273 research outputs found

    Die MĂŒhen der Suche nach FĂŒhrungskrĂ€ften : betriebliche Rekrutierungsstrategien in peripheren Regionen - am Beispiel der Weser-Ems-Region (The effort involved in searching for managerial staff : Company recruit-mentstrategies in peripheral regions – taking as an example the Weser-Ems-region)

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    "An adequate supply of highly qualified workers is a central pre-requisite for the ability of peripheral, structurally weak regions to develop. In order to take advantage of endogenous potentials, bottlenecks in human potential must be overcome by means of support from outside. An important element in this is migration. Taking as an example the Weser-Ems-region, which is situated in north-western Germany, the strategies used by local enterprises to attempt to motivate managerial staff to move from other regions are shown and the level of success achieved in this is described. As is shown, the regional labour market has lost significance for the upper segment in the course of structural changes in the economy, which has led to an increase in the necessity for cross-regional searches in order to fill managerial posts adequately. As enterprises in peripheral locations have poor starting conditions in the cross-regional competition for highly qualified workers, this development demands that more and more enterprises mobilise considerable resources for the recruitment of staff. Although the findings indicate that the potential of workers willing to migrate is greater and more diverse than is often assumed, they also show that certain types of enterprise have great difficulty in overcoming independently the personnel-related disadvantages resulting from the location, and require support through the regional structural policy." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))FĂŒhrungskrĂ€fte, Personalbeschaffung - Methode, strukturschwache RĂ€ume, Weser-Ems-Gebiet, Niedersachsen, Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    Bacterial ‘immunity’ against bacteriophages

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    Vertebrate animals possess multiple anti-pathogen defenses. Individual mechanisms usually are differentiated into those that are immunologically adaptive vs. more “primitive” anti-pathogen phenomena described as innate responses. Here I frame defenses used by bacteria against bacteriophages as analogous to these animal immune functions. Included are numerous anti-phage defenses in addition to the adaptive immunity associated with CRISPR/cas systems. As these other anti-pathogen mechanisms are non-adaptive they can be described as making up an innate bacterial immunity. This exercise was undertaken in light of the recent excitement over the discovery that CRISPR/cas systems can serve, as noted, as a form of bacterial adaptive immunity. The broader goal, however, is to gain novel insight into bacterial defenses against phages by fitting these mechanisms into considerations of how multicellular organisms also defend themselves against pathogens. This commentary can be viewed in addition as a bid toward integrating these numerous bacterial anti-phage defenses into a more unified immunology

    In-vitro resistance of cloned human glioma cells to natural killer activity of allogeneic peripheral lymphocytes.

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    Cells from an established culture of a human astrocytoma were incubated with normal allogeneic peripheral lymphocytes (PBL) in order to study the natural killer (NK) sensitivity of the in vitro propagated cell line. A proportion of cells in culture formed halos, into which lymphocytes did not penetrate. These cells were successfully cloned and showed a decreased susceptibility to NK cytolysis compared with the parent line. Both cell lines could be transplanted into athymic nude mice. The cloned NK-resistant cells underwent a frequent spontaneous regression in nu/nu mice, despite the fact that when used as targets for nu/nu NK cells in vitro they were only moderately susceptible. Phase-contrast microscopy of the mass-cultured cells co-cultivated with lymphocytes suggested that their morphology and ability to form inpenetrable translucent halos might influence their susceptibility to NK lysis. Experiments performed on this assumption revealed that quiescent and halo forming tumour cells were not the primary targets for NK lysis. Cells in mass culture, although tumorigenic, were thus heterogeneous in respect of susceptibility to NK attack. These findings might be relevant to the mechanism of immune escape and tumour heterogeneity in respect of spontaneous cell-mediated lysis

