190 research outputs found

    (Nisbah Kelamin pada Populasi Nihonotrypaea Japonica (Ortmann, 1891) (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Callianassidae), yang Berasal dari Mulut Sungai Shirakawa, Bagian Tengah Perairan Estuari Ariake, Kyushu Barat, Jepang)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di sebuah pantai intertidal berpasir yang terbentuk di muara Sungai Shirakawa, pada wilayah tengah perairan estuary Ariake Sound, Kyushu Barat, Jepang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membahas nisbah kelamin populasi Nihonotrypaea japonica dari sudut pandang ilmu biologi. Pengambilan contoh dilakukan selama 21 kali saat pasang purnama selama periode antara tanggal 20 April 1999 sampai 18 April 2000. Dengan mengacu pada jarak waktu sampling, penelitian ini terbagi atas 2 bagian: (1) antara 20 April – 22 November 1999, pengambilan contoh dilakukan setiap 2 minggu sekali, dan (2) antara 22 Desember 1999 – 18 April 2000, pengambilan contoh dilakukan satu bulan sekali. Pengumpulan spesimen dilakukan dengan bantuan alat ‘yabby pumps' pada saat air surut. Contoh yang terkumpul selama penelitian terdiri atas 5 628 betina, 4 385 jantan, dan 346 individu tak teridentifikasi jenis kelaminnya, sehingga nisbah kelamin secara keseluruhan bias ke betina. Namun demikian, dengan membagi populasi ke dalam beberapa kelas ukuran, ada pola nisbah kelamin yang terlihat, dan pola ini nampaknya berkaitan dengan aspek biologi reproduksi udang tersebut

    Penempelan Musiman Parasit Bopyrid Pada Udang Lumpur, Nihonotrypaea Japonica (Ortmann, 1891) Dan Efeknya Terhadap Keragaan Reproduktif Betina

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji penempelan musiman sejenis bopyrid parasit pada udang lumpur, Nihonotrypaea japonica, dan untuk mengkaji efek penempelannya terhadap keragaan reproduktif udang lumpur betina. Pengambilan contoh dilakukan selama 21 kali pada saat pasang purnama antara tanggal 20 April 1999 hingga 18 April 2000 di 3 (tiga) stasiun tetap pada suatu daerah intertidal pantai berpasir muara Sungai Shirakawa, perairan estuari Ariake, Kyushu Barat, Jepang. Penempelan parasit, baik pada jantan maupun betina, dicatat dengan indikasi pembengkakan ruang insang. Efek penempelan parasit terhadap keragaan reproduktif udang betina diukur dengan membandingkan indek perkembangan ovari betina berparasit, betina tidak berparasit, dan total betina keseluruhan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa penempelan parasit pada jantan lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada betina, meskipun nisbah kelamin memperlihatkan lebih banyak betina dibandingkan jantan. Indeks perkembangan ovari menunjukkan bahwa efek penempelan parasit terhadap keragaan reproduktif lebih bersifat individual

    Kajian Struktur Ukuran Dan Parametr Populasi Kepiting Bakau (Scylla Serrata) Di Ekosistem Mangrove Teluk Bintan, Kepulauan Riau

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    Mud crab (Scylla serrata) is one of the potential of small-scale fishery commodities that have high economic value. The abundance of the population is affected by the fishing effort and conditions mangrove ecosystem as its main habitat. Mud crab production in the Gulf of Bintan declined and the cause is not known with certainty. Therefore, it is necessary to study on the biology of mud crab in the Gulf of Bintan. This study aims to assess the status of mangrove crab population that includes the size structure, parameters of growth and the rate of mortality and exploitation. Data retrieval is done with a mangrove crab fisher-based survey. The results showed that the size of mud crab caught from carapace width (CW) 64-172 mm, the size of the young phase male crabs caught females reached 46.62% and reached 48.06%, both are almost half of the total catch, it indicates that fishing gear used is not selective. CW∞ males reach 176.93 mm higher than the female crabs of 169.58 mm, but instead value koefesien K males (0.360) is smaller than females (0.390), so that the growth of female mud crabs faster than males. Estimated natural mortality rates (M) male = 0.5566 and deaths from arrest (F) male = 0.6434 while M females female F = 0.59 and = 0.41. The rate of exploitation (E) male crabs reached 53.62%, can be said to have occurred over fishing or over-exploitation


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    ABSTRACTMole crab is a benthic animal that live buried in sandy beach in the intertidal area. Mole crab has  an  important  ecological  role  and  also  has  economic  value.  The  sandy  beach  in  south  of Cilacap  and  Kebumen  is  mole  crab’s  habitat.  Mole  crab  exploitation  in  these  areas  has  been increasing  for  consumption  demand.  To  determine  the  significant  role  of  the  mole  crab  in  the provision  of  nutritious  food,  it  is  necessary  to  estimate  the  potential  of  mole  crab  biomass.  This study  aims  to  determine  standing  biomass  of  the  mole  crab  in  Kebumen  and  Cilacap  sandy beaches.  The  specimen  collection  was  conducted  by  sampling  methods  every  month  in  March 2012 to February 2013 on Bocor beach, Kebumen and June 2013 to May 2014 on Bunton beach, Cilacap. The data processing was conducted by descriptive statistics methods. The results showed that standing biomass of mole crab family Hippidae, namely Emerita emeritus and Hippa adactyla, fluctuated between 102 and 508 kg on the Kebumen sandy beach, and between 1,811 and 4,671 kg on the Cilacap sandy beach. Standing biomass of E. emeritus fluctuated between 82 and 497 kg on  the  Kebumen  sandy  beach  and  between  1,462  and  3,560  kg  on  the  Cilacap  sandy  beach.Standing biomass of H. adactyla fluctuated between 2 and 133 kg on the Kebumen sandy beach, and between 234 and 1,701 kg on the Cilacap sandy beach. The difference in standing biomass in each  location  was  caused  by  the  difference  of  sampling  time  and  environment  condition  of research area. The economic value potential of the mole crab as fishery resources is discussed.Keywords: Emerita emeritus, Hippa adactyla, Hippidae, momentarily biomass,ABSTRAKUndur-undur laut adalah kelompok hewan bentik yang hidup  mengubur di daerah intertidal bersusbtrat pasir. Undur-undur laut mempunyai peran ekologis penting dan juga bernilai ekonomis. Pantai  berpasir  selatan  Cilacap  dan  Kebumen  adalah  habitat  undur-undur  laut.  Penangkapan undur-undur  laut  di  kedua  wilayah  tersebut  makin  meningkat  untuk  kebutuhan  konsumsi.  Untuk mengetahui  peran  undur-undur  laut  dalam  mendukung  penyediaan  bahan  pangan  bergizi,  perlu diketahui potensi biomassa undur-undur laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui biomassa sesaat  undur-undur  laut  dan  fluktuasinya  di  pantai  berpasir  Kabupaten  Kebumen  dan  Cilacap. Pengumpulan  spesimen  undur-undur  laut  dilakukan  dengan  metode  sampling  setiap  bulan  pada Maret 2012 hingga Februari 2013 di pantai Bocor Kebumen dan pada Juni 2013 hingga Mei 2014 di  pantai  Bunton  Cilacap.  Pengolahan  data  dilakukan  dengan  metode  statistik  deskriptif.  Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan  bahwa  besaran  biomassa  sesaat  (standing  biomass)  undur-undur  laut famili Hippidae, yaitu  Emerita emeritus  dan  Hippa adactyla, berfluktuasi  antara 102 kg hingga 508 kg di pantai berpasir Kebumen, dan antara 1.811 kg hingga 4.671 kg di pantai berpasir Cilacap. Standing biomass E. emeritus berfluktuasi antara 82 kg hingga 497 kg di pantai berpasir Kebumen dan  antara  1.462  kg  hingga  3.560  kg  di  pantai  berpasir  Cilacap.  Standing  biomass  H.  adactylaberkisar antara 2 kg hingga 133 kg di pantai berpasir Kebumen, dan antara 234 kg hingga 1.701 kg di  pantai  berpasir  Cilacap.  Perbedaan  besaran  standing  biomass  di  masing-masing  lokasi dipengaruhi  oleh  perbedaan  waktu  pengumpulan  data  undur-undur  laut  dan  perbedaan  kondisi lingkungan  lokasi  penelitian.  Potensi  ekonomi  sebagai  sumber  daya  perikanan  undur -undur  laut juga dibahas dalam paper ini.Kata kunci: Emerita emeritus, Hippa adactyla, Hippidae, biomassa sesaa

