26 research outputs found


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    Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding only for infants aged 0-6 months without any additional food. Based on the profile of the Tanjung Rejo health center, Deli Serdang district in 2019, it was stated that the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding for infants 0-6 months, which was 37.3%, was still below the national target of 80%. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge, attitudes and support of husbands of breastfeeding mothers with exclusive breastfeeding for babies 6-12 months. This type of research used descriptive research and cross sectional method, with a total sample of 36 mothers breastfeeding babies 6-12 months in the Village of Cinta Rakyat and Desa Tanjung Rejo. The research instrument used in this study was an online questionnaire through the google form application. Primary data was obtained through filling out questionnaires, while secondary data was obtained through the Tanjung Rejo Village website. The data obtained in this study were processed using the chi-square test statistic with a significance level of p = 0.05. Based on the results of the study, it was found that there was a significant relationship between the level of maternal knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.005), there was a significant relationship between mother's attitude and exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.002), there was a significant relationship between husband's support and breastfeeding. Exclusive (p = 0.015). Suggestions for mothers, need to increase awareness that the importance of exclusive breastfeeding. In addition, mothers also need to increase their knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding so that mothers can provide good and correct exclusive breastfeeding to their children. Likewise, husbands also need to realize that their husband's support can support the success of exclusive breastfeeding


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    Masa remaja merupakan masa peralihan antara masa kehidupan anak-anak dan masa kehidupan orang dewasa yang ditandai dengan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan  biologis dan psikologis. Masalah gizi remaja banyak terjadi karena perilaku gizi yang salah dan ketidakcukupan gizi yang dianjurkan. Pengetahuan yang berdasarkan pemahaman yang tepat akan menumbuhkan perilaku yang diharapkan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan dan sikap tentang gizi seimbang serta status gizi berdasarkan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) pada siswi SMK Nusantara  Lubuk Pakam. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat observasional dengan pendekatan potong lintang (cross sectional) yang dikumpulkan secara bersamaan pada kurun waktu penelitian yang telah ditentukan. Pengetahuan siswi tentang gizi seimbang dengan kategori baik sebesar 32.7 % (17 orang), kategori cukup sebesar 50,0% (26 orang) dan kategori kurang sebesar 17.3% (9 orang). Sikap siswi tentang gizi seimbang dengan kategori positif sebesar 61.5% (32 orang) dan kategori negatif sebesar 38.5% (20 orang). Status gizi mahasiswi dengan kategori normal sebesar 76.9% (40 orang), kategori kurus sebesar 15.4% (8 orang), kategori obesitas sebesar 5.8% (3 orang) dan kategori gemuk sebesar 1,9% (1 orang)


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    Premix flour is a mixture of several different types of flour to partially replace certain flour components, which can be packaged into ready-to-use instant flour for processing various food products so that processing becomes practical, saves time, and has good shelf life. The formulation of mung bean flour, katuk leaf flour, and wheat flour which is made into a dough in the form of cake is expected to increase the nutritional value so that it is suitable for snacking.This study is an experimental Completely Randomized Design, with 3 treatments and 2 repetitions, treatment A 50 g wheat flour + 45 g mung bean flour + 5 g katuk leaf flour, treatment B  50 g wheat flour + 40 g mung bean flour + 10 g of katuk leaf flour and treatment C, 50 g of wheat flour + 35 g of mung bean flour + 15 g of katuk leaf flourThe panelists as the subject of this study were 20 students from the Department of Nutrition, Poltekkes, Ministry of Health, Medan who were randomly selected. The research time was carried out for 3 months, from November 2021 to January 2022The consumer's acceptance of the Sukahitu cake with the most preferred variety of premix flour is treatment A with 50 gr wheat flour: mung bean flour: 45 gr: 5 gr katuk leaf flou

    Perilaku Makan Ibu Menyusui dengan Status Gizi Bayi 0-6 Bulan

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between the eating behavior of breastfeeding mothers and the nutritional status of infants 0-6 months in Central Helvetia. The method used is an analytical survey with a cross-sectional design. Sampling was done by simple random sampling method. The statistical test used for data analysis is the chi-square test. The results showed that the nutritional status of infants with a weight/age index was more in the normal category, namely 87.8%, and mothers with good eating habits were 32 respondents (78.0%). In conclusion, there is a significant relationship between the eating behavior of breastfeeding mothers and the nutritional status of infants 0-6 months.  Keywords: Eating Behavior of Breastfeeding Mothers, Nutritional Status of Infant

    Pengaruh Pengelolaan Faktor Internal USAhatani Terhadap Produktivitas Lada Di Provinsi Lampung / the Effect of Internal Farming Management Factors on the Pepper Productivity in Lampung Province

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    Luas area dan produksi lada di Provinsi Lampung terus berkurang dari tahun ke tahun dan terancam punah jika tidak segera dilakukan penanganan secara serius. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pengelolaan faktor internal USAhatani terhadap produktivitas lada di Provinsi Lampung yang diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat dalam penyusunan kebijakan pengembangan lada ke depan . Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Lampung Utara, Lampung Timur, dan Way Kanan, mulai bulan Maret sampai Desember 2014. Kajian ini menggunakan metode survei dan wawancara dengan bantuan kuisioner terstruktur dengan jumlah petani sampel 180 orang yang distratifikasi berdasarkan: a) petani yang pernah menanam lada tetapi saat ini tidak lagi menanam lada; b). petani yang menanam lada dengan introduksi t eknologi minimal (konvensional dan seadanya); dan c) petani lada yang menanam lada dengan rekomendasi paket teknologi Badan Litbang Pertanian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan faktor internal USAhatani lada yang mempengaruhi produksi lada di Lampung adalah luas areal, pemupukan NPK Phonska, pemupukan SP36, dan penerapan pola tanam lada monokultur. Upaya peningkatan produksi lada di Lampung dapat ditempuh melalui penambahan luas areal lada yang didukung dengan penanganan intensif melalui penerapan teknologi budidaya dengan benar seperti pemupukan NPK Phonska, SP36, dan penerapan pola tanam lada monokultur. Perkembangan harga lada yang relatif baik pada dua tahun terakhir dapat dijadikan momentum untuk kebangkitan kembali perladaan di Lampung. Dukungan inovasi teknologi perlu ditingkatkan melalui pendampingan dan pengawalan penerapan SOP disertai peningkatan akses petani terhadap input produksi terutama ketersediaan pupuk


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    Early childhood is a period where growth is very good in terms of physical motor, emotional, cognitive and psychosocial. early age is the age covering the age of 5 years, this age period is important for the development of a child. This period is so important that it is called the golden age. Editing is an assessment of nutritional status based on indicators of body length compared to age (PB / U) or height versus age (TB / U) where anthropometric measurement results show a z-score -2 SD ( short) and -3 SD (very short). The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of eating among children with stunting in Sekip Village, Lubuk Pakam District, to assess the type of food consumed by children with stunting in Sekip Village, Lubuk Pakam District. This type of research is observational with a cross-sectional research design, namely the measurement of the related independent variables at the same time. The results of this study indicate that the pattern of feeding in stunting children results in data that the paud children experience an irregular feeding pattern, which can cause stunting

    Harga Diri Muslimah Obesitas yang Mengalami Penelantaran Rumah Tangga

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    This study aims to examine the self-esteem of obese Muslim women who experience household neglect. The research used qualitative approach with phenomenological design. Data collection used interview and observation techniques. Participants were 2 women aged 26 and 37 years who were recruited through purposive sampling technique. The obese body condition of both subjects was the reason for neglect by their husbands in the form of physical, verbal and economic violence. The results showed that both subjects rated themselves as worthless. Their low self-esteem can be observed in each component, namely: performance-wise, they are helpless because they are not allowed to work but are not provided for; socially, withdrawing from the environment; and physically, lacks self-confidence because of their obesity. Thus, both participants require psychological treatment such as therapy and spiritual approach

