150 research outputs found

    A simplified analytical approach to calculation of the electromagnetic behavior of left-handed metamaterials with a graded refractive index profile

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    We investigated the spectral properties of a new class of nanostructured artificial composite materials with tailored electromagnetic response, i.e. negative refractive index materials, also known as "left-handed" metamaterials. We analyzed structures incorporating both ordinary positive index media and negative refractive index metamaterials where the interface may be graded to an arbitrary degree. Utilizing a modified version of the Rosen-Morse function, we derived analytical expressions for the field intensity and spectral reflection and transmission through a graded interface between positive and negative index materials. We compared our results to numerical solutions obtained using the transfer matrix technique.

    Crystal growth mechanisms of sodium chlorate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate from aqueous solutions

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    У овој докторској дисертацији представљени су резултати одређивања механизама раста кристала натријум хлората и калијум дихидрогенфосфата (КДП-а) из водених раствора помоћу дисперзија брзина раста кристала са акцентом на испитивање утицаја предисторије раствора и рефацетирања на дисперзије брзина раста малих кристала у пресићеним воденим растворима...Results of crystal growth mechanisms of sodium chlorate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) from aqueous solutions by means of crystal growth rates dispersions with the accent on investigating the influence solution history and refaceting on crystal growth rates dispersions of small crystals in superasaturated aqueous solutions are presented in this thesis..

    Subwavelength hole arrays with nanoapertures fabricated by scanning probe nanolithography

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    Owing to their surface plasmon-based operation, arrays of subwavelength holes show extraordinary electromagnetic transmission and intense field localizations of several orders of magnitude. Thus they were proposed as the basic building blocks for a number of applications utilizing the enhancement of nonlinear optical effects. We designed and simulated nanometer-sized subwavelength holes using an analytical approach. In our experiments we used the scanning probe method for nanolithographic fabrication of subwavelength hole arrays in silver layers sputtered on a positive photoresist substrate. We fabricated ordered nanohole patterns with different shapes, dispositions and proportions. The smallest width was about 60 nm. We characterized the fabricated samples by atomic force microscopy

    Crack propagation in 3PB specimen made from welded joint

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    Crack propagation in 3PB specimen has been investigated experimentally by using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique. For this purpose, specimens were taken from butt welded plates, made of P460NL1 micro-alloyed steel. Fatigue pre-crack of 3PB specimens was introduced in the weld metal. Specimens were then statically loaded and analyzed using digital image correlation software ARAMIS to assess strain fields and crack propagation paths. Bifurcation of cracks was noticed as the main characteristics of crack prop-agation in the analyzed case

    Uticaj prve rodne etaže na kvalitativno-kvantitativna svojstva semena soje

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of height of the first fertile floor on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of soybean seeds. For qualitative traits the focus was on the energy of germination and seed germination of the studied genotypes investigated per soybean plant and the first fertile floor of the plant. Results of research indicated that there were significant differences between genotypes observed by morphological characteristics (plant height, height of first fertile floor, number of fertile floors, number of pods and seeds, seed weight, etc.) as well as qualitative properties (energy of germination and seed germination). Cultivar Gorštak, with genetically incorporated height of the first fertile floor (12.38 cm), was superior to other two genotypes. A similar trend was found in other morphological analyses. Based on energy of germination and seed germination of all fertile floors per plant, there were no significant differences between soybean genotypes. However, of paramount importance are the established values of these parameters relevant to the first fertile floor. Cultivar Gorštak had significantly higher energy of germination (90.46%) and total germination (91.00%) compared to the other two genotypes.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje uticaja visine PRVE rodne etaže na kvalitativno-kvantitativna svojstva semena soje. Kod kvalitativnih svojstava akcenat je stavljen na energiju klijanja i ukupnu klijavost semena istraživanih genotipova posebno po biljci i prvoj rodnoj etaži. Sumiranjem rezultata istraživanja, utvrđene su značajne razlike između genotipova, posmatrano po morfološkim karakteristikama (visina biljaka, visina prve rodne etaže, broj rodnih etaža, broj mahuna i semena, masa semena i dr) kao i kod kvalitativnih svojstava - energije klijanja i ukupna klijavost semena. Sorta Gorštak sa genetički inkorporiranom visokom prvom rodnom etažom (12,38 cm) bila je dominantna u odnosu na druga dva genotipa. Sličan trend je utvrđen i kod drugih morfoloških analiza. Energija klijanja i ukupna klijavost semena svih rodnih etaža, posmatrano po genotipovima, nije pokazala značajne razlike. Međutim, od izuzetnog značaja su utvrđene vrednosti ovih parametara kada je reč o prvoj rodnoj etaži. Sorta Gorštak imala je vrlo značajnu veću vrednost energije klijanja (90,46%) kao i ukupnu klijavost semena (91,00 %) u odnosu na druga dva genotipa

