153 research outputs found
This article identifies the main characteristics of today's popular culture in the world, and particularly in Ukraine and variety shows as the most popular type among population mass leisure culture.In this article proved that all the phenomena of popular culture today are somehow related to one characteristic property – all of their cultural elements, appearing in various spheres of public life, are prevalent in a given society and is a part or the source of world popular culture, becoming the new way of communication between people, not only within a country but also worldwide. Indicated that partially it becomes possible because of rapidly progressive and integrating into society mass-media, so that made possible much easier to take part into creation of cultural products and, as a result, to become a part of the global cultural process.It is proved that in Ukraine as a result of the destruction of the old Soviet values system there is a need to establish new models of styles and ideals of life that would meet the needs of the time and the mentality of the Ukrainian people, and that exactly mass and popular cultures are called to do this, as the most effective and influential driving forces.Based on the exposed ideas of known culture-experts in this article is determined that is common and different between mass and popular culture, and therefore defined which phenomena of contemporary culture, we can attribute to the popular and which are to the mass culture and which to both at once, although until today are disputable among researchers using the terms "mass culture" and "popular culture", because the role of "masses" changed, constantly changes role of the mass culture in the world, becomes differentiated within this phenomenon, takes place the audience stratification and borrowing cultural elements from elite culture.In this article investigated that for today variety show in the industrial society is one of the most popular among people the mass culture phenomenon because of its dynamism, brightness, festivity, easiness and at the same time,social relevance and activity.In this article the end of XX – beginning of XXI century characterized as the beginning of the globalization world influences at all levels of public life, including culture, defined the character of such influence, its negative and positive signs. Because the nature of the relationship of Ukraine with globalized world is perhaps the most important and the most difficult question of its current development, in the article paid much attention to the study of globalization impacts on the development of the mass culture in Ukraine which are shown mostly in imitation "Western" culture, that are considered by many, more progressive system of values, that is a result of widening market standardization of cultural goods and services and the commercialization of cultural products, which reduces its positive impact on the individual, and, consequently, society as a whole.Noted also that economic difficulties on the beginning of the process of Ukrainian state-creations caused a significant negative impact on the development of mass culture in Ukraine, as a result Ukraine has lost control over the production of its own mass cultural product and its distribution, leaving it in the complete control of Western, American and Russian producers.Modern society requires a professional scientifically proven non-traditional approach to solving today's problems in the field of the mass culture that are related with the processes of globalization. Under these conditions, an interesting subject for studying of the problems of reviving the spirituality and the general culture of the people becomes particularly the variety show, as the most common form of mass art spectacular, which expands its borders performing arts and became a phenomenon of everyday life, getting into fashion, media, television, sports, the communication between people, and even in education and science.Based on the analysis demonstrated the importance of preserving national traditions in the arts, including and entertainment spectacular forms the mass culture and the ways of their distribution and promotion. One of these methods proposed development of creative artistic performances at different levels and for different age and social groups, radically redirecting cultural and recreational activities in Ukraine, by reorganization of the now "active" since the Soviet times houses of culture or the creation of new modern answering mentality and growing spiritual value-orientation and recreational needs of the population of each area recreation centers for leisure time. Just art creation most effectively promotes the spiritual revival of the individual through the mastery of the cultural values of the past and present.In this article proved that the development of mass spectacle, including variety has the future, because modern person is tired to be lonely and useless in society, and exactly by participating in mass creative action or through the process of audience perception traces the connection of worship and games as components of spirituality, occurs the understanding and experiencing of the values of goo, truth and beauty. The variety show, that has cultural and historical character as a special form of communication, directs person and his values in the context of life perspective "past-present-future."Another way to preserve and promote cultural heritage is supporting of state-level variety figure in a particular genre as national "producers" – putting various benefits and privileges on radio, television and other media, supporting for various festivals, competitions, creative evenings, shows and other public spectacles, that have cultural and national character, at the local level through the involvement of patrons and sponsors who would be interested by the state through preferences to invest their sponsorship money in realization the above-mentioned mass creative activities. According to the author in the sphere of activities of art critics should get such aspect as the nationality of variety shows, as the most popular for today kind of mass culture.Results of the research explicitly designed for use in practice by lecturers and other workers of mass culture and leisure sector.В статье определены характерные черты массовой культуры современности, в частности эстрадного зрелища, как наиболее популярного вида массовой досуговой культуры. Исследовано, как мировые глобализационные процессы влияют на развитие массовой культуры, в частности на территории Украины. На основе проведенного анализа доказана важность сохранения национальных традиций в искусстве, в том числе в развлекательных зрелищных формах массовой культуры, предложены пути их популяризации.У статті визначені характерні риси масової культури сьогодення, зокрема естрадного видовища, як найбільш популярного різновиду масової дозвіллєвої культури. Досліджено, як світові глобалізаційні процеси вливають на розвиток масової культури, зокрема на теренах України. На основі здійсненого аналізу доведено важливість збереження національних традицій у мистецтві, в тому числі в розважальних видовищних формах масової культури, запропоновано шляхи їх популяризації
The article is devoted to the modern aspects of menstrual dysfunction of particularly nurses. The focus was on changing the characteristics of ovarian-menstrual cycle depending on the length of daylighthours.У статті висвітлено сучасні аспекти проблеми порушення менструальної функції, зокрема у медичних сестер. Акцент зроблено на зміні характеристик оваріально-менструального циклу залежно від тривалості світлового дня.
