1,799 research outputs found

    The Trend of Technology Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Research in 2012-2022: Contribution to Science Learning of 21st Century

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    The use of TPACK in 21st Century Science learning can facilitate teachers and students to be more active in learning and make it easier for students to have the expected 21st-century competencies. This study aims to identify and analyze TPACK research trends in 21st-century science learning in the form of TPACK documents, classification of journal rankings, classification of authors and their country of origin, and classification of keywords. This research is qualitative research. The data used in this study were obtained from documents indexed by Google Scholar from 2012-2022 using Publish or Perish and dimension.ai. Research procedures using PRISMA guidelines. Methods of data analysis using bibliometric analysis assisted by VOSviewer software. The results of the analysis show that the trend of writing TPACK articles in 21st Century Science learning has increased significantly from 2016 to 2020. Most journals that contain articles about TPACK in 21st Century Science learning are Educational and Information Technologies and Computers & Education. The results of the density mapping analysis show that the themes that are rarely researched are ICT investigation, curriculum, effectiveness, teacher knowledge, foreign language, teacher education, and TPACK instrument.  &nbsp

    The Phase of Aggressive Behavior, Deprivation among the Inmates Age Group of Nigerian Prisons: A Survey of Sokoto Central Prison.

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     Abstract The article examines the phase of aggressive behavior, deprivation, among the inmate's age group of Nigerian prison. However, the study elaborated the meaning of aggressive behavior; factors contributed to aggressive behavior, theory of aggressive behavior, literature review, method of information collection and data analysis. Therefore, prison setting can instigate aggressive behaviors, especially in Nigeria, where inmates are deprived of their particular right and are treated brutality in some instances studies shows, that Nigerian prisons are not adequately organized and made do as such, inmates are exposed to all kinds of atrocity. It should be noted that a condition of privation and lack of societal well-being especially among people being in an isolated environment as in the case with most prisons in Nigeria can degenerate to frustration and aggression which in turn can result in dangerous situations such as riots/ violence in the prisons. Aggression can lead to violence that may be adaptive under certain conditions regarding natural selection. That is most obviously the case regarding attacking prey to obtain food, or in anti-predator defense. The results showed that there is significant difference between the levels of aggressiveness with respect to the classes of age groups. Recommendation will be discussed further.Keywords: Aggressive behavior, inmates, wardens, phase, and recommendation

    The Phase of Aggressive Behavior, Deprivation Among the Inmates Age Group of Nigerian Prisons: a Survey of Sokoto Central Prison.

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    The article examines the phase of aggressive behavior, deprivation, among the inmate's age group of Nigerian prison. However, the study elaborated the meaning of aggressive behavior; factors contributed to aggressive behavior, theory of aggressive behavior, literature review, method of information collection and data analysis. Therefore, prison setting can instigate aggressive behaviors, especially in Nigeria, where inmates are deprived of their particular right and are treated brutality in some instances studies shows, that Nigerian prisons are not adequately organized and made do as such, inmates are exposed to all kinds of atrocity. It should be noted that a condition of privation and lack of societal well-being especially among people being in an isolated environment as in the case with most prisons in Nigeria can degenerate to frustration and aggression which in turn can result in dangerous situations such as riots/ violence in the prisons. Aggression can lead to violence that may be adaptive under certain conditions regarding natural selection. That is most obviously the case regarding attacking prey to obtain food, or in anti-predator defense. The results showed that there is significant difference between the levels of aggressiveness with respect to the classes of age groups. Recommendation will be discussed further

    Analisis Keragaman Biota dan Faktor Fisiko-kimia Pantai Karapyak Pangandaran untuk Kebutuhan Pengembangan Kuliah Lapangan Terpadu Mahasiswa Calon Guru Biologi

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    The Karapyak seashore territorial of Pangandaran located in Bagalo Village, Kalicupang District, Ciamis Regency, is a coastal area which has unique specific ecosystem such as a beach with coral extending nearly to the middle of sea. This research employed descriptive methodology. The location of sampling was determined by using Belt Transect and Hand-Sorting method. The organism of sea biota found consisted of four phylla (Arthropod, Coelenterate, Echinoderm and Mollusk). Mollusk was the most phyla of which percentage was at 87.7 %, Echinoderm at 11.8 %, Coelenterate at 4.7 % and Arthropod at 0.5 %. The abundance of the sea biota had a very strong correlation and being in the same direction towards each environment factor measured, whereas the biota variety had the same direction correlation but different in content in which the moderate correlation fit to the temperature at the range of 27 to 31°C, the salinity fit at the range of 3.0-3.1 ‰, the strong correlation fit to pH at the range of 7.16-7.90 and the very strong correlation fit to DO at the range of 0.04 to 0.09 mg/I. This study result implies that there has been an effort to develop a guidance of integrated field study practicum by which integrates among the field practicum subject regarding Zoology of Invertebrate, cryptogam botany and ecology. The discovery of sea biota variety and the existence of variety relationship with the environment factor become the reference source in developing the guidance of integrated field study practicum

