3,686 research outputs found

    A generative adversarial strategy for modeling relation paths in knowledge base representation learning

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    Enabling neural networks to perform multi-hop (mh) reasoning over knowledge bases (KBs) is vital for tasks such as question-answering and query expansion. Typically, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) trained with explicit objectives are used to model mh relation paths (mh-RPs). In this work, we hypothesize that explicit objectives are not the most effective strategy effective for learning mh-RNN reasoning models, proposing instead a generative adversarial network (GAN) based approach. The proposed model – mh Relation GAN (mh-RGAN) – consists of two networks; a generator GG, and discriminator DD. GG is tasked with composing a mh-RP and DD with discriminating between real and fake paths. During training, GG and DD contest each other adversarially as follows: GG attempts to fool DD by composing an indistinguishably invalid mh-RP given a head entity and a relation, while DD attempts to discriminate between valid and invalid reasoning chains until convergence. The resulting model is tested on benchmarks WordNet and FreeBase datasets and evaluated on the link prediction task using MRR and HIT@ 10, achieving best-in-class performance in all cases

    Assessment of bioavailability of some potential toxic metals in mining-affected soils using EDTA extraction and principle component analysis (PCA) approach, Derbyshire, UK

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    The current study area has long mining history for copper, lead, and zinc. As a result, these metals may have elevated levels and pose a potential risk to the surrounding area. This area is currently being used for agriculture and sheep rearing, therefore, the bioavailable fraction of some selected heavy metals namely (Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, Cr, Ni, and V) has been evaluated using 0.01 M EDTA procedure, as this would help for better understanding of the risk that these heavy metals can pose to living organisms. A total of 51 samples of topsoils, floodplain soils, and stream sediment soils were collected and analysed for their total concentrations using ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) optical emission spectroscopy. Results show that, depending on the bioavailable ratio, soil samples have the biggest EDTA extractable amount for all studied metals, except for Mn and Cr for which highest levels were found in the floodplain samples. However, based on national bioavailable mean amount in England and Wales, the amount of EDTA metal extractable for all selected metals from soil samples are exceeded the national average amounts of England and Wales, except for Mn and Ni, whereas in floodplain and stream sediment samples, all EDTA metals extractions are lower than the national mean levels, except Cu and Zn for flood plan samples. Principal component analysis (PCA) technique was performed to investigate how the bioavailable fractions of studied metals and factors namely (organic matter contents, soil pH, and different granulometric ranges) are correlated. Results show that both organic matter amounts and fine fractions (clay and silt) were the master factors controlling the bioavailable portion in all soil types

    Quantum master equation scheme of time-dependent density functional theory to time-dependent transport in nano-electronic devices

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    In this work a practical scheme is developed for the first-principles study of time-dependent quantum transport. The basic idea is to combine the transport master-equation with the well-known time-dependent density functional theory. The key ingredients of this paper include: (i) the partitioning-free initial condition and the consideration of the time-dependent bias voltages which base our treatment on the Runge-Gross existence theorem; (ii) the non-Markovian master equation for the reduced (many-body) central system (i.e. the device); and (iii) the construction of Kohn-Sham master equation for the reduced single-particle density matrix, where a number of auxiliary functions are introduced and their equations of motion (EOM) are established based on the technique of spectral decomposition. As a result, starting with a well-defined initial state, the time-dependent transport current can be calculated simultaneously along the propagation of the Kohn-Sham master equation and the EOM of the auxiliary functions.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Oxygen vacancy filament formation in TiO 2: A kinetic Monte Carlo study

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    We report a kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) investigation of an atomistic model for 3-dimensional structural configurations of TiO 2 memristor, focusing on the oxygen vacancy migration and interaction under an external voltage bias. kMC allows the access of experimental time scales so that the formation of well defined vacancy filaments in thin TiO 2 films can be simulated. The results show that the electric field drives vacancy migration; and vacancy hopping-induced localized electric field plays a key role for the filament evolution. Using the kMC structure of the filaments at different stages of the formation process, electronic density of states (DOS) are calculated by density functional theory. Filament induced gap states are found which gives rise to a transition from insulating behavior to conducting behavior during the filament formation process. By varying kMC simulations parameters, relations between vacancy diffusion, filament formation, and DOS in the TiO 2 thin film are elucidated. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.published_or_final_versio

    Cutting Tools in Finishing Operations for CNC Rapid Manufacturing Processes: Experimental Studies

