58 research outputs found

    EDITORIAL: ChatGPT, the Blade in Scientific Writing

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    One impact of the industrial revolution is the development of computer systems, including the birth of ChatGPT. "ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a large-scale natural language processing model developed by OpenAI to generate text similar to human language. The model is trained on massive textual data and can produce diverse text output, including chatbot responses, article summaries, concept explanations, and more." (OpenAI, 2022). The ability of ChatGPT influences the way of writing, including scientific writing

    Sistem hisab waktu salat dalam website Lembaga Falakiyah Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama

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    Sistem hisab waktu salat dalam bentuk program website merupakan salah satu sistem hisab yang berkembang saat ini. Namun perlu diperhatikan perancangan program-program waktu salat yang sudah banyak beredar saat ini perlu dikaji ulang hasil perhitungannya, karena dalam penentuan waktu salat ada beberapa poin yang mempengaruhi waktu salat daerah satu dengan daerah yang lain. misalnya, lintang tempat, bujur tempat, zona waktu, dan ketinggian tempat yang terkadang jarang diperhatikan. Website Lembaga Falakiyah Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama merupakan program yang memuat hisab waktu salat, namun program ini berbeda dengan program-program lainnya yang sudah banyak beredar. Program website ini merupakan milik salah satu ormas besar yang ada di Indonesia yaitu Nahdlatul Ulama melalui Lembaga Falakiyahnya yang memiliki wewenang dalam hal hisab maupun rukyat. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai: 1.) Bagaimana sistem hisab waktu salat dalam website Lembaga Falakiyah Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama, dan 2.) Bagaimana akurasi sistem hisab waktu salat dalam website Lembaga Falakiyah Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat library research dengan pendekatan matematis. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan dua metode pengumpulan data yaitu dokumentasi dan wawancara, dimana data primer berupa sistem hisab waktu salat dalam website Lembaga Falakiyah Pengurus Besar Nahdalatul Ulama, hasil wawancara dengan pengelola dan salah satu developer website Lembaga Falakiyah Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama. Sedangkan data sekundernya adalah seluruh buku buku ilmu falak yang membahas waktu salat dan dokumen yang berkaitan dengan obyek penelitian. Teknik analisa yang digunakan berupa analisis deskriptif analitik. Penelitian ini menghasilkan dua temuan. Pertama, sistem hisab waktu salat dalam website Lembaga Falakiyah Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama merupakan salah satu program yang berbasis astronomi modern, perhitungannya merujuk buku Astronomical Algorithms Jean Meeus high accuracy yang mendukung tampilan waktu salat praktis dan opsional. Penggunaan koreksi ketinggian tempat hanya digunakan untuk waktu Magrib, sedangkan Isya dan Subuh masih menggunakan nilai konstan, Sehingga menimbulkan selisih sampai 2 menit 45 detik ketika diterapkan koreksi ketinggian tempat untuk Isya dan Subuh. Kedua, berdasarkan hasil analisis akurasi website Lembaga Falakiyah Pengurus Besar Nahdlatul Ulama dengan Bimas Islam memiliki selisih kisaran 0 menit sampai 1 menit. Sehingga program ini cukup akurat digunakan dalam penentuan waktu salat

    Penggunaan Madu Topikal Efektif terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Kronis

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of topical honey in chronic wound healing. This research method uses a literature review method using five databases in search of articles, namely Pubmed, ProQuest, Science Direct, Wiley Online Library, and Google Scholar. The results of the literature review are from six research articles analyzed, five research articles showed that honey was effective against chronic wound healing compared to normal saline, povidone iodine and other therapies (p value <0.05), but one article was not statistically significant. In conclusion, the use of honey as a topical therapy which is effective in treating chronic wounds is due to the nutritional content or properties of honey.   Keywords: Chronic Wounds, Honey, Wound Healing, Ulcer

    Nurses' Knowledge about Diabetes Foot Ulcer Prevention and Treatment: An Integrative Review

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    Introduction: Diabetic Foot Ulcer (DFU) is a complication often experienced by patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Evidence-based prevention and treatment in DM patients who are at risk of DFU can reduce the global economic burden. Nurses' knowledge plays an important role in screening, prevention, and proper treatment of DFU. This review identifies evidence of nurses' knowledge about the prevention and treatment of DFU and identify factors related to nurses' knowledge. Method: The study applied an integrative review design. The relevant literature were searched from PubMed, CINAHL (EBSCO), Wiley Online Library, ScienceDirect, and ProQuest. The inclusion criteria was articles published in English, peer-reviewed articles, and journals between January 2016 and May 2021, by using keywords; “nurs*”, “diabetic foot*” “knowledge”, "awareness" and "perception". Result: There are 10 articles met the inclusion criteria and eligible to review. Nurses have low knowledge about diabetic foot care and also have limited knowledge about the characteristics and complications of DFU. Factors related to nurses' knowledge about DFU prevention and treatment; training, educational qualifications, work experience, educational institutions, and age. Conclusion: This review revealed that nurses experienced a significant knowledge deficit in several aspects regarding the prevention and treatment of DFU. So that new effective education and training must be developed to address the knowledge gap, one of which is the online training method utilizing telenursing-based electronic learning (e-learning)


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    ABSTRAKPenderita Diabetes Melitus (DM) tiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan, apabila tidak tertangani dengan baik maka akan menimbulkan berbagai macam komplikasi. Komplikasi dan resiko dapat dicegah apabila perilaku terhadap pola hidup dan kebiasan pasien DM dapat berubah. Terdapat beberapa teori perubahan perilaku yang dapat di gunakan dalam melakukan edukasi kesehatan pada pasien DM. Meskipun demikian evaluasi terhadap konsep, model atau teori sebagai media edukasi dalam perubahan perilaku pasien DM belum diketahui. Tujuan dari literature review ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep, model atau teori yang efektif digunakan untuk memberikan edukasi kesehatan kepada pasien DM dalam merubah perilaku mereka. Metode yang digunakan dengan cara melakukan pencarian beberapa studi yang diterbitkan melalui database PubMed, Science Direct, Wiley dan Google Scholar. Strategi pencarian menggunakan kombinasi istilah MeSH Terms. Pertanyaan penelitian dirancang dengan menggunakan prinsip PICO. Studi yang dipilih diterbitkan dari tahun 2015-2019. Setelah dilakukan pencarian artikel dengan kata kunci tersebut maka total artikel yang di review dalam tinjauan literatur ini sebanyak delapan artikel. Konsep, model atau teori PRECEDE PROCEED paling banyak digunakan dalam pencarian literatur ini dibandingkan dengan model yang lain dan salah satu penelitian mengatakan bahwa peningkatan yang signifikan sudah terjadi sejak bulan pertama setelah dilakukannya intervensi.Kata Kunci :  diabetes mellitus, theory, model, behaviorABSTRACTPatients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) have increased every year, if not handled properly it will cause various kinds of complications. Complications and risks can be prevented if behavior towards the lifestyle and habits of DM patients can change. There are several theories of behavior change that can be used in health education for DM patients. However the evaluation of concepts, models or theories as educational media in changing the behavior of DM patients is unknown. The purpose of this literature review is to find out the concepts, models or theories that are effectively used to provide health education to DM patients in changing their behavior. The method used by searching several studies published through the PubMed, Science Direct, Wiley and Google Scholar databases. The search strategy uses a combination of MeSH Terms. Research questions were designed using PICO principles. Selected studies were published from 2015-2019. After searching for articles with these keywords, the total articles reviewed in this literature review were eight articles. The concept, model or theory of PRECEDE PROCEED is the most widely used in this literature search compared to other models and one of the studies says that a significant increase has occurred since the first month after the intervention.Keywords : diabetes mellitus, theory, model, behavio

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Discharge Planning pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus

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    The aim of this review is to map the discharge planning implementation model and its effects. The research method uses a literature review by searching for appropriate articles in scientific databases, namely PubMed, EBSCO, ScienceDirect and Garuda using keywords based on the Population method: Diabetes mellitus; Concept: Discharge Planning and Context: Hospital. As a result of the research, after searching for articles, 44 articles were found that matched the research questions and resulted in 20 articles to be included in this review. Evaluation of the discharge planning implementation model used a research design of 7 RCT studies, 5 quasi-experimental studies, 3 cross-sectional studies, 2 retrospective studies, 1 qualitative study, 1 cohort study, and 1 comparative descriptive study. We identified several models for evaluating the implementation of discharge planning in DM patients. In conclusion, the evaluation model for implementing discharge planning in the form of training and education can increase knowledge and compliance with treatment as well as glycemic control.   Keywords: Discharge Planning, DM Patients, Hospita

    The Implementation Of Patient And Family Education, And Effective Communication In A Hospital At South Sulawesi: An Action Research Study

