19 research outputs found

    Implementation of Self and Peer-Correction Techniques towards Grammatical and Mechanical Accuracy in Writing Essay

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    The objective of this research were to find out 1). the level of grammatical and mechanic accuracy in the opinion essays by the third semester students. 2). the difference in the level of grammatical and  mechanics accuracy between  peer-correction and self-correction technique in writing opinion  essay by the third semester students of UKI Toraja. This research is a quantitative research. The population of this research is the third semester students of English study program which consists of 3 classes. To select the sample, the writer uses a cluster sampling technique by selecting two classes. The instrument used to collect data is a written test. The results of the research shows that there were differences in the results of the implementation between the peer-correction technique and the peer-correction technique. The average score of students from the implementation of peer-correction is 76.5 and it is classified into the good category while the score of the self-correction implementation is 57.7 and it is classified into poor category. Therefore, it can be concluded that the peer-corection implementation  is better than the  selft-corection implementation.   &nbsp

    Public Health Nursing Acceptance of the 5 A's Protocol for Prenatal Smoking Cessation

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    Oregon’s efforts in tobacco cessation have historically focused on the general population and have depended on quit line services as the primary intervention. The Oregon Smoke Free Mothers and Babies Program (SFMB) was developed in 2002 to focus on public health nurses and prenatal care providers who work with high risk pregnant women. It seeks to increase smoking cessation among low income and other high risk pregnant women by disseminating the U.S. Public Health Service best practices, the 5 A’s (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, Arrange) tobacco brief intervention protocol, to public health nurses and prenatal care providers. Interventions included teaching nurses the 5 A’s, how to use stages of change for pregnant quitters and providing them with client materials. We report the survey results gathered from nurses regarding their use of the 5 A’s. Nurses were questioned at 3 intervals: at the beginning of the SFMB project, 12 months later and 24 months later. While over 45 nurses in 10 counties were involved in the program, staff turnover and budget cuts affected program evaluation and analysis of the survey responses. As a result, only 10 nurses completed all three surveys. We found that, at baseline, all of the nurses were already performing the Ask and Advise components. The training resulted in a significant increase in the nurses using Assess (p<0.05) and Assist (p<0.05) both at 12 and 24 months. We also found that there was a statistically significant increase in the use of Arrange at 12 months (p<0.01) that was not sustained at 24 months (p=0.07). We conclude that public health nurses were already routinely doing Ask and Advise; our 5 A’s program was successful in improving Assess and Assist. More work is needed to understand why increases in Arrange were not sustained

    [Letter from Gene Yuseum to Ernesto Equea - March 24, 1953]

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    Letter from Gene Yusem of the William Morris Agency of Beverly Hills, California to Ernesto Equea of LULAC in Houston, Texas, dated March 24, 1953. Cover letter and instructions for completing contract covering the appearance of Lina Romay for LULAC in Houston, Texas on April 12, 1953

    Wolf Lost & Found: Reframing Human-Wildlife Coexistence with the Arts

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    This qualitative research was motivated by the desire to understand how conservation work can engage our psychic connection to the more-than-human. The work used grounded theory and phenomenological methodologies; data was gathered with interviews and arts-based inquiry and analyzed through the lenses of depth psychologically oriented ecopsychology and community psychology. Participants included artists, storytellers, and biologists who have created work about wolves and live in the southern portion of the Yellowstone to Yukon corridor in North America. The research specifically explored what calls artists to create work about wolves, and how their work expresses a sense of interconnection with wolves. The findings suggested that when an artist has a strong sensitivity to the more-than-human, their art-making gives them a channel to express this and supports the development of their individual identity. Additionally, four key themes arose in the dialogues with the artists: embracing a sense of community, providing context, connecting with place, and playing with the Western cultural boundary between humans and other animals. Conservation projects could benefit from these findings by consciously embracing these same ideas in their work using what this research defines as Critical Conservation Communication.” While it is impossible to prove that art directly contributes to conservation goals, this work proposes that art can remind us of our connection to other animals and the life beyond human-constructed reality. This imaginal reconstruction of an ecological orientation can be an ally to conservation goals in Western culture


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    This research aims to examine the mathematical concepts in traditional Tongkonan houses' carving and provide information about the meaning of each carving in the Tongkonan house. The research method used is the qualitative research method. The results of the study are obtained by observation and interview. The results showed that it turns out, in some Toraja carvings, contain the concept of transformational geometry, namely reflection. The information also obtained that the carvings in the Tongkonan house are very loaded with meaning, especially about advice, prayer, or hope to all members of the Tongkonan


