55 research outputs found


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    Editorial para o especial Asininos e MuaresEditorial for the special Donkeys and Mule

    Computational classification of animals for a highway detection system

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    As colisões entre veículos e animais representam um sério problema na infraestrutura rodoviária. Para evitar tais acidentes, medidas mitigatórias têm sido aplicadas em diferentes regiões do mundo. Neste projeto é apresentado um sistema de detecção de animais em rodovias utilizando visão computacional e algoritmo de aprendizado de máquina. Os modelos foram treinados para classificar dois grupos de animais: capivaras e equídeos. Foram utilizadas duas variantes da rede neural convolucional chamada Yolo (você só vê uma vez) — Yolov4 e Yolov4-tiny (versão mais leve da rede) — e o treinamento foi realizado a partir de modelos pré-treinados. Testes de detecção foram realizados em 147 imagens e os resultados de precisão obtidos foram de 84,87% e 79,87% para Yolov4 e Yolov4-tiny, respectivamente. O sistema proposto tem o potencial de melhorar a segurança rodoviária reduzindo ou prevenindo acidentes com animais.Vehicle-animal collisions represent a serious problem in roadway infrastructure. To avoid these roadway collisions, different mitigation systems have been applied in various regions of the world. In this article, a system for detecting animals on highways is presented using computer vision and machine learning algorithms. The models were trained to classify two groups of animals: capybaras and donkeys. Two variants of the convolutional neural network called Yolo (You only look once) were used, Yolov4 and Yolov4-tiny (a lighter version of the network). The training was carried out using pre-trained models. Detection tests were performed on 147 images. The accuracy results obtained were 84.87% and 79.87% for Yolov4 and Yolov4-tiny, respectively. The proposed system has the potential to improve road safety by reducing or preventing accidents with animals

    Dairy farmer attitudes and empathy toward animals are associated with animal welfare indicators

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    Attitudes and empathy of farmers influence human–animal interaction, thereby affecting their behavior toward animals. The goal was to investigate how measures of attitude and empathy toward animals were associated with animal welfare indicators such as milk yield, mastitis incidence, fertility index, and the prevalence of skin lesions on cows. To assess empathy toward animals, a photo-based pain assessment instrument was developed depicting various conditions that could be associated with some degree of pain in cattle and included questions aimed at assessing attitudes toward animals. Photos of painful conditions are useful in eliciting measurable empathic responses to pain in humans. A total of 221 farmers were sampled via e-mail and 154 responses were obtained. In the first analysis, farmers were categorized into 2 groups according to their agreement or disagreement with the attitude statement “animals experience physical pain as humans do.” In the second analysis, farmers were assigned a median pain assessment score obtained from their estimates on the visual analog scale of 21 conditions assumed painful for cattle. In the third analysis, farmers were clustered in 3 groups according to their visual analog scale responses. Three conditions were ranked as the most painful: fracture of tuber coxae, dystocia, and serious mastitis. Farmers with positive attitudes toward animals scored 2 points higher on their empathy score compared with farmers with negative attitudes. Personal experience with each additional condition resulted in a 0.09 higher score. Cluster analysis revealed 3 groups. Farmers in group 3 had the highest median pain assessment score (6.7 ± 0.2), indicating a high level of empathy and a positive attitude toward animals. They had the lowest prevalence of skin lesions over the carpus (24 ± 6%) and the lowest milk production (6,705 ± 202 kg). The complex associations between indicators of empathy and attitudes with relevant welfare outcomes suggest that competence building to safeguard animal welfare could benefit from including both attitudes and empathy in human–animal interactions studies

    Brazilian donkey slaughter and exports from 2002 to 2019

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    The international demand for donkeys has increased sharply in recent years, motivated by China’s growing interest in producing ejiao (a traditional medicine made from donkey skin) and, in a smaller proportion, donkey meat. Since the Chinese donkey population dropped by 75.4% in the past 25 years, the country has searched for supply in the international market, mainly in Africa and South America. Aiming to understand the participation of Brazil in this scenario, this paper presents and discusses official data on donkey slaughter and donkey meat and skin exports in Brazil from 2002 to 2019. After the recent news reports of donkey trade-related mistreatment in the Brazilian Northeast, the issue has attracted attention from public authorities, the media, and civil society, but it lacked a quantitative description that could give a tangible dimension to the situation. The interpretation of these data is made with the collaboration of qualitative research methods, emphasizing some aspects of human-animal relations.A demanda internacional por jumentos vem aumentando drasticamente nos últimos anos, motivada pelo crescente interesse da China em produzir ejiao (medicamento tradicional feito a partir da pele do animal) e, em menor proporção, carne de jumento. Devido à redução de 75,4% na população de jumentos chineses nos últimos 25 anos, o país tem buscado se abastecer no mercado internacional, principalmente na África e na América do Sul. Com o objetivo de compreender a participação do Brasil neste cenário, este artigo apresenta e discute dados oficiais sobre abate de jumentos e exportação de carne e pele de jumentos no Brasil, de 2002 a 2019. Após a recente divulgação de notícias sobre maus-tratos relacionados ao comércio de jumentos no Nordeste do Brasil, o assunto tem atraído a atenção do poder público, da mídia e da sociedade civil, mas ainda carecia de uma descrição quantitativa que pudesse fornecer uma dimensão tangível à situação. A interpretação desses dados é feita com a colaboração de métodos de pesquisa qualitativa, enfatizando algumas facetas das relações humano-animais

    Factors affecting mechanical (nociceptive) thresholds in piglets

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    AbstractObjectiveTo evaluate the stability and repeatability of measures of mechanical (nociceptive) thresholds in piglets and to examine potentially confounding factors when using a hand held algometer.Study designDescriptive, prospective cohort.AnimalsForty-four piglets from four litters, weighing 4.6 ± 1.0 kg (mean ± SD) at 2 weeks of age.MethodsMechanical thresholds were measured twice on each of 2 days during the first and second week of life. Data were analyzed using a repeated measures design to test the effects of behavior prior to testing, sex, week, day within week, and repetition within day. The effect of body weight and the interaction between piglet weight and behaviour were also tested. Piglet was entered into the model as a random effect as an additional test of repeatability. The effect of repeated testing was used to test the stability of measures. Pearson correlations between repeated measures were used to test the repeatability of measures. Variance component analysis was used to describe the variability in the data.ResultsVariance component analysis indicated that piglet explained only 17% of the variance in the data. All variables in the model (behaviour prior to testing, sex, week, day within week, repetition within day, body weight, the interaction between body weight and behaviour, piglet identity) except sex had a significant effect (p < 0.04 for all). Correlations between repeated measures increased from the first to the second week.Conclusions and Clinical relevanceRepeatability was acceptable only during the second week of testing and measures changed with repeated testing and increased with increasing piglet weight, indicating that time (age) and animal body weight should be taken into account when measuring mechanical (nociceptive) thresholds in piglets. Mechanical (nociceptive) thresholds can be used both for testing the efficacy of anaesthetics and analgesics, and for assessing hyperalgesia in chronic pain states in research and clinical settings

    Behaviour of tail-docked lambs tested in isolation

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    peer-reviewedThe aims of the current study were to detect behavioural indicators of pain of tail-docked sheep tested in isolation and to determine the relationship between behaviour and the pain levels to which they were exposed. Twenty-four female lambs, randomly assigned to four pens, had their tail docked with a rubber ring (TD; n = 6) without pain control procedures, TD with anaesthesia (TDA; n = 6) or TD with anaesthesia and analgesia (TDAA; n = 6). Additionally, six lambs handled but without tail docking or application of pain relief measures were used as the control (C). On the day prior (Day –1) to the TD and on days 1, 3 and 5 post-procedure, each lamb was individually removed from its group and underwent a 2.5 min open field test in a separate pen. Frequencies of behaviours such as rest, running, standing, walking and exploring were directly observed. Frequencies of exploratory climbs (ECs) and abrupt climbs (ACs) over the testing pen’s walls were video-recorded. Data were analysed using generalised linear mixed models with repeated measurements, including treatment and day as fixed effects and behaviour on Day –1 as a linear covariate. Control and TDAA lambs stood more frequently than TD lambs. TD lambs performed significantly more ACs compared to all other treatment groups. No other treatment effects were detected. A day effect was detected for all behaviours, while the EC frequency was highest for all tail-docked lambs on Day 5. Findings suggest that standing, ACs and ECs could be used as potential indicators of pain in isolated tail-docked lambs. However, differences in ECs between treatments only appeared 3 d after tail docking

    O desenvolvimento do protocolo de avaliação de bem-estar AWIN (Animal Welfare Indicators) para jumentos

