111 research outputs found

    El porvenir de la lengua española

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    Professional Competencies Assessment in Audiovisual Projects for Higher Education

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    [EN] Nowadays professional Competences criteria in Audiovisual Communication Projects have to include as an essential point of not only as a teaching methodology but also in any new learning framework. This paper shows a pilot experience with students of Audiovisual Communication at the Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia, EPSG in Spain, where an evaluation of professional competence has been used to improve the quality of the project and instruct students what the companies require. The aim was to lay out a transversal education project between various subjects implementing an interdisciplinary approach by coordinating curricular contents related to a common project during the course. Not only were methodological strategies for the teaching¿learning model coordinated but also professional skills assessment of different subjects taught. Regarding professional assessment, three levels were proposed 1) evaluate individual knowledge students have acquired, 2) evaluate the group dynamic organization and 3) assess digital projects from professional point of view. Student¿s aim is to develop a complete and interdisciplinary project that can be implemented in the real world in an audiovisual enterprises or in their own future ventureGiménez López, JL.; Zulueta Dorado, FD.; Palacio Samitier, D.; Magal Royo, T. (2019). Professional Competencies Assessment in Audiovisual Projects for Higher Education. Studies in Educational Management (SEM). 1(1):26-33. https://doi.org/10.32038/SEM.2019.01.03S26331

    Elementos de la teoría de las formas

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 200

    Usability as a communication problem

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    [EN] Introduction: A graphical interface, in order for it to be considered truly "usable", must provide the user with sufficient information, both about the possible functionalities of the application and how to interact with it. This article addresses this issue from the point of view of communication. Understanding the interface as a means that seeks communication between two systems (man and machine) through its own language. This language has its own characteristics inherent to the medium. Methodology: This is a comparative analysis, exploring co-relational aspects of the use of usability in screen design. Conclusions: We observe how usability, in addition to the problems of understanding the interface and its interaction, also results in problems such as uniformity in design and lack of creativity in the creation of new interfaces.[ES] Introducción: Una interfaz gráfica, para que pueda ser considerada realmente ¿usable¿, debe proporcionar al usuario información suficiente, tanto sobre las posibles funcionalidades de la aplicación como de la forma de interactuar con ella. En el presente artículo se aborda esta cuestión desde el punto de vista de la comunicación. Entendiendo la interfaz como un medio que busca la comunicación entre dos sistemas (hombre y máquina) a través de un lenguaje propio. Este lenguaje posee características propias inherentes al medio. Metodología: Este es un análisis comparativo, explorando aspectos co-relacionales del uso de la usabilidad en el diseño de pantallas. Conclusiones: Observamos cómo la usabilidad, además de los problemas propios de comprensión de la interfaz y su interacción, también se derivan problemas como la uniformidad en el diseño y la falta de creatividad en la creación de nuevas interfaces.Palacio Samitier, D.; Zulueta Dorado, FD.; Díez-Somavilla, R.; Giménez López, JL. (2021). La usabilidad como problema de comunicación. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social. 79:135-150. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2021-14921351507

    A Multiple Stakeholder Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Diabetic Macular Edema Management: The MULTIDEX‑EMD Study

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    Background The clinical and economic management of retinal diseases has become more complex following the introduction of new intravitreal treatments. Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) offers the potential to overcome the challenges associated with traditional decision-making tools. Objectives A MCDA to determine the most relevant criteria to decision-making in the management of diabetic macular edema (DME) based on the perspectives of multiple stakeholders in Spain was developed. This MCDA was termed the MULTIDEX-EMD study. Methods Nineteen stakeholders (7 physicians, 4 pharmacists, 5 health authorities and health management experts, 1 psychologist, and 2 patient representatives) participated in this three-phase project. In phase A, an advisory board defined all of the criteria that could influence DME treatment decision-making. These criteria were then screened using a discrete choice experiment (DCE) (phase B). Next, a multinomial logit model was fitted by applying the backward elimination algorithm (relevant criteria: p value = 15 letters (p value < 0.001), effect duration per administration (p value = 0.008), retinal detachment (p value < 0.001), endophthalmitis (p value = 0.012), myocardial infarction (p value < 0.001), intravitreal hemorrhage (p value = 0.021), annual treatment cost per patient (p value = 0.001), health-related quality of life (HRQoL) (p value = 0.004), and disability level (p value = 0.021). Conclusions From a multi-stakeholder perspective, the selection of an appropriate treatment for DME patients should guarantee patient safety and maximize the visual acuity improvement and treatment effect duration. It should also contribute to system sustainability by being affordable, it should have a positive impact on HRQoL, and it should prevent disability

    Diagnostic yield of electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy is highly dependent on the presence of a Bronchus sign on CT imaging: results from a prospective study

