232 research outputs found

    The innovative technologies of education in the higher economic education of Ukraine

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    The article deals with the problem of professional training of future specialists in economics to work in the foreign exchange market based on the MetaStock computer program. The aim of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the technical methods of preparing future economists for the testing of trading systems based on the software product such as MetaStock. The algorithms of students work with the MetaStock computer program with the aim of acquiring skills in the currency market based on computer technologies are determined. It is determined that the prerequisite for successful professional activity in the foreign exchange market is the mastery by future economists of their professional knowledge, skills and skills of trading systems testing while using the MetaStock computer program. It was proved with the help of experiments that the implementation of these methods of training of future economic specialists for testing trading systems based on the computer program MetaStock has led to a significant increase of their readiness to work in the currency market on the basis of computer technology.peer-reviewe

    Diagnostics of formedness of system of values of future economists in professional preparation process

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    The article presents the results of the diagnostics of the formation of the value sphere of future economists. The problem of diagnostics of the formedness of the axiosphere of future economic profile specialist is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of modern socio-economic and political conditions. The notion of "value" is considered in the article as a material or spiritual object, which matters for a particular person and causes a valuable relation to it. We define the valuable orientations of the person as a relatively stable orientation of the needs of an individual towards a certain group of values. The purpose of the research is to carry out the diagnostics of the formation of the value sphere of future specialists of the economic profile. Students studying economics on 1-3 courses participated in the study. The methods of conversations, interviews, questionnaires, and observations were used to diagnose the formedness of the value sphere of future specialists in the economic field in the process of carrying out their vocational training. The conducted research testifies to the formedness of certain social image of democratic and totalitarian values of future economic specialists. However, there is a need for further work on clarifying the essence of such socially important values as discipline and law-abidingness and the formation of proper awareness of them by future economists. The development of a methodology for formation of the value sphere of the future specialist in the economic profile is the prospects for further research.peer-reviewe

    Self-Consistent Screening Approximation for Flexible Membranes: Application to Graphene

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    Crystalline membranes at finite temperatures have an anomalous behavior of the bending rigidity that makes them more rigid in the long wavelength limit. This issue is particularly relevant for applications of graphene in nano- and micro-electromechanical systems. We calculate numerically the height-height correlation function G(q)G(q) of crystalline two-dimensional membranes, determining the renormalized bending rigidity, in the range of wavevectors qq from 10710^{-7} \AA1^{-1} till 10 \AA1^{-1} in the self-consistent screening approximation (SCSA). For parameters appropriate to graphene, the calculated correlation function agrees reasonably with the results of atomistic Monte Carlo simulations for this material within the range of qq from 10210^{-2} \AA1^{-1} till 1 \AA1^{-1}. In the limit q0q\rightarrow 0 our data for the exponent η\eta of the renormalized bending rigidity κR(q)qη\kappa_R(q)\propto q^{-\eta} is compatible with the previously known analytical results for the SCSA η0.82\eta\simeq 0.82. However, this limit appears to be reached only for q<105q<10^{-5} \AA1^{-1} whereas at intermediate qq the behavior of G(q)G(q) cannot be described by a single exponent.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Atomistic simulations of structural and thermodynamic properties of bilayer graphene

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    We study the structural and thermodynamic properties of bilayer graphene, a prototype two-layer membrane, by means of Monte Carlo simulations based on the empirical bond order potential LCBOPII. We present the temperature dependence of lattice parameter, bending rigidity and high temperature heat capacity as well as the correlation function of out-of-plane atomic displacements. The thermal expansion coefficient changes sign from negative to positive above 400\approx 400 K, which is lower than previously found for single layer graphene and close to the experimental value of bulk graphite. The bending rigidity is twice as large than for single layer graphene, making the out-of-plane fluctuations smaller. The crossover from correlated to uncorrelated out-of-plane fluctuations of the two carbon planes occurs for wavevectors shorter than 3\approx 3 nm1^{-1}Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures

    Дослідження підвищення ефективності виробничого кластеру

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    У статті доводиться теза про ефективність виробничого кластеру. У якості бази для доказу використовується ромб конкурентоздатності М. Портера. Визначені основні чинники конкурентоспроможності кластеру. Розкрита сутність мікроекономічної ефективності кластеру. Обгрунтовані основоположні ринкові сили ефективність кластеру в порівнянні з окремою фірмою. Визначені важливі переваги кластеру з позиції попиту та пропозиції, The purpose of this article is to review the main factors of competitiveness and justify the benefits of the cluster for each company. The author proves that clusters as a new form of organization of production in the global economy is concentrated by geography group of related companies that are competitors, but are working together. In order to disclose the nature of microeconomic efficiency of the cluster in the article used a diamond competitiveness M. Porter, describing the supply as a set of key factors - these include skilled labor, infrastructure, capital and non-key - raw materials and unskilled labor. The author examined the specificity of the interaction of each of the elements of the cluster. In this connection the author considers it appropriate to consider the four fundamental forces of the market to justify the effectiveness of the cluster compared to individual firms. This effect of clustering is an important competitive advantage and gaining more and more valuable in a knowledge economy. The results allowed to conclude that the purchase of goods and services through the cluster is the most convenient and profitable for the buyer, which is clearly evidenced by the history of cluster success. Thus, a cluster is a successful market mechanism


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    In the article, the authors examined the problematic aspects of project management; the study focuses on the optimization of the crew of the vessel — the project team based on the concept method. Within the framework of the approach proposed by the authors, a model has been developed for the formation of the crew of the vessel — the project team, which allows one to identify its composition, the most suitable and stable (balanced) for managing a specific project in terms of its competence, complementarity of crew members on the vessel (synergism) and its psychological characteristics. The use of the project management system implies the creation of a special group, the crew of a ships (project team), which becomes an independent participant of the project and manages the process of sending and forming the crew of the vessel within the project being implemented. This group is created for the period of project implementation and after its completion it is dissolved. Human resource planning — an estimate of the size and composition of human resources in the future. The project team is the main creative component of creating the end product or service in the projects. The project team is a group of employees who work directly on the project and are subordinate to the project manager. Unfortunately, there is no adequate model and method that would allow simultaneous optimization of the composition of personnel, teams, crew. The use of deterministic models and methods in solving our problem is ineffective, since there is an inability to predict the entire list of works when planning teams of projects, crews.Розглянуто проблемні аспекти управління проектами, досліджено питання оптимізації екіпажу судна — команди проекту на базисі концептуального методу. У рамках запропонованого підходу розроблено модель формування екіпажу судна — проектної команди, що дозволяє виявити її склад, найбільш придатний і стійкий (збалансований) для управління конкретним проектом щодо його компетентності, взаємодоповнюваності членів екіпажу на судні (синергізму) та його психологічних особливостей. Використання системи управління проектами передбачає створення спеціальної групи, екіпажу (команди проекту), яка стає самостійним учасником проекту і управляє процесом відправлення та формування екіпажу судна в рамках проекту, що реалізується. Ця група створюється на період реалізації проекту і після його завершення її розпускають. Планування людських (трудових) ресурсів (human resource planning) — оцінка розмірів і складу людських ресурсів у майбутньому. Проектна команда — основний креативний компонент створення кінцевого продукту або послуги у проектах. Команда проекту (project team) — група співробітників, які безпосередньо працюють над здійсненням проекту і підлеглі керівникові проекту. На жаль, адекватної моделі та методу, які б дозволили одночасно проводити комплексну оптимізацію складу персоналу, команд, екіпажу, на сьогодні не існує. Застосування детермінованих моделей і способів при вирішенні нашого завдання неефективне, оскільки неможливо передбачити весь перелік робіт при плануванні команд проектів, екіпажів суден

    Analysis of the Northern (Arctic) federal university’s language learning model

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    В статье авторами приводится метод моделирования для построения языкового образования в современном университете, подчёркивается роль языковой политики университета в определении пути развития языкового образования. Рассматривается модель языкового образования, представленная в программе развития САФУ, и анализируются в соответствие с принципами непрерывности образовательного процесса. На основе этого анализа предлагается собственная модель языкового образования, и обосновываются её преимущества.The authors of this article give method of modeling to scheme language learning at modern university; emphasize the role of language policy at university to determine ways of language learning development. The model of language learning given in the program of development of NArFU is examined and analyzed in compliance with principles of the life-long education. On basis of this analysis the authors’ model of language learning is given and its advantages are proved