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    This paper reports an advanced approach in the application of CNC machining for rapid manufacturing processes (CNC-RM). The aim of this study is to improve the quality of machined parts by introducing different cutting tools during finishing operations. As the cutting is performed in different directions, the surfaces presented on part can be classified into several categories. Therefore, suitable cutting tools are assigned to machine particular surfaces and to improve the quality. Experimental studies have been carried out by fabricating several parts based on the suggested approach. The results provide further support for implementing this approach in rapid machining processes

    Cutting Tools in Finishing Operations for CNC Rapid Manufacturing Processes: Experimental Studies

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    This paper reports an advanced approach in the application of CNC machining for rapid manufacturing processes (CNC-RM). The aim of this study is to improve the quality of machined parts by introducing different cutting tools during finishing operations. As the cutting is performed in different directions, the surfaces presented on part can be classified into several categories. Therefore, suitable cutting tools are assigned to machine particular surfaces and to improve the quality. Experimental studies have been carried out by fabricating several parts based on the suggested approach. The results provide further support for implementing this approach in rapid machining processes

    Oocyte Development of Scalloped Perchlet, Ambassis Nalua (Hamilton 1822)

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    Ikan seriding (Ambassis nalua) merupakan salah satu jenis ikan di perairan Teluk Pabean, Indramayu yang berukuran kecil, transparan dan tersedia dalam jumlah melimpah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perkembangan sel telur secara histologis dan menentukan tipe pemijahan ikan seriding. Ikan seriding didapatkan dari hasil tangkapan nelayan di Teluk Pabean, kemudian gonad contoh diawetkan dengan menggunakan larutan BNF (Buffer Neutral Formalin). Preparat histo-logis sel telur dibuat dengan metode pewarnaan HE, kemudian diamati dibawah mikroskop berkamera. Tahapan perkembangan oosit pada ikan seriding yaitu kromatin nukleus dan perinuklear (tahap pertumbuhan awal), kortikal alveoli, vitelo-genesis, dan pematangan. Tahapan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ikan seriding merupakan tipe ikan yang memijah secara bertahap

    Reproductive Aspects Of Scalloped Perchlet, Ambassis Nalua (Hamilton, 1822) In Pabean Bay Indramayu, West Java

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    Scalloped perchlet, Ambassis nalua, is one of fishes in Pabean Bay, Indramayu. This research aims to determine the reproductive aspects of Ambassis nalua in Pabean Bay Indramayu including sex ratio, spawning season, first maturity, fecundity and spawning pattern. Fish samples were collected by trap net and trammel net at three sites in Pabean Bay from April to October 2015. A total of 424 of A. nalua were caught, consist of 114 males and 310 females; with total length ranged from 38.04 to 112.63 mm and total weight ranged from 0.37 to 25.44 g. Sex ratio of mature fish was 1:1.9. The mature males and females were found in every month of sampling period. The gonado-somatic index (GSI) ranged from 0.40 to 0.83 and 2.36 to 4.54 for male and female, respectively. The peak of spawning season was found in September. The first maturity (Lm50) for male and female were 79.17 mm and 91.25 mm, respectively. The fecundity varied from 3,451–32,465 eggs. Egg diameter distribution shows that spawning pattern of A. nalua was batch spawner

    Rest-frame Optical Emission Lines in Far-Infrared Selected Galaxies at z<1.7 from the FMOS-COSMOS Survey

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    We have used FMOS on Subaru to obtain near-infrared spectroscopy of 123 far-infrared selected galaxies in COSMOS and obtain the key rest-frame optical emission lines. This is the largest sample of infrared galaxies with near-infrared spectroscopy at these redshifts. The far-infrared selection results in a sample of galaxies that are massive systems that span a range of metallicities in comparison with previous optically selected surveys, and thus has a higher AGN fraction and better samples the AGN branch. We establish the presence of AGN and starbursts in this sample of (U)LIRGs selected as Herschel-PACS and Spitzer-MIPS detections in two redshift bins (z~0.7 and z~1.5) and test the redshift dependence of diagnostics used to separate AGN from star-formation dominated galaxies. In addition, we construct a low redshift (z~0.1) comparison sample of infrared selected galaxies and find that the evolution from z~1.5 to today is consistent with an evolving AGN selection line and a range of ISM conditions and metallicities from the models of Kewley et al. (2013b). We find that a large fraction of (U)LIRGs are BPT-selected AGN using their new, redshift-dependent classification line. We compare the position of known X-ray detected AGN (67 in total) with the BPT selection and find that the new classification line accurately selects most of these objects (> 70%). Furthermore, we identify 35 new (likely obscured) AGN not selected as such by their X-ray emission. Our results have direct implications for AGN selection at higher redshift with either current (MOSFIRE, KMOS) or future (PFS, MOONS) spectroscopic efforts with near-infrared spectral coverage.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter