121 research outputs found

    Child Adoption Practices in the Bugis Community: Between Bugis Tradition and Ulama Views

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    This article reviews the tradition of adoption among Bugis people through the views of Bugis scholars and values of local wisdom. This research is a qualitative research using a content analysis approach. The study finds the fact that Bugis scholars have identified two forms of adoption practices. First, the practice of adoption as it is currently happening which change the nasab (lineage) so that it can inherit each other. Second, adoption practices that do not change the nasab. The first model is adoption that is prohibited in Islam in order to maintain the law and the descent according to the intentions of cultural values of paccing and sticking. The second model is allowed adoption. Such adoption practices are even encouraged if the motives are humanitarian motives and also in accordance with the values of the pesse culture (pacce), namely a deep sense of humanity and sibaliperri (mutual cooperation spirit)

    Evaluasi USAbilitas Pada Aplikasi Program Simulasi Warna Batik

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    Saat ini penggunaan aplikasi berbasis komputer telah berbukti mampu mereduksi secara signifikan waktu yangdibutuhkan untuk merancang produk dibandingkan jika menggunakan metode konvensional. Hal ini cobaditerapkan pada industri batik oleh Rif'ah (2015) dengan mengembangkan Program Simulasi Warna Batik.Berdasarkan uji USAbility satisfaction yang telah dilakukan, aplikasi tersebut memiliki penerimaan oleh respondenrata-rata sebesar 3,87 dalam skala 1-5. Padahal menurut Nielsen (1993), suatu produk dikatakan memuaskan bilarata-rata nilainya 4 pada skala 1-5. Oleh karena itu aplikasi perangkat lunak ini masih perlu dikembangkan lebihlanjut. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Heuristic Evaluation, yang merupakan salah satu metodedalam kajian USAbilitas. Usabilitas adalah atribut kualitatif yang menentukan seberapa mudah user menggunakanantarmuka suatu aplikasi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, masalah USAbilitas pada Program SimulasiWarna Batik yang terutama (48%) adalah berkenaan dengan “Match with user's task” (kesesuaian antaraketersediaan pada sistem dengan cara umum yang digunakan sesuai dengan persepsi pengguna). Selain itu,berdasarkan perhitungan persentase jumlah masalah USAbilitas yang ditemukan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwajumlah evaluator sebanyak 15 orang berdasarkan model Nielsen (1992) masih cukup representatif

    Uji Efek Antidiabetik Ekstrak Daun Andong (Cordyline Fruticosa L. a. Cheval) Mus Musculus Yang Diinduksi Streptozotosin

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    The plant andong leaf is a medicinal plant that has not been widely used and contains phenolic, flavonoids,tanins and saponins has many benefits, one of which lower blood glucose levels. This study aim to look at the effects of decrease in blood glucose levels in mice that induced by STZs. The method used was experimental research design is RAL with treatment variations leaf extracts 15%, 30% and 45%, glibenclamid as positive control and Na. CMC negative control. The results were analyzed by ANOVA and continued with Duncan. The results showed that there is a very real difference in the treatment given, andong leaf extracts concentrations is themost effective extracts 15% with the average is 17,67 mg/dL on the hour to three

    Rentabilitas dan Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Agroindustri Tahu Bulat Serta Kontribusinya terhadap Pendapatan Total Perajin (Studi Kasus pada Agroindustri Tahu Bulat Songkha di Desa Muktisari Kecamatan Cipaku Kabupaten Ciamis)

