133 research outputs found
Sexual, allometric and forest cover effects on giant anteaters’ movement ecology
This study was financed in part by the Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior, Brasil (CAPES; https://www.gov.br/capes/pt-br) under finance code 001, PROEX 88887.360861/2019-00 to AG, and PNPD 1694744 to ZO. It was also supported by the Junta de Andalucia under Research Postdoctoral Contract 401 to ZO, and by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP; https://fapesp.br), under finance codes 2013/18526-9 to AB and 2013/04957-8 to AB. Part of the costs for the field work were covered by the Giant Armadillo Conservation Program, which benefited from multiple grants, mostly from North American and European zoos listed at www.icasconservation.org.br/partners.The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Knowing the influence of intrinsic and environmental traits on animals’ movement is a
central interest of ecology and can aid to enhance management decisions. The giant anteater
(Myrmecophaga tridactyla) is a vulnerable mammal that presents low capacity for
physiological thermoregulation and uses forests as thermal shelters. Here, we aim to provide
reliable estimates of giant anteaters’ movement patterns and home range size, as
well as untangle the role of intrinsic and environmental drivers on their movement. We
GPS-tracked 19 giant anteaters in Brazilian savannah. We used a continuous-time movement
model to estimate their movement patterns (described by home range crossing
time, daily distance moved and directionality), and provide an autocorrelated kernel density
estimate of home range size. Then, we used mixed structural equations to integratively
model the effects of sex, body mass and proportion of forest cover on movement
patterns and home range size, considering the complex net of interactions between these
variables. Male giant anteaters presented more intensive space use and larger home
range than females with similar body mass, as it is expected in polygynous social mating
systems. Males and females increased home range size with increasing body mass, but
the allometric scaling of intensity of space use was negative for males and positive for
females, indicating different strategies in search for resources. With decreasing proportion
of forest cover inside their home ranges, and, consequently, decreasing thermal quality
of their habitat, giant anteaters increased home range size, possibly to maximize the
chances of accessing thermal shelters. As frequency and intensity of extreme weather
events and deforestation are increasing, effective management efforts need to consider
the role of forests as an important thermal resource driving spatial requirements of this
species. We highlight that both intrinsic and environmental drivers of animal movement
should be integrated to better guide management strategies.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES) 001
PROEX 88887.360861/2019-00
PNPD 1694744Junta de Andalucia 401Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) 2013/18526-9
Perch selection of three species of kingfishers at the Pantanal of Brazil
Selecting a suitable perch can offer many benefits for fish–eating birds such as kingfishers. However, factors affecting perch selection in these species remain poorly studied. We studied perch selection in three species of kingfishers inhabiting the Pantanal of Brazil during the dry season: Megaceryle torquata, Chloroceryle amazon, and Chloroceryle americana. First,we determined the habitat use of the three species. We then assessed the perches these kingfishers used based on four ecologically relevant traits: (1) artificial or natural, (2) perch height, (3) distance to the water, and (4) plant cover. We hypothesized that artificial perches could be more likely selected as they may offer better visibility to fish. We used a resource selection function (RSF), in a case/control design, solving it by model selection of six conditional logistic regression competing models. The probability of presence was independent of the artificial origin of a perch for the three species. It was also independent of the other studied variables, except for individuals of C. amazona, which selected higher perches. We conclude that artificial perches do not influence perch selection of the studied kingfishers, which may indicate that these artificial structures are not altering their behavioral choices.21st
Field Course Ecology of the Pantanal (EcoPan2018) of
the Federal University of Mato Grosso do SulCoordenação
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível
Superior (CAPES; Brazil)Junta de Andalucía
(Spain)FEDER European funds for supporting
ZO with a postdoctoral grant (ref. PNPD 169474
Uncertain future for global sea turtle populations in face of sea level rise
Sea level rise has accelerated during recent decades, exceeding rates recorded during the previous
two millennia, and as a result many coastal habitats and species around the globe are being impacted.
