28 research outputs found

    Recording Siri's Marriages In Obtaining Legal Certainty (Reflections on the rise of Siri marriages in Aceh)

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    Abstract:Fenomena pernikahan sirri marak terjadi di Indonesia, termasuk di Aceh. Pernikahan sirri dilakukan secara tersembunyi dengan hanya diketahui oleh beberapa orang saksi, serta tidak dilakukan pencatatan nikah pada pejabat yang berwenang. Pelaksanaan pernikahan sirri dinilai sah menurut agama namun tidak sah menurut negara. Amanah Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 menegaskan setiap pernikahan wajib dilakukan pencatatan. Guna menanggulangi maraknya pernikahan sirri di Aceh, Pemerintah Aceh telah melakukan pembahasan atas Rancangan Qanun Aceh Tahun 2019 tentang Hukum Keluarga, dimana setiap warga yang melakukan nikah sirri dapat dicatat pada pejabat yang berwenang. Dan, dalam rancangan qanun tersebut pula diberikan hak untuk nikah poligami. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk membahas pengaturan hukum pernikahan sirri dalam rancangan qanun hukum keluarga sehingga dapat bertujuan meminimalkan pernikahan sirri di Aceh. Dan, orientasi rancangan qanun keluarga dalam meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat guna meminimalkan pernikahan sirri di Aceh. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pencatatan pernikahan sirri di Aceh dapat diselenggarakan pasca ditetapkan putusan peradilan dan berdasarkan Rancangan Qanun Aceh tentang Hukum Keluarga menyebutkan setiap pihak yang menikah diwajibkan melakukan pencatatan atas pernikahannya. Faktor terjadinya pernikahan sirri diakibatkan kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat tentang pentingnya pencatatan nikah dan terkait pengaturan poligami sebagai jalan keluar pernikahan sirri dapat dikaji ulang oleh pemerintah Aceh sebelum disahkan.Kata Kunci: Pencatatan Nikah, Nikah Sirri, Kepastian Hukum  Abstract: The phenomenon of Sirri marriage is rife in Indonesia, including in Aceh. Sirri marriages are conducted in secret with only a few witnesses known, and marriage records are not made to the authorized official. The implementation of Sirri marriage is considered legal according to religion but not legal according to the state. The mandate of Law Number 1 of 1974 emphasizes that every marriage must be registered. In order to cope with the rise of Sirri marriages in Aceh, the Government of Aceh has been discussing the 2019 Aceh Qanun Draft on Family Law, whereby every citizen who engages in Sirri marriage can be recorded with the authorized official. And, in the draft qanun also given the right to polygamy marriage. The purpose of writing this article is to discuss the Sirri marriage legal arrangements in the draft family law qanun so that it can aim to minimize Sirri marriages in Aceh. And, the orientation of the family qanun design in raising public awareness to minimize Sirri marriages in Aceh. The results of the study show that the registration of Sirri marriages in Aceh can be held after a judicial ruling is stipulated and based on the Aceh Qanun Draft on Family Law, it is stated that each married party is required to make a record of his marriage. The factor of sirri marriages is due to the lack of public understanding of the importance of marriage registration and related to the regulation of polygamy as a way out of sirri marriages can be reviewed by the Aceh government before being legalized.Keywords:Marriage Registration, Sirri Marriage, Legal Certainty. 


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    Pengaturan mengenai domein verklaring (hak menguasai negara) diatur dalam Pasal 33 Ayat (3) UUD Tahun 1945 yang kemudian diatur lebih lanjut dalam UU No. 5 Tahun 1960 tentang Pokok-Pokok Agraria. Undang-undang ini merupakan sebuah reformasi hukum dalam bidang agraria. permasalahan tanah terlantar merupakan permasalahan yang  marak terjadi di Indonesia, termasuk di Aceh. Prihal yang menarik dikaji dalam hal hak menguasai negara dibidang pertanahan khusus di Aceh adalah masih berlakunya tiga sistem hukum yang berbeda di Aceh serta munculnya kelembagaan Badan Pertanahan Aceh dan Baitul Mal yang memiliki wewenang untuk mengelola dan mendayagunakan hak atas tanah tersebut

