2,705 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Sosial Ekonomi Petani Lada di Desa Ogan Lima

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    The purpose of this research to know characteristic paper grower at Desa Ogan Lima Kecamatan Abung Barat Kabupaten Lampung Utara 2012. The result of the research show that: (1) The most of farmer at Desa Ogan Lima in categories productive age (2) The most of paper grower at Desa Ogan Lima educational level of SD, SMP and MTs. (3) Ownership of field that owner by paper grower at desa Ogan Lima dominated by vast field and medium field. (4) paper grower that planting paper with large capital more than paper grower that lanting paper with less capital. (5) the most of paper grower at Desa Ogan Lima have income that less of average ( 6) the most of paper grower categories by big family (>3) (7) the most of paper grower at Desa Ogan Lima was not fulfill necessary.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik sosial ekonomi petani lada di Desa Ogan Lima Kecamatan Abung Barat kabupetan Lampung Utara Tahun 2012. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, bahwa: (1)Sebagain Besar Patani di Desa Ogan Lima dalam kategori usia produktif (2) Sebagian besar dari petani lada di Desa Ogan Lima berpendidikan pada tingkat SD, SMP dan MTs .(3). Kepemilikan lahan yang dimiliki oleh petani lada di Desa Ogan Lima di dominasi oleh lahan yang luas dan sedang . (4) Antara petani yang menanam lada dengan modal besar atau dengan modal yang lebih dari rata-rata lebih banyak dibandingkan petani yang menanam lada dengan modal kurang dari rata-rata. (5). Sebagin besar petani lada di Desa Ogan Lima memiliki pendapatan yang kurang dari rata-rata. (6) Sebagian besar dari keluarga petani lada dikategorikan dengan keluarga besar (≥3). (7) Sebagian besar dari petani lada di Desa Ogan Lima tidak terpenuhi kebutuhan pokoknya

    Kandungan Zat Gizi Produk Serbuk Minuman Instan Rumput Gandum sebagai Minuman Kesehatan

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    Rumput gandum dikenal sebagai bahan baku untuk minuman kesehatan karena mengandung vitamin, zat gizi lainnya dan antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kandungan zat gizi pada produk serbuk minuman instan rumput gandum sehingga dapat menyediakan informasi tentang komposisi zat gizi pada produk. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis laboratorium. Produk serbuk minuman instan ini dihasilkan dari kristalisasi filtrat rumput gandum dengan penambahan gula. Penelitian ini menggunakan 3 formula produk, yaitu formula 1 dengan penambahan gula 15%, formula 2 dengan penambahan gula 20% dan formula 3 dengan penambahan gula 25%. Hasil penelitian menujukkan kandungan gizi makro ketiga formula yang terdiri dari 9,13±11,02 gram karbohidrat; 0,50±0,72 gram protein; 0,05±0,09 gram lemak, dan energi sebesar 40,21±46,53 kkal, sedangkan zat gizi mikro terdiri dari 5,9±6,2 mg vitamin C; 0,30±0,53 mg besi, 2,84±6,65 mg magnesium;105±135 mg kalium dan 6,1±7,8 mg natrium. Berdasarkan kandungan zat gizinya maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa formula 1 merupakan formula terbaik

    Informal institutions and managers’ earnings management choices: evidence from IFRS-adopting countries

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    In this study, we investigate the role of informal institutions (religiosity and culture) in determining managers’ choices of earnings management methods (accruals vs. real activities), after controlling for formal institutions (investor protection, enforcement quality and equity market development). Using an ethical perspective, we find that managers tend to choose an earnings management strategy that meets the prevailing social (informal) norms of the environment where the firm is headquartered. Specifically, our analysis shows that firms domiciled in countries with strong religious adherence and highpower- distance cultures prefer to manage their earnings ‘upwards’ through real activities rather than accruals. Overall, our results suggest that informal institutions determine managers’ earnings management choices at least as strongly as formal institutions do. It would therefore be misleading to analyze managers’ choices in managing earnings solely from the formal rules perspective without considering the role of informal constraints or vice versa

    Executive remuneration consultancy in the UK: exploring a professional project through the lens of institutional work

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    This article responds to recent calls to examine the development of professionalism through the lens of institutional theory. We investigate the development of the new professional service of executive remuneration consultancy (ERC) in the UK through the lens of institutional work. Specifically, drawing upon Lawrence and Suddaby (2006) and Suddaby and Viale (2011), we explore the relationship between macro-scale occupational/organizational and micro-scale individual-level dynamics of the ERC professional project and situate its development in relation to the broader field of executive remuneration practices. We show that the institutional work of creating the new professional project is contested and that the ERC development may be better understood as part of broader efforts to create and maintain the institution of executive pay-setting practices. We argue that the institutional work lens has the potential to produce a more nuanced understanding of the internal dynamics of the ERC professionalization process and its role in reconfiguring broader institutional arrangements. By exploring the analytical purchase of the concept of institutional work, the article contributes to the emerging body of empirical evidence outlining the potential of (neo-) institutional approaches to offer a more productive understanding of contemporary professionalis

    A Gossip Algorithm based Clock Synchronization Scheme for Smart Grid Applications

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    The uprising interest in multi-agent based networked system, and the numerous number of applications in the distributed control of the smart grid leads us to address the problem of time synchronization in the smart grid. Utility companies look for new packet based time synchronization solutions with Global Positioning System (GPS) level accuracies beyond traditional packet methods such as Network Time Proto- col (NTP). However GPS based solutions have poor reception in indoor environments and dense urban canyons as well as GPS antenna installation might be costly. Some smart grid nodes such as Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs), fault detection, Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMS) etc., requires synchronous accuracy as low as 1 ms. On the other hand, 1 sec accuracy is acceptable in management information domain. Acknowledging this, in this study, we introduce gossip algorithm based clock synchronization method among network entities from the decision control and communication point of view. Our method synchronizes clock within dense network with a bandwidth limited environment. Our technique has been tested in different kinds of network topologies- complete, star and random geometric network and demonstrated satisfactory performance