    Direct interaction of pyridinium oximes with organophosphorus compounds

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    Ispitana je in vitro interakcija devet mono- i bis-piridinijskih mono- i dioksima sa tabunom, sarinom. somanom i VX. Reakcija je praćena spektrofotometrijski u pH 7,7 na 37 ºC pri koncentraciji oksima 5x10-5 mol/L i koncentraciji organofosfata 8x10-4 mol/L. Oksimi se najbrže fosforilišu tabunom i sarinom (t/2 = 3,4-16,7 min), nešto sporije somanom (·t/2 = 14.4-22.5 min), a veoma sporo ako se upotrebi VX (t/2 = 191,1-457,5 min). S obzirom na to da su konstante brzine izračunate na reakcije samo jedne koncentracije otrova i jedne koncentracije oksima, koje nisu identične koncentracijama u in vivo eksperimentu, teško je proceniti povezanost fosforilacije in vitro i efikasnosti oksima in vivo.A direct interaction of organophosphorus nerve agents sarin, tabun, soman and VX with nine quaternated pyridinium aldoximes was studied in vitro. The kinetics of the reaction (kobs) was measured by UV spectrophotometry from decrease in oxime concentration. At an oxime concentration of 5 x 10-5 mol/L and organophosphate concentration of 8 x 10-4 mol/L, at pH 7.7 the half-period of the reaction between oximes and sarin or tabun was between 3.4 and 16.7 min. The half-period of the reaction between oximes and soman was slightly increased (14.4-22.5 min), and between oximes and VX it was greatly increased (191.1-457.5 min). Considering that the reaction rate constants were calculated from the reaction of only one organophosphate and one oxime concentration, which were not identical with those in viva, it is difficult to estimate to what extent these reactions may be useful in the therapy of intoxication by nerve agents

    Djelovanje mono-kvaternernih i bis-kvaternernih piridinijumskih oksima na akutnu toksičnost i antiholinesterazno djelovanje karbarila, dioksakarba i karbofurana

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    The acute toxicities of insecticidal carbamates (Dioxacarb, Carbaryl and Carbofuran) were determined in mice by s. c. or i. p. injection, both in the absence and in the presence of atropine and several pyridinium oximes. Atropine had a beneficial effect on the toxicity of all the three carbamates, while the oximes varied in their effects. In the case of Carbaryl all oximes used increased its toxicity, while in Dioxacarb and Carbofuran poisoning some of them were effective. It was found that the oximes do not influence the action of carbamates on the activity of serum cholinesterase in vitro, in a way which could explain their effect on the toxicity of these compounds. It is concluded, that the use of oximes is contraindicated in cases of intoxication with Carbaryl, Dioxacarb and Carbofuran.Ispitana je akutna toksičnost karbamatnih insekticida dioksarba, karbarila i karbofurana (LD-50) s. c. ili i. p., sa simultanom primjenom atropina ili bez nje i nekoliko piridinijumskih oksima. Atropin je pokazao povoljan efekat u trovanjima sa sva tri karbamata, dok je djelovanje oksima bilo različito. U trovanjima karbarilom i karbofuranom gotovo svi oksimi su potencirali njihovo toksično djelovanje, dok su u trovanju dioksakarbom neki bili djelotvorni. Oksimi ne utiču na inhibiciju holinesteraze in vitro ovim karbamatima na način kojim bi se moglo rastumačiti njihovo in vivo djelovanje. Na temelju eksperimenata je zaključena da je upotreba oksima u trovanju karbarilom, dioksakarbom i karbofuranom kontraindikovana

