31 research outputs found

    Modul guru pembelajar bimbingan dan konseling sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) kelompok kompetensi E pedagogik: kaidah belajar dalam bimbingan dan konseling

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    Proses pembelajaran dalam bimbingan dan konseling mencakup bidang pengembangan kehidupan pribadi, pengembangan kehidupan sosial, pengembangan kemampuan belajr dan pengembangan karir

    Modul guru pembelajar bimbingan dan konseling sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) kelompok kompetensi E profesional: keterampilan dasar dan teknik konseling

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    Konseling merupakan proses interaksi yang bersifat dua arah antara konselor dan peserta didik/konsseli dalam seting hubungan yang menbantu. hubungan membantu dicirikan dengan terbangunnya komunikasi yang dirasakan konseli nyaman dan aman. keterampilan dalam komunikasi konseling disebut dengan keterampilan dasar konseling. pelaksanaan konseling juga dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik-teknik khusus. teknik-teknik khusus dirancang dan didesain berdasarkan teori-teori dan terapan-terapannya sehingga mewujudkan suatu struktur performansi konseling dan disebut dengan teknik konseling. keterampilan dasar dan teknik konseling pada dasarnya merupakan aktivitas dan atau serangkaian aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh konselor yang berdampak pada konseli

    Perception of Pre-Service Teachers Regarding Digital Competencies in Indonesia

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    This article aims to evaluate the digital competencies of prospective teachers in Indonesia in the context of digital education. A survey method was used to collect data from students and alumni of the physics education program from 2017 to 2022. A total of 248 respondents participated in the study, consisting of 202 students and 46 alumni. The collected data were then analyzed quantitatively. The research findings indicate that the majority of respondents showed a positive response to their abilities in all assessed dimensions of digital competencies. Literacy in information and data, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, safety, and problem-solving received favorable ratings. However, there is potential to improve skills in digital content creation. Overall, the respondents demonstrated a good level of competence in the evaluated digital competency indicators. The data also revealed that students and alumni of the physics education program are accustomed to using technology in their academic activities. They utilize Learning Management Systems (LMS) to access course materials, submit assignments, and take exams. Additionally, they employ various applications and collaborate online in groups. The program also offers courses that support the use of technology in learning. In conclusion, the perception of pre-service teachers towards digital competence is positive due to the support provided by the study program in offering technology-integrated courses


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    The guidance and counseling service approach in recent studies is no longer only focused on problems, but many have focused on individual strengths and lead to individual optimization. One of them is happiness. This study aims to obtain an overview of effective guidance and counseling services in developing students' happiness. The method used is Systematic Literature Review by identifying, evaluating, and interpreting all relevant research results related to research questions from both journals and theses and dissertations in 2015-2021 timeframe. Data analysis used meta-synthesis techniques, namely identifying, and interpreting the overall research results according to the research questions. The findings of this study are that there are various guidance and counseling service interventions that have a significant and effective effect on developing students' happiness.Keywords: happiness, guidance and counseling, student

    Group Guidance Services : A Literature Review of Social Skills Improvement of Elementary School Students

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    This study aims to analyze various studies related to group guidance services and the improvement of social skills of elementary school students. This study used the systematic literature review method with a qualitative approach. This study used bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer software by reviewing research sourced from DOAJ and Google Scholar. The results of the analysis from VOSviewer showed that the issues and trends of group guidance services research had been carried out by researchers in various fields of guidance and counseling and carried out at various levels of education. The findings of various studies showed that group guidance services were seen as having a positive impact on improving the social skills of elementary school students. In the implementation of group guidance services, the role of the leader (counselor) must be active in encouraging the involvement of group members both in group dynamics and in social interactions. The process in this group guidance service will encourage students to achieve the expected goals and also be a means of improving their social skills. This research can be a reference in the implementation of basic group guidance services in improving students' social skills, especially in elementary schools. Guidance and counseling teachers/counselors and teachers in elementary schools can implement group guidance services to improve social skills

    The Infusion of Science into Sustainable Lifestyles Project: A Case Study of Implementing a Merdeka Curriculum at Six Sekolah Penggerak in West Java

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    The Infusion of Science into Sustainable Lifestyles Project was a case study conducted in six elementary schools in West Java, Indonesia to examine the implementation of a Merdeka Curriculum. A project aimed at increasing students' awareness of the principles of Pancasila, a set of national values, and promoting sustainable lifestyles. The study used a case study research method, including observations, interviews, and document analysis, to understand the development and implementation of the project. The results showed that the project included a variety of activities, such as games, simulations, and discussions, to engage students and help them understand the principles of sustainable living. The study also found that integrating science content, such as information about ecosystems and the environment, was an effective way to enhance the sustainability theme of the project. The researchers concluded that the Infusion of Science into Sustainable Lifestyles Project was successful in promoting sustainable lifestyles among students and recommended continued implementation and evaluation of the project in the future

    Program Results Measurement to Prove the Guidance and Counseling Program Accountability

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    Guidance and counseling program accountability faces growing demands about the extent to which the work of counselors in guidance and counseling services programs makes significant, measurable changes in students' lives, their contribution to student success and the improvement of school quality. Counselors are encouraged to work within an accountability framework together with other educators to prove that the counseling program is accountable and effective in the overall students learning process. This paper addresses the issues and challenges of results-based accountability by covering the discussion of the level of accountability level, ways of measuring key data, critical tools of accountability, analyzing critical data elements, and measurement for systemic change


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    Penelitian bertujuan guna mengeksplorasi minat dan motivasi belajar mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan Pembelajaran IPA, serta untuk menentukan beberapa faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap minat dan motivasi belajar tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang memakai metode survei. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada mahasiswa semester 5 program studi Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, dengan total 57 mahasiswa yang mengontrak mata kuliah Pembelajaran IPA. Instrumen penelitian yang dipergunakan berupa angket minat dan motivasi belajar terhadap perkuliahan Pembelajaran IPA, menggunakan pernyataan sebanyak 40 nomor. Pernyataan pada angket terdiri atas 2 variabel, yajni minat dan motivasi belajar, dengan 9 aspek didalamnya. Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa minat dan motivasi belajar mahasiswa pada perkuliahan Pembelajaran IPA berada dalam kategori ā€œcukup baikā€ untuk setiap aspek. Dengan hasil seperti ini, diperlukan usaha guna menaikkan minat dan motivasi belajar. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan diantaranya menggunakan strategi pembelajaran yang lebih inovatif dalam perkuliahan dan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri

    Bibliometric computational mapping analysis of Sekolah Indonesia Luar Negeri (SILN) and learning difficulties using VOSviewer

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini mengkaji perkembangan penelitian mengenai sekolah Indonesia luar negeri (SILN) dan kesulitan belajar melalui pendekatan bibliometrik dengan analisis pemetaan komputasional menggunakan VOSviewer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengetahui pengembangan penelitian dan juga menjadi penelitian dasar. Data artikel diperoleh dari database Google Scholar menggunakan aplikasi publish or perish reference manager. Judul dan abstrak artikel digunakan untuk memandu proses pencarian dengan mengacu pada kata kunci ā€œSekolah Indonesia Luar Negeriā€ dan ā€œKesulitan Belajarā€ menggunakan VOSviewer. Masa studi yang digunakan sebagai bahan kajian adalah artikel terindeks Google Scholar selama 10 tahun terakhir (2013 s/d 2023). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penelitian memiliki 7 cluster. Dari hasil pencarian, sebanyak 983 artikel relevan diterbitkan pada rentang tahun 2013 hingga 2023. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peluang untuk penelitian pada sekolah Indonesia luar negeri dan kesulitan belajar masih memiliki peluang yang sangat tinggi karena belum ada penelitian langsung yang meneliti dan kemungkinan dikaitkan dengan istilah lain.Ā Abstract: This research examines the development of research Sekolah Indonesia Luar Negeri (SILN) and learning difficulties through a bibliometric approach with computational mapping analysis using VOSviewer. This research aims to find out research development and also become basic research. Article data was obtained from the Google Scholar database using the publish or perish reference manager application. The title and abstract of the article are used to guide the search process by referring to the keywords " Sekolah Indonesia Luar Negeri " and "Learning Difficulties" using VOSviewer. The study period used as study material is articles indexed by Google Scholar during the last 10 years (2013 to 2023). The research results show that the research has 7 clusters. From the search results, a total of 983 relevant articles were published between 2013 and 2023. The research results show that the opportunity for research on Indonesian schools abroad and learning difficulties still has a very high chance because there has been no direct research that examines it and the possibility of being associated with other terms.

    School counselor leadership: A theoretical and empirical review

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    Entering the 21st century, the leadership role of teachers is in the spotlight in primary to secondary education. Similarly, the leadership of school counselors began to be voiced. Changes in the orientation of guidance and counseling resulted in a shift in the role of the school counselor as one of the implementers in guidance and counseling management. School counselors exercise a leadership role in developing and organizing guidance and counseling programs. This study aims to describe and how the leadership of school counselors theoretically and empirically. The analysis method uses a literature review with four stages: identification, screening, suitability, and inclusion. The primary data sources are obtained from academic reference books and previous research on teacher leadership, guidance and counseling over the past five years that have been published in reputable journals in the Scopus database. The results showed that school counselor leadership in the last five years carried several themes, such as testing the effectiveness of leadership training interventions, the relationship of leadership with personality attributes, the design of leadership training frameworks, the relationship of counseling leadership with professional counselor identity, and school counselor leadership in the context of ethnicity. The results of this study are expected to provide a broader picture of future research opportunities on the topic of school counselor leadership