    Co-cultivation of murine BMDCs with 67NR mouse mammary carcinoma cells give rise to highly drug resistant cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tumor tissue resembles chronically inflamed tissue. Since chronic inflammatory conditions are a strong stimulus for bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) it can be assumed that recruitment of BMDCs into cancer tissue should be a common phenomenon. Several data have outlined that BMDC can influence tumor growth and metastasis, e.g., by inducing a paracrine acting feedback loop in tumor cells. Likewise, cell fusion and horizontal gene transfer are further mechanisms how BMDCs can trigger tumor progression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Hygromycin resistant murine 67NR-Hyg mammary carcinoma cells were co-cultivated with puromycin resistant murine BMDCs from Tg(GFPU)5Nagy/J mice. Isolation of hygromycin/puromycin resistant mBMDC/67NR-Hyg cell clones was performed by a dual drug selection procedure. PCR analysis revealed an overlap of parental markers in mBMDC/67NR-Hyg cell clones, suggesting that dual resistant cells originated by cell fusion. By contrast, both STR and SNP data analysis indicated that only parental 67NR-Hyg alleles were found in mBMDC/67NR-Hyg cell clones favoring horizontal gene transfer as the mode of origin. RealTime-PCR-array analysis showed a marked up-regulation of Abcb1a and Abcb1b ABC multidrug transporters in mBMDC/67NR-Hyg clones, which was verified by Western Blot analysis. Moreover, the markedly increased Abcb1a/Abcb1b expression was correlated to an efficient Rhodamine 123 efflux, which was completely inhibited by verapamil, a well-known Abcb1a/Abcb1b inhibitor. Likewise, mBMDCs/67NR-Hyg clones revealed a marked resistance towards chemotherapeutic drugs including 17-DMAG, doxorubicin, etoposide and paclitaxel. In accordance to Rhodamine 123 efflux data, chemotherapeutic drug resistance of mBMDC/67NR-Hyg cells was impaired by verapamil mediated blockage of Abc1a/Abcb1b multidrug transporter function.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Co-cultivation of mBMDCs and mouse 67NR-Hyg mammary carcinoma cells gave rise to highly drug resistant cells. Even though it remains unknown whether mBMDC/67NR-Hyg clones originated by cell fusion or horizontal gene transfer, our data indicate that the exchange of genetic information between two cellular entities is crucial for the origin of highly drug resistant cancer (hybrid) cells, which might be capable to survive chemotherapy.</p

    Structure and properties of fluorinated and non‐fluorinated Ba‐coordination polymers – the position of fluorine makes the difference

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    As the most electronegative element, fluorine has a strong influence on material properties such as absorption behaviour or chemical and thermal stability. Fluorine can be easily integrated into coordination polymers (CPs) via a fluorinated acetate, here trifluoroacetate in Ba(CF3COO)2, or directly via a metal fluorine bond (BaF(CH3COO)). In the present study both possibilities of fluorine integration were tested and their effect on structure and properties of barium coordination polymers was investigated in comparison with the non-fluorinated barium acetate (Ba(CH3COO)2). In addition to the study of their thermal behaviour and their decomposition temperature, the CPs structures were tested for their application as possible anode materials in lithium ion batteries and for their sorption of water and ammonia. The properties of the CPs can be traced back to the individual structural motifs and could thus trigger new design ideas for CPs in LIBs and/or catalysis.HU BerlinBAMPeer Reviewe

    Kolloidgetragene Schwermetalle im EntwÀsserungsstollen einer stillgelegten Zn-Pb-Ag Grube

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    Colloid-borne Heavy Metals in the Drainage Gallery of an Abandoned Zn-Pb-Ag Mine (in German). The colloid inventories and the colloid-borne heavy metals in the Rothschönberger Stolln adit, the main drainage gallery of the Freiberg, Germany, mining district, were investigated. This adit runs from Freiberg to the village of Rothschönberg, where it flows into the river Triebisch, a tributary of the river Elbe. The water of the adit is a typical mine water from a flooded ore mine. The main reason for choosing the Rothschönberger Stolln adit for colloid investigations was that ample knowledge concerning the origin of the water and the geology of its catchment area exists. The aim was to characterize the colloids at the mouth of the adit and to elucidate if important contaminants occur in a colloid-borne form. A colloid concentration of about 1 mg/L was found. The particles have a size of 50 to 150 nm. They primarily consist of iron and aluminum oxyhydroxide and carry trace elements such as Pb, As, Cu, Y, La. The contaminants Pb and As are almost entirely colloid-borne. Colloids can have both a retarding and a stimulating influence on the transport of contaminants. The existence of colloids should be taken into account if mine waters flow to the biosphere or if mine waters are to be purified by permeable reactive barriers

