901 research outputs found

    Two Dimensional Plane, Modified Symplectic Structure and Quantization

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    Noncommutative quantum mechanics on the plane has been widely studied in the literature. Here, we consider the problem using Isham's canonical group quantization scheme for which the primary object is the symmetry group that underlies the phase space. The noncommutativity of the configuration space coordinates requires us to introduce the noncommutative term in the symplectic structure of the system. This modified symplectic structure will modify the group acting on the configuration space from abelian R2\mathbb{R}^2 to a nonabelian one. As a result, the canonical group obtained is a deformed Heisenberg group and the canonical commutation relation (CCR) corresponds to what is usually found in noncommutative quantum mechanics.Comment: 5 pages. Submitted to Jurnal Fizik Malaysi

    Factor determine employee work life balance at SACC CONVEC Sdn Bhd / Nurain Mohd Zainuddin

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    The issue of work life balance is important to all employees in both sector either public or private sector. The factors of high pressure, long working hours and high personal responsibility leads to negative effect in the employees work life. The pressure of imbalance working life also leads to job dissatisfaction, work stress, create conflict and reduce the family enrichment life. Therefore, these studies are conducted to know the relationship between employee job satisfaction, work stress, family enrichment and workfamily conflict towards the employee work life balance. Responses to a survey of 90 employees from various departments in a private sector company in Shah Alam Selangor were used to test the hypothesis study. A multiple regression was used to predict the factor of job satisfaction, work stress, family enrichment and work-family conflict towards the employee work life balance. Besides, correlation was used to compare the relationship of study variable. The result of multiple regressions reveals that the variable of family enrichment is the factor employee need work life balance. Family enrichment helps the employee to improve their roles as employee and family member. The benefits also include improvement on their ability to multitask on the job and interacting with coworkers. Therefore, it is explain that the family enrichment related to the work life balance

    Application of charge-coupled devices for astronomical spectroscopy

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    It has been found, using a charge coupled device detector and a novel on chip pre-binning technique, that qualitative high dispersion spectroscopy is possible with a small telescope and poor seeing. Using the 30 inch Coude telescope at the Royal Greenwich Observatory, an atlas of an M3 giant, HR 5490 has been obtained in a new region of the spectrum i.e. λ 9748Å - λl0153Å. However, more work is needed on the identification of the lines in order to verify this work and to extend the atlas. The readout noise of the charge coupled device camera system was found experimentally during the early stages of system development to be at most 55 electrons. Later work suggests the true figure to be closer to half this and although this is probably still greater than optimum for the device, the charge coupled device camera system has, nonetheless, demonstrated great potential as a detector for astronomical spectroscopic work particularly in the red and near infrared

    Suatu Tinjauan Mengenai Minat Membaca dan Bahan-Bahan Yang dibaca Oleh Pelajar-pelajar Sekolah Menengah Desa di Semenanjung Malaysia

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    The aim of this survey research is to extract information about the reading interest of and the materials used by rural secondary school student sin Peninsular Malaysia. The districts of Larut and Matang, Selama, and Kerian have been selected as a sampling area. The sampling unit is the school and the survey questionaire has been administered to 500 student s from five selected schools, according to stratified random sampling procedure. This stratified random sampling design has been an attempt to examine, besides other variables, the probable functional relationship between reading interests and the materials the rural students read as well as library utilization. xiv The findings reveal that the students read regularly for examinations and their reading tend to be confined to text books. Rural student s also read more of reading materials in Bahasa Malaysia than in any other languages

    Design and Fabrication of Simple Vehicle Body Panel

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    This report discussed the research and work done of the chosen topic which is design and fabrication of simple vehicle body panel. A body panel is designed and fabricated for the use of a single seat vehicle (simple vehicle) that promotes fuel efficiencies. In conjunction with the vehicle promotes, the body panel should have the criteria that support the vehicle purpose which is fuel efficiencies. In related to the issues above, the criteria that being considered in order to build the body panel is the body panel shape itself which related to its aerodynamic properties, the body panel material which related to the body panel usage safety and its weight, and the way the it is fabricated in order to achieved optimum result for the final product. Firstly, the existed body panel is studied and made benchmark to obtain the frrst idea of the body panel design. The design is then finalized and adjusted to its optimum level in accordance to its suitability to be fubricated here in Universiti Teknologi Petronas. To ensure that the finalized design is good in term of its aerodynamic characteristic, some adjustment is made on the basic model and a wind tunnel test is done on all of the scaled models for its drag and lift force values. As a result, a design with drag forces of 0.08N and lift force of0.16N at the speed of approximately 35kmph is obtained. Lastly, the final design based on the wind tunnel result is fabricated. The material chosen to fabricate the body panel is fiber glass and it is fabricated by using resin infusion method which found to be optimum in term of cost needed and final product result reliability. The fiber glass materials helps in weight reduction issue and the resin infusion process helps in cost reduction and fmal product solidarity. As the result, the body panel is nicely done at the drag force of0.08N, lift force of0.16N at the vehicle optimum speed which is 35kmph and the resultant weight of the body panel is 12kg. All objective of this project achieved and the body panel is successfully tried and used on the vehicle

