44 research outputs found

    HATS-5b: A Transiting hot-Saturn from the HATSouth Survey

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    We report the discovery of HATS-5b, a transiting hot-Saturn orbiting a G type star, by the HAT-South survey. HATS-5b has a mass of Mp=0.24 Mj, radius of Rp=0.91 Rj, and transits its host star with a period of P=4.7634d. The radius of HATS-5b is consistent with both theoretical and empirical models. The host star has a V band magnitude of 12.6, mass of 0.94 Msun, and radius of 0.87 Rsun. The relatively high scale height of HATS-5b, and the bright, photometrically quiet host star, make this planet a favourable target for future transmission spectroscopy follow-up observations. We reexamine the correlations in radius, equilibrium temperature, and metallicity of the close-in gas-giants, and find hot Jupiter-mass planets to exhibit the strongest dependence between radius and equilibrium temperature. We find no significant dependence in radius and metallicity for the close-in gas-giant population.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to A

    HATS-6b: A Warm Saturn Transiting an Early M Dwarf Star, and a Set of Empirical Relations for Characterizing K and M Dwarf Planet Hosts

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    We report the discovery by the HATSouth survey of HATS-6b, an extrasolar planet transiting a V=15.2 mag, i=13.7 mag M1V star with a mass of 0.57 Msun and a radius of 0.57 Rsun. HATS-6b has a period of P = 3.3253 d, mass of Mp=0.32 Mjup, radius of Rp=1.00 Rjup, and zero-albedo equilibrium temperature of Teq=712.8+-5.1 K. HATS-6 is one of the lowest mass stars known to host a close-in gas giant planet, and its transits are among the deepest of any known transiting planet system. We discuss the follow-up opportunities afforded by this system, noting that despite the faintness of the host star, it is expected to have the highest K-band S/N transmission spectrum among known gas giant planets with Teq < 750 K. In order to characterize the star we present a new set of empirical relations between the density, radius, mass, bolometric magnitude, and V, J, H and K-band bolometric corrections for main sequence stars with M < 0.80 Msun, or spectral types later than K5. These relations are calibrated using eclipsing binary components as well as members of resolved binary systems. We account for intrinsic scatter in the relations in a self-consistent manner. We show that from the transit-based stellar density alone it is possible to measure the mass and radius of a ~0.6 Msun star to ~7% and ~2% precision, respectively. Incorporating additional information, such as the V-K color, or an absolute magnitude, allows the precision to be improved by up to a factor of two.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 10 tables. Submitted to AJ. Data available at http://hatsouth.org Code implementing empirical model available at http://www.astro.princeton.edu/~jhartman/kmdwarfparam.htm

    HATS-15 b and HATS-16 b: Two massive planets transiting old G dwarf stars

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    We report the discovery of HATS-15 b and HATS-16 b, two massive transiting extrasolar planets orbiting evolved (10\sim 10 Gyr) main-sequence stars. The planet HATS-15 b, which is hosted by a G9V star (V=14.8V=14.8 mag), is a hot Jupiter with mass of 2.17±0.15MJ2.17\pm0.15\, M_{\mathrm{J}} and radius of 1.105±0.0.040RJ1.105\pm0.0.040\, R_{\mathrm{J}}, and completes its orbit in nearly 1.7 days. HATS-16 b is a very massive hot Jupiter with mass of 3.27±0.19MJ3.27\pm0.19\, M_{\mathrm{J}} and radius of 1.30±0.15RJ1.30\pm0.15\, R_{\mathrm{J}}; it orbits around its G3 V parent star (V=13.8V=13.8 mag) in 2.7\sim2.7 days. HATS-16 is slightly active and shows a periodic photometric modulation, implying a rotational period of 12 days which is unexpectedly short given its isochronal age. This fast rotation might be the result of the tidal interaction between the star and its planet.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PAS