    Sustainable River Water Quality Management in Malaysia

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    Ecological status of Malaysia is not as bad as many other developing nations in the world. However, despite the enforcement of the Environmental Quality Act (EQA) in 1974, the water quality of Malaysian inland water (especially rivers) is following deteriorating trend. The rivers are mainly polluted due to the point and non-point pollution sources. Point sources are monitored and controlled by the Department of Environment (DOE), whereas a significant amount of pollutants is contributed by untreated sullage and storm runoff. Nevertheless, it is not too late to take some bold steps for the effective control of non-point source pollution and untreated sullage discharge, which play significant roles on the status of the rivers. This paper reviews the existing procedures and guidelines related to protection of the river water quality in Malaysia.  There is a good possibility that the sewage and effluent discharge limits in the Environmental Quality Act (EQA) may pose hindrance against achieving good quality water in the rivers as required by the National Water Quality Standards (NWQS). For instance, Ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3-N) is identified as one of the main pollutants to render many of the rivers polluted but it was not considered in the EQA as a monitoring parameter until the new regulations published in 2009.  Surprisingly, the new regulation for sewage and industrial effluent limits set allowable NH3-N concentration quite high (5 mg/L), which may result in low Water Quality Index (WQI) values for the river water. The water environment is a dynamic system. Periodical review of the monitoring requirements, detecting emerging pollutants in sewage, effluent and runoff, and proper revision of water quality standards are necessary for the management of sustainable water resources in the country. ABSTRAK: Satus ekologi Malaysia tidak seburuk kebanyakan negara membangun lain di dunia. Walaupun Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar (EQA) dikuatkuasakan pada tahun 1974, kualiti air di pedalaman Malaysia (terutama sungai) semakin merosot. Kebanyakan sungai tercemar akibat pencemaran di punca sumber air dan pencemaran di bukan punca sumber air. Punca sumber air dipantau dan dikawal oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar (JAS), tetapi sejumlah besar pencemaran adalah sisa yang tidak dirawat dan air larian ribut. Walau bagaimanapun, ia tidak terlambat untuk mengambil beberapa langkah berani untuk mengawal pencemaran di punca sumber air dan sisa tidak dirawat kerana langkah ini memainkan peranan penting bagi kebersihan sungai. Kertas kerja ini mengkaji prosedur dan garis panduan sedia ada berkaitan perlindungan kualiti air sungai di Malaysia. Ada kemungkinan bahawa had kumbahan dan pelepasan efluen dalam Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar (EQA) boleh menimbulkan halangan terhadap mencapai kualiti air yang baik di dalam sungai seperti yang dikehendaki oleh Piawaian Kualiti Kebangsaan Air (NWQS). Sebagai contoh, Ammoniakal Nitrogen (NH3-N) dikenal pasti sebagai salah satu bahan pencemar utama yang menyebabkan banyak sungai tercemar tetapi ia tidak dianggap sebagai parameter pemantauan dalam EQA hingga peraturan baru diterbitkan pada tahun 2009. Yang menghairankan, peraturan baru menetapkan had efluen perindustrian dan kumbahan dibenarkan pada kepekatan NH3-N yang agak tinggi (5 mg / l), dan ini mungkin menyebabkan nilai Indeks Kualiti Air (WQI) sungai rendah. Persekitaran air adalah sistem dinamik. Menjalankan semakan berkala mengenai syarat pemantauan, mengesan bahan pencemaran di dalam kumbahan, efluen dan aliran, dan semakan piawaian kualiti air yang wajar adalah perlu bagi pengurusan sumber air lestari di negara ini. KEYWORDS:Environmental Quality Act (EQA; point source (PS); non-point source (NPS); sustainable uses; Water Quality Index (WQI

    State-of-the-art of hydrogen management in refinery and industrial process plants

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    Hydrogen has been identified as the best raw material for hydro-treating conventional fuels such as gasoline, kerosene and diesel in oil refineries. Hydrogen is actually created and is in short supply. A new approach to minimize hydrogen waste in the industry that already consumes a large percentage of the world's existing hydrogen and to offset the cost of that hydrogen by recycling is an issue receiving much attention. This paper reviews the concepts and the available tools for hydrogen management in industrial processing plants and oil refineries. In addition, the paper emphasizes the challenges faced by refinery product quality regulations

    Job stress and its determinants among academic staff in a university in Klang Valley, Malaysia

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    Background: Job stress is the most common condition experienced by workers which occurs when there is a conflict between the workplace, workload and individual’s ability to cope with the situation (Ongori & Agolla, 2008). Stress is an event that occurs when the body is upset and unbalanced. It is caused by stressors in term of environmental condition and on how is the person react and response towards the challenging events. Job stress is the most common condition experienced by workers which occurs due to various socio demographic and work factors. This study aimed to determine job stress and its determinants among academic staff at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was done on academic staff in Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang. Workplace Stress Questionnaire was used to assess the stress level while NIOSH Generic Job Stress Questionnaire was used to assess factors affecting job stress among the academic staff at Universiti Putra Malaysia. Binary logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the determinants of job stress among the respondents. Result: Of 421 respondents, 60.8% of respondents were experienced job stress. Most (54.6%) of the academic staffs experienced moderate stress and 2.6% of them were experienced severe stress due to their job. This study has found that hours of work, (45 to 60 hours per week, AOR = 2.339, 95% CI = 1.287 - 4.253; >60 hours per week, AOR = 1.174, 95% CI = 0.680 - 2.029) and workload and responsibility at workplace (AOR = 1.190; 95% CI = 1.098 - 1.291) are the determinants of job stress among the academic staff at Universiti Putra Malaysia. Conclusion: Prolonged hours of working and high workload and responsibility determine job stress status among academic staff. It is recommended that the management of the university plan and implement job stress prevention and management programs emphasizing on time management and working strategies to improve the situation. Cohort studies that include other variables not covered in this research are recommended for more conclusive findings and to establish the causes of job stress among academics

    Water contingency: water woe's end needs a rethink

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    THE water rationing exercise in the Klang Valley was recently extended to the end of the month. Apparently, the earlier exercise only yielded seven per cent savings. This was not surprising as the ration was not specifically done "over volume" but "over time" ( two days on, two days off). During days when there was supply, consumers would usually stock up to face the imminent disruption. It is also possible, on days when there was supply, consumption could have been close to double (or more) than what was normal

    Asean peacekeeping force : is it necessary?

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    43 p.For decades, ASEAN has experienced a largely peaceful existence since its formation in 1967. Although there were the odd conflicts - such as the 1978 Vietnam invasion of Cambodia1, border disputes between Vietnam-Thailand, and Thailand-Malaysia, territorial disputes between Malaysia-Indonesia (over Ligitan and Sipadan) on the east coast of Borneo that led to a military standoff in 2005, and Malaysia-Singapore (land reclamation activities off the Johor Straits [2003] and Pedra Branca [2007]), and the competing claims by Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan and China over the Spratly Island in the South China Sea - fortunately, no other use of force was asserted between any of the ASEAN member states.Master of Science (International Relations


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    The idea of ummah in the notion of khilafah (one rule of the world) is probably not realistic enough for most Muslims in Indonesia. Even call it a utopian dream. However, the concept of nationalism in a nation state has become an established reality. Therefore, this article will examine how HTI spread its ideas and the opportunities it gets. This research uses framing process analysis in the study of social movement. From that approach it can be concluded that HTI in its propaganda always highlight the issues of Indonesianness for the ultimate goal of introducing the khilafah. After that HTI tries to provide understanding and optimism about its utopian idealism, and changes the imaginary ideas about the khilafah as if factual to solve the problems of Indonesi

    Pengamanan pc dari segala ancaman

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    viii, 192 hlm.; 21 cm

    Khilafahisasi Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (Hti) Melalui Dunia Digital Di Indonesia

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    The idea of ummah in the notion of khilafah (one rule of the world) is probably not realistic enough for most Muslims in Indonesia. Even call it a utopian dream. However, the concept of nationalism in a nation state has become an established reality. Therefore, this article will examine how HTI spread its ideas and the opportunities it gets. This research uses framing process analysis in the study of social movement. From that approach it can be concluded that HTI in its propaganda always highlight the issues of Indonesianness for the ultimate goal of introducing the khilafah. After that HTI tries to provide understanding and optimism about its utopian idealism, and changes the imaginary ideas about the khilafah as if factual to solve the problems of Indonesi