    Penafsiran Ibnu Katsir terhadap Ayat-Ayat Isra’ Mikraj

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    Faith means belief in the heart, words in the mouth and practice with the limbs. Every believer must believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and belief in both good and bad destiny. Believing in the miracles of the apostles includes believing in the apostles. Among the miracles of the Prophet SAW is the Isra 'Mikraj event. This event is clearly mentioned in QS. al-Isrā' (17): 1 and QS. al-Najm (53): 5-18. This incident is also found in the hadiths of various narrations. The commentators have described in depth this great event, among them is Ibn Kathir. In the theory of creed, the arguments and proofs related to the issue of faith must be with definite arguments (qath'i), and cannot use conjectures (dzan). However, Ibn Kathir uses the dha'īf hadith and the āhād hadith in his interpretation of Isra' Mikraj. The research method used by the author is library research, including secondary data collection and processing of the data that has been obtained using descriptive-analytical methods. The author collects data according to the findings, then analyzes the data and understands Ibn Kathir's thoughts on the verses related to Isra and Mikraj. Iman berarti keyakinan dalam hati, perkataan di lisan dan amalan dengan anggota badan. Setiap mukmin wajib beriman kepada Allah Swt, malaikat-malaikat-Nya, kitab-kitab-Nya, Rasul-Rasul-Nya, hari akhir, dan beriman kepada takdir baik maupun yang buruk. Mempercayai mukjizat-mukjizat para rasul termasuk beriman kepada rasul. Di antara mukjizat Nabi Saw adalah peristiwa Isra’ Mikraj. Peristiwa tersebut disebut secara jelas dalam QS. al-Isrā’ (17): 1 dan QS. al-Najm (53): 5-18. Peristiwa ini juga terdapat dalam hadis dari pelbagai riwayat. Para mufasir telah menguraikan dengan mendalam peristiwa besar ini, di antaranya adalah Ibnu Katsir. Dalam teori akidah, dalil dan hujjah yang berkaitan dengan masalah akidah haruslah dengan dalil yang pasti (qath‘i), tidak bisa menggunakan dugaan (dzan). Namun, Ibnu Katsir menggunakan hadis dha‘īf dan hadis āhād dalam penafsirannya tentang Isra’ Mikraj. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah library research (penelitian kepustakaan), meliputi pengumpulan data sekunder dan mengolah data-data yang telah didapatkan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitis. Penulis menghimpun data sesuai hasil temuan, lalu melakukan analisis data tersebut dan memahami pemikiran Ibnu Katsir terhadap ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan Isra’ dan Mikraj.

    The characteristic study of rotation and elevation technique of solar tracker

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    Solar tracker is a device at solar panel which the characteristic of this device is it will track the motion of sun across the sky to ensure the amount of sunlight strikes at the solar panel are maximum. Currently, there are two techniques to control the solar tracker which is rotation-elevation technique and azimuthally-elevation technique. A characteristic study on the rotation and elevation tracking technique in solar tracker is proposed. The study will focus on the characteristic of this tracking technique and prove this concept by demonstrating this technique in practical. The characteristic study will base on the parameter in the equation involved in this tracking technique and plotted graph. Several parameters then will be manipulated to see the effect of that parameter to the plotted graph. The process of demonstrating this technique in practical will be made with several considerations. The benefit of this study is that it can help the future research related with this tracking technique to be their reference for their research

    Subcritical and supercritical fluid extraction a critical review of its analytical usefulness

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    Subcritical R134a is suggested as a low-pressure alternative to supercritical CO2 in the supercritical fluid extraction technology in particular of palm oil application. Therefore, a measurement of solubility of palm oil in subcritical Rl34a will be carried out at temperatures of 40, 60, 70 and 80°C and pressures up to 300 bar. The solubility of carotene are also will be measured using UV Spectrophotometer. Results obtained from this study will be compared with the previous work and for the first time, simulation for the SFE process of palm oil will be performed using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and it will be implemented in comparisons as well when the operating conditions of the previous findings are different from this study. It is expected that the solubility of the palm oil in subcritical Rl34a is much higher than SC-C02, and it is expected that R134a could be a viable alternative solvent to supercritical carbon dioxide as R134a could be perform well at a lower pressure used whereas can achieved a higher solubility compared to SC-C0

    Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Determination for Magnesium Alloy

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    A stress intensity factor K was used as a fracture parameter to determine the true material property, i.e. plane strain fracture toughness KIC of AZ61 magnesium alloy using a single edge notch bend (SENB) specimen in accordance to ASTM E399 testing method. Five different specimen thicknesses of 2 to 10 mm were used in the test. A sharp fatigue pre-crack was initiated and propagated to half of specimen width at a constant crack propagation rate of about 1 x 10-8 m/cycle before the specimen was loaded in tension until the fracture stress is reached and then rapid fracture occurred. The fracture toughness KC values obtained for different thicknesses showed that KC value decreased with increasing specimen thickness. The highest KC value obtained was 16.5 MPa√m for 2 mm thickness specimen. Thevalue of KC became relatively constant at about 13 MPa√m when the specimen thickness exceeds 8 mm. This value was then considered as the plane strain fracture toughness KIC of AZ61 magnesium alloy. Calculation of the minimum thickness requirement for plane strain condition and the size of the shear lips of the fracture surface validate the obtained KIC value