29 research outputs found

    The Impact of Age Structure on Inflation - Example of Developing Countries

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    Many countries in the world experience demographic transition - significant decrease of fertility rates and increase share of the old population. The pace and characteristics of demographic shifts however are individual for each country. At the same time these countries face low inflation rates or even deflation. In this thesis I demonstrate how demographic changes are correlated with low inflation rates. I estimated two different models - VAR and FEM for panel data using two samples of developing countries. The primary argument of using two separate groups for estimating the same problem is robustness check, whether all three imposed hypotheses will hold in any sample of the population. These hypotheses are - first, deflation is positively correlated with increased share of the old population, second, low inflation in developing economies has structural pattern due to demographic changes and third, deflation can be forecastable if it is driven by demographic trends. Despite the heterogeneity of the results from PVAR and FEM, a negative impact of aging population on inflation has been proved. Also estimation results support our two hypotheses that low inflation if it is partially driven by aging structure changes, has structural rather than cyclical characteristics and is predictable. Contribution..

    Dopad věkové struktury na inflaci - Příklad rozvíjejících se zemí

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    Many countries in the world experience demographic transition - significant decrease of fertility rates and increase share of the old population. The pace and characteristics of demographic shifts however are individual for each country. At the same time these countries face low inflation rates or even deflation. In this thesis I demonstrate how demographic changes are correlated with low inflation rates. I estimated two different models - VAR and FEM for panel data using two samples of developing countries. The primary argument of using two separate groups for estimating the same problem is robustness check, whether all three imposed hypotheses will hold in any sample of the population. These hypotheses are - first, deflation is positively correlated with increased share of the old population, second, low inflation in developing economies has structural pattern due to demographic changes and third, deflation can be forecastable if it is driven by demographic trends. Despite the heterogeneity of the results from PVAR and FEM, a negative impact of aging population on inflation has been proved. Also estimation results support our two hypotheses that low inflation if it is partially driven by aging structure changes, has structural rather than cyclical characteristics and is predictable. Contribution...Mnoho zemí světa zažívá demografický přechod - výrazné snížení míry plodnosti a zvýšení podílu staré populace. Tempo a charakteristika demografických změn jsou však pro každou zemi individuální. Současně tyto země čelí nízké míře inflace nebo dokonce deflaci. V této práci ukazuji, jak jsou demografické změny korelovány s nízkou mírou inflace. Odhaduji dva různé modely - VAR a FEM pro panelová data za použití dvou skupin rozvojových zemí. Primárním argumentem pro použití dvou oddělených skupin pro odhad stejného modelu je kontrola robustnosti, tj. zda budou všechny tři hypotézy platit u více vzorků zemí. Tyto hypotézy jsou následující. Zaprvé, deflace je pozitivně korelována se zvýšeným podílem staré populace. Zadruhé, nízká inflace v rozvíjejících se ekonomikách má strukturální charakter v důsledku demografických změn. Zatřetí, deflace může být prognózovatelná, pokud je poháněna demografickými trendy. Přes heterogenitu výsledků PVAR a FEM se ukázal negativní dopad stárnutí populace na inflaci. Výsledky odhadů také podporují hypotézy, že nízká inflace, pokud je částečně poháněna změnami stárnutí struktury, má strukturální spíše než cyklické charakteristiky a že je předvídatelná. Příspěvkem této práce je vliv věkové struktury na inflaci v rozvíjejícíh zemích, neboť ostatní studie zkoumají stejný...Institut ekonomických studiíInstitute of Economic StudiesFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

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    The Impact of Age Structure on Inflation - Example of Developing Countries

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    Many countries in the world experience demographic transition - significant decrease of fertility rates and increase share of the old population. The pace and characteristics of demographic shifts however are individual for each country. At the same time these countries face low inflation rates or even deflation. In this thesis I demonstrate how demographic changes are correlated with low inflation rates. I estimated two different models - VAR and FEM for panel data using two samples of developing countries. The primary argument of using two separate groups for estimating the same problem is robustness check, whether all three imposed hypotheses will hold in any sample of the population. These hypotheses are - first, deflation is positively correlated with increased share of the old population, second, low inflation in developing economies has structural pattern due to demographic changes and third, deflation can be forecastable if it is driven by demographic trends. Despite the heterogeneity of the results from PVAR and FEM, a negative impact of aging population on inflation has been proved. Also estimation results support our two hypotheses that low inflation if it is partially driven by aging structure changes, has structural rather than cyclical characteristics and is predictable. Contribution..

    On Irreversible Thermodynamic for a New Collision Frequency Model of Boltzmann Equation for a Gas Mixture Influenced by a Centrifugal Force

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    This paper discussed a new mathematical model of the Boltzmann equation for a gas mixture influenced by a centrifugal force. We do that to study the performance of the particles’ non-equilibrium unsteady distribution function of a gas confined between two parallel rigid concentric cylinders. This examination is done in a non-restricted range of Knudsen number and a non-restricted range of a centrifugal Mach number. For this approach, an exact analytical moments equation of the new kinetic mathematical model is presented for two-sided non-equilibrium distribution Maxwellian functions. Our new mathematical model is a significant modification and a considerable development of the BGK (Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook) model of the Boltzmann equation to be appropriate for investigating the effect of the centrifugal force on a neutral gas mixture. The new mathematical model’s scientific achievement is that it represents an uncomplicated mathematical model that has no mathematical complication. On the other hand, the mathematical model does not lose any of its generality. The mathematical model formula is citable for any coordinate system. Nevertheless, we will focus here on the mathematical model related to the cylinder coordinate. We shed light upon the new mathematical model satisfaction of the conservation laws of energy, mass, and momentum, thermodynamics second law, and Boltzmann H-theorem. The new mathematical model for a centrifugal force, utilized in the Uranium enrichment process and affecting on the neutral gas mixture between two concentric circular rigid cylinders, is discussed as a significant application for the new mathematical model. We also introduced the irreversible non-equilibrium thermodynamics mathematical formulas of the system related to the new mathematical model for the first time at all. The ratios between the various participations of the internal energy modifications are calculated. The flow of a neutral binary gas mixture of (UF6 and N2) between rotating cylinders is the first suggested problem enforcement of the new mathematical model

    Zur Bedeutung geburtsassoziierter Faktoren bei der Entstehung intraventrikulärer Blutungen bei Frühgeborenen