    Integration of the Spatial Planning of Land and Sea: Case Study on Coastal Bontang

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    Coastal management approach with a territorial approach is important for the sustainability of coastal management because at that level there is an incorporation of highly complex interaction of ecological, social and economic phenomena. Sustainable coastal utilization must look at two aspects of territoriality, namely the spatial aspects of land (terrestrial) and the spatial aspects of the Sea (coastal waters).  This study attempts to build a model of the zoning plan for Bontang City’s coastal areas by integrating the issues and potentials—ecological, social, and economic—on the land and in the coastal waters. The analytical tool used in this research is Geographic Information System (GIS) and a decision support tool of Marxan with Zone. Several previous studies had used Marxan with Zone, but their planning units covered only a maximum of three allocation zones of uses. This study is an effort to develop a planning unit of more than three planning zones. In addition, in this research, the input data used to run Marxan with Zone is based on the perspectives of stakeholders

    Habitat Lechitocladium Angustiovum pada Ikan Kembung Perempuan (Rastrelliger Brachysoma) di Perairan Teluk Banten dan Pelabuhan Ratu

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    Lechitocladium angustiovum is fish helminth parasites in the digestive tract to the Rastrelliger genus. The habitat of helminth parasites divided into microhabitat and makrohabitat. Fish helminth parasites infections showed the interaction of extrinsic factors (hosts habitat) and intrinsic factors (biological host). The study was conducted in February-June 2013 in the waters of the Banten Bay (Banten Province) and Pelabuhan Ratu Bay (West Jawa Province). Microhabitat helminth parasites of L. angustiovum that infect R. brachysoma gastrointestinal tract is the stomach and intestines. The presence of fish helminth parasites in fish is mutually beneficial. Fish helminth parasites get food from the fish but its presence prevents other parasites that infect fish. The presence of these worms in the digestive tract is affected by the presence of copepode and small crustaceans that are influenced by the host biology (growth and gonad development) and environmental waters. The number of L. angustiovum from Banten Bay and Pelabuhan Ratu Bay was not significantly different because of the fish has genetically similar populations.

    Spatial Distribution of Polychaeta at Tangerang Coastal Water, Banten Province

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    Polychaeta is the benthos organisms that have an important role in nutrient cycling, decomposition, mineralization, magnification and caterers to the seabed. This study aimed to determine the density and spatial distribution of Polychaeta in the Coastal of Tangerang, Banten. The research was conducted from April to August 2014 along the coast of Tangerang, Banten. It consists of 52 stations are divided into three different locations (Kronjo, Cituis and Tanjung Pasir). The research found 5454 specimens in 25 species of Polychaeta. The highest density found in the Tanjung Pasir location (151 Ind/m2) followed Kronjo location (105 Ind/m2) and the lowest on the Cituis location (25 Ind/m2). Spatial distribution based on claster Bray-Curtis analysis showing the Kronjo location form one group (76.47%), Cituis up into five groups and Tanjung Pasir form one group (72.6%). Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) relationships distribution of the fraction on sediment with Polychaeta showed Sternapsis scutata, this Polychaeta deposit feeders dominate on the mud substrate and Exogone naidin, Capitella capitata, Scoloplos armiger, Aphrodate aculeate and Glycera capitata. Polychaeta are predators dominate the sand substrate, while Ophryotracha puerilis is cosmopolitan Polychaeta spread at each location and station.Keywords