    Regulation of Directors Non-Competition Obligation under Ethiopia Commercial Code: A Lesson from Turkish Legal Experiences

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    Ethiopia Commercial Code (ECC) obligated the directors to do activities that bolstered corporate economic activities. It also prohibited corporate directors not to do activities that infringe the interest of companies such as not to compete against their companies while also retaining the directorships chair. Unlike the Turkish legal framework that tried to include important insiders under the scope of non-competition obligation, ECC only prohibited corporate directors not to compete against the company’s business transaction without general assembly approval. Except Corporate directors and general partner, managers of private limited companies, and other remaining partners of business organization are not also under obligation of non-competition. The scope of the business activities prohibited by the Turkish Commercial code is also clearly comprehensible and clear enough to delineate the boundaries of transactions far more than ECC. Additionally, the given legal remedies for breach of the non-competition obligation under ECC and Turkish Commercial Code are different in terms of the option, procedural easiness to execute, offered legal countermeasures, and building investor trust on corporate governance system. This work is intended to grasp helpful experiences of the Turkish legal system regulation of the non-competition obligation of corporate management for Ethiopia legislative further consideration. Keywords: Director, Non-competition Obligation, Corporate Activities, Scope, Remedies. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/101-04 Publication date:September 30th 202

    An economic analysis of participation in credit market and credit rationing among farmers in Kano State, Nigeria

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    Apart from providing fertilizer and machineries, agricultural credit provides access to all other resources, which may lead to remarkable improvement in output. However, due to lack of farm credit, agricultural production particularly in Kano-State, Nigeria does not significantly improve over the years. Therefore, this study aims at estimating the demographic and socio-economic indicators that are responsible for influencing farmers’ decision to participate in credit market and factors that constraint them from accessing the farm credit. Micro data is used in this study involving 835 households and 45 microfinance banks, respectively. The result of the logistic model reveals that commercial farming, credit information, neighbourhood credit participation, traditional title and possession of radio and television relate positively to the credit market participation whereas a negative impact is noticed on the application of traditional tools. Similarly, results from the discrete choice models show that farmers who are either being engaged in subsistence farming or trading have a significant effect on the choice of credit market and credit rationing with the greatest impacts found on the farm profit and farmers’ location. Moreover, the result of the partial proportional odds model indicates that the amount of credit received by farmers shows a positive relationship on irrigation, vehicle, farm record, number of creditors, financial literacy and location, albeit negatively related to subsistence farming. Even though proximity to lenders seems to play a role in credit supply equation, creditworthiness in general and its staff in particular are even more important. In conclusion, this research attests that poorer farmers are more likely to be excluded from the credit market than better‐off households. Consequently, the finding in the credit market model recommends that there is need to build trust, encourage commercial farming, apply modern farming tools, strengthen property rights and increase financial literacy among farmer

    Cyprus Issue between the Period of Independence and Turkey’s Intervention in 1974

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    The dispute between Turkey and Greece regarding Cyprus has been a major source of concern in global politics and has drawn the attention of many nations and international organizations, particularly after Turkey’s military intervention in 1974. Turkey has tried to justify its intervention, which has been disputed, with its legality in international law questioned, and until now no solution appears in sight for the Cyprus problem. This paper tries to shed some light on the legal position of Turkey’s military venture in Cyprus and the options for a hopeful solution to the Cyprus issue, how Turkey has pursued the Cyprus issue since its beginning, with allies such as the United States, as well as with certain organizations including the EU, the UN and the O.I.C. The paper argues that Turkey’s intervention suffered from a crisis of authority regarding its legitimacy, as only the UN Security Council could authorize an intervention, and also saw unification or official partioning as the only options for the resolution of the dispute. Keywords: Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, U.S., International law, Settlement

    Post 9/11 Turkey-American Relations and Iraq

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    The United State’s military operation in Iraq in the post 9/11 period is seen to have marked a deterioration in Turkish-American relations. Turkey, a NATO member and ally of the United States since the Cold War days, for the first time disagreed with its main ally, and did not cooperate in military operations in Iraq with the U.S. as it did in the first Gulf War. The United States considers its relations with Turkey as important and strategic to its interest not only in the Middle East, but in the Caucasus, parts of Asia and the Balkans as well. Turkey, on the other hand, also views its relations with the United States as important not just to Turkey’s national security, but also for Turkey’s various interests which the U.S. is supporting. Any deterioration in these relations is seen to likely affect the security interests of both nations. This paper examines how and why the United States and Turkey did not cooperate in the U.S. led Iraqi military operations; it takes a look at the perspectives of both sides and argues that both countries need one another in their relations. Keywords: Turkey, United States, Iraqi, Security, Cooperatio