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    Zur Bedeutung geburtsassoziierter Faktoren bei der Entstehung intraventrikulärer Blutungen bei Frühgeborenen Universität Leipzig, Dissertation 89 S., 183 L., 10 Abb., 30 Tab. Referat: Die intraventrikuläre Blutung (IVH) ist gestationsaltersabhängig eine häufige und folgenreiche Komplikation bei Frühgeborenen. Ihre Ätiologie ist multifaktoriell und nicht in allen Einzelheiten geklärt. Ihre geburtsassoziierten Risikofaktoren sind Gegenstand dieser Arbeit. Auf der Basis einer Literaturrecherche wurde folgende Hypothese formuliert: Während einer Geburt wirken mechanische Kräfte auf den kindlichen Kopf, die wegen seiner leichten Kompressibilität Ischämien und nachfolgend intraventrikuläre Blutungen auslösen können. Das Risiko dafür ist nach Blasensprung und Muttermunderöffnung und während starker Wehen besonders groß. Ein indirektes Indiz für eine dadurch verursachte zerebrale Funktionsstörung ist der Apgar-Wert nach 1 Minute. Wenn diese Hypothese zutreffend ist, bedeutet dies, dass zwischen Inzidenz von Hirnblutung und geburtshilflichen Faktoren enge Korrelationen bestehen müssen, die beim interklinischen Qualitätsvergleich von neonatologischer Versorgungsleistung zu berücksichtigen sind. Es wurden die geburtshilflichen und neonatologischen Krankenblätter von 148 frühgeborenen Einlingen unter 1500g und < 32 SSW der Jahre 2006 bis Juli 2008 retrospektiv analysiert. Ausgeschlossen waren Zwillinge und Kinder mit lebensbedrohlichen Fehlbildungen. Insgesamt wurden 42 Variable uni- und multivariat in ihrer Beziehung zur IVH analysiert. Auf der Basis der Eingangshypothese haben wir eine neue Risikovariable definiert, wonach zwischen einem Geburtsverlauf „mit schonender oder nicht schonender Kopfentwicklung“ unterschieden wird. Kriterien für die „schonende Kopfentwicklung“ erfüllten 61% der Fälle. In dieser Gruppe befanden sich signifikant weniger Kinder mit IVH und kein Kind mit IVH Grad III oder IV. Bei den unreifsten Kindern mit dem höchsten IVH-Anteil waren auch häufiger die Kriterien der „nicht schonenden Kopfentwicklung“ erfüllt. Dies bedeutet, dass die höhere Rate von IVH bei niedrigem Gestationsalter z.T. durch ein „nicht adäquat Kopf schonendes“ Geburtsmanagement erklärt werden kann, was bisher nicht in dieser Deutlichkeit beschrieben worden ist. Bei univariater Regressionsanalyse wurden signifikante Korrelationen mit GA, Frühinfektion, Apgar nach 1 und 5 Minuten und Muttermundweite herausgestellt. Bei multivariater Regression hat sich die prädiktive Rolle des Gestationsalters bestätigt. Die Risikovorhersage wird verbessert, wenn die Muttermundweite bei der Entscheidung zur Geburtsbeendigung, der Blasensprung, das Vorhandensein von Wehen sowie der Apgar-Wert nach 1 Minute mitberücksichtigt werden. Es wurde kein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen IVH und intrauteriner Hypoxie sowie Entbindungsmodus gefunden.:Inhaltverzeichnis ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS: 5 1 EINLEITUNG 6 2 DIE INTRAVENTRIKULÄRE HIRNBLUTUNG 9 2.1 THEORETISCHE GRUNDLAGE 9 2.1.1 PATHOGENESE UND RISIKOFAKTOREN DER INTRAVENTRIKULÄREN HIRNBLUTUNG 9 2.1.2 KLINIK DER HIRNBLUTUNG 14 2.1.3 INZIDENZ UND TIMING 16 2.1.4 PRÄVENTION 18 3 PATIENTEN UND METHODEN 19 3.1 DATENERHEBUNG 19 3.1.1 GEBURTSHILFLICHE DATEN 19 3.1.2 NEONATOLOGISCHE DATEN 22 3.1.3 GRUPPENBILDUNG 23 3.2 STATISTISCHE ANALYSE 23 4 ERGEBNISSE 24 4.1 GESAMTKOLLEKTIV – HIRNBLUTUNGSINZIDENZ UND RISIKOFAKTOREN 24 4.2 PERINATALE CHARAKTERISTIKA VON KINDERN MIT UND OHNE HIRNBLUTUNG 27 4.2.1 EINZELFAKTORENANALYSE 29 Geburtsgewicht 30 Geschlechtsverteilung 31 Apgarwert nach 1 Minute 32 Apgar nach 5 Minuten 32 Arterieller pH-Wert im Nabelschnurblut 33 Basenüberschuss 35 Vorzeitiger Blasensprung 35 Zervixwirksame Wehen 35 Muttermunderöffnung 36 Pathologisches Kardiotokogramm sub partu 37 Amnioninfektionssyndrom 39 Geburtsmodus 39 4.3 KINDLICHE BZW. POSTNATALE PARAMETER 41 4.3.1 INTRAUTERINE WACHSTUMSRETARDIERUNG/SMALL FOR GESTATIONAL AGE 41 4.3.2 ATEMHILFE IM KREIßSAAL. 42 4.3.3 NEONATALE FRÜHINFEKTION 43 4.3.4 NEONATALE MORTALITÄT 45 4.4 ERGEBNISSE DER GRUPPENANALYSE FÜR KINDER NACH „SCHONENDER (GRUPPE I) UND NICHT SCHONENDER (GRUPPE II) KOPFENTWICKLUNG“ 45 4.5 MULTIVARIATE REGRESSIONSANALYSE 47 4.6 BILDUNG EINES RISIKO-SCORES 50 5 DISKUSSION 52 5.1 ALLGEMEINBETRACHTUNGEN 52 5.2 INZIDENZ DER HIRNBLUTUNG 54 5.3 BEDEUTUNG DER KOPFKOMPRESSION - SCHONENDE KOPFENTWICKLUNG 55 5.4 INFEKTION 59 5.5 UNREIFE 61 5.6 ZERVIXWIRKSAME WEHENAKTIVITÄT 62 5.7 BLASENSPRUNG 63 5.8 VAGINALGEBURT 64 5.9 FETALE AZIDITÄT 66 5.10 APGAR 68 5.11 PROGNOSESCORE 69 5.12 POSTNATALE PARAMETER 70 6 ABSCHLUSSBETRACHTUNG UND SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG 71 7 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 73 8 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS 77 ERKLÄRUNG 87 LEBENSLAUF 88 DANKSAGUNG 89 Inhaltverzeichnis ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS: 5 1 EINLEITUNG 6 2 DIE INTRAVENTRIKULÄRE HIRNBLUTUNG 9 2.1 THEORETISCHE GRUNDLAGE 9 2.1.1 PATHOGENESE UND RISIKOFAKTOREN DER INTRAVENTRIKULÄREN HIRNBLUTUNG 9 2.1.2 KLINIK DER HIRNBLUTUNG 14 2.1.3 INZIDENZ UND TIMING 16 2.1.4 PRÄVENTION 18 3 PATIENTEN UND METHODEN 19 3.1 DATENERHEBUNG 19 3.1.1 GEBURTSHILFLICHE DATEN 19 3.1.2 NEONATOLOGISCHE DATEN 22 3.1.3 GRUPPENBILDUNG 23 3.2 STATISTISCHE ANALYSE 23 4 ERGEBNISSE 24 4.1 GESAMTKOLLEKTIV – HIRNBLUTUNGSINZIDENZ UND RISIKOFAKTOREN 24 4.2 PERINATALE CHARAKTERISTIKA VON KINDERN MIT UND OHNE HIRNBLUTUNG 27 4.2.1 EINZELFAKTORENANALYSE 29 Geburtsgewicht 30 Geschlechtsverteilung 31 Apgarwert nach 1 Minute 32 Apgar nach 5 Minuten 32 Arterieller pH-Wert im Nabelschnurblut 33 Basenüberschuss 35 Vorzeitiger Blasensprung 35 Zervixwirksame Wehen 35 Muttermunderöffnung 36 Pathologisches Kardiotokogramm sub partu 37 Amnioninfektionssyndrom 39 Geburtsmodus 39 4.3 KINDLICHE BZW. POSTNATALE PARAMETER 41 4.3.1 INTRAUTERINE WACHSTUMSRETARDIERUNG/SMALL FOR GESTATIONAL AGE 41 4.3.2 ATEMHILFE IM KREIßSAAL. 42 4.3.3 NEONATALE FRÜHINFEKTION 43 4.3.4 NEONATALE MORTALITÄT 45 4.4 ERGEBNISSE DER GRUPPENANALYSE FÜR KINDER NACH „SCHONENDER (GRUPPE I) UND NICHT SCHONENDER (GRUPPE II) KOPFENTWICKLUNG“ 45 4.5 MULTIVARIATE REGRESSIONSANALYSE 47 4.6 BILDUNG EINES RISIKO-SCORES 50 5 DISKUSSION 52 5.1 ALLGEMEINBETRACHTUNGEN 52 5.2 INZIDENZ DER HIRNBLUTUNG 54 5.3 BEDEUTUNG DER KOPFKOMPRESSION - SCHONENDE KOPFENTWICKLUNG 55 5.4 INFEKTION 59 5.5 UNREIFE 61 5.6 ZERVIXWIRKSAME WEHENAKTIVITÄT 62 5.7 BLASENSPRUNG 63 5.8 VAGINALGEBURT 64 5.9 FETALE AZIDITÄT 66 5.10 APGAR 68 5.11 PROGNOSESCORE 69 5.12 POSTNATALE PARAMETER 70 6 ABSCHLUSSBETRACHTUNG UND SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG 71 7 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 73 8 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS 77 ERKLÄRUNG 87 LEBENSLAUF 88 DANKSAGUNG 8

