753 research outputs found

    Tendencies and factors of word-formation dynamics in German language

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    The development of language also depends on the development of its word-formation system. Production of new lexical units happens by means of the wordformation models which were historically developed in a certain language

    Tendencies and factors of word-formation dynamics in German language

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    The development of language also depends on the development of its word-formation system. Production of new lexical units happens by means of the wordformation models which were historically developed in a certain language

    A VNF modeling approach for verification purposes

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    Network Function Virtualization (NFV) architectures are emerging to increase networks flexibility. However, this renewed scenario poses new challenges, because virtualized networks, need to be carefully verified before being actually deployed in production environments in order to preserve network coherency (e.g., absence of forwarding loops, preservation of security on network traffic, etc.). Nowadays, model checking tools, SAT solvers, and Theorem Provers are available for formal verification of such properties in virtualized networks. Unfortunately, most of those verification tools accept input descriptions written in specification languages that are difficult to use for people not experienced in formal methods. Also, in order to enable the use of formal verification tools in real scenarios, vendors of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) should provide abstract mathematical models of their functions, coded in the specific input languages of the verification tools. This process is error-prone, time-consuming, and often outside the VNF developers’ expertise. This paper presents a framework that we designed for automatically extracting verification models starting from a Java-based representation of a given VNF. It comprises a Java library of classes to define VNFs in a more developer-friendly way, and a tool to translate VNF definitions into formal verification models of different verification tools


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    verifies the term of “nomination” in relation to poetic images-symbols. The interconnection of literary and cultural linguistics methods of analysis through the concept of nominations to the images-symbols made it possible to apply a new theoretical approach to the study of the symbolic system. Methodology: in our study, we rely on the methodology of considering the symbol in the aspect of a system of nominations, which, in our opinion, expands the views on the process of symbolization. Result: Thus, symbols characterize the national peculiarities of poets’ creativity and the artistic world of poetic works, the principles of organizing the subject level and the ideological and semantic potential of works. As a result, symbols have become a kind of “codes” that defines the unique and universal features of Tatar poetry. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of The Symbolic System in Tatar Poetry of the First Half of the Twentieth Century: The Transformation of Nominative Meanings is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner