65 research outputs found

    Improving Student Learning Outcomes By Using Blended Learning Assisted Pizzaku Media

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    The purpose of this classroom action research was to determine the success of blended learning using pizzaku media. The key data sources in this study were 17 male and 15 female students from class VIA SD Negeri Bujanggadung, Grogol District, Cilegon City, Banten. According to the study's findings, using face-to-face and online synchronous blended learning methods using the Google Meet application and pizzaku media might boost the learning interest of class VIA students at SDN Bujanggadung in studying mathematics, particularly in the circle content

    The Implementation of Curriculum by Using Motion Pattern-Based Learning Media for Pre-school Children

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of curriculum in learning activities of pre-school children and develop motion pattern-based learning media for pre-school children. This research was carried out in thirty kindergartens in East Jakarta. It was conducted in 4 months, from June to October 2018. This research is included in the development and evalu-ation research (mixed method). The scope of the research is the implementation of curricu-lum and the development of learning media for pre-school children by using customized tools. Data was collected by using questionnaires and analyzed by using Guttman scale and Likert scale. Percentage of the implementation of learning for preschoolers in Kindergarten in East Jakarta is very good. The goal dimension got 98.2%, the content dimension got 99.3%, the method dimension got 99.3% and the evaluation dimension got 98.3%. The product of this study is a learning media that is adjusted to the implementation of motion pattern-based learning activities for pre-school children. Keywords: Early childhood education curriculum, Motion Pattern-Based Learning Media, Pre-school children References Arikunto, S. (2010). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Asdi Mahasatya. Arikunto, S. (2014). Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Ayob, A., Badzis, M., & Nordin, A. L.Abdullah, R. (2016). Kurikulum Permata Negara. Tanjong Malim: NCDRC, UPSI. Azia, R. S. (1976). Curriculum Principles and Foundation. New York: Harper and Row Publisher. Boyle, T., & Phelps, R. (2010). Curriculum To Acknowledge Diversity. The International Journal of Learning, 17(2), 357–370. Brady, L. (1995). Curriculum development (5th ed.). Sydney: Prentice-Hall. Cholimah, N. (2012). Pengembangan Kurikulum PAUD Berdasarkan Permen 58 Tahun 2009. Criticos. (1996). Media. Amazon. George A.Beauchamp. (1981). Curriculum Theory. F.E. Peacock Publisher. Jamaris, M. (2006). Perkembangan dan Pengembangan Anak Usia Dini Taman Kanak-kanak. Jakarta: Gramedia Widiasarana. Johnson, M. (1967). Intentionality in Education. New York: Center for Curriculum Research and Services. Kawaitouw, Y. I., Widiastuti, A. A., & Kurniawan, M. (2018). Unit Studies Curriculum: Strategi Guru Dalam Implementasi Kurikulum di Jungle School Sidomukti. Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, 12(November), 371–380. Kerlinger, F. N. (1990). Asas-asas Penelitian Behavioral (3th ed.). Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press. Langgulung, H. (1989). Manusia dan Pendidikan: Suatu Analisa Psikologik dan Pendidikan. Jakarta: Pustaka al-Husna. MacDonald, J. B. (1965). Educational Models for Instruction. Washington DC: The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Morrison, G. S. (2012). Dasar-dasar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Jakarta: Indeks. Olivia, P. F. (1992). Developing the Curriculum (Third Edit). New York: Harper Collins Publishers Inc. Ornstein, A. C. (2004). Curriculum:Foundation, Principles, and Issues. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc. Ozturk, I. H. (2011). Curriculum Reform and Teacher Autonomy in Turkey: the case of the History Teaching". International Journal of Instruction, 4 (2)(2), 113–127. Prihatini, P. (2014). Kajian Ide Kurikulum 2012 PAUD dan Implikasinya dalam Pengembangan KTSP. Cakrawala: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak USia Dini. Rahelly, Y. (2018). Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini di Sumatera Selatan. Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini, 12(November), 381–390. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.21009/JPUD.122.19 Rohmansyah, N. A. (2017). Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Terhadap Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Pendidikan Jasmani Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Terintegrasi Siswa Kelas IV. JURNAL PENJAKORA, 4(28–35). Saylor, J. G., & Alexander, W. M. (1981). Curriculum Planning for Better Teaching and Learning. Holt-Rinehart and Winston. Sujiono, Y. N. (2009). Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Jakarta: Indeks. Sukmadinata, N. S. (2000). Pengembangan Kurikulum Teori dan Praktek. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. Sutapa, P. (2014). Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Berbasis Kinestetik Untuk Anak Usia Pra Sekolah. Yogyakarta. Webster. (1993). Webster’s New International Dictionary. GC Company. Widoyoko, E. P. (2012). Evaluasi Program Pembelajaran. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Winarno. (2011). Winarno. Metodologi dalam Penelitian Pendidikan Jasmani. Malang: Media Cakrawala Press. Winarso, W. (2017). Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum Sekolah, (January 2015)


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    The Survey of 2013 Curriculum Implementation on Physical Education in the Elementary Schools of Bekasi City

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    The purpose of this study was to find out the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum in Bekasi Elementary Schools. The method used in this study is the survey method. The sample in this study was a physical education teacher who taught at the Bekasi Elementary School amount of 30 people. The instrument used by the questionnaire of teaching indicators which include: (a) preparation factors, (b) application factors, and (c) evaluation factors. Data analysis technique were descriptive statistics by using the SPSS Version 23 program. The result showed that the 2013 curriculum implementation of physical education teachers is viewed from 3 factors which are as follows: (1) Preparation shows the very high result as many as 32.6%, while as many as 14.8% answered very low, 7.3% answered low, 16.3% answered moderate, and 29.1% answered high, (2) Application shows the high result as many as 35.1%, while as many as 16.4% answered very low, 14.1% answered low, 12.6% answered moderate, and 21.9% answered very high, (3) Evaluation shows the high result as many as 41.9%, while 7.6% answered very low, 7.6% answered low, 11% answered moderate, and 31.9% answered very high. So, the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in Physical Education subjects in Bekasi is already good in the preparation factor and needs improvement in application and the evaluation

    faktor - faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian hipertensi di puskesmas bidar alam kabupaten solok selatan tahun 2017

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    Prevalensi hipertensi di Indonesia berdasarkan Riskesdas 2013 adalah sebesar 26,5% dan di Sumatera Barat adalah sebesar 31,2%. Keadaan ini menunjukan tingginya angka kejadian hipertensi di Indonesia khususnya di provinsi Sumatera Barat. Faktor - faktor resiko terjadinya hipertensi yaitu faktor yang tidak dapat diubah dan faktor yang dapat diubah. Faktor yang tidak dapat diubah terdiri dari genetika, umur, jenis kelamin dan faktor yang dapat diubah yaitu riwayat keluarga, konsumsi alkohol, kebiasaan merokok, kelebihan berat badan, aktivitas fisik dan stres. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor resiko hipertensi yang dapat diubah dengan kejadian hipertensi pada pasien yang berkunjung di Puskesmas Bidar Alam Kabupaten Solok Selatan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan desain cross sectional study . Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling dengan Jumlah sampel sebanyak 56 responden. Analisa data meliputi analisis univariat dan bivariat yang menggunakan uji chi-square p=0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan sebanyak 78,6% responden menderita hipertensi, 80,4% tidak memiliki riwayat keluarga dengan hipertensi, 0,0% responden yang mengkonsumsi alkohol, 67,9% tidak memiliki kebiasaan merokok, 71,4% tidak mempunyai kelebihan berat badan, 76,8% melakukan aktivitas fisik ringan dan 75,0% mengalami stres. Terdapat hubungan antara aktivitas fisik dan stres dengan kejadian hipertensi dengan nilai p-value < 0,05. disarankan untuk melakukan pola hidup sehat dan meningkatkan promosi kesehatan dipuskesmas Bidar Alam dengan melakukan aktifitas fisik selama 30 menit setiap hari dan managemen stres yang baik

    Sepaktakraw Smash Training Model Based on Training Aids Tool

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    This study results development aims to develop a sepaktakraw smash training model based on smash training aids. This research is based on a needs analysis with a survey method later according to the references and characteristics by looking at the analysis results of smash skill needs analysis model development based on media tools in the Pontianak city athletes packaged in print media products,  namely a training model book. This research uses a development research method that refers to the of Borg and Gall development stages, using Pontianak athletes sample, amounting to 40 people aged 12-17 years and included in the adolescents category. Based on needs analysis data obtained 100% of athletes need the development of a sepak takraw smash training model in Pontianak city athletes based on training aids and analysis by experts developing a sepaktakraw smash training model based on training aids in Pontianak city athletes is feasible so that it can be used in the first stage of group testing limited (stage 3 trials) totaling 20 athletes and field trials in stage 4 totaling 40 concluded that the exercise model was valid so that athletes and trainers could use it during training. Whereas the effectiveness test obtained t-count ? t-table (2.21-2.028 from the calculation results shows that there is a difference between the groups treated with the smash training model material that has been validated by experts (experimental group) experiencing progress results better training compared with a group that implement this type of training of trainers (control group) conclusion from these results is a model of skill training smash sepaktakraw-based tools drills smash in adolescent athletes Pontianak decent used as a medium for training in adolescent athletes