    Spin echo formation in the presence of stochastic dynamics

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    Spin echo formation in magnetic field gradients in the presence of fast stochastic motion is studied for hyperpolarized He3 gas at different diffusivities. The fast translational motion leads to frequency shifts already during echo formation, which can be described analytically for a linear gradient. Despite complete signal loss at the position of the spin echo itself, considerable intensity can be preserved at an earlier time (2τ rather than 2τ, where τ is the pulse delay). Hence, the phenomenon is designated as a pseudo spin echo. © 2007 The American Physical Society.Fil: ZĂ€nker, Paul P.. Max Planck Institute For Polymer Research; AlemaniaFil: Schmidt, Jochen. Max Planck Institute For Polymer Research; AlemaniaFil: Schmiedeskamp, Jörg. Max Planck Institute For Polymer Research; AlemaniaFil: Acosta, Rodolfo HĂ©ctor. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - CĂłrdoba. Instituto de FĂ­sica Enrique Gaviola. Universidad Nacional de CĂłrdoba. Instituto de FĂ­sica Enrique Gaviola; ArgentinaFil: Spiess, Hans W.. Max Planck Institute For Polymer Research; Alemani

    Anorganische Kolloide im Wasser der Elbe

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    Das Wasser der Elbe auf der Höhe von Dresden enthĂ€lt anorganische Kolloidpartikel, deren PartikelgrĂ¶ĂŸenverteilung nahezu den gesamten kolloidalen Definitionsbereich (1 nm bis 1 ”m) ĂŒberstreicht und die vor allem aus sekundĂ€r ausgeschiedener amorpher KieselsĂ€ure sowie aus Oxyhydroxiden des Fe, Al und Mn bestehen. Als wichtigstes Schwermetall fĂŒhren sie Zn. Ihre Konzentration liegt unter 5×10-1 mg/l, um etwa Faktor 30 unter der Konzentration der Schwebstoffe des Elbwassers (Partikel >1 ”m). Wegen ihrer hohen spezifischen OberflĂ€che sind die Kolloidpartikel als potentielle TrĂ€ger fĂŒr Schadstoffe trotz dieser geringeren Massekonzentration nicht gegenĂŒber den Schwebstoffen zu vernachlĂ€ssigen. Die in der Elbe gemessene PartikelgrĂ¶ĂŸenverteilung Ă€hnelt derjenigen, die zu einem frĂŒheren Zeitpunkt im Rhein gefunden worden war. Auch die chemische Zusammensetzung der Kolloidpartikel in der Elbe ist der der Partikel des Rheins Ă€hnlich. Die Konzentration der Kolloidpartikel in der Elbe war aber um Faktor 5 bis 10 höher als im Rhein. Grund fĂŒr letzteres ist wahrscheinlich der höhere Gehalt des Elbwassers an gelöstem Kohlenstoff (DOC). Im "Bulk" eines Flusses sind kolloidgetragene Schadstoffe - anders als schwebstoffgetragene - vermutlich fast genauso mobil wie echt gelöste. Unterschiede zwischen den Transportgeschwindigkeiten der kolloidgetragenen und der echt gelösten Spurenstoffe treten in bestimmten Situationen auf, in denen das Wasser den "Bulk" eines Flusses verlĂ€sst (Sickerbereich unter dem Fluss, Ästuar). Es werden Schlussfolgerungen ĂŒber die Rolle von Kolloidpartikeln im Ökosystem eines Flusses gezogen und noch bestehende Forschungsdesiderate benannt

    Double-stranded RNA induces S100 gene expression by a cycloheximide-sensitive factor

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    AbstractViral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and its synthetic analog polyI:C are recognized via multiple pathways and induce the expression of genes related to inflammation. In the present study, we demonstrated the polyI:C-induced gene expression of the damage associated molecular pattern (DAMP) molecules S100A8 and S100A9, while other S100 genes were not affected. Cycloheximide and Brefeldin A treatment revealed both the expression of S100A8 and S100A9 as secondary response genes and the involvement of polyI:C-induced cytokines herein. Several type I and type III interferons such as IFNÎČ, IL-20, IL-24, and IFNλ/IL-29 were expressed in response to polyI:C, however, they failed to induce S100A8 and S100A9 gene expression. These data indicate the involvement of the danger molecule S100A8/A9 in the resistance against viruses