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    Electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy (ENB) has been developed as a novel ancillary tool for the bronchoscopic diagnosis of pulmonary nodules. Despite successful navigation in 90% of patients, ENB diagnostic yield does not generally exceed 70%. We sought to determine whether the presence of a bronchus sign on CT imaging conditions diagnostic yield of ENB and might account for the discrepancy between successful navigation and diagnostic yield. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, single-center study of ENB in 51 consecutive patients with pulmonary nodules. ENB was chosen as the least invasive diagnostic technique in patients with a high surgical risk, suspected metastatic disease, or advanced-stage disease, or in those who demanded a preoperative diagnosis prior to undergoing curative resection. We studied patient and technical variables that might condition diagnostic yield, including size, cause, location, distance to the pleural surface, and fluorodeoxyglucose uptake of a given nodule; the presence of a bronchus sign on CT imaging; registration point divergence; and the minimum distance from the tip of the locatable guide to the nodule measured during the procedure. RESULTS: The diagnostic yield of ENB was 67% (34/51). The sensitivity and specificity of ENB for malignancy in this study were 71% and 100%, respectively. ENB was diagnostic in 79% (30/38) patients with a bronchus sign on CT imaging but only in 4/13 (31%) with no discernible bronchus sign. Univariate analysis identified the bronchus sign (P = .005) and nodule size (P = .04) as statistically significant variables conditioning yield, but on multivariate analysis, only the bronchus sign remained significant (OR, 7.6; 95% CI, 1.8-31.7). No procedure-related complications were observed. CONCLUSIONS: ENB diagnostic yield is highly dependent on the presence of a bronchus sign on CT imaging

    Emphysema presence, severity, and distribution has little impact on the clinical presentation of a cohort of patients with mild to moderate COPD

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    Phenotypic characterization of patients with COPD may have potential prognostic and therapeutic implications. Available information on the relationship between emphysema and the clinical presentation in patients with COPD is limited to advanced stages of the disease. The objective of this study was to describe emphysema presence, severity, and distribution and its impact on clinical presentation of patients with mild to moderate COPD. METHODS: One hundred fifteen patients with COPD underwent clinical and chest CT scan evaluation for the presence, severity, and distribution of emphysema. Patients with and without emphysema and with different forms of emphysema distribution (upper/lower/core/peel) were compared. The impact of emphysema severity and distribution on clinical presentation was determined. RESULTS: Fifty percent of the patients had mild homogeneously distributed emphysema (1.84; 0.76%-4.77%). Upper and core zones had the more severe degree of emphysema. Patients with emphysema were older, more frequently men, and had lower FEV(1)%, higher total lung capacity percentage, and lower diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide. No differences were found between the clinical or physiologic parameters of the different emphysema distributions. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with mild to moderate COPD, although the presence of emphysema has an impact on physiologic presentation, its severity and distribution seem to have little impact on clinical presentation

    Metodologías ágiles en el grado de Tecnologías interactivas de la Escuela Politècnica Superior de Gandia

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    [EN] In view of the continuous advance of newer technologies, higher education in engineering should transmit not only the methodological and developmental aspects of a conventional project, but the need for adaptation and continuous learning in the labour market. As a result, the new degree on Interactive Technologies B.E. at the Higher Polytechnic School of Gandia (EPSG) has been designed taking as reference the work oriented towards project-based learning (PBL), CDIO Initiative (Conceive Design Implement Operate), and a learning-teaching methodology based on Scrum. It is with these implementations that we hope to approach the working procedures that highperformance companies carry out: the so-called agile methodologies. As per the case, we can observe how the aforementioned methodologies have been integrated to higher education and, in particular, to the workshop “Project: Web Design and Development”, which belongs to the second semester of the first bachellor’s year. In this article we describe how the learning-teaching methodology (Scrum) has been introduced to the academic planning, the subject structure and methodology, as well as to the student competences, their avaluation and rubrics.[ES] Ante el avance de las nuevas tecnologías, la enseñanza universitaria en el ámbito de las ingenierías debe transmitir al alumno, además de los aspectos metodológicos y de desarrollo de un proyecto convencional, la necesidad de adaptación y aprendizaje continuado en el mundo laboral. En consecuencia, el nuevo grado de Tecnologías interactivas de la Escuela Politècnica Superior de Gandia (EPSG) se ha diseñado tomando como referencia el trabajo orientado a proyectos (PBL), la filosofía CDIO (concebir, diseñar, implementar y operar) y una metodología de aprendizaje-enseñanza basada en Scrum. Con estas implementaciones se pretende una aproximación a los procedimientos de trabajo que se realizan en empresas tecnológicas de alto rendimiento: las denominadas metodologías ágiles. En el caso que nos ocupa, podemos observar cómo dichas metodologías se han incorporado a la enseñanza universitaria y, en concreto, a la asignatura-taller “Proyecto: diseño y programación web”, perteneciente al segundo semestre de primer año del grado. En el presente artículo se describen las adaptaciones del Plan de Ordenación Docente, de la estructura y metodología de la asignatura, así como de las competencias del alumno, de su evaluación y rúbricas, a la nueva metodología activa (Scrum) de enseñanza-aprendizaje.El desarrollo del presente articulo ha sido realizado gracias al trabajo de los profesores del equipo de innovación y calidad educativa EICE ABP-Diseño y Comunicación de las escuelas, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Diseño, ETSID y la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Gandia, EPSG. También queremos dar las gracias al profesor Jesús Garcia Laborda por sus aportaciones teóricas sobre innovación educativa planteadas.Giménez López, JL.; Palacio Samitier, D.; Zulueta Dorado, FD.; Díez Somavilla, R.; Seiz Ortiz, R.; García Laborda, J. (2018). Metodologías ágiles en el grado de Tecnologías interactivas de la Escuela Politècnica Superior de Gandia. En IN-RED 2018. IV Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 767-778. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2018.2018.8873OCS76777