In vitro and in vivo Reactivation of Cholinesterases Inhibited by Highly Toxic Organophosphorus Compounds


The in vitro and in vivo reactivating power of 1,3-acetone- bis-(4-hydroxyiminoformyl pyridinium) dibromide (MBM-3) was compared with that of 1,3-trjmethylene~bis-(4-hydroxyjminoformyl pynidinium) dibromide (TMB-4) and 1,3-dimethylether-bis-(4-hydroxyiminoformyl pyridinium) dibromide (Toxogonin). As a source of choli\u27nesterase rat\u27s whole blood, plasma, erythrocytes, and brain ho~ mogenate, were u sed. The cholinesterase inhibition was performed by ethyl N-dimethylaminophosphorocyanidate (Taibun); ethyl 4- -nitrophenyl phosphonate (Armin), 0,0-diethyl-S-(2-diethylaminoethyl) phosphorothioate (Amitone-3); pinacolyl-methyl-phosphorofluoridate (Soman); and O-ethyl-S-(2-diethylamino ethyl phosphorothioate (Edemo-3)

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