545 research outputs found

    Rijaliti kultura kao preovlađujući kulturni format u Srbiji

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    The contemporary media culture in Serbia has been marked by two trends - democratization and transformation of the media. These parallel processes on the eve of the 21st century led to the decrease in informative contents and the increase in the entertainment ones. Therefore, reality shows take primacy in Serbia, no longer being an exclusive feature of the television. This paper is aimed at researching and describing the ways in which informative contents in the Serbian media have been replaced by television reality contents, as well as the ways in which the printed media and internet portals inform about them. By the qualitative method of content analysis, this paper realizes its goal to fathom the mechanisms of the transposition of the informative content into the entertainment one, thus deconstructing journalistic practices. The results will indicate that the domestic portals relate to realities in two ways - the first and less common modality is ignoring, while the second implies uncritical acceptance of this type of content, which creates fertile soil for the development and maintenance of the so-called reality culture.Savremenu medijsku kulturu u Srbiji obeležila su dva trenda - demokratizacija i transformacija medija. Ovi paralelni procesi na pragu 21. veka vodili su smanjenju informativnih, a povećanju zabavnih sadržaja. Tako u Srbiji primat dobijaju rijaliti programi, koji prestaju da budu odličje isključivo televizije. Cilj rada je da istraži i opiše na koje načine informativne sadržaje u srpskim medijima zamenjuju televizijski rijaliti sadržaji, kao i načine na koje o njima izveštavaju kako štampani mediji, tako i internet portali. Kvalitativnom metodom analize sadržaja ostvaruje se intencija rada da se pronikne u mehanizme transponovanja informativnog sadržaja u zabavni i dekonstruišu žurnalističke prakse. Rezultati će ukazati da se domaći portali dvojako odnose prema rijalitijima - prvi i ređi modalitet je ignorisanje, dok drugi podrazumeva nekritičko preuzimanje ove vrste sadržaja, čime se stvara pogodno tlo za razvoj i održanje takozvane rijaliti kulture

    Charge and spin fractionalization in strongly correlated topological insulators

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    We construct an effective topological Landau-Ginzburg theory that describes general SU(2) incompressible quantum liquids of strongly correlated particles in two spatial dimensions. This theory characterizes the fractionalization of quasiparticle quantum numbers and statistics in relation to the topological ground-state symmetries, and generalizes the Chern-Simons, BF and hierarchical effective gauge theories to an arbitrary representation of the SU(2) symmetry group. Our main focus are fractional topological insulators with time-reversal symmetry, which are treated as generalizations of the SU(2) quantum Hall effect.Comment: 8 pages, published versio

    Solar irrigation of small agricultural farms

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    U radu je opisan sistem za navodnjavanje poljoprivrednih dobara koji obezbedjuje tokom letnjih meseci do 12m3 vode za zalivanje sa dubine od 30m. Navodnjavanje poljoprivrednih dobara je poznat problem u sušnim oblastima gde ne postoji priključak uredjaja za navodnjavanje na elektrodistributivnu mrežu. Prikazani su rezultati merenja dobijene električne energije iz fotonaponskih ćelija tokom letnjih meseci 2012. godine kao osnov za dopunjavanje olovnih akumulatorskih baterija. Prikazana je Q-H kriva potapajuće vibracione pumpe „Katex“, 220W korišćena za ispitivanja sistema koji obezbedjuju dnevnu količinu vode od 12m3. Na osnovu obavljenih ispitivanja, projektovan je i prikazan sistem solarnog navodnjavanja malih poljoprivrednih dobara sa osnovnim komponentama i nekim ekonomskim pokazateljima.The solar irrigation system that provides agricultural farm during the summer months, up to 12m3 irrigation water from a depth of 30m is presented in this paper. Irrigation is well known problem in the dry regions where there is no possibility connection of the irrigation equipment to the electric distribution network. The results of measurements the generated electric energy from photovoltaic cells during the summer 2012th, as a basis for recharging lead-acid batteries are shown in this paper. The Q-H curve of the vibration submersible pump „Katex“ 220W used for testing systems shows that it can provide daily irrigation water than 12m3. Based on the testing results, solar irrigation system for small agricultural farms was designed and presented with the basic components and some economic indicators

    On the entomofauna of Mt. Durmitor (Northern Montenegro): Braconid wasps of the subfamily Opiinae (Braconidae, Hymenoptera)

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    Braconids are primary parasites of other insects and their eggs, larvae, and adults, and species have been recently discovered that lay their eggs in plant seeds. Classified into about 25 genera, more than 1,400 species of Opiinae are known at the present time in the world fauna. They have been registered in all zoogeographic regions. The Opiinae are solitary endoparasites of the larvae of cyclorhaphous Diptera, most often those of species belonging to the families Agromyzidae, Tephritidae, Anthomyiidae Ephydridae. In investigations conducted on Mt. Durmitor since 1982, we have up to now established 10 species of braconids of the subfamily Opiinae (Opius peterseni Fi., O. caudatus Wesm., O. parvungula Th., O. levisWesm., O. pallipesWesm., O. quasiquisti Fi., O. exilis Hal., O. filicornis Th., O. lugens Hal., and O. meracus Fi), eight of which are new for the fauna of Serbia and Montenegro