    Pengelolaan Program Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    The objective of this research was to describe the management of guidance and counselling program in public senior high school number 8 in south Bengkulu regency. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative. The conclusion of this research are: 1). the program of guidance and counselling in public senior high school number 8 in south Bengkulu regency is arranged completely, and consist of annual program, semester program, monthy program, weekly program and daily program; 2). the application of guidance and counselling program are consist of some services: orientation, information, placement and distribution, the mastery of content, individual counselling, guidance and counselling in group, consultation, and mediation; 3). the result of program evaluation, there is un complete program is guidance and counselling in group; 4). the follow up of the evaluation result is to complete the program and make priority of the program

    Identifikasi Karakteristik yang Mempengaruhi Kesuksesan Agen dan Atribut Asuransi yang Mempengaruhi Nasabah Masuk AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Kediri

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    One of the developing service industries developing in Indonesia economy which is undergoing crisis is insurance industry, whose productivity and business quality are depended on agents’ capability as the main doer who are corresponding with marker and characteristic from this insurance. This research attempts to find out agent’s profile and characteristic, perception given from customer and also insurance’s attributes that influence a customer to join. The measurement used on this research is Likert scale with the valid questionnaires distributed to 117 respondents agents and 46 respondents customers from AJB Bumiputera 1912 branch Kediri. The results shows that successful agents’ profile generally women(65,12%), age between 35-50 years old(75%), come from East Java(58,26%), married(65,48%), have S1 degree(85,71%), and experience on this field more than 6 years(88%). By using discriminate Analysis it results that successful agents have knowledge and higher assertiveness than less successful agents, but owning lower recognition motivation. According to the customer, there is no difference between successful and less successful agents. By using Pareto diagram, we can conclude that agents are the most important attribute that influence customer to join with the insurance. Keywords : discriminant analysis, insurance agents, insurance agents’ characteristic, insurance attribute, successful agents’ profile.

    Exploring awareness and factors facilitating diffusion, adoption and use of social media in teaching, learning and research by faculty members in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

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    This paper focused on Exploring Awareness and Factors Facilitating Diffusion, Adoption and Use of Social Media in Teaching, Learning and Research (TLR) by Faculty Members in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The objectives of this paper are: To identify the types social media faculty members of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, are aware of and to identify factors that facilitate the diffusion, adoption and use of social media in TLR by faculty members in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. The researchers used single case study research design for this study. The population of this study comprised all the faculty members including staff in training in the 12 faculties of ABU, Zaria with a total number of One thousand nine hundred and fifty nine (1, 959). The researchers selected participants purposefully who must have had life experiences with using social media in Teaching, Learning, Research. Thus, the researchers used this criterion to select 12 faculty members for the interview, one from each faculty. The researcher employed interview as the instrument for collecting data. The researcher adopted the thematic process of data analysis. It was found out that Faculty members were aware of two types of social media: Everyday life Social Media and Scholarly Social Media. Factors that facilitate the diffusion of social media for TLR are: being technologically savvy (curiosity), social media as a tool for interactions, social media as a tool for collaboration and Interactions among faculty members. Factors that facilitate Adoption of social media for TLR by the faculty members are academic network, official academic gathering, and family members. Factors that facilitate the Use of social media by the faculty members are social media benefit, ease of use and Exposure of faculty members abroad (training) etc. It was concluded that Faculty members in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria were aware of scholarly social media and everyday life social media. They indicated that diffusion, adoption and use of social media for teaching, learning and research depend on some factors. These factors included curiosity, Academic connectivity like academic colleagues, online forums, students etc. It was recommended that University management should mount training programmes aimed at creating awareness on the academic implication of the two social media types and how best to apply in Teaching, Learning, Research. Training programmes in the form of workshops, conferences and symposium etc. would ensure increased awareness and encourage best practice and Faculty members should endeavor to acquire technology savvy skills as it will help in upstanding social media technologies which will improve Teaching, Learning and Research in the University

    L-citrulline Sebagai Inhibitor Korosi Pada Tinplate Dalam Media Nacl

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    L-citrulline sebagai inhibitor korosi pada tinplate dalam media NaCl telah diteliti menggunakan metode polarisasi potensiodinamik dan pengurangan berat. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan variasi konsentrasi L-citrulline dan media korosi NaCl. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam media 2% NaCl, L-citrulline dapat meningkatkan efisiensi inhibisi korosi seiring dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi L-citrulline berturut-turut yaitu sebesar 36% dan 74,59 % pada metode pengurangan berat dan polarisasi potensiodinamik. Pengaruh konsentrasi NaCl terhadap efisiensi inhibisi L-citrulline pada tinplate yaitu dapat meningkatkan densitas arus korosi tinplate dan menurunkan efisiensi inhibisi L-citrulline dalam media 3% NaCl daripada dalam media 2% NaCl. Prosentase efisiensi inhibisi L-Citrulline pada tinplate dalam media 2% NaCl sebesar 74,59% dan dalam media 3% NaCl sebesar 68,96%. Adsorpsi L-citrulline pada permukaan tinplate mengikuti mekanisme adsorpsi isoterm Freundlich dengan nilai Kads dan Gads berturut-turut sebesar 0,9835 dan -23,31 kJmol-1. L-citrulline menunjukkan mekanisme adsorpsi secara kimia (kemisorpsi) dengan tinplate
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