54 research outputs found

    Entanglement sharing in EϵE\otimes\epsilon Jahn-Teller model in the presence of a magnetic field

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    We discuss the ground state entanglement of the EϵE\otimes\epsilon Jahn-Teller model in the presence of a strong transverse magnetic field as a function of the vibronic coupling strength. A complete characterization is given of the phenomenon of entanglement sharing in a system composed by a qubit coupled to two bosonic modes. Using the residual II-tangle, we find that three-partite entanglement is significantly present in the system in the parameter region near the bifurcation point of the corresponding classical model

    Entanglement of a qubit coupled to a resonator in the adiabatic regime

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    We discuss the ground state entanglement of a bi-partite system, composed by a qubit strongly interacting with an oscillator mode, as a function of the coupling strenght, the transition frequency and the level asymmetry of the qubit. This is done in the adiabatic regime in which the time evolution of the qubit is much faster than the oscillator one. Within the adiabatic approximation, we obtain a complete characterization of the ground state properties of the system and of its entanglement content.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    Nuclear halo and the coherent nuclear interaction

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    The unusual structure of Li11, the first halo nucleus found, is analyzed by the Preparata model of nuclear structure. By applying Coherent Nucleus Theory, we obtain an interaction potential for the halo-neutrons that rightly reproduces the fundamental state of the system.Comment: 9 pages Submitted to International Journal of Modern Physics E (IJMPE

    Preparation and characterization of micro-nano engineered targets for high-power laser experiments

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    [EN] The continuous development of ultra-fast high-power lasers (HPL) technology with the ability of working at unprecedented repetition rates, between 1 and 10 Hz, is raising the target needs for experiments in the different areas of interest to the HPL community. Many target designs can be conceived according to specific scientific issues, however to guarantee manufacturing abilities that enable large number production and still allow for versatility in the design is the main barrier in the exploitation of these high repetition rate facilities. Here, we have applied MEMS based manufacturing processes for this purpose. In particular, we have focused on the fabrication and characterization of submicrometric conductive membranes embedded in a silicon frame. These kinds of solid targets are used for laser-driven particle acceleration through the so-called Target Normal Sheath Acceleration mechanism (TNSA). They were obtained by top-down fabrication alternating pattern transfer, atomic layer deposition, and selective material etching. The adaptability of the approach is then analyzed and discussed by evaluating different properties of targets for use in laser-driven particle acceleration experiments. These characteristics include the surface properties of membranes after fabrication and the high density of the target array. Finally, we were able to show their efficiency for laser-driven proton acceleration in a series of experiments with a 3 TW table-top laser facility, achieving stable proton acceleration up to 2 MeV.The authors highly appreciate the collaboration of Radosys (Budapest) which provided CR-39 detector material, etching bath, and readout equipment. This project has been financed by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness within the Retos-Colaboracion 2015 initiative, ref. RTC-2015-3278-1. P. Mur has received a grant of the Garantia Juvenil 2015 program. This work has made use of the Spanish ICTS Network MICRONANOFABS partially supported by MEINCOM.Zaffino, R.; Seimetz, M.; Quirión, D.; Ruiz-De La Cruz, A.; Sánchez, I.; Mur, P.; Benlliure, J.... (2018). Preparation and characterization of micro-nano engineered targets for high-power laser experiments. Microelectronic Engineering. 194:67-70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mee.2018.03.011S677019

    Wafer-scale fabrication of target arrays for stable generation of proton beams by laser-plasma interaction

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    [EN] Large-scale fabrication of targets for laser-driven acceleration of ion beams is a prerequisite to establish suitable applications, and to keep up with the challenge of increasing repetition rate of currently available high-power lasers. Here we present manufacturing and test results of large arrays of solid targets for TNSA laser-driven ion acceleration. By applying micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) based methods allowing for parallel processing of thousands of targets on a single Si wafer, sub-micrometric, thin-layer metallic membranes were fabricated by combining photolithography, physical and chemical vapor deposition, selective etching, and Si micromachining. These structures were characterized by using optical and atomic force microscopy. Their performance for the production of laser-driven proton beams was tested on a purpose-made table-top Ti:Sapphire laser system running at 3 TW peak power with a contrast over ASE of 108. We have performed several test series achieving maximum proton energy values around 2 MeV.This work has made use of the Spanish ICTS Network MICRONANOFABS partially supported by MEINCOM. This project has been financed by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness within the Retos- Colaboración 2015 initiative, ref. RTC-2015-3278-1. P. Mur has received a grant of the Garantía Juvenil 2015 program.Zaffino, R.; Seimetz, M.; Ruiz-De La Cruz, A.; Sánchez, I.; Mur, P.; Bellido-Millán, PJ.; Lera, R.... (2018). Wafer-scale fabrication of target arrays for stable generation of proton beams by laser-plasma interaction. Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Online). 1079. https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1079/1/012007S0120071079Abedi, S., Dorranian, D., Abari, M. E., & Shokri, B. (2011). Relativistic effects in the interaction of high intensity ultra-short laser pulse with collisional underdense plasma. Physics of Plasmas, 18(9), 093108. doi:10.1063/1.3633529Antici, P., Fuchs, J., d’ Humières, E., Lefebvre, E., Borghesi, M., Brambrink, E., … Pépin, H. (2007). Energetic protons generated by ultrahigh contrast laser pulses interacting with ultrathin targets. Physics of Plasmas, 14(3), 030701. doi:10.1063/1.2480610Ceccotti, T., Lévy, A., Popescu, H., Réau, F., D’Oliveira, P., Monot, P., … Martin, P. (2007). Proton Acceleration with High-Intensity Ultrahigh-Contrast Laser Pulses. Physical Review Letters, 99(18). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.99.18500

    Efficient proton acceleration from a 3 TW table-top laser interacting with submicrometric mass-produced solid targets

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    [EN] Thin layer membranes with controllable features and material arrangements are often used as target materials for laser driven particle accelerators. Reduced cost, large scale fabrication of such membranes with high reproducibility, and good stability are central for the efficient production of proton beams. These characteristics are of growing importance in the context of advanced laser light sources where increased repetition rates boost the need for consumable targets with design and properties adjusted to study the different phenomena arising in ultra-intense laser-plasma interaction. Wepresent the fabrication of sub-micrometric thin-layer gold or aluminum membranes in a silicon wafer frame by using nano/micro-electro-mechanical-system (N/MEMS) processing which are suitable for rapid patterning and machining of many samples at the same time and allowing for high-throughput production of targets for laser-driven acceleration. Obtained targets were tested for laserproton acceleration through the Target Normal Sheath Acceleration mechanism (TNSA) in a series of experiments carried out on a purpose-made table-top Ti:Sa running at 3 TW peak power and 10 Hz diode pump rate with a contrast over ASE of 10(8)The authors highly appreciate the collaboration of Radosys (Budapest) which provided CR-39 detector material, etching bath, and readout equipment. This project has been financed by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness within the Retos-Colaboracion 2015 initiative, ref. RTC-2015-3278-1. P Mur has received a grant of the Garantia Juvenil 2015 program. This work has made use of the Spanish ICTS Network MICRONANOFABS partially supported by MEINCOM.Zaffino, R.; Seimetz, M.; Ruiz-De La Cruz, A.; Sánchez, I.; Mur, P.; Quirión, D.; Bellido-Millán, PJ.... (2018). Efficient proton acceleration from a 3 TW table-top laser interacting with submicrometric mass-produced solid targets. Journal of Physics Communications. 2(4):1-6. https://doi.org/10.1088/2399-6528/aabc25S1624Borghesi, M., Campbell, D. H., Schiavi, A., Haines, M. G., Willi, O., MacKinnon, A. J., … Bulanov, S. (2002). Electric field detection in laser-plasma interaction experiments via the proton imaging technique. Physics of Plasmas, 9(5), 2214-2220. doi:10.1063/1.1459457Ledingham, K., Bolton, P., Shikazono, N., & Ma, C.-M. (2014). Towards Laser Driven Hadron Cancer Radiotherapy: A Review of Progress. Applied Sciences, 4(3), 402-443. doi:10.3390/app4030402Spindloe, C., Arthur, G., Hall, F., Tomlinson, S., Potter, R., Kar, S., … Tolley, M. K. (2016). High volume fabrication of laser targets using MEMS techniques. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 713, 012002. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/713/1/012002Schomburg, W. K. (2011). Thin Films. RWTHedition, 9-20. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-19489-4_4Bellido, P., Lera, R., Seimetz, M., Cruz, A. R. la, Torres-Peirò, S., Galán, M., … Benlloch, J. M. (2017). Characterization of protons accelerated from a 3 TW table-top laser system. Journal of Instrumentation, 12(05), T05001-T05001. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/12/05/t05001Mayer, M. (1999). SIMNRA, a simulation program for the analysis of NRA, RBS and ERDA. AIP Conference Proceedings. doi:10.1063/1.59188Ceccotti, T., Lévy, A., Popescu, H., Réau, F., D’Oliveira, P., Monot, P., … Martin, P. (2007). Proton Acceleration with High-Intensity Ultrahigh-Contrast Laser Pulses. Physical Review Letters, 99(18). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.99.185002Dollar, F., Reed, S. A., Matsuoka, T., Bulanov, S. S., Chvykov, V., Kalintchenko, G., … Maksimchuk, A. (2013). High-intensity laser-driven proton acceleration enhancement from hydrogen containing ultrathin targets. Applied Physics Letters, 103(14), 141117. doi:10.1063/1.4824361Neely, D., Foster, P., Robinson, A., Lindau, F., Lundh, O., Persson, A., … McKenna, P. (2006). Enhanced proton beams from ultrathin targets driven by high contrast laser pulses. Applied Physics Letters, 89(2), 021502. doi:10.1063/1.2220011Green, J. S., Carroll, D. C., Brenner, C., Dromey, B., Foster, P. S., Kar, S., … Zepf, M. (2010). Enhanced proton flux in the MeV range by defocused laser irradiation. New Journal of Physics, 12(8), 085012. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/12/8/085012Giuffrida, L., Svensson, K., Psikal, J., Dalui, M., Ekerfelt, H., Gallardo Gonzalez, I., … Margarone, D. (2017). Manipulation of laser-accelerated proton beam profiles by nanostructured and microstructured targets. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 20(8). doi:10.1103/physrevaccelbeams.20.08130

    Spectral characterization of laser-accelerated protons with CR-39 nuclear track detector

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    CR-39 nuclear track material is frequently used for the detection of protons accelerated in laser-plasma interactions. The measurement of track densities allows for determination of particle angular distributions, and information on the kinetic energy can be obtained by the use of passive absorbers. We present a precise method of measuring spectral distributions of laser-accelerated protons in a single etching and analysis process. We make use of a one-to-one relation between proton energy and track size and present a precise calibration based on monoenergetic particle beams. While this relation is limited to proton energies below 1 MeV, we show that the range of spectral measurements can be significantly extended by simultaneous use of absorbers of suitable thicknesses. Examples from laser-plasma interactions are presented, and quantitative results on proton energies and particle numbers are compared to those obtained from a time-of-flight detector. The spectrum end points of continuous energy distributions have been determined with both detector types and coincide within 50-100 keV

    Targets for high repetition rate laser facilities: Needs, challenges and perspectives

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    A number of laser facilities coming online all over the world promise the capability of high-power laser experiments with shot repetition rates between 1 and 10Ã\u82 Hz. Target availability and technical issues related to the interaction environment could become a bottleneck for the exploitation of such facilities. In this paper, we report on target needs for three different classes of experiments: Dynamic compression physics, electron transport and isochoric heating, and laser-driven particle and radiation sources. We also review some of the most challenging issues in target fabrication and high repetition rate operation. Finally, we discuss current target supply strategies and future perspectives to establish a sustainable target provision infrastructure for advanced laser facilities

    Characterization of protons accelerated from a 3 TW table-top laser system

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    [EN] We report on benchmark tests of a 3 TW/50 fs, table-top laser system specifically developed for proton acceleration with an intrinsic pump rate up to 100 Hz. In two series of single-shot measurements differing in pulse energy and contrast the successful operation of the diode pumped laser is demonstrated. Protons have been accelerated up to 1.6 MeV in interactions of laser pulses focused on aluminium and mylar foils between 0.8 and 25 mu m thickness. Their spectral distributions and maximum energies are consistent with former experiments under similar conditions. These results show the suitability of our system and provide a reference for studies of laser targets at high repetition rate and possible applications.This project has been funded by Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI, Spain) within the INNPRONTA program, grant no. IPT-20111027, by EUROSTARS project E9113, and by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness within the Retos-Colaboracion 2015 initiative, ref. RTC-2015-3278-1.Bellido-Millán, PJ.; Lera, R.; Seimetz, M.; Ruiz-De La Cruz, A.; Torres Peiró, S.; Galán, M.; Mur, P.... (2017). Characterization of protons accelerated from a 3 TW table-top laser system. Journal of Instrumentation. 12:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/12/05/T05001S11212Daido, H., Nishiuchi, M., & Pirozhkov, A. S. (2012). Review of laser-driven ion sources and their applications. Reports on Progress in Physics, 75(5), 056401. doi:10.1088/0034-4885/75/5/056401Macchi, A., Borghesi, M., & Passoni, M. (2013). Ion acceleration by superintense laser-plasma interaction. Reviews of Modern Physics, 85(2), 751-793. doi:10.1103/revmodphys.85.751Ledingham, K., Bolton, P., Shikazono, N., & Ma, C.-M. (2014). Towards Laser Driven Hadron Cancer Radiotherapy: A Review of Progress. Applied Sciences, 4(3), 402-443. doi:10.3390/app4030402Kraft, S. D., Richter, C., Zeil, K., Baumann, M., Beyreuther, E., Bock, S., … Pawelke, J. (2010). Dose-dependent biological damage of tumour cells by laser-accelerated proton beams. New Journal of Physics, 12(8), 085003. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/12/8/085003Yogo, A., Sato, K., Nishikino, M., Mori, M., Teshima, T., Numasaki, H., … Daido, H. (2009). Application of laser-accelerated protons to the demonstration of DNA double-strand breaks in human cancer cells. Applied Physics Letters, 94(18), 181502. doi:10.1063/1.3126452Fritzler, S., Malka, V., Grillon, G., Rousseau, J. P., Burgy, F., Lefebvre, E., … Ledingham, K. W. D. (2003). Proton beams generated with high-intensity lasers: Applications to medical isotope production. Applied Physics Letters, 83(15), 3039-3041. doi:10.1063/1.1616661Kishimura, H., Morishita, H., Okano, Y. H., Okano, Y., Hironaka, Y., Kondo, K., … Nemoto, K. (2004). Enhanced generation of fast protons from a polymer-coated metal foil by a femtosecond intense laser field. Applied Physics Letters, 85(14), 2736-2738. doi:10.1063/1.1803915Nakamura, S., Iwashita, Y., Noda, A., Shirai, T., Tongu, H., Fukumi, A., … Wada, Y. (2006). Real-Time Optimization of Proton Production by Intense Short-Pulse Laser with Time-of-Flight Measurement. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45(No. 34), L913-L916. doi:10.1143/jjap.45.l913Nishiuchi, M., Fukumi, A., Daido, H., Li, Z., Sagisaka, A., Ogura, K., … Nakamura, S. (2006). The laser proton acceleration in the strong charge separation regime. Physics Letters A, 357(4-5), 339-344. doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2006.04.053Yogo, A., Daido, H., Fukumi, A., Li, Z., Ogura, K., Sagisaka, A., … Itoh, A. (2007). Laser prepulse dependency of proton-energy distributions in ultraintense laser-foil interactions with an online time-of-flight technique. Physics of Plasmas, 14(4), 043104. doi:10.1063/1.2721066Robinson, A. P. 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    Identification of anthocyanins in plant sources and textiles by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)

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    The aim of the present study was to provide experimental procedures for the identification of anthocyanin-based dyes used in antiquity. In particular, we assessed the possibility to identify anthocyanins, both in plant extracts and in dyed textiles, by means of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), a very chemically specific technique that is moreover sensitive to the changes in structures of molecules, phenomena that occur extensively in the chemistry of anthocyanins. The choice of the plant sources (bilberry, elderberry, sumac, purple corn and hollyhock) was based on their attested use in history as dyeing matters. Suitable extraction and pre-treatment procedures were optimized both for plant sources (berries, cob glumes and flowers) and textiles dyed with such sources in the laboratory, followed by SERS analyses at different pH values. Finally, special attention was paid to the well-known instability of anthocyanins: dyed wool samples were exposed to artificial aging in order to verify the possibility to identify such molecules also in faded textiles. The achievement of reliable surface-enhanced Raman spectra from these samples encourages us to suggest the protocol for the analysis of historical objects