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    The donkey population has increased in the last 10 years, with an estimated 50 million donkeys currently worldwide. Donkey welfare, meanwhile, is an increasing global concern that receives close public scrutiny. However, multiple challenges are surrounding how donkey welfare is assessed and recorded. The Animal Welfare Indicators (AWIN) project is the first project, funded by the European Commission, intended to improve donkey welfare by developing a scientifically sound and practical on-farm welfare assessment protocol. The present study describes the procedure for the development of the AWIN welfare assessment protocol for donkeys: 1) selection of promising welfare indicators; 2) research to cover gaps in knowledge; 3) stakeholder consultation; 4) testing the prototype protocol on-farm. The proposed two-level strategy improved on-farm feasibility, while the AWIN donkey app enables the standardized collection of data with prompt results. Although limitations are linked with a relatively small reference population, the AWIN welfare assessment protocol represents the first scientific and standardized approach to evaluate donkey welfare on-farm.Na última década, a população de jumentos vem aumentando; estima-se que existam aproximadamente 50 milhões de em todo o mundo. O bem-estar dos jumentos é uma preocupação global crescente, que recebe um escrutínio público próximo. No entanto, existem vários desafios em torno de como o bem-estar do jumento é avaliado e registrado. O projeto Indicadores de Bem-Estar Animal (AWIN) foi o primeiro projeto, financiado pela Comissão Europeia, destinado a melhorar o bem-estar dos jumentos, desenvolvendo um protocolo de avaliação do bem-estar cientificamente válido e prático na fazenda. O presente estudo descreve o procedimento para o desenvolvimento do protocolo de avaliação de bem-estar AWIN para jumentos: 1) seleção de indicadores promissores de bem-estar; 2) pesquisa para cobrir lacunas no conhecimento; 3) consulta às partes interessadas; 4) testando o protocolo do protótipo em fazendas. A estratégia proposta em dois níveis de avaliação melhorou a viabilidade na fazenda, além disso, o aplicativo AWIN donkey permite coletar dados de maneira padronizada e mostrar resultados rapidamente. Embora a limitação esteja ligada a uma população de referência relativamente pequena, o protocolo de avaliação de bem-estar do AWIN representa a primeira abordagem científica e padronizada para avaliar o bem-estar de jumentos em fazendas

    Simulated disease process during late pregnancy compromises developmental outcomes of lambs independently of the weaning method applied

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    Stress during pregnancy negatively affects fetal development, and artificial weaning can negatively affect animal health and welfare; however, maternal care can reverse the possible consequences of stress on the offspring. Our study aims to determine the combined effect of a prenatal disease challenge and artificial weaning on welfare and productive performance of lambs. During pregnancy, 43 ewes were distributed into three experimental groups, and at 70th and 120th days of pregnancy (Ig;n = 14; Fg = 14;), the ewes were administered with Escherichia coli Lipopolysaccharides (LPS). Fifteen ewes were included in the control group (Cg = 15). Cortisol and rectal temperature measurements were done subsequently to LPS or saline injection. Fourty-six lambs (21 males; 25 females) born in a six-day interval from Ig, Fg, and Cg ewes were subjected to two types of weaning, namely progressive (from 39 to 45 days) and abrupt (at 45 days of age). Lamb data, including plasma cortisol levels, rectal temperature, weaning weight, and performance in feedlot were analyzed and compared through F test and Student's t-test (PDIFF; P = 0.05). The injection of LPS resulted in a 619% increase in cortisol levels after two hours, and rectal temperature reached 39.48 ± 0.134 °C after four hours of LPS administration in a pregnant sheep. Both male and female lambs from the Fg group had lower birth weight (P < 0.05) as compared to other groups. Cortisol levels and rectal temperature decreased during progressive weaning (P < 0.05), in which a higher weaning weight was observed than in abrupt weaning (P < 0.05). On the first day at feedlot, cortisol level was reduced after 60 min upon entrance (P < 0.05), and higher cortisol values were observed during abrupt weaning (P < 0.05). Lower values of dry mater intake and average daily gain were observed for Fg males (P < 0.05). LPS challenge during late pregnancy compromised the lambs’ indicators of productive performance. Albeit progressive weaning was less stressful during feedlot entrance and total bond separation, more days of maternal care during weaning had no relation with stress during pregnancy

    Estudo de caso: o uso do protocolo AWIN de avaliação de bem-estar para monitorar um grupo de jumentos abandonados

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi formular um diagnóstico das condições de vida de jumentos abandonados mantidos em uma área restrita de uma propriedade através da avaliação de seu nível de bem-estar, utilizando o protocolo AWIN como ferramenta metodológica. Estes animais seriam destinados ao abate, porém, depois da suspensão temporária da atividade, foram abandonados pelos proprietários. O protocolo de avaliação de bem-estar foi associado às condições ambientais e sanitárias gerais. Informações sobre os índices de mortalidade também foram coletadas. De acordo com os resultados da avaliação de bem-estar, as condições de vida destes animais estavam aceitáveis em algumas áreas, embora não houvesse sombreamento e abrigo suficientes, um período de restrição alimentar de 3 meses e um índice de mortalidade acima de 70%. Estes resultados demonstram que protocolos de avaliação de bem-estar devem ser adaptados a situações de crise, e bancos de dados para indicadores de bem-estar em condições diversas devem ser criados.The objective of this study was to reach a diagnosis of the living conditions of abandoned donkeys kept in a restricted farm area through the assessment of their welfare level utilizing the AWIN protocol as a methodological tool. These animals were supposed to be sent to slaughter, but after the activity was temporarily banned, they were abandoned by traders. The protocol of welfare assessment was associated with general environmental and sanitary conditions. Information regarding the mortality rates was also gathered. According to the welfare assessment results, the living conditions of these animals were acceptable in some areas, despite the insufficient shade and shelter, a 3-month food restriction period, and a mortality rate of over 70%. These results demonstrate that welfare assessment protocols must be adapted to crises and databases for welfare indicators in diverse conditions must be created