This situation is expected to worsen due to anthropogenically induced climate change. However,
the magnitude and relevance of expected increase in sea level rise (SLR) is uncertain for marine and
terrestrial species that are reliant on coastal habitat for foraging, resting or breeding. To address
this, we showcase the use of a low-cost approach to assess the impacts of SLR on sea turtles under
various Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) SLR scenarios on different sea turtle
nesting rookeries worldwide. The study considers seven sea turtle rookeries with five nesting species,
categorized from vulnerable to critically endangered including leatherback turtles (Dermochelys
coriacea), loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta), hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata), olive ridley
turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) and green turtles (Chelonia mydas). Our approach combines freely
available digital elevation models for continental and remote island beaches across different ocean
basins with projections of field data and SLR. Our case study focuses on five of the seven living sea
turtle species. Under moderate climate change scenarios, by 2050 it is predicted that at some sea
turtle nesting habitats 100% will be flooded, and under an extreme scenario many sea turtle rookeries
could vanish. Overall, nesting beaches with low slope and those species nesting at open beaches such
as leatherback and loggerheads sea turtles might be the most vulnerable by future SLR scenarios
Metaanálisis de la biología térmica de lacértidos mediterráneos
[ES]Se ha realizado un metaanálisis de los trabajos publicados sobre biología térmica de los saurios de la familia Lacertidae, con objeto de detectar resultados generales que no pueden obtenerse en las publicaciones individuales. Primero, queda patente la gran heterogeneidad de los estudios existentes, que aconsejamos que se intente reducir en futuros trabajos. Se han analizado dos tipos de tamaño del efecto, segmentándolos por el factor que mejor explica la variabilidad entre grupos en cada caso: (1) las diferencias de medias estandarizadas entre las temperaturas corporales (Tb) y las temperaturas ambientales (Ta), y (2) las correlaciones entre Tb y Ta para las diferentes poblaciones. Se ha obtenido que la estación de muestreo ejerce una gran influencia sobre los tamaños del efecto de las diferencias de medias, de forma que el tamaño del efecto es mayor en primavera y otoño que en el resto de épocas. En cuanto a las correlaciones, se ha observado que el hábitat es el factor que más influye sobre la relación entre Tb y Ta, si bien la estación de muestreo es también muy importante en algunos hábitats concretos. El método de metaanálisis con segmentación es adecuado para estudiar la biología térmica de ectotermos y se recomienda aplicarlo en futuras revisiones en las que se investigue la influencia de factores categóricos sobre los tamaños del efecto
Microhabitat selection of the poorly known lizard Tropidurus lagunablanca (Squamata: Tropiduridae) in the Pantanal, Brazil
Understanding how different environmental factors influence species occurrence is a key issue to address the study of natural populations. However, there is a lack of knowledge on how local traits influence the microhabitat use of tropical arboreal lizards. Here, we investigated the microhabitat selection of the poorly known lizard Tropidurus lagunablanca (Squamata: Tropiduridae) and evaluated how environmental microhabitat features influence animal’s presence. We used a Resource Selection Function approach, in a case/control design where we analyzed the effect of substrate temperature and tree’s diameter at breast height (DBH) in the probability of presence of lizards using mixed Conditional Logistic Regression. We found that T. lagunablanca uses trees with DBH from 0.40 m to 4 m and substrate temperatures ranging from 25.9℃ to 42℃. Moreover, we showed that thickness of the trees and substrate temperatures significantly increased the probability of presence of T. lagunablanca individuals, being the probability of presence higher than 50% for trees up to 1.5 m DBH and temperature of substrate up to 37.5℃. Our study probed that T. lagunablanca individuals choose trees non-randomly, selecting thicker and warmer tree trunks. This information advances the knowledge of the spatial ecology of Neotropical arboreal lizards and is relevant for conservation, putting an emphasis on preserving native vegetation in the Pantanal
Thermal ecology of Podarcis siculus (Rafinesque-Schmalz, 1810) in Menorca (Balearic Islands, Spain)
We studied the thermal ecology of an introduced population of the Italian wall lizard, Podarcis siculus, in Menorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). We measured field body temperatures of adult lizards, as well as air and substrate temperatures at their capture places, during spring and summer. We assessed the relations between body and air temperatures, and between body and substrate temperatures, for both seasons. We studied the preferred temperature range of P. siculus in a laboratory thermal gradient. In addition, we recorded the operative temperatures of the habitat of the Italian wall lizard during summer. Then, we calculated the three indexes of behavioural thermoregulation for summer: thermal quality of the habitat, accuracy of thermoregulation, and effectiveness of thermoregulation. As expected, our results show that Italian wall lizards achieved significantly higher body temperatures during summer than during spring. Body temperatures were not significantly related to air temperatures in spring, but the correlation was significant in summer. In addition, body temperatures were not significantly related to substrate temperatures for any season. The preferred temperature range of the species was similar for males and females: 28.40-31.57 °C. Introduced Italian wall lizards of Menorca are effective thermoregulators, with an effectiveness of 0.82 during summer
Modelo gerencial para el fortalecimiento de la empresa “Toycomo9cito” del municipio de Girardot.
Diseñar un Modelo Gerencial para el fortalecimiento de la empresa Toycomo9cito ubicada en el municipio de Girardot Cundinamarca, con el fin de contribuir a mejorar la capacidad competitiva y el concepto de venta de juguetes usados.El presente documento contiene el análisis y desarrollo metodológico correspondiente al modelo gerencial para el fortalecimiento de la empresa “Toycomo9cito” del municipio de Girardot. En su desarrollo se abordan los elementos constitutivos de la empresa y la descripción del sector de la venta de juguetes de segunda mano, como parte de un proceso de generación de empresa desde la innovación. Se apoya en modelos gerenciales propios del Project Management y aborda diversas gestiones que conllevan a una mejor comprensión de oportunidades de mejoramiento para la empresa, basada en un diagnóstico general desde la aplicación de diversas matrices de análisis y la concreción de una ruta de desarrollo gerencial, entendiendo la necesidad de que se de en forma realista, concreta y puntual. Se concluye con una serie de reflexiones en torno al impacto de la gerencia de proyectos en empresas pequeñas y de la disciplina como tal en regiones como esta.This document contains the analysis and methodological development corresponding to the managerial model for the strengthening of the company "Toycomo9cito" of the municipality of Girardot. In its development, the constitutive elements of the company and the description of the sector of the sale of second-hand toys are addressed, as part of a process of generating a company based on innovation. It is based on management models of the Project Management and deals with various procedures that lead to a better understanding of opportunities for improvement for the company, based on a general diagnosis from the application of various analysis matrices and the realization of a management development path. understanding the need to be realistic, concrete and timely. It concludes with a series of reflections on the impact of project management in small companies and the discipline as such in regions like this
O tema serpente e o professor em formação
Perceptions about snakes range from fascination to phobia. This topic allows us todiscuss important environmental issues of basic education that must be approached with safetyand empathy by teachers. Considering that environmental education is a curriculum guideline tobe developed by teachers from different areas of knowledge, we investigated which factorsinfluence the attitude of undergraduate students in dealing with the topic in an extra-classroomactivity when encountering a snake. Future teachers (n=120) were evaluated through an onlinesurvey regarding their area of expertise, training stage, values, and emotion or feeling, in relationto their professional attitude when faced with a snake. We found that only “fear” feeling and“scientist” value interfered in the response of future teachers. Environmental education withstigmatized animals is strongly indicated for undergraduate courses to expand positive didacticexperiences that minimize preconceptions and fears and, thus, facilitate the (re)construction ofknowledgeLas percepciones sobre las serpientes van desde la fascinación hasta la fobia. Este tema permitediscutir importantes asuntos ambientales en la educación básica, que deben ser abordados conconfianza y empatía por los docentes. Considerando que la educación ambiental es una directrizcurricular a ser desarrollada por profesores de diferentes áreas del conocimiento, investigamosalgunos factores que pueden influir en la actitud de los estudiantes de pregrado durante la docenciaen cursos al tratar el tema en una actividad extracurricular. Los futuros docentes (n=120) fueronevaluados a través de un formulario en línea, en cuanto a su área de actuación, etapa de formaciónen el curso, valores, y sus emociones o sentimientos en relación a su actitud profesional alencontrar una serpiente durante una actividad educativa. Así, verificamos que sólo el “miedo” yel valor “científico” interfieren en el desempeño de los futuros docentes. La educación ambientalcon animales estigmatizados es muy recomendable para que los estudiantes de grado amplíenexperiencias de enseñanza positivas que minimicen prejuicios, miedos y así faciliten la(re)construcción del conocimiento y favorezcan su difusión a través de la acción docenteconsciente por parte de los futuros educadores.As percepções sobre as serpentes envolvem desde fascínio até a fobia. Esse tema permite discutirimportantes questões ambientais na educação básica que deve ser abordado com segurança eempatia pelos professores. Considerando que a educação ambiental é uma diretriz curricular a serdesenvolvida por docentes das diferentes áreas do conhecimento, nós investigamos alguns fatoresque podem influenciar a atitude de estudantes de cursos de graduação em licenciatura ao tratar otema em uma atividade extrassala. Futuros professores (n=120) foram avaliados, através deformulário online, quanto a sua área de atuação, estágio de formação no curso, valores, emoçãoou sentimento em relação a atitude profissional ao deparar-se com uma serpente durante umaatividade de educação ambiental em ambiente não formal. Verificamos que apenas o “medo” e ovalor “cientista” interferem na atuação dos futuros docentes. A educação ambiental com animaisestigmatizados é fortemente indicada para as licenciaturas ampliarem experiências didáticaspositivas que minimizem preconceitos, temores e assim facilitem a (re) construção de conhecimentos e favoreça a sua disseminação através da ação docente consciente dos futuroseducadores
Cuidado de enfermería al final de la vida para brindar una buena muerte al paciente agónico en la unidad de cuidado intensivo
La unidad de cuidado intensivo es un servicio donde la muerte se presenta con gran frecuencia dada por la complejidad de los pacientes que allí se tratan; en la práctica clínica, en algunas ocasiones se puede observar que por causa del estrés emocional los profesionales de enfermería tienden a alejarse del sujeto en proceso de muerte o que se encuentra en estado agónico, olvidando que éste sigue siendo una persona que demanda de oportunas intervenciones que faciliten un proceso de muerte menos dolorosa tanto para él/ella y su familia. La presente es una investigación de tipo revisión documental donde se plantea como objetivo principal describir el cuidado de enfermería al final de la vida para brindar una buena muerte al paciente agónico en la UCI, desde el año 2004 hasta la actualidad, mediante la identificación de los cuidados de enfermería en los aspectos físicos, emocional, espiritual y familiar y el reconocimiento de las barreras y los facilitadores de dicho cuidado de enfermería, con el fin de proveer cuidados compasivos, de acuerdo con las necesidades del paciente agónico en los aspectos mencionados; ayudándolo a vivir, más no a sobrevivir y pasando del curar al aliviar, a sí mismo realizar actividades que minimicen las barreras que se presentan para brindar cuidado al final de la vida y fortalecer los facilitadores de dicha atención para mantener la dignidad del ser humano hasta el último momento de la vida.Especialista en Cuidado CríticoEspecializació
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