    Effects of mesenchymal stem cells in mouse model of acute dextran sodium sulphate-induced colitis

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    Mezenhimalne matične ćelije (engl. Mesenchymal stem cells-MSC) imaju terapeutski potencijal u mnogim stanjima, uključujući gastrointestinalnim bolestima. Njihov efekat na supresiju patogene uloge dendritskih ćelija (engl. dendritic cells-DC) u oštećenju debelog creva nije otkriven. U ovom istraživanju su po prvi put opisani efekti MSC na DC u kolitisu izazvanim dekstran natrijum sulfatom, koji predstavlja dobar model za istraživanje ulceroznog kolitisa. Dva miliona MSC su intraperitonealno aplikovane dnevno podeljenih u tri dnevnih doza. Ocenjivanje znaka razvoja bolesti, analiziranje ćelija imunskog sistema koje su infiltisale lamina propria debelog creva i produkcije sistemskih citokina je korišćeno za procenu efekata MSC. Dodatno je sprovedena deplecija makrofaga i pasivni transfer in vivo stimulisanih DC, kao i kultivisanje MSC i DC, određivanje produkcije citokina i promene fenotipa DC. Aplikovane MSC su pozitivno uticale na smanjenje razvoja kolitisa. Aplikacije su značajno smanjile progresiju bolesti, smanjile produkciju sistemskih proinflamacijskih citokina (IL-1β, IL-12 i IL-6) i redukovale procentualnu zastupljenost infiltrisanih proinflamacijskih ćelija imunskog sistema u lamina propria. Njihov pozitivan efekat na ublažavanje znakova kolitisa je bio evidentan čak i nakon deplecije makrofaga. Pasivni transfer in vivo MSC stimulisanih DC ublažio je ozbiljnost kolitisa. MSC parakrinim načinom, produkcijom Galektina 3 smanjile su produkciju proinflamacijskih citokina (TNFα, IL-1β, IL-12 i IL-6) u DC i umanjile ekspresiju CD86, CD80 i I-A molekula na njihovoj membrani uključenih u prezentaciji antigena. Sve zajedno, ovi rezultati ukazuju da aplikovane MSC pozitivne efekte na smanjenje kolitisa izazvanog dekstran natrijum sulfatom postižu supresijom DC.Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) have therapeutic potential in many conditions, including gastrointestinal diseases. Their effect on suppression of pathogenic role of dendritic cells (DC) in colon injury is not revealed. Here, for the first time is described the effects of MSC on dendritic cells in dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis, used as a well-established model of ulcerative colitis. Divided in three doses, two million MSC were intraperitoneally administered daily. Assessing signs of disease development, analysis of infiltrated of immune cells in colon lamina propria and production of systemic cytokines were used to evaluate effects of MSC. Additionally, depletion of macrophages and passive transfer of in vivo primed DC was performed, as well as co-culture of DC and MSC, measurement of cytokines production and phenotype changing of DC. Administered MSC positively affects the decreased development of colitis. The administration of MSC significantly reduced progression of disease, decreased the production of systemic proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-12, and IL-6), and reduced percentage of infiltrated proinflammatory immune cells in lamina propria. Their effect was evident even after depletion of macrophages. Passive transfer of in vivo MSC-primed DC reduced severity of colitis. MSC in paracrine manner, by increased production of Galectin 3, down-regulated the production of proinflammatory cytokines (TNFα, IL-1β, IL-12, and IL-6) in DC, and attenuated expression of CD86, CD80 and I-A, molecules on their membranes involved in antigen presentation. Taken together, these results indicate that applied MSC achieve positive effects on attenuation of DSS-induced colitis by suppressing DC

    The study of association of variants in genes encording microRNAs and the proteins of silencing complex with prostate cancer risk among patients from Serbia