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    Pada dasarnya perekonomian Indonesia masih tetap akan mengandalkan sektor pertanian yang mampu mendukung sektor industri, oleh karena itu yang paling sesuai adalah pengolahan produk pertanian melalui pengembangan agroindustri.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui : 1) Besarnya biaya, penerimaan, pendapatan, dan R/C pada agroindustri tahu bulat Songkha di Desa Muktisari Kecamatan Cipaku Kabupaten Ciamis, 2) Besarnya nilai rentabilitas pada agroindustri tahu bulat Songkha di Desa Muktisari Kecamatan CipakuKabupaten Ciamis, 3) Besarnya penyerapan tenaga kerja, dan kontribusi pendapatan agroindustri tahu bulat Songkha terhadap pendapatan perajin di Desa Muktisari Kecamatan Cipaku Kabupaten Ciamis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus pada perajin tahu bulat di Desa Muktisari Kecamatan Cipaku Kabupaten Ciamis yang ditentukan secara purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa :1. Biaya yang dikeluarkan perajin tahu bulat per satu kali proses produksi sebesar Rp. 31.959.080,94, diperoleh produksi 200.000 butir dengan harga jual 200 per butir sehingga diperoleh penerimaan sebesar Rp. 41.050.000, dan memperoleh pendapatan sebesar Rp. 9.090.919,06, sehingga didapat R/C sebesar 1,28, artinya dari setiap Rp. 1,00 yang dikeluarkan maka diperoleh penerimaan 1,28, dan memperoleh pendapatan 0,28.2. Nilai rentabilitas yang diperoleh agroindustri tahu bulat Songkha per satu kali proses produksi sebesar 28,45 %.3. Besarnya penyerapan tenaga kerja pada agroindustri tahu bulat Songkha sebesar 2,65 %, dan kontribusi pendapatan terhadap pendapatan total perajin tahu bulat sebesar 96,63 %

    Efek Hepatoprotektor Ekstrak Terpurifikasi Batang Galing (Cayratia Trifolia L.Domin) pada Tikus Putih Wistar Jantan (Rattus Noervegicus)

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    Hepatoprotektor adalah suatu senyawa yang dapat memberikan perlindungan pada hati dari kerusakan hati. Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui fungsi hati dengan mengukur aktivitas enzim Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT) dan Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT). Salah satu bahan alam yang berpotensi memiliki efek hepatoprotektor adalah tumbuhan Galing dan telah dilakukan penelitian bahwa tumbuhan galing mengandung senyawa flavonoid yang berpotensi sebagai antioksidan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui efek hepatoprotektor dari ekstrak terpurifikasi batang galing dosis 400 mg/ kgBB pada tikus wistar jantan setelah diinduksi Paracetamol dosis toksik. Jenis penelitian adalah eksperimental laboratorium, dengan desain pre  and  post  test  control  group  design  dan menggunakan 12 ekor tikus putih yang dibagi dalam  3 kelompok perlakuan dengan empat kali pengulangan yang diinduksi dengan paracetamol dosis toksik setelah pemberian ekstrak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak terpurifikasi batang galing dengan dosis 400 mg/kgBB, memberikan efek hepatoprotektor yang efektif terhadap peningkatan kadar SGPT setelah diinduksi paracetamol dosis toksi

    Efek Imunomodulator Ekstrak Etanol Spons Melophlus Sarasinorum Terhadap Aktivitas Fagositosis Sel Makrofag Pada Mencit Jantan Balb/C: Immunomodulatory Effects of Ethanol Extract of Melophlus Sarasinorum Sponge Against Phagocytosis Activity of Macrophage Cells on Balb/C Male Mice

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    Immunomodulator is an ingredient or drug that can modulate immune system functions and activities. This study was conducted to determine the effect of ethanol extract of Melophlus sarasinorum sponge on macrophage phagocytosis activity. Twenty four male mice balb/c were divided into six groups. The first group received 100 mg/kg of ethanol extract of Melophlus Sarasinorum sponge, the second group received 200 mg/kg of ethanol extract of Melophlus sarasinorum sponge, the third group received 300 mg/kg of ethanol extract of Melophlus Sarasinorum sponge and the fourth group received 400 mg/kg of ethanol extract of Melophlus Sarasinorum sponge. The positive control group received Phyllanthus niruri linn extract (Stimuno®) 0,13 mg/g and the negative control group received NaCMC 0,5%. The extract was orally administered from first day to seventh day. On the eighth day, each of the mice was injected Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (SA) 0.5 mL intraperitoneally. Macrophage cell activity is calculated from smears of peritoneal fluid of mice. Increased doses of ethanol extract of Melophlus sarasinorum sponge increase the amount of macrophage phagocytosis activity that are 25,25% (negative control), 61,5% (positive control), 55,75% (100 mg/kg), 60,75% (200 mg/kg), 62,25% (300 mg/kg) dan 66,25% (400 mg/kg). The results showed that the ethanol extract of Melophlus sarasinorum sponge has the potential as immunomodulator at a doses of 300 mg/kgBB and 400 mg/kg with no significantly different effectiveness with positive control in increasing macrophage cell phagocytosis activity based on the result of post-hoc statistical test of Tukey (sig.> 0,05). &nbsp