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    This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in The Astrophysical Journal. IOP Publishing is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The version of record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.3847/0004-637X/830/2/74Stellar activity may induce Doppler variability at the level of a few m s-1 which can then be confused by the Doppler signal of an exoplanet orbiting the star. To first order, linear correlations between radial velocity measurements and activity indices have been proposed to account for any such correlation. The likely presence of two super-Earths orbiting Kapteyn's star was reported in Anglada-Escudé et al., but this claim was recently challenged by Robertson et al., who argued for evidence of a rotation period (143 days) at three times the orbital period of one of the proposed planets (Kapteyn's b, P = 48.6 days) and the existence of strong linear correlations between its Doppler signal and activity data. By re-analyzing the data using global statistics and model comparison, we show that such a claim is incorrect given that (1) the choice of a rotation period at 143 days is unjustified, and (2) the presence of linear correlations is not supported by the data. We conclude that the radial velocity signals of Kapteyn's star remain more simply explained by the presence of two super-Earth candidates orbiting it. We note that analysis of time series of activity indices must be executed with the same care as Doppler time series. We also advocate for the use of global optimization procedures and objective arguments, instead of claims based on residual analyses which are prone to biases and incorrect interpretations.Peer reviewe

    Large Scale Structure of the Universe

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    Galaxies are not uniformly distributed in space. On large scales the Universe displays coherent structure, with galaxies residing in groups and clusters on scales of ~1-3 Mpc/h, which lie at the intersections of long filaments of galaxies that are >10 Mpc/h in length. Vast regions of relatively empty space, known as voids, contain very few galaxies and span the volume in between these structures. This observed large scale structure depends both on cosmological parameters and on the formation and evolution of galaxies. Using the two-point correlation function, one can trace the dependence of large scale structure on galaxy properties such as luminosity, color, stellar mass, and track its evolution with redshift. Comparison of the observed galaxy clustering signatures with dark matter simulations allows one to model and understand the clustering of galaxies and their formation and evolution within their parent dark matter halos. Clustering measurements can determine the parent dark matter halo mass of a given galaxy population, connect observed galaxy populations at different epochs, and constrain cosmological parameters and galaxy evolution models. This chapter describes the methods used to measure the two-point correlation function in both redshift and real space, presents the current results of how the clustering amplitude depends on various galaxy properties, and discusses quantitative measurements of the structures of voids and filaments. The interpretation of these results with current theoretical models is also presented.Comment: Invited contribution to be published in Vol. 8 of book "Planets, Stars, and Stellar Systems", Springer, series editor T. D. Oswalt, volume editor W. C. Keel, v2 includes additional references, updated to match published versio

    HATS-60b–HATS-69b: 10 Transiting Planets from HATSouth

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    We report the discovery of 10 transiting extrasolar planets by the HATSouth survey. The planets range in mass from the super-Neptune HATS-62b, with M-p < 0.179 M-J, to the super-Jupiter HATS-66b, with M-p = 5.33 M-J, and in size from the Saturn HATS-69b, with R-p = 0.94 R-J, to the inflated Jupiter HATS-67b, with R-p = 1.69 R-J. The planets have orbital periods between 1.6092 days (HATS-67b) and 7.8180 days (HATS-61b). The hosts are dwarf stars with masses ranging from 0.89 M-circle dot (HATS-69) to 1.56 M-circle dot (HATS-64) and have apparent magnitudes between V = 12.276 +/- 0.020 mag (HATS-68) and V = 14.095 +/- 0.030 mag (HATS-66). The super-Neptune HATS-62b is the least massive planet discovered to date with a radius larger than Jupiter. Based largely on the Gaia DR2 distances and broadband photometry, we identify three systems (HATS-62, HATS-64, and HATS-65) as having possible unresolved binary star companions. We discuss in detail our methods for incorporating the Gaia DR2 observations into our modeling of the system parameters and into our blend analysis procedures

    A multiplanet system of super-Earths orbiting the brightest red dwarf star GJ 887

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    The closet exoplanets to the Sun provide opportunities for detailed characterization of planets outside the Solar System. We report the discovery, using radial velocity measurements, of a compact multiplanet system of super-Earth exoplanets orbiting the nearby red dwarf star GJ 887. The two planets have orbital periods of 9.3 and 21.8 days. Assuming an Earth-like albedo, the equilibrium temperature of the 21.8-day planet is ~350 kelvin. The planets are interior to, but close to the inner edge of, the liquid-water habitable zone. We also detect an unconfirmed signal with a period of ~50 days, which could correspond to a third super-Earth in a more temperate orbit. Our observations show that GJ 887 has photometric variability below 500 parts per million, which is unusually quiet for a red dwarf