1,889 research outputs found

    Determination of effective diffusion coefficient of immobilized Baker's yeast invertase in various concentration of PVA-alginate matrix

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    Baker's yeast invertase is immobilized in PVA-alginate matrix using an improved method. PVA beads were prepared by adding calcium alginate to improve its stability, mechanical and chemical properties. Boric acid was used as the cross-linking agent and additional chemicals consisting of 10% boric acid and sodium sulphate solution was used as a treatment solution to harden the PVA-alginate beads. The determination of the effective diffusion of PVA-alginate matrix the vital step in optimizing the preparation of immobilized and water-soluble biocatalyst. In this study the two-level full factorial design was used to investigate the effect of PVA and boric acid concentrations and diffusions coefficient. Diffusion coefficient (De) is one of the factors that significantly affect the mass transport within the immobilization matrix. De value varies for each concentration of PVA and boric acid. The result concluded that both factors significantly affect the De. A maximum De value of 5.0141 x 10(-5) cm2s-1 was obtained at boric acid and PVA concentraion of 7w/v and 10.5 w/v respectively

    Kernel Logistic Regression-linear for Leukemia Classification Using High Dimensional Data

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    Kernel Logistic Regression (KLR) is one of the statistical models that has been proposed for classification in the machine learning and data mining communities, and also one of the effective methodologies in the kernel–machine techniques. Basely, KLR is kernelized version of linear Logistic Regression (LR). Unlike LR, KLR has ability to classify data with non linear boundary and also can accommodate data with very high dimensional and very few instances. In this research, we proposed to study the use of Linear Kernel on KLR in order to increase the accuracy of Leukemia Classification. Leukemia is one of the cancer types that causes mortality in medical diagnosis problem. Improving the accuracy of Leukemia Classification is essential for more effective diagnosis and treatment of Leukemia disease. The Leukemia data sets consists of 7120 (very high dimensional) DNA micro arrays data of 72 (very few instances) patient samples on the state of Leukemia types. In Leukemia classification based upon gene expression, monitoring data using DNA micro array offer hope to achieve an objective and highly accurate classification. It can be demonstrated that the use of Linear Kernel on Kernel Logistic Regression (KLR–Linear) can improve the performance in classifying Leukemia patient samples and also can be shown that KLR–Linear has better accuracy than KLR–Polynomial and Penalized Logistic Regression

    A noninvasive molecular approach: exploiting species-locus-specific PCR primers in defeating numts and DNA cross-contamination of cercopithecidae

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    The lack of a standardized, noninvasive molecular approach to studying genetic aspects of primates has made it hard for primatologists to decode the evolutionary history of these species. Researchers must optimize their own techniques to fully exploit the available samples. Lack of species-locus-specific primers also contributes to difficulties in using noninvasive genetic samples. Thus, the objectives of this study were to develop a standardized technique to collecting samples noninvasively, propose newly designed species-locus-specific primers, and optimize conditions for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Macaca fascicularis, M. nemestrina, Trachypithecus cristatus, and T. obscurus. Nine new species-locus-specific primers for three different loci of mitochondrial DNA, namely D-loop, cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), and cytochrome b, were successfully designed. These primers proved to be efficient in amplifying larger datasets (up to ~1,000 bp) of the targeted species in the optimized PCR conditions. The species-locus-specific primers are able to anneal to host DNA alone in highly contaminated feces of highlighted species. They can also offer alternatives measures in avoiding contamination related to nuclear insertion of mitochondrial pseudogenes (numts)

    Implementasi Sensor Inertial Meansurenment Unit (IMU) untuk Monitoring Perilaku Roket

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    This paper examines the Implementation of the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Sensor for Monitoring Rocket Attitude. The monitored rocket attitude data is in the form of vibration which is generated by the payload during the functional test and flight speed, acceleration and direction flight test. The rocket payload device is mounted in the rocket compartment for the function of measuring rocket behavior. Data is sent to ground stations via telemetry devices use baud rate of 57600. Based on the results of G-Shock, G-Force and Vibration testing shows that the payload can work well. In accordance with the results of reading the data on the Graphical user Interface (GUI) can be displayed and shows the rocket payload works well. This rocket payload can transmit data remotely

    Oral cancer secretome: Identification of cancer-associated proteins

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    This study aims to identify cancer-associated proteins in the secretome of oral cancer cell lines. We have successfully established four primary cell cultures of normal cells with a limited lifespan without human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) immortalization. The secretome of these primary cell cultures were compared with that of oral cancer cell lines using 2DE. Thirty five protein spots were found to have changed in abundance. Unambiguous identification of these proteins was achieved by MALDI TOF/TOF. In silico analysis predicted that 24 of these proteins were secreted via classical or nonclassical mechanisms. The mRNA expression of six genes was found to correlate with the corresponding protein abundance. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) core analysis revealed that the identified proteins were relevant in, and related to, cancer development with likely involvements in tumor growth, metastasis, hyperproliferation, tumorigenesis, neoplasia, hyperplasia, and cell transformation. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that a comparative study of the secretome of cancer versus normal cell lines can be used to identify cancer-associated proteins.Article Link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elps.201300126/abstrac