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    Toraja carving is rich in mathematical concepts, especially geometric concepts, this is because in Toraja carving there are many geometric concepts such as squares, rectangles, triangles, and so on. This fact shows that the concepts of mathematics, especially geometry have been used by our ancestors since ancient times. The concept of geometry combined with Toraja local wisdom is expected to be able to facilitate learning geometry both in class and in college. Besides, it can be a means of preserving Toraja culture, especially for the younger generation of Toraja. The purpose of this research is to examine what geometric concepts are contained in Toraja carvings, as well as the meaning contained in them. This research was conducted in 3 (three) stages. Data were obtained using observation and interviews with 5 informants, namely those who understand the ins and outs of Toraja culture. From the research results, it is found that in Toraja carving, there are geometric concepts such as diagonals, parallel lines, symmetry, curved lines, squares, rectangles, trapezoid. Each carving has its own meaning and matches the name of each carving. The symbolic meaning in Torajan carvings generally describes the life of the Toraja people in relation to God, others, and their surroundings

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika ditinjau dari Minat Belajar Siswa SMP Negeri di Kota Rantepao

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran  discovery learning terhadap hasil belajar matematika ditinjau dari minat belajar siswa. Metode penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain 2x2 faktorial. Tempat penelitian dilakukan di SMP Negeri di Kota Rantepao, tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Populasi penelitian adalah semua siswa kelas tujuh SMP Negeri Rantepao dan sampel diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling dengan jumlah anggota sampel sebanyak 78 siswa.  Model pembelajaran sebagai variabel bebas, minat belajar sebagai variabel intervening, dan hasil belajar matematika siswa sebagai variabel respon. Model pembelajaran discovery learning digunakan pada kelompok perlakuan, dan model pembelajaran langsung digunakan pada kelompok pembanding. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen tes hasil belajar matematika dan skala minat belajar dan digunakan ANAVA dua jalan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) model pembelajaran dan minat belajar mempunyai pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa, dan (2) model pembelajaran discovery learning lebih baik daripada model pembelajaran langsung. Kata kunci: model discovery learning, model langsung, minat belajar, hasil belajar matematika siswa. ABSTRACT The major objective of this research was to investigate the effects of applying discovery learning on mathematics achievement in terms of student's learning interest. The research methodology was a quasi-experimental and the design of the research was a 2x2 factorial. The research was conducted in SMP Negeri in Rantepao City in academic year 2014/2015. The population of research was made up of all seventh grade students of SMP Negeri Rantepao from where a sample of 78 students was obtained by using cluster random sampling technique. Learning model as the independent variable, student's learning interest as intervening variable, and mathematics achievement of student as response variable. The treatment class group taught by using Discovery learning model. While the comparison group was taught by Direct Instruction. The data were collected using the mathematics learning test instrument and learning interest scale. The data collected were analyzed with two way ANOVA. The findings showed that: (1) learning model and interest in learning have an effect on student learning outcomes, and (2) Discovery learning model is better than Direct Instruction. Keywords: discovery learning model, direct instruction, student interest, matemathics acievement

    Catalytic Hydrogenation Reaction of Naringin-Chalcone. Study of the Electrochemical Reaction

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    The electrocatalytic hydrogenation reaction of naringin derivated chalcone is studied. The reaction is carried out with different catalysts in order to compare with the classic catalytic hydrogenation

    Molecular Characterization and Elevated Cancer Risk Associated with DNA Repair Gene Variants

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    DNA is the repository of genetic information, and its integrity is crucial for genome stability. Several exogenous and endogenous factors damage the DNA and if not repaired lead to mutagenesis, genomic instability, and cancer. Several databases, including 1000 Genomes, Cbioportal, The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), and the Catalog of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), continue to catalog several cancer-associated variants of DNA repair genes. However, the biological functions of these mutations and the effect in response to therapy are not known. We focus on studying: 1) how cancer-associated variants of DNA repair genes (such as MRE11 and POLQ) induce genomic instability; 2) cellular response of the cancer-associated variants to DNA damaging agents; and 3) how cancer-associated variants impact the efficacy of therapeutics. This particular research provides a commentary on the initial molecular cellular assays we employ to generate some of the cancer-associated variants of MRE11 and POLQ in vitro and their expression in mammalian cell lines