85 research outputs found

    Benign osteoblastoma in an unusual mastoid location

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    SummaryIntroductionBenign osteoblastoma (OB) is an unusual primary bone tumor. The preferred locations are the posterior arch of vertebrae and long bones. We report herein an extremely rare location of an OB in the mastoid process of the temporal bone.Case reportA 22-year-old woman presented with painful left retro-auricular swelling. Computed tomography features were suggestive of an aggressive osteolytic lesion of the left mastoid. The pathologic examination of bone curettage material revealed a benign OB. A complete resection of the tumor was performed later, with no evidence of recurrence at 1 year.Discussion/ConclusionTo our knowledge, this is the 14th reported case of OB confined to the mastoid process of temporal bone. Its histological diagnosis can be difficult and osteosarcoma is its principal differential diagnosis. Although generally regarded as benign, OB has potential for recurrence and local invasion. As such, complete resection, whenever possible, is preferred over conventional curettage

    Review of alien marine macrophytes in Tunisia

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    In the present study, the list of alien marine macrophytes introduced into Tunisia was updated in the light of available data and new observations. A total of 27 alien marine macrophytes have been recorded so far from Tunisia: 18 Rhodophyta, 3 Ochrophyta, 5 Chlorophyta and 1 Magnoliophyta. For each species, the locality (-ies), the year (or) period and the source of the first observation in Tunisia are given. The distribution and the status (casual, cryptogenic, established or questionable) of species in Tunisia were evaluated and, where appropriate, discussed. Among them, Hypnea cornuta is reported for the first time from Tunisia. Fourteen alien marine macrophytes are established, whereas seven cryptogenic and two casual species require further investigation. Eleven species are considered as invasive or potentially invasive in the Mediterranean Sea: Acrothamnion preissii, Asparagopsis armata, A. taxiformis Indo-Pacific lineage, Hypnea cornuta, Lophocladia lallemandii, Womersleyella setacea, Caulerpa chemnitzia, C. cylindracea, C. taxifolia, Codium fragile subsp. fragile and Halophila stipulacea. Finally, the case of four questionable species is also discussed.The project “MAnagement of Port areas in the MEDiterranean Sea Basin (MAPMED)” has been funded by ENPI CBC MED Cross-Border Cooperation. This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme

    COP27 Climate Change Conference: Urgent action needed for Africa and the world

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    The 2022 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) paints a dark picture of the future of life on earth, characterised by ecosystem collapse, species extinction, and climate hazards such as heatwaves and floods (1). These are all linked to physical and mental health problems, with direct and indirect consequences of increased morbidity and mortality. To avoid these catastrophic health effects across all regions of the globe, there is broad agreement—as 231 health journals argued together in 2021—that the rise in global temperature must be limited to less than 1.5oC compared with pre-industrial levels.  While the Paris Agreement of 2015 outlines a global action framework that incorporates providing climate finance to developing countries, this support has yet to materialise (2). COP27 is the fifth Conference of the Parties (COP) to be organised in Africa since its inception in 1995. Ahead of this meeting, we—as health journal editors from across the continent—call for urgent action to ensure it is the COP that finally delivers climate justice for Africa and vulnerable countries. This is essential not just for the health of those countries, but for the health of the whole world. Read more in the PDF..
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