69 research outputs found

    Women’s knowledge of the development and communication of children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

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    The aim of the article is to analyze the results of surveys on women’s knowledge about FAS and its consequences for the development of a child’s speech and communication. 130 women between 18 and 50 years old took part in the survey. A significant proportion of the surveyed women are aware of the problems and consequences of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome caused by the mother’s alcohol consumption during pregnancy.The aim of the article is to analyze the results of surveys on women’s knowledge about FAS and its consequences for the development of a child’s speech and communication. 130 women between 18 and 50 years old took part in the survey. A significant proportion of the surveyed women are aware of the problems and consequences of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome caused by the mother’s alcohol consumption during pregnancy

    Unia Europejska wobec idei państwa palestyńskiego

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    The European Union’s attitude to the idea of a Palestinian stateUnia Europejska wobec idei państwa palestyńskieg

    Unia Europejska w polityce bezpieczeństwa USA W XXI w.

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    For the past decade the focus of the U.S. security policy has been changing. After a period of global American hegemony, which took place at the end of the Cold War, the international position of the country is declining; countries such as China, India, Brazil, Russia are moving alongside the United States and Europe as centres of power. Focusing U.S. interest on Asia and the Pacifi c (“Asia Pacifi c pivot”) causes a reduction of its interests in Europe. Given these trends U.S and EU policymakers face the challenge to redefine their security and defence cooperation. This applies both to the acquisition by European allies more responsibility for their own safety as well as to develop new mechanisms for cooperation on the line US-NATO-EU relations. The article aims to answer about the current situation and perspectives of EU’s place and role in U.S. security policy in the context of redistribution of power in the world politics. The analysis is carried out in the neorealistic paradigm

    Uwarunkowania ról międzynarodowych Unii Europejskiej

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Teoria „ról międzynarodowych” wywodzi się z teorii „ról społecznych”, rozwijanej z dużą dynamiką od okresu międzywojennego XX w. Pierwsze badania nad teorią „ról międzynarodowych” miały miejsce na przełomie lat 60. i 70., a duży wkład do jej rozwoju wnieśli Kalevi Holsti, James Rosenau, Stephen Walker, Michael Barnett, Lisbeth Aggestam, Ziemowit Jacek Pietraś i Małgorzata Bielecka."(...

    Unia Europejska wobec Arabskiej Wiosny

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    Main goal of the article was to analyze European Union policy towards „Arab Spring”, that started in 2011. Although EU is strongly involved in the Mediterranean region its reaction on situation in North Africa was rather cautious and unclear. It seems that policy-makers of European institutions and its member states did not understand what was really going on. However slowly they took a side of opposition and European Union has undertaken a wide range instruments: political, economic, humanitarian and social. Several initiatives was implemented, such as: Partnership for Democracy and Shared Prosperity with the Mediterranean – PDSP, Support for Partnership, Reform and Inclusive Growth – SPRING, Deauville Initiative. EU policy towards “Arab Spring” is generally called “3 M” – Money, Mobility, Markets. There were also such support undertakings as: bilateral financial aid for South and East Mediterranean states, establishing task forces and observatory teams for elections in Arab countries and sanctions. Despite this actions EU policy towards “Arab Spring” has been evaluated as limited and too slow. It showed clearly what was known for several years: European Union needs to elaborate new and complex strategy towards the Mediterranean region

    Udział Polski w misjach pokojowych i stabilizacyjnych na początku XXI wieku

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    Ze wstępu: "Celem tego opracowania jest przedstawienie udziału Polski w misjach pokojowych i stabilizacyjnych. Analizie zostanie poddana koncepcja polskiej polityki bezpieczeństwa w kontekście zaangażowania Polski w misje pokojowe i stabilizacyjne oraz udział polskich żołnierzy i ekspertów w misjach instytucji międzynarodowych (ONZ, NATO, UE), a także w koalicji międzynarodowej w Iraku. Podjęta zostanie również.próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak udział Polski w misjach pokojowych i stabilizacyjnych wpływa na jej pozycję międzynarodową. Tezą artykułu jest stwierdzenie, że Polska od 1953 r. coraz dynamiczniej i aktywniej włącza się w wielostronne działania na rzecz pokoju i bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego, m.in. poprzez udział w misjach pokojowych i stabilizacyjnych. Zaangażowanie to pozytywnie wpływa na pozycję międzynarodową Polski, pomimo kontrowersyjnego udziału Rzeczypospolitej .Polskiej w koalicji międzynarodowej w wojnie w Iraku wiosną 2003 r."(...

    Motyw samotności we współczesnej literaturze dziecięco-młodzieżowej poświęconej migracjom zarobkowym

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    Books that focus on the topics of the consequences of Polish people’s labor migration introduce young readers to the issues related to the functioning of transnational families and present pictures of migration seen from the children’s perspective. This article analyses selected literary narrations for children and adolescents. The analysis shows the unsettled and broken relations of parents with their offspring, and how harmful this loneliness may be to the youngest.Książki poruszające tematykę konsekwencji wyjazdów zarobkowych Polaków wprowadzają młodych czytelników w zagadnienia związane z funkcjonowaniem rodzin transnarodowych oraz prezentują obrazy migracji widzianej z perspektywy dzieci. W niniejszym artykule analizie poddano wybrane narracje literackie dla niedorosłych odbiorców, ukazujące zaburzone albo zerwane relacje rodziców z potomstwem oraz boleśnie przeżywaną przez najmłodszych samotność

    Praktyczne możliwości zastosowania kamery termowizyjnej

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    The use of infrared cameras (thermal vision) as a contact-free method of lie detection is a subject as controversial as interesting, which can be attested by recently conducted studies. The article introduces the subject, explains the basic notions, and provides a historical outline. The studies mentioned in the article give hope for a more extensive application of infrared cameras for future lie detection. Certainly, possibility of remote observation of a subject, especially without the subject being aware, may result in problems of ethical and legal nature. What appears a crucial option in this area, however, is the possibility o f combining such a test with polygraph examination

    Androgen signaling disruption during fetal and postnatal development affects androgen receptor and connexin 43 expression and distribution in adult boar prostate

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    To date, limited knowledge exists regarding the role of the androgen signaling during specific periods of development in the regulation of androgen receptor (AR) and connexin 43 (Cx43) in adult prostate. Therefore, in this study we examined mRNA and protein expression, and tissue distribution of AR and Cx43 in adult boar prostates following fetal (GD20), neonatal (PD2), and prepubertal (PD90) exposure to an antiandrogen flutamide (50 mg/kg bw). In GD20 and PD2 males we found the reduction of the luminal compartment, inflammatory changes, decreased AR and increased Cx43 expression, and altered localization of both proteins. Moreover, enhanced apoptosis and reduced proliferation were detected in the prostates of these animals. In PD90 males the alterations were less evident, except that Cx43 expression was markedly upregulated. The results presented herein indicate that in boar androgen action during early fetal and neonatal periods plays a key role in the maintenance of normal phenotype and functions of prostatic cells at adulthood. Furthermore, we demonstrated that modulation of Cx43 expression in the prostate could serve as a sensitive marker of hormonal disruption during different developmental stages