    In vitro and in vivo Reactivation of Cholinesterases Inhibited by Highly Toxic Organophosphorus Compounds

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    The in vitro and in vivo reactivating power of 1,3-acetone- bis-(4-hydroxyiminoformyl pyridinium) dibromide (MBM-3) was compared with that of 1,3-trjmethylene~bis-(4-hydroxyjminoformyl pynidinium) dibromide (TMB-4) and 1,3-dimethylether-bis-(4-hydroxyiminoformyl pyridinium) dibromide (Toxogonin). As a source of choli\u27nesterase rat\u27s whole blood, plasma, erythrocytes, and brain ho~ mogenate, were u sed. The cholinesterase inhibition was performed by ethyl N-dimethylaminophosphorocyanidate (Taibun); ethyl 4- -nitrophenyl phosphonate (Armin), 0,0-diethyl-S-(2-diethylaminoethyl) phosphorothioate (Amitone-3); pinacolyl-methyl-phosphorofluoridate (Soman); and O-ethyl-S-(2-diethylamino ethyl phosphorothioate (Edemo-3)

    Uticaj telesne mase koza i laktacije po redu na porast jaradi u dojnom periodu

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    The paper presents results of investigation of milk yield by lactation, by order, and mother's body weight on growth rate of kids of the domestic Balkan goat. Daily weight gains of 376 single kids (168 male and 208 female), in three monthly intervals, and their final body weight at 90 days of age were established. Variability of analyzed traits was presented using descriptive statistics parameters, and differences of growth traits for weight gain of kids resulting from the effect of milk yield of female goats by order of lactation were investigated by single analysis of variance. The effect of independent variables, mothers' milk yield and body weight, on body weight of kids was tested using multiple regression analysis. During the entire suckling period, established average values for kids body weight differed significantly (P lt 0.001), increasing from the 1st toward later lactations. At 90 days of age the lowest values were established in kids from the youngest mothers (11.86 kg), while for kids of mothers in the fourth or later lactations these values were higher (13.93 kg). Coefficients of determination indicate that the variability percentage for individual growth traits of kids was in the 0.08 - 0.17 interval, indicating its significance. Both 'b' coefficients (b1 and b2) are positive and statistically highly significant, except for coefficient b2 in the analysis of body weight of kids at birth. The positive sign and high statistical significance indicate a pronounced effect of mother's milk yield and body weight on the body weight of kids up to 90 days of age.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja uticaja količine mleka u laktaciji po redu, i telesne mase majke na porast jaradi domaće balkanske koze do 90 dana. U cilju ispitivanja razvoja telesne mase jaradi u zavisnosti od količine mleka u laktaciji po redu u toku dojnog perioda ukupno je izmereno 376 jaradi jedinaca (168 muških i 208 ženskih). Varijabilnost analiziranih osobina je prikazana parametrima deskriptivne statistike, dok su razlike u osobinama porasta jaradi koje su nastale pod uticajem mlečosti koza u laktaciji po redu, ispitivane jednostrukom analizom varijanse. Višestruko regresionom analizom ispitivan je uticaj nezavisno promenljivih veličina, mlečnost majke i telesna masa majke, na porast jaradi. Utvrđene vrednosti telesnih masa u toku čitavog dojnog perioda značajno su se razlikovale (P lt 0,001) i povećavale od prve ka kasnijim laktacijama, pri čemu su u uzrastu od 90 dana najmanje vrednosti utvrđene kod jaradi od najmlađih koza (11,86 kg), dok su kod jaradi čije su majke bile u četvrtoj i kasnijim laktacijama te vrednosti iznosile 13,93 kg. Koeficijenti determinacije ukazuju na to da se procenat varijabilnosti pojedinih osobina porasta jaradi nalazio u intervalu od 0,08 do 0,17, što ukazuje na njihovu značajnost. Oba 'b' koeficijenta (b1 i b2) su pozitivna i statistički visoko značajna, osim koeficijenta b2 u analizi telesne mase jaradi pri rođenju. Pozitivni predznak i visoka statistička značajnost ukazuju na izražen uticaj mlečnosti i telesne mase majki na porast jaradi do 90 dana

