnel, the rate of ROI (Return of investment), turnover rate prospective employees, productivity growth, earnings growth company. The choice of these indicators was related to the necessity of complex description of all personnel management’s aspects. For every choicen indicators in this work decoding of semantic loading of possible quantitative values was conducted. Attention was paid to the maximum values of indicators, the approach which will negatively affect at work of enterprise and internal constituent of the employer brand. Further researches must be sent to the ground of concrete measures on the increase of internal component of the attractiveness of the employer brand, ground of indicators and expansion of amount of indicators of such estimation external constituent.Обоснована целесообразность диагностики внутренней составляющей привлекательности бренда работодателя. Предложены показатели диагностики внутренней составляющей бренда работодателя. Определены количественные границы значений каждого показателя для обоснования степени привлекательности бренда — высокой, средней или низкой

    Modern terminology of management: Anglicisms as a means of adaptation to new economic realities

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    The subject of this study is an important part of the latest terminology of the modern management sphere, namely, anglicisms. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of anglicisms as an effective means of adapting participants in management processes in Russia to modern economic conditions. On the example of about 100 business terms of English origin, the article gives a classification of anglicisms according to structure, methods of formation, frequency of use and areas of application in management, provides a decoding of the meanings of individual components of borrowings, which contributes to the best understanding and use of business management terminology by specialists. Anglicisms originally entered the Russian language to denote concepts and phenomena completely new to the Russian reality, their emergence, integration into the vocabulary of the Russian language and active use seem to be an inevitable process that meets the communicative needs of society. Due to their high communicative significance, anglicisms from business sphere have firmly entered the Russian lexicon and are widely used in it


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    In terms of reforming medical education, particularly in the field of dentistry, it is very important to develop foreign language competence that facilitates the effective implementation of medical and scientific activities. The article deals with the advantages of using video materials as a means of future dentists’ foreign language competence formation during foreign language lessons in medical universities. Taking into account the fact that video materials are the main source of authentic foreign language, their application in the classroom significantly improves the process of future dentists’ foreign language competence formation. The article defines the stages of applying video materials during a foreign language lesson, namely: “preparation stage”, “viewing stage”, “stage of working with video material” and “using video material in a communicative situation”. The article also considers the necessary conditions for facilitating the process of future dentists’ foreign language competence formation through the application of video materials. The expediency of applying different tasks and activities at each stage of video presentation is substantiated. Presented way of video demonstration will improve the quality of future dentists’ foreign language competence formation process by using the developed tasks for each stage of viewing the video material and enhancing the motivation to learn through using professional video content.У контексті реформування медичної освіти, зокрема у галузі стоматології, великого значення набуває необхідність формування іншомовної компетентності, яка сприятиме ефективному здійсненню лікарської і наукової діяльності. У статті розглядаються переваги використання відеоматеріалів як одного із засобів формування іншомовної компетентності майбутніх стоматологів на практичних заняттях з іноземної мови у медичних закладах вищої освіти. Зважаючи на факт, що відеоматеріали є основним джерелом автентичної іноземної мови, відповідно, їх використання на заняттях значно покращить процес формування іншомовної компетентності майбутніх фахівців із стоматології. Визначено етапи презентації відеоматеріалів на практичному занятті, а саме: «підготовчий етап», «етап перегляду», «робота з відеоматеріалом» та «використання відеоматеріалу в комунікативній ситуації». Також у статті зазначені необхідні умови для покращення процесу формування іншомовної компетентності майбутніх фахівців із стоматології шляхом використання відеоматеріалів. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання вправ та завдань на кожному етапі презентації відеоматеріалу. Запропонована організація демонстрації відеоматеріалів сприятиме підвищенню якості процесу формування іншомовної компетентності майбутніх фахівців із стоматології на заняттях з іноземної мови шляхом використання розроблених завдань для кожного етапу перегляду відеоматеріалу та підвищення мотивації до навчання через професійний контент

    Ways of optimizing medical services for children at educational institutions under the Health Care system reform in Ukraine.

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    Aim – scientific substantiation of the ways to optimize preventive childhood medicine under the health care system reform in Ukraine. The medical, sanitary and epidemiological conditions of children’s stay were studied at 147 schools in five oblasts of Ukraine and the city of Kyiv. The following methods were used: system analysis, analytical, mathematical and statistical, bibliosemantic, modeling and expert assessments. The results of an expert assessment (224 specialists) on the optimization of medical services for schoolchildren were analyzed. The main risk factors for schoolchildren staying at educational institutions were identified: daily routine failure, non-compliance with the hygiene requirements for the premises where the educational process is carried out, as well as failure in food and water quality and safety. The levels of medical observation provision were analyzed. There were suggested two ways of maintaining the role of medical personnel in preserving and enhancing the health of schoolchildren: involving doctors of primary care centers of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and creating an autonomous medical service in the institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in accordance with the current licensing requirements. The issues of prevention and promotion of children's health, including schoolchildren, are one of the key aspects of the training of medical personnel at all stages. Such programs need to be modernized on the basis of a competency approach, taking into account the current needs of the health care system and the best international experience in resolving these issues

    The energy-optimal motion of a vibration-driven robot in a medium with a inherited law of resistance

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The rectilinear motion of a two-mass system consisting of a spherical body and a movable internal mass in a liquid is considered. In addition to quadratic in velocity viscous forces, resistance forces also include those dependent on the history of the motion of Basset forces and inertial forces of added mass. The task is to find the periodic law of motion of the internal mass that minimizes the work of the resistance forces during the period of motion of the system for a fixed period of oscillations and the given average velocity of the shell. The dependence of the optimal modes of the dimensionless oscillation period that characterizes the ratio of Basset forces to viscous forces is investigated

    The optimal control of a multi-mass vibration propulsion system in a viscous incompressible fluid

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    The present work is devoted to the study of the optimal control of the two-mass vibration propulsion system in a viscous incompressible fluid. The study of the motion is carried out in two stages. At the first stage the simplified model of a viscous fluid is considered. On the basis of this model, the problem of the optimal control of the vibration system is solved in terms of minimizing energy consumption. The obtained optimal laws are studied at the second stage on the basis of the direct numerical simulation