    Analisis Variasi Model dan Media Dalam Pembelajaran Kimia di SMA Kota Lhokseumawe

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    Salah satu kesuksesan dalam proses pembelajaran yaitu faktor eksternal. Faktor eksternal adalah faktor yang berasal dari luar peserta didik, seperti variasi model, dan media pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh variasi model, dan media dalam pembelajaran kimia di Kota Lhokseumawe. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa yang berada di SMA Negeri Lhokseumawe kelas XI IPA, sedangkan teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah cluster sampling, sampel yang diambil yaitu siswa di SMA Negeri 1, SMA Negeri 5, SMA Negeri 6 dan SMA Negeri 7 di Kota Lhokseumawe. Instrumen pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini digunakan angket. Angket tersebut dibuat berdasarkan skala likert dengan 4 jawaban yang sudah tersedia. Sedangkan teknik analisa data dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian variasi model dan media dalam pembelajaran menunjukkan bahwa kategori “sangat baik” adalah  42%, kategori “baik”, 53%, kategori “kurang baik 5%”, dan pada kategori “tidak baik” 0%. Kata Kunci: Hasil Belajar, Kimia, Media, Variasi Mode

    The Effect of Model Variations on Chemistry Learning Outcomes

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    One of the successes in the learning process can be seen from the learning outcomes of students. One of the factors that support this is external factors. External factors are factors that come from outside the learner, such as model variations. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an influence of model variations in chemistry learning on chemistry learning outcomes in Lhokseumawe City. This research used a quantitative approach, the type of research was ex post facto, and the research design was regression. The population in this study was all students who were in Grade XI Science Senior High School, while the sampling technique in this study was cluster sampling, the sample taken was several students at Senior high schoolsenior high school. Questionnaire was used for data collection instruments. The questionnaire was created based on a Likert scale with 4 answers already available. Data testing using a non-parametric hypothesis test, namely an SPSS-assisted spearman rank correlation test. Based on the hypothesis test, a significant value model variation is obtained from 0.028 < 0.05. It can be concluded that there was a significant influence between the variations of model in chemistry learning on the results of learning chemistry

    Penggunaan Deep Learning dengan Metode Convolutional Neural Network Untuk Klasifikasi Kualitas Sayur Kol Berdasarkan Citra Fisik

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    Sayur kol merupakan salah satu jenis sayuran yang umum dijumpai masyarakat Indonesia. Banyaknya sayur kol yang dipanen, membuat petani terkadang sedikit kerepotan dalam proses menyortir sayur kol mana yang layak ekspor dan tidak. Dan dengan seiring berkembangnya teknologi, maka hal ini menjadi sangat mungkin untuk membuat komputer mampu melakukan pekerjaan yang dianggap biasa oleh manusia termasuk proses sortir kualitas sayur kol. Hal semacam ini dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan Deep Learning yang mengusung Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) sebagai metode klasifikasi. Dengan memanfaatkan citra fisik sayur kol, CNN mampu melakukan klasifikasi dengan model yang telah disusun sebelumnya. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti membangun sebuah model yang terdiri dari 4 convolution layer, 2 pooling layer yang berukuran 2×2, 3 dropout layer, 2 dense layer serta 1 flatten layer. Sedang untuk aktivasinya, digunakan ReLu, dengan filter sebanyak 32 dan 64 yang ukuran kernelnya 3×3. Model ini diuji dengan menggunakan 270 data yang dimana 210 digunakan sebagai data train dan 60 data digunakan sebagai data test. Dengan learning rate sebesar 0.004, 30 epoch dan tiga algoritma performasi berbeda yaitu; Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), Adaptive Moment (Adam), dan Root Mean Square Propagation (RMSProp) dengan hasil tertinggi berada pada algoritma Adam yang tingkat akurasinya sebesar 80% untuk data test dan 73% untuk data train berdasarkan komposisi warna yang terdapat dalam citra