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    Background: Frequent phenomena found in hospitals are lack of health education, unclearness medical information delivery, poor communication, or even nurses tried to neglect the importance of health information to patients. To identify problems related to the implementation of effective education and communication in one of hospitals in South Sulawesi Province. Methods: The study used qualitative and quantitative. This action research study involved 30 nurses consisting primary nurses and manager nurses in surgical care room, intesive care room, child care room and internal care room. Problem identification and the implementation is conducted. Analysis of data from the results of the distribution of questionnaires with descriptive statistics, while the results of interviews with content analysis. The questionnaires and interview guidelines were based on the 2012 Hospital Accreditation Rules. Results: Based on interviews and questionnaire distribution, Main problems identified in this study were less education and effective communication for patiens and patiens’ family. Moreover, socialization and provision of standard operational procedure (SOP) for education for patiens and patiens’ family was not available yet. Based on the the problem identification, in-house training for implementation of patiens and patiens’ family education and effective communication were conducted for the nurses.  SOP about giving information and education for patient or patient’s family were made. Conclusion: It was proven that patiens and patiens’ family education and effective communication contributed to improve the quality of health services

    Pengembangan Model Edukasi Pelaksanaan Discharge Planning Berbasis Telenursing untuk Meningkatkan Self Care Management Ostomate

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    The purpose of this research is to develop an educational model for implementing discharge planning by utilizing telenursing through creating video content using the METHOD (Medication, Environment, Treatment, Health teaching, Outpatient referral, Diet) approach to improve ostomate self-care management. The research method used was the Delphi studi and this research was conducted in three phases, namely a literature review related to the content and educational model of discharge planning, video content development using the Delphi study accompanied by an evaluation of the validity of the video content by experts, and a pilot study to evaluate the ability of self care management ostomate using the Self Care Agency Scale (SCAS) questionnaire. The research result obtained 17 educational discharge planning items were obtained from the results of the literature review and the Delphi study which were used as video content. The results of the evaluation after the educational intervention showed that there was a significant increase in ostomate self-care management skills (p = 0.000). In conclusion, discharge planning education based on telenursing which is based on the METHOD approach, and provided in video form can be one of the recommendations for interventions in nursing practice to improve ostomate self care management.   Keywords: Discharge Planning Education, Ostomate, Self Care Managemen

    The Reliability of Vibration based mobile phone in Detecting Peripheral Neuropathy in Patient with Diabetic Foot Ulcers

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of mobile phone vibrations in detecting peripheral neuropathy in diabetic foot wound patients between the nurse and the patient's family. The design of this study was a pilot study with a cross sectional study approach. The study was conducted on 37 respondents in four wound care clinics in Makassar City and its surroundings. The instrument used is a mobile phone vibration using the vibrations-test application. Interater reliability analysis test used cohen's kappa test. The results showed that 67.6% of the patients did not feel the vibrations of the mobile phones performed by the nurses, while 70.3% of the patients did not feel the vibrations of the cellphones carried out by the family. Interrater reliability examination of diabetic feet using a mobile phone vibration shows an almost perfect agreement, namely (k = 0.973). The reliability of mobile phone vibrations using the vibrations-test application is quantitatively reliable. Thus, mobile phone vibrations can be used as an alternative screening tool to detect neuropathy in Diabetes Mellitus patients in the community

    Efektivitas sabun antibakteri terhadap penurunan biofilm pada luka kaki diabetik: Literature review

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    Pendahuluan: Luka Kaki Diabetik (LKD)merupakan penyakit dengan proses penyembuhan yang lama.LKD yang mengalami keterlambatan penyembuhan diakibatkan oleh adanya biofilm pada luka. Prognosis penderita LKD yang mengalami infeksi cukup buruk, seperti amputasi dan kematian. Tindakan dalam mengontrol biofilmpada penderita LKD diperlukan, salah satunya adalah dengan pencucian luka yang efektif menggunakan sabun antibakteri. Tujuan dari tinjauan ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas pencucian luka dengan menggunakan sabun antibakteri terhadap penurunan biofilm.Metode: Tinjauan ini merupakan sebuah scoping review dengan menggunakan data based Pubmed, Proquest, Science Direct and Willey. Hasil:Terdapat 307 artikel yang didapatkan dari 4 database, sebanyak 10 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi.Mayoritas artikel membahas tentang efek chlorhexidineterhadap biofilm sebanyak 9 artikel dan hanya 1 artikel membahas tentang efek Parachlorometxylenol(PMCX). CHG mampu mereduksi bakteri hingga 8 unit log CFU (> 99,99 %) dan biofilm, CHG dalam menghilangkan stapilococcus aureus(6 hingga > 8 log10), PMCXefektif melawanStaphylococcus aureusdan P. aeruginosapenyebab infeksi nasokomial. Simpulan:Pencucian luka dengan menggunakan sabun antibakteri mampu menghilangkan biofilm dan telah terbukti lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan pencucian dengan air saja. Efek antibakteri lebih efektif jika dikombinasikan dengan terapi lain seperti ozon
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