Theoretical analysis of formation of culture of communication of young people by means of social and cultural creativity
© 2017 Serials Publications.The article presents the results of the body of research the formation of culture of international dialogue of youth by means of social and cultural creativity. Materials of article can be recommended for the development of culture of interethnic communication in the context of social and cultural creativity in a variety of leisure and social and cultural centers for youth work. The main directions of the organization of formation of culture of international dialogue related to the implementation of multicultural environment, ensuring the development of native culture, its history, traditions and moral values. Socio-cultural creativity as a means of formation of culture of international dialogue presented in this study is aimed at providing opportunities for young people to gain access to cultural values, to create favorable conditions for the creation, development and implementation of measures aimed at the organization and support of the national, national and international festivals, as well as support for the priority areas of innovation in the social and cultural sphere. The stages of development of culture of international youth dialogue analysis are presented
Research of efficiency roller compaction during construction of the tunnel by finite element method (FEM)
Досліджено напружено-деформований стан грунтового масиву прилеглого до контуру виробки при різних способах зведення кріплення з метою встановлення ефективності запропонованих нових технологічних схем будівництва. При дослідженні використано програмні модулі PLAXIS і SOLIDWORS, що дозволило розглянути поведінку елементів кріплення в пружній і пластичній постановці. В якості варіантів, які пройшли порівняння, використано типову схему зведення збірного залізобетонного кріплення, схему збірного кріплення з ущільненням бетону закріпного простору і схему будівництва з формування геотехнічних властивостей прилеглого ґрунтового контуру тунелю. Аналіз отриманих числових рішень МСЕ дозволив підтвердити високу ефективність запропонованих способів зведення тунелю.The stress-strain state of rock mass adjacent to the contour generation at various ways of lining construction to determine the effectiveness of the proposed construction of new technological schemes. In the study of software modules used PLAXІS i SOLIDWORS, that allowed us to consider the behavior of fastening elements in the elastic and plastic formulation. As variants of previous comparison, the typical scheme used precast concrete erection fixing, fixing scheme with precast concrete and seal construction scheme with the formation of geotechnical properties of soil adjacent loop tunnel. Analysis of the numerical solutions of the FEM has confirmed the high efficiency of the proposed method of construction of the tunnel.Исследовано напряженно-деформированное состояние грунтового массива прилегающего к контуру выработки при различных способах возведения крепи с целью установления эффективности предложенных новых технологических схем строительства. При исследовании использованы программные модули PLAXIS и SOLIDWORS, что позволило рассмотреть поведение элементов крепления в упругой и пластической постановке. В качестве вариантов прошедших сравнения, использовано типичную схему возведения сборного железобетонного крепления, схему сборного крепления с уплотнением бетона и схему строительства с формированием геотехнических свойств прилегающего грунтового контура тоннеля. Анализ полученных числовых решений МКЭ позволил подтвердить высокую эффективность предложенных способов возведения тоннеля
Dendritic cells are specialized antigen-presenting cells which are required to involve naive T-lymphocytes into immune response. Dendritic cells are used in numerous research studies, and have also found practical application as a main component of dendritic cell vaccines. In vitro induction of their maturation from monocytes using cytokines is the most widely used method to obtain these cells. In present study, we compared phenotypes of both immature and mature dendritic cells induced from monocytes of adult healthy donors by means of recombinant cytokines provided by different manufacturers. It is shown that recombinant human IL-4 and GM-CSF supplied by sci-store.ru could effectively stimulate in vitro differentiation of human monocytes to immature monocytic dendritic cells. The resulting immature dendritic cells exhibited a typical morphology and phenotype characterized by the absence of CD14 monocyte marker as well as HLA-DR and CD80 costimulatory molecule expression. A fraction of these cells expressed the CD86 costimulatory molecule. The recombinant human IL-6 from sci-store.ru, when used in a mixture of inflammatory mediators (IL-6, IL-1β, TNFα and PGE2), has induced effective terminal differentiation of immature dendritic cells to mature dendritic cells exhibiting typical morphology and phenotype. Virtually all dendritic cells obtained with this reagent were devoid of CD14, and expressed HLA-DR, CD80, CD83 and CD86 at high fluorescence intensity
Novel functional nanoscale composites on the basis of oligoperoxide surfactants: synthesis and biomedical applications
Principal experimental approaches based on tailored synthesis of oligoperoxide surfaceactive substances and their application for obtaining polymeric and hybrid nanoscale carriers possessing targeted functionality and biocompatibility are presented. Molecular design of novel linear, block and comblike oligoperoxide surfactants and derived coordinating complexes of transitional and rare earth metal cations is a convenient tool for synthesis of luminescent, magnetic and other functional nanocomposites with controlled size distribution, functionality, reactivity and biocompatibility. The methods developed provide combining the stage of formation of polymeric, metal and metaloxide nanoparticles with the stage of their surface irreversible modification by functional surfaceactive oligoperoxides capable of binding physiologically active substances. The availability of reactive ditertiary peroxide fragments provides a possibility for functionalization of developed nanoparticles that were applied for studying phagocytosis, surface markers of pathological cells, and targeted delivery of drugs and antimicrobial remedies.Розглянуто основні експериментальні підходи до цілеспрямованого синтезу поверхневоактивних олігопероксидних речовин і їх застосування з метою одержання полімерних і гібридних нанорозмірних носіїв, яким притаманна скерована функціональність та біосумісність. Конструювання нових лінійних, блокових та гребенеподібних олігопероксидних сурфактантів, а також їхніх похідних координаційних комплексів із катіонами перехідних та рідкоземельних металів є зручним інструментом для синтезу люмінесцентних, магнітних та інших функціональних нанокомпозитів із регульованим розподілом за розмірами, функціональністю, реактивністю та біосумісністю. Розроблені методи дозволяють поєднати стадію формування полімерних, металевих та металооксидних наночастинок зі стадією необоротної модифікації їхньої поверхні функціональними поверхнево<активними олігопероксидами, здатними зв’язувати фізіологічно активні речовини. Наявність реакційноздатних дитретинних пероксидних фрагментів уможливлює функціоналізацію створених наночастинок, що їх було застосовано для дослідження фагоцитозу як поверхневі маркери патологічних клітин, а також для спрямованого доставлення лікарських препаратів.Рассмотрены основные экспериментальные подходы к целенаправленному синтезу олигопероксидных поверхностноактивных веществ и их использованию для получения полимерных и гибридных наноразмерных носителей, обладающих заданной функциональностью и биосовместимостью. Конструирование новых линейных, блочных и гребеневидных олигопероксидных сурфактантов, а также их производных координационных комплексов с катионами переходных и редкоземельных металлов является удобным инструментом для синтеза люминесцентных, магнитных и других функциональных нанокомпозитов с регулируемым распределением по размеру, функциональности, реакционной способности и биосовместимости. Разработанные методы обеспечивают совмещение стадии формирования полимерных, металлических и металлооксидных наночастиц со стадией необратимой модификации их поверхности функциональными поверхностноактивными лигопероксидами, способными к связыванию физиологически активных веществ. Наличие реакционноспособных дитретичных пероксидных фрагментов обеспечивает возможность функционализации полученных наночастиц, которые использовались для изучения фагоцитоза как поверхностные маркеры патологических клеток, а также для целевой доставки лекарственных препаратов
Phenols and GABAA receptors: from structure and molecular mechanisms action to neuropsychiatric sequelae
γ-Aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABAARs) are members of the pentameric ligand-gated ion channel (pLGIC) family, which are widespread throughout the invertebrate and vertebrate central nervous system. GABAARs are engaged in short-term changes of the neuronal concentrations of chloride (Cl−) and bicarbonate (HCO3−) ions by their passive permeability through the ion channel pore. GABAARs are regulated by various structurally diverse phenolic substances ranging from simple phenols to complex polyphenols. The wide chemical and structural variability of phenols suggest similar and different binding sites on GABAARs, allowing them to manifest themselves as activators, inhibitors, or allosteric ligands of GABAAR function. Interest in phenols is associated with their great potential for GABAAR modulation, but also with their subsequent negative or positive role in neurological and psychiatric disorders. This review focuses on the GABAergic deficit hypotheses during neurological and psychiatric disorders induced by various phenols. We summarize the structure–activity relationship of general phenol groups concerning their differential roles in the manifestation of neuropsychiatric symptoms. We describe and analyze the role of GABAAR subunits in manifesting various neuropathologies and the molecular mechanisms underlying their modulation by phenols. Finally, we discuss how phenol drugs can modulate GABAAR activity via desensitization and resensitization. We also demonstrate a novel pharmacological approach to treat neuropsychiatric disorders via regulation of receptor phosphorylation/dephosphorylation
The research of the effectiveness of the program on formation of patriotic qualities of pupils
© 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The topicality of this problem is due to the contradiction between the objectively increasing requirements of society to a secondary school, patriotic education of pupils and the lack of sufficient scientific and methodological bases of its organization in the activities of a teacher. In this regard, this article aims to develop a program on the formation of patriotic qualities of pupils. Leading methods to the study of this problem were the observation, questionnaires, expert evaluation, self-assessment, identifying gaps in the formation of patriotic qualities of pupils and to make timely correction. The article presents the program for the formation of patriotic qualities of pupils, which allow to identify typical difficulties of teachers in the organization of this process, opened its structure and content, presents the results of the experiment for its implementation. The materials of this article, the positions contained therein and the conclusions can be used by teachers of schools, as well as in the system of teacher training
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