    Solving stochastic multi-manned U-shaped assembly line balancing problem using differential evolution algorithm

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    [EN] The U-shaped assembly lines help to have more flexibility than the straight assembly lines, where the operators can perform tasks in both sides of the line, the entrance and the exit sides. Having more than one operator in any station of the line can reduce the line length and thereby affects the number of produced products. This paper combines the U-shaped assembly line balancing problem with the multi-manned assembly line balancing problem in one problem. In addition, the processing times of the tasks are considered as stochastic, where they are represented as random variables with known means and variances. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming and the cycle time constraints are formulated as chance-constraints. The proposed algorithm for solving the problem is a differential evolution algorithm. The parameter of the algorithm is optimized using experimental design and the computational results are done on 71 adapted problems selected from well-known benchmarks.Zakaraia, M.; Zaher, H.; Ragaa, N. (2022). Solving stochastic multi-manned U-shaped assembly line balancing problem using differential evolution algorithm. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 10(1):13-22. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2021.16084OJS1322101Abidin Çil, Zeynel, & Damla Kizilay. 2020. Constraint Programming Model for Multi-Manned Assembly Line Balancing Problem. Computers and Operations Research, 124, 105069. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2020.105069Ajenblit, Debora A., & Roger L. Wainwright. 1998. Applying Genetic Algorithms to the U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing Problem. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, ICEC, 96-101. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICEC.1998.699329Fathi, Masood, María Jesús Álvarez, & Victoria Rodríguez. 2016. A New Heuristic-Based Bi-Objective Simulated Annealing Method for U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 10(2), 145-169. https://doi.org/10.1504/EJIE.2016.075849Fattahi, Parviz, Abdolreza Roshani, & Abdolhassan Roshani. 2011a. A Mathematical Model and Ant Colony Algorithm for MultiManned Assembly Line Balancing Problem. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 53(1-4), 363-378. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-010-2832-yGökçen, Hadi, Kürşad Ağpak, & Recep Benzer. 2006. Balancing of Parallel Assembly Lines. International Journal of Production Economics, 103(2), 600-609. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2005.12.001Hamzadayi, Alper, & Gokalp Yildiz. 2012. A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for Simultaneously Balancing and Sequencing of Mixed-Model U-Lines with Parallel Workstations and Zoning Constraints. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 62(1), 206-215. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2011.09.008Hamzadayi, Alper, & Gokalp Yildiz. 2013. A Simulated Annealing Algorithm Based Approach for Balancing and Sequencing of Mixed-Model U-Lines. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 66(4), 1070-1084. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2013.08.008Jayaswal, Sachin, & Prashant Agarwal. 2014. Balancing U-Shaped Assembly Lines with Resource Dependent Task Times: A Simulated Annealing Approach. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 33(4), 522-534. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmsy.2014.05.002Kara, Yakup, Cemal Özgüven, Neşe Yalçin, & Yakup Atasagun. 2011. Balancing Straight and U-Shaped Assembly Lines with Resource Dependent Task Times. International Journal of Production Research, 49(21), 6387-6405. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2010.535039Kellegöz, Talip. 2017. Assembly Line Balancing Problems with Multi-Manned Stations: A New Mathematical Formulation and Gantt Based Heuristic Method. Annals of Operations Research, 253(1), 377-404. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-016-2156-xKellegöz, Talip, & Bilal Toklu. 2015. A Priority Rule-Based Constructive Heuristic and an Improvement Method for Balancing Assembly Lines with Parallel Multi-Manned Workstations. International Journal of Production Research, 53(3), 736-756. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2014.920548Kucukkoc, Ibrahim, & David Z. Zhang. 2015. Balancing of Parallel U-Shaped Assembly Lines. Vol. 64. Virginia Tech. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2015.05.014Li, Ming, Qiuhua Tang, Qiaoxian Zheng, Xuhui Xia, & C. A. Floudas. 2017. Rules-Based Heuristic Approach for the U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing Problem. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 48(2017), 423-439. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2016.12.031Li, Zixiang, Mukund Nilakantan Janardhanan, & Humyun Fuad Rahman. 2021. Enhanced Beam Search Heuristic for U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing Problems. Engineering Optimization, 53(4), 594-608. https://doi.org/10.1080/0305215X.2020.1741569Michels, Adalberto Sato, Tiago Cantos Lopes, Celso Gustavo Stall Sikora, & Leandro Magatão. 2018. With Practical Extensions The Robotic Assembly Line Design ( RALD ) Problem: Model and Case Studies with Practical Extensions. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 120, 320-333. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2018.04.010Michels, Adalberto Sato, Thiago Cantos Lopes, Celso Gustavo Stall Sikora, & Leandro Magatão. 2019. A Benders' Decomposition Algorithm with Combinatorial Cuts for the Multi-Manned Assembly Line Balancing Problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 278(3), 796-808. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2019.05.001Miltenburg, G.J., & J. Wijngaard. 1994. U-Line Line Balancing Problem. Management Science, 40(10), 1378-1388. https://doi.org/10.1287/mnsc.40.10.1378Nourmohammadi, Amir, Masood Fathi, Mostafa Zandieh, & Morteza Ghobakhloo. 2019. A Water-Flow like Algorithm for Solving U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing Problems. IEEE Access, 7, 129824-129833. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2939724Oksuz, Mehmet Kursat, Kadir Buyukozkan, & Sule Itir Satoglu. 2017. U-Shaped Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem: A Mathematical Model and Two Meta-Heuristics. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 112, 246-263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2017.08.030Rabbani, Masoud, Seyed Mahmood Kazemi, & Neda Manavizadeh. 2012. Mixed Model U-Line Balancing Type-1 Problem: A New Approach. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 31(2), 131-138. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmsy.2012.02.002Sabuncuoglu, Ihsan, Erdal Erel, & Arda Alp. 2009. Ant Colony Optimization for the Single Model U-Type Assembly Line Balancing Problem. International Journal of Production Economics, 120(2), 287-300. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2008.11.017Scholl, A., & R. Klein. 1999. ULINO: Optimally Balancing U-Shaped JIT Assembly Lines. International Journal of Production Research, 37(4), 721-736. https://doi.org/10.1080/002075499191481Sresracoo, Poontana, Nuchsara Kriengkorakot, Preecha Kriengkorakot, & Krit Chantarasamai. 2018. U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing by Using Differential Evolution Algorithm. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 23(4), 79. https://doi.org/10.3390/mca23040079Taha, Hamdy. 2017. Operations Research an Introduction. 10th ed. edited by R. Horton, Marcia; Partridge, Julian; Stark, Holly; Brands, Amanda; Agarwal, Aditee; Raheja. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.Yilmaz, Ö.F., Ö.F. Demirel, S. Zaim, & S. Sevim. 2020. Assembly Line Balancing by Using Axiomatic Design Principles: An Application from Cooler Manufacturing Industry. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering, 8(1), 31-43. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2020.11953Yılmaz, Faruk. 2020a. Robust Optimization for U-Shaped Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem with Uncertain Task Times¨Omer Times¨ Times¨Omer. CRORR, 11(2), 229-239. https://doi.org/10.17535/crorr.2020.0018Yılmaz, Ömer Faruk. 2020b. An Integrated Bi-Objective U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing and Parts Feeding Problem: Optimization Model and Exact Solution Method. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10472-020-09718-yZakaraia, Mohammad, Hegazy Zaher, & Naglaa Ragaa. 2021. Stochastic Local Search for Solving Chance-Constrained MultiManned U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing Problem with Time and Space Constraints. Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, 23(04), 278-295. https://doi.org/10.51201/JUSST/21/04242Zhang, Beikun, & Liyun Xu. 2020. An Improved Flower Pollination Algorithm for Solving a Type-II U-Shaped Assembly Line Balancing Problem with Energy Consideration. Assembly Automation, 40(6), 847-856. https://doi.org/10.1108/AA-07-2019-0144Zhang, Zikai, Qiuhua Tang, & Manuel Chica. 2020. Multi-Manned Assembly Line Balancing with Time and Space Constraints: A MILP Model and Memetic Ant Colony System. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 150, 106862. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2020.10686