    West Kalimantan Recreational Sports Policy Evaluation

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    Recreational sports policy is a product of efforts made by sports organizations to meet the needs of community sports activists. Policies in each regional sport vary according to the region. This research aims towork programs, human resources, availability of facilities, and technical assistance in recreational sports in West Kalimantan Province. This research was carried out at the center of the West Kalimantan Province government in the field of sports, namely the Youth Sports and Tourism Office of West Kalimantan Province and the secretariat of the Indonesian Community Recreational Sports Committee (KORMI) West Kalimantan Province.. The method used ismixed methods research (MMR). The type of research isCIPP model evaluation model (Stufebeam's). Sampling technique with purposive sampling. The number of samples is 48 respondents. Data collection techniques are indirect communication, direct communication, and documentary study techniques. The analytical techniques used in qualitative research are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Analysis on the quantitative approach is the percentage and interval values. The results showed that the work program of the West Kalimantan Recreational Sports Organization had an average percentage value of 83.102% in the Very High category. The human resources of the West Kalimantan Recreational Sports Organization have an average percentage value of 83.942% in the Very High category. West Kalimantan Recreational Sports facilities have an average percentage value of 76,759% in the High category

    Semiotika Visual Logo Bumbu Bamboe dan Perannya Sebagai Identitas Perusahaan

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    The use of logos is often associated with the company's strategy in conveying its business message. Through logos, companies can form an image, identity, and understanding of the community. Logos are generally used by companies as an identity to distinguish them from other companies. The logo is a form of representation of the company's vision and mission that has signs in it. This sign consists of several visual elements, such as line, shape, space, and color. In order to be able to analyze the sign system and the meaning contained in the logo, we need a method so that the meaning contained behind the symbol can be understood. This method is called semiotics. In this study, researchers examined the Bumbu Bamboe logo using a qualitative approach and Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotic method. Pierce distinguishes the relationship between signs and their references into three types of relations, namely: icons, indexes, and symbols. The signs that the author analyzed are pictures of stems and leaves, the words “bamboe”, the words “Since 1968”, and the words “Authentic Recipes”. The role of the Bumbu Bamboe logo is as a corporate identity that describes the company's vision, mission, and goals


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    FAKULTAS KEPERAWATAN UNIVERSITAS ANDALAS Mei 2018 Nama : Yusmawati, S.Kep No.BP : 1741313009 Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga Pada Lansia Tn. D Dengan Insomnia Melalui Penerapan Terapi Latihan Pernapasan Diafragma Di RW II RT IV Kelurahan Lolong Belanti Kecamatan Padang Utara ABSTRAK Manusia lanjut usia adalah seseorang yang karena usianya mengalami perubahan bilogis, fisik, kejiwaan dan sosial. Perubahan ini akan memberikan pengaruh pada seluruh aspek kehidupan, termasuk kesehatannya. Salah satu masalah kesehatan yang banyak dihadapi kelompok lanjut usia adalah insomnia (susah tidur)Angka kejadian insomnia meningkat seiring bertambahnya usia, bahkan hampir setengah dari jumlah lansia dilaporkan mengalami kesulitan memulai tidur dan mempertahankan tidurnya. Pada pasien kelolaan didapatkan masalah ketidakefektifan manajemen kesehatan keluarga (insomnia) sehingga diperlukan penanganan dan asuhan keperawatan yang tepat dan berkesinambungan. Salah satu cara perawatan insomnia adalah dengan terapi latihan pernapasan diafragma (diafragmatic breathing exercise). Tujuan dari laporan ilmiah ini adalah agar mahasiswa mampu memberikan gambaran asuhan yang komprehensif terhadap lansia dengan masalah insomnia (gangguan pola tidur). Laporan ilmiah asuhan keperawatan ini menggunakan pendekatan proses keperawatan. Hasil akhir pemberian asuhan keperawatan terlihat dengan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan tentang insomnia setelah dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan berupa penyuluhan selama dua minggu dan terjadi penurunan skor PSQI dari 16 menjadi 10 setelah dilakukan terapi latihan pernapasan diafragma (diafragmatic breathing exercise) selama seminggu (7 hari). Saran dari laporan ini adalah agar perawat puskesmas khususnya pembina wilayah melakukan kunjungan rumah (home care) kepada lansia yang mengalami masalah kesehatan dan melakukan pembinaan yang berkelanjutan terhadap keluarga. Kata kunci : insomnia, lansia, Latihan pernapasan diafragma Daftar pustaka : 50 (1989 - 2016
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