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    Karcinom prostate (KP) predstavlja jedan od vodećih globalnih zdravstvenih problema, s obzirom na to da je reč o drugom najučestalijem malignom tumoru kod muškaraca. U kliničkoj praksi vezanoj za KP jedan od najvećih izazova je razlikovanje latentnog od klinički značajnog karcinoma. U tom smislu, od izuzetnog značaja je identifikacija genetičkih varijanti čija bi primena kao nestandardnih prognostičkih parametara mogla da se koristi za konstruisanje preciznih algoritama za procenu rizika za razvoj i progresiju KP. U okviru ove disertacije analizirana je potencijalna asocijacija varijanti u četiri gena za mikroRNK (rs2910164 u hsa-miR-146a, rs3746444 u hsa-miR-499, rs11614913 u hsa-miR-196a2 i rs895819 u genu za miR-27a) sa rizikom za razvoj i progresiju KP. Takođe, analizirana je asocijacija varijanti u genima za proteine utišavajućeg kompleksa (RISC) (DICER1, AGO2, TARBP2, GEMIN3 i GEMIN4) sa navedenim rizicima. Studija je obuhvatala 355 bolesnika sa KP, 360 bolesnika sa benignom hiperplazijom prostate (BPH) i 318 muškaraca koji su činili kontrolnu grupu. Genotipizacija genetičkih varijanti vršena je metodama PCR-RFLP, HRMA, alelspecifičnog PCR-a, primenom TaqMan® eseja za genotipizaciju polimorfizama i PCR-a u realnom vremenu baziranom na korišćenju specifičnih proba. Rezultati genotipizacije su statistički obrađeni u cilju ispitivanja asocijacija sa rizikom za razvoj i progresiju KP, kao i statističkih epistatičkih interakcija. Takođe, sprovedena je meta-analiza koja je uključivala naše rezultate, kao i rezultate prethodnih studija koje su analizirale asocijaciju rs2910164 sa rizikom za razvoj drugih malignih tumora. Rezultati ove studije pokazali su asocijaciju rs2910164 sa rizikom za razvoj bolesti, dok je za gotovo sve ostale analizirane genetičke varijante ustanovljena asocijacija sa vrednostima standardnih prognostičkih parametara KP i/ili rizikom za progresiju KP. Pokazanа je i asocijacija epistatičke interakcije između varijanti rs11614913 u genu hsa-miR-196a2, rs7813 u genu GEMIN4, kao i rs784567 u genu TARBP2 sa rizikom za progresiju bolesti. Za rs2910164 u meta-analizu ustanovljena je asocijacija sa rizikom za razvoj više tipova malignih tumora.Being the second most common cancer among men worldwide, prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the major global health issues. In the clinical practice related to this malignant disease, one of the most important challenges is to distinct latent from clinically significant forms of disease. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to identify genetic variants which could be used as nonstandard prognostic parameters for constructing precise algorithms for evaluating the risk of PCa onset and progression. In this dissertation, the association of four microRNA genetic variants (rs2910164 in hsa-miR- 146a, rs3746444 in hsa-miR-499, rs11614913 in hsa-miR-196a2 and rs895819 in the gene encoding miR-27a) with PCa risk and progression was assessed. Also, the potential association with PCa was estimated for genetic variants located in genes encoding the proteins of RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) (DICER1, AGO2, TARBP2, GEMIN3 and GEMIN4). The study involved 355 patients with PCa, 360 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), as well as 318 healthy controls. Genotyping was performed by using PCR-RFLP, HRMA, alelle-specific PCR, TaqMan® SNP Genotyping Assays and real-time PCR-based genotyping assay using specific probes. Results were statistically analyzed, aiming to evaluate the potential associations of genetic variants with PCa risk and progression, as well as to assess statistical epistatic interactions. Furthermore, a meta-analysis was conducted involving our results, together with the results of previous studies on association between rs2910164 and different types malignant tumors. The results of this study suggested the association of rs2910164 with PCa risk, while for most of the other analyzed genetic variants the association with the values of standard prognostic parameters and/or PCa progression was found. Also, the epistatic interaction between rs11614913 in hsa-miR- 196a2, rs7813 in GEMIN4 and rs784567 in TARBP2 was shown to be associated with the risk of PCa progression. For rs2910164, the meta-analysis showed the association with multiple types of malignant tumors

    Interferometry in the Assessment of Biomechanical Features of the Masticatory System Hard Segments

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    Biomechanical studies have found wide application and solved many problems in dental medicine. An interdisciplinary approach has allowed an ever-faster progress in the field. The aim of this study was to point out the advantages of holographic interferometry. With the use of this method, the study object is observed as a whole rather than as a substrate, thus providing a three-dimensional holographic image visualizing the load transmission from one jaw to another, tooth pressure against the alveolus, and strain of Sharpey\u27s fibers, and yielding precise data on deformities, dislocations and force distribution

    Interferometry in the Assessment of Biomechanical Features of the Masticatory System Hard Segments

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    Biomechanical studies have found wide application and solved many problems in dental medicine. An interdisciplinary approach has allowed an ever-faster progress in the field. The aim of this study was to point out the advantages of holographic interferometry. With the use of this method, the study object is observed as a whole rather than as a substrate, thus providing a three-dimensional holographic image visualizing the load transmission from one jaw to another, tooth pressure against the alveolus, and strain of Sharpey\u27s fibers, and yielding precise data on deformities, dislocations and force distribution