    Characteristics of Vacuum Freeze Drying with Utilization of Internal Cooling and Condenser Waste Heat for Sublimation

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    Vacuum freeze drying is an excellent drying method, but it is very energy-intensive because a relatively long drying time is required. This research investigates the utilization of condenser waste heat for sublimation as a way of accelerating the drying rate. In addition, it also investigates the effect of internal cooling combined with vacuum cooling in the pressure reduction process. Jelly fish tentacles were used as the specimen, with different configurations for condenser heat waste and internal cooling valve opening. The results show that heating with condenser heat waste can accelerate the drying rate up to 0.0035 kg/m2.s. In addition, pre-freezing by internal cooling prevents evaporation until the mass of the specimen is 0.47 g and promotes transition of the specimen into the solid phase

    Availability and Co-Substrate Potential of Typha latifolia for Biogas Production in Funtua, Katsina State, Nigeria

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    In order to reduce global warming through fossil fuel utilization, biogas production from biodegradable biomass seems a sustainable alternative. This study evaluated the availability and co-substrate potential of T. latifolia for biogas production in Funtua, Katsina State Nigeria. A purposive sampling technique was used in selecting the wards that were used for this study. A 1204 metres transect was used for 32 quadrats; 19 of these were laid on the 953m contiguous land area at intervals of 50m; 9 quadrats covered 450m, 5 quadrats were on 250m, 3 on 153m, and 2 on 100m. The remaining 13 transects were laid on the 251m un-contiguous patches. Coordinates of various potentials sites were recorded using Global positioning system. There were an average of 27 T. latifolia stands per m2. A total of 32,388 of T. latifolia stands were recorded in the study area; Dukke ward (23,968), Makera (8,205) and Maska 216. T. latifolia is available in lqrge quantities, and a potential co substrate in anaerobic digestion for biogas production in Funtua. It is recommended that the study should be replicated in time later to establish a trend of the T. latifolia species in terms of population

    Spermatogenesis and Semen Quality of Male Muntjak (Muntiacus Muntjak Muntjak) During Antler Growth Periods

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    Muntjak (Muntiacus muntjak muntjak) belongs to Cervidae family which distributed in Java Island and Southern part of Sumatera. This cervid has been protected by Indonesian Government since 1999. In order to support breeding program of the species and to avoid them from extinction, itsreproductive biology such as spermatogenesis and the correlation to semen quality is important to be investigated. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine spermatogenesis and semen quality of two adult male muntjaks during antler growth periods that consist of hard antler (H), casting (C), andvelvet antler (V). Testicular tissues and semen (ejaculates) were obtained by core needle biopsy and electroejaculation methods respectively. Testicular tissues were processed histologically and stained with periodic acid Schiff (PAS) to observe spermatogenesis whereas semen was evaluated to obtaine itsquality. The results showed that spermatogenic activities were detected in all antler periods which marked by PAS positive staining (magenta colour) of round and elongated spermatid acrosomes. In H period, spermatogenic activity was higher than those C and V periods. According to semen evaluation,motile spermatozoa were found with different concentration in all antler periods. The highest sperm concentration (x 106 spermatozoa/ml) in both of muntjaks was found in H period (506.25 ± 61.87), and slightly decreased in C (288.75 ± 37.12), and V periods (362.60 ± 17.68). These finding showed thatspermatogenesis to produce spermatozoa is taken place while muntjaks are in C and V periods with differ activities that provable with the existence of motile spermatozoa from ejaculates in both of male muntjaks. Therefore, muntjaks could provide reproductive function throughout the year of reproductiveaseasonality which is similar to the reeves and formosan muntjak
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