    Pengaruh Pemberian Dosis Mineral Ca dan Lama Fermentasi Pelepah Sawit terhadap Kandungan Lignin, Kecernaan BK, BO, PK dan Fraksi Serat (NDF, ADF, Hemiselulosa dan Selulosa) Menggunakan Kapang Phanerochaete Chrysosporium

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    Pelepah sawit dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan ternak tetapi terkendala karena tingginya kandungan lignin. Strategi yang dapat dilakukan untuk menurunkan kandungan lignin pelepah sawit adalah melalui fermentasi menggunakan kapang Phanerochaete chrysosporium (Pc). Pertumbuhan kapang Phanerochaete chrysosporium dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan mineral dalam substrat. Untuk itu diperlukan penambahan mineral sesuai dengan kebutuhan kapang dimana salah satunya adalah mineral kalsium (Ca). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pemberian dosis mineral Ca dan lama fermentasi dalam menurunkan kandungan lignin, meningkatkan kecernaan BK, BO, PK, NDF, ADF, Selulosa dan Hemiselulosa pelepah sawit yang difermentasi menggunakan kapang Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial untuk menghitung persentase penurunan lignin dan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial dengan tiga kali ulangan. Faktor A yaitu pemberian dosis mineral Ca yaitu A0: kontrol (pelepah + Pc) + 0 ppm Ca, A1: kontrol + 1000 ppm Ca, A2 : kontrol + 1500 ppm Ca, A3 : kontrol + 2000 ppm Ca. Faktor B adalah lama waktu fermentasi yaitu Y1: 10 hari, Y2 : 15 hari dan Y3 : 20 hari. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisa varian (Anova) dan untuk melihat perbedaan antar perlakuan dilakukan uji lanjut Duncan\u27s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) (Steel and Torrie, 1991). Hasil sidik ragam menunjukkan perlakuan memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata (P<00.1) terhadap penurunan kandungan lignin, kecernaan BK, BO, PK, NDF, ADF, Hemiselulosa dan Selulosa. Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa fermentasi pelepah sawit menggunakan kapang Phanerochaete chrysosporium pada dosis mineral Ca 2000 ppm dengan lama fermentasi 10 hari dapat menurunkan kandungan lignin 26,79% dengan kecernaan BK 51,44%., BO 53,24%., PK 47,54%., NDF 47,48%., ADF 42,24%., Selulosa 45,44% dan Hemiselulosa 48,34%

    Multi objective machining estimation model using orthogonal and neural network

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    Much hard work has been done to model the machining operations using the neural network (NN). However, the selection of suitable neural network model in machining optimization area especially in multi objective area is unsupervised and resulted in pointless trials. Thus, a combination of Taguchi orthogonal and NN modeling approach is tested on two types of electrical discharge machining (EDM) operations; Cobalt Bonded Tungsten Carbide (WC-Co) and Inconel 718 to observe the efficiency of proposed approach on different numbers of objectives. WC-Co EDM considered two objective functions and Inconel 718 EDM considered four objective functions. It is found that one hidden layer 4-8-2 layer recurrent neural network (LRNN) is the best estimation model for WC-Co machining and one hidden layer 5-14-4 cascade feed forward back propagation (CFBP) is the best estimation model for Inconel 718 EDM. The results are compared with trial-error approach and it is proven that the proposed modeling approach is able to improve the machining performances and works efficiently on two-objective problems

    Microcontroller Implementation for Automatic Smart Bell

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    This study aims to design automatic school bell hardware based on the ATmega32 microcontroller, design automatic school bell software based on the ATmega32 microcontroller using Basic programming language, and test the performance of the automatic school bell based on the ATmega32 microcontroller. This automatic school bell uses a minimum system of ATmega32 microcontrollers which equipped with data input from the push button, LCD to display character output, ISD2560 to output sound, and a timer taken from DS1307 RTC. This research is a Research or Development (R &amp; D) research. This research is carried out through two stages of design. The first stage is the stage of hardware design. The second stage is the stage of software design. Programs are made using the Basic programming language using the Bascom-AVR application. The results of the product were tested using the black box method with two stages. In the first stage, software testing uses a series of simulations on the Proteus 7 Professional application. The second stage, testing hardware