    Važniji faktori koji utiču na plodnost kod ovaca

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    Efficiency of sheep production is conditioned by fertility. According to some authors number of offspring obtained per lambing is more important than gain of weight. Genetic relationships involving reproductive traits were seldom studied. Reproductive traits have low heritabilities, a discrete phenotypic expression, and are expressed only in sexually mature ewes leading to low selection intensities and long generation intervals. Documentation of realized selection response is also often complicated by the low heritabilities of fertility traits. Existence of a major gene affecting prolificacy had been suggested and at that time there were many sceptics who strongly doubted that a trait as complex as reproduction could be profoundly influenced by a single gene. Major genes affecting prolificacy in sheep was founded. A mutation in the bone morphogenetic protein 15 gene (BMP15, also known as GDF9B) responsible for high prolificacy in Inverdale sheep had been discovered and evidence of segregating major genes was being reported from flocks around the world. Development of gene mapping techniques, and locating alleles that are responsible for the fertility of sheep began a new chapter in predicting and controlling the fertility of sheep. The beneficial effects of nutrition on reproduction in sheep are well known. This procedure is known as flushing. The effect of Body Condition Score (BCS), before mating, during mating and after mating period, on reproductive efficiency of different breeds of sheep in the different rearing systems were studied. The farm manager has the ability to control or at least to manipulate the factors that have an impact on fertility.Efikasnost proizvodnje ovaca je uslovljena plodnošću. Prema nekim autorima broja potomaka dobijenih po jagnjenju je važnije od prirasta i mase tela. Genetski uticaji koji uključuju reproduktivne osobine se retko izučavaju. Plodnost ovaca ima nizak heritabilitiet, diskretnu fenotipsku ekspresiju, a izražena je samo u seksualno zrelih ovaca, što dovodi do niskog intenziteta selekcije i dugih generacijskih intervala. Otkriće major gena koji utiču na plodnost je u to vreme otkrilo mnogo skeptika koji su snažno sumnjali da takav kompleks reprodukcije može biti duboko pod uticajem jednog gena. Glavne geni utiču na plodnost kod ovaca i ovnova. Mutacija u koštanoj morfogenetsko proteina 15 gena (BMP15, takođe poznatom kao GDF9B) otkrivena je kod mnogih ovaca širom sveta, kao dokaz segregacije major gena. Razvojem tehnika mapiranja gena i lociranja alela koji su odgovorni za plodnost ovaca, počelo je novo poglavlje u predviđanju i kontrolisanju plodnosti ovaca. Povoljni efekti ishrane na reprodukciju u ovaca su dobro poznati. Ovaj postupak je poznat kao flushing, pred oplodnju. Uticaj kondicije tela (BCS), pred parenje, tokom parenja i posle parenja na reproduktivnu efikasnost različitih rasa ovaca u različitim podizanju sistema su takođe proučavali mnogi ovde pomenuti autori. Farmer putem menadžmenta ima mogućnost da kontroliše, ili bar da manipuliše faktorima koji imaju uticaj na plodnostovaca, a što je takođe predstavljeno u ovom preglednom radu