    On Irreversible Thermodynamic for a New Collision Frequency Model of Boltzmann Equation for a Gas Mixture Influenced by a Centrifugal Force

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    This paper discussed a new mathematical model of the Boltzmann equation for a gas mixture influenced by a centrifugal force. We do that to study the performance of the particles’ non-equilibrium unsteady distribution function of a gas confined between two parallel rigid concentric cylinders. This examination is done in a non-restricted range of Knudsen number and a non-restricted range of a centrifugal Mach number. For this approach, an exact analytical moments equation of the new kinetic mathematical model is presented for two-sided non-equilibrium distribution Maxwellian functions. Our new mathematical model is a significant modification and a considerable development of the BGK (Bhatnagar-Gross-Krook) model of the Boltzmann equation to be appropriate for investigating the effect of the centrifugal force on a neutral gas mixture. The new mathematical model’s scientific achievement is that it represents an uncomplicated mathematical model that has no mathematical complication. On the other hand, the mathematical model does not lose any of its generality. The mathematical model formula is citable for any coordinate system. Nevertheless, we will focus here on the mathematical model related to the cylinder coordinate. We shed light upon the new mathematical model satisfaction of the conservation laws of energy, mass, and momentum, thermodynamics second law, and Boltzmann H-theorem. The new mathematical model for a centrifugal force, utilized in the Uranium enrichment process and affecting on the neutral gas mixture between two concentric circular rigid cylinders, is discussed as a significant application for the new mathematical model. We also introduced the irreversible non-equilibrium thermodynamics mathematical formulas of the system related to the new mathematical model for the first time at all. The ratios between the various participations of the internal energy modifications are calculated. The flow of a neutral binary gas mixture of (UF6 and N2) between rotating cylinders is the